The Solider Husband

Chapter 292 - Are we on repeat? (1)

18 April, Municipal Courthouse, City K

Lexi paused on the courthouse steps as Matthew carefully came up the stairs, accompanied by four clearly armed military officers. Shaking her head, Lexi could not help but quietly saying "You cannot help but make a show."

"Not my choice. My promotion was not meant to be announced for another two months, but things have changed dramatically on base, and to prevent panic my promotion has had been gazette before they announce a new promotion to become head of general divisions on base. And have you forgotten our discussion last night with the medics, they were reluctant to discharge me to come and support you."

"You know I did not need you here."

"Not going to happen, Lexi. As your husband I must support you in everything, and that includes this."

Knowing that she was fighting a loosing battle, Lexi said "Fine, lets get in. Lieutenant Li is speaking to my civilian lawyers about the matter."

Matthew nodded, and with their escort the made their way into the courthouse and were directed to the floor where the hearing was going to happen.

Matthew opened a door of a nearby interview room allowed Lexi to enter before him. As they sat down, he said "Are you up to this fight?"

"If you had asked me this on Monday, I would have told you no but you know what Rachael did?"

"Arranged for you to see someone at the Women's Refuge. From what you have told me in the last couple of months what Richard did to you and everything else that has happened I am just glad that you wanted to talk to someone. Of course, I would have preferred that you use the mental health team on base, but I will not be critical…"

"In other words, you wanted me to go somewhere that you could get information?" came an angry response from Lexi.

Shaking his head, Matthew said "No. My reasoning simply is that your attendance there would be utterly protected, whereas I suspect your former in-laws already know about you having gone there and will look to use that against you today."

"Damn. And their son was the abuser…"

With a sign of relief Matthew said "Thank goodness you are willing to talk. You know I will be here for you."

Having taken on board what Jane had said the other day, she needed to start confronting her past. While revealing all the secrets was something she was not comfortable with at this exact moment she was willing to stand up to a point. "Thank you. You just need to let me deal with things as I need to."

Matthew nodded, and said "What have you heard is going on with Paul?"

"You know what happened over the weekend?"

"Steven told me. Joseph brought Monica in after you and Dominic left last night because she wanted to grill me about Paul. Before you say anything, I owed it to her to tell her what I know about him as she is extremely worried about Abigail. She only briefly speaks to Monica, her father and David Hwang but refuses to leave Paul's side. I called Paul after they left, and surprisingly he is dealing with the situation well. He said when his father knew about what was happening, he has given him indefinite leave, but there is something that makes me wonder…?"

"Is he using her? Matthew that is not the Paul we know. Given how he was when he left the Nang Foundation event after you talked to him, it was obvious to see that he was hurting, but we all know as of what happened with his parents and their marriage breakdown, he is overprotective of young girls hurt by their parents."

Matthew sat there silent for a few seconds, before saying "I was not around for all of that, but that sounds like Paul give what he was like when he found out about us. He was ready to take my head off as he wanted you to be safe."

"I remember that. It was so funny to see him, and even more so with Andrew, who wanted to take your head off, actually holding him back."

Shaking his head Matthew said, "Do not remind me." After a brief pause, he continued "Honestly can you truthfully tell me how Dominic is going?"

"Matthew, he is even surprising me. He has always been protective of me. He could never process that Andrew, Chester, Phillip, and even Paul, Steven and John are also very protective of me. But he has realised that you are the one person he can be certain will protect me. Last night we went back to the villa, and he raced to his room. About twenty minutes later I went to check on him and found him making you a medal. I asked him what he was doing, and he looked at me cutely and said Daddy Matthew deserves a medal for protecting me."

Before Matthew could respond a voice from the doorway, said "Madam Rong, the General is already in line for a commendation for what he did…"

"Lieutenant, I have enough medals, but you know that from Dominic will be the most special one that I receive."

Bronwyn shook her head and said, "The court staff have asked us to head in as the judge wants to get the hearing going as he expects it will take some time today." Looking directly at Matthew she added "Sir, I have orders from the Head Honcho and National Military Command, that they want this matter moved to military court, but they made it clear I needed your specific orders."

Matthew looked at Lexi and observed the conflict in her face. "Lieutenant, that is my wife's call. Presently nothing seems to touch on national security interests so I cannot see the justification."

Before Bronwyn could respond, this loud voice that could only be one person, Madam Yao yelled out "Where is the mental case b*tch that constantly places my grandson at mental and physical risk."


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