The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 118: acquisition plan

  Chapter 118 Acquisition Program

  Zhang Feilu spoke Mandarin with a standard Yanjing accent, which was particularly harsh in the hall full of Cantonese, but Zhong Shi knew in his heart that it was Zhang Feilu showing his favor to him.

You must know that Huayin Hong Kong is a financial institution affiliated to Huaxia Bank, and most of its senior management in Hong Kong were dispatched by Yanjing, even after Huayin Hong Kong merged with several other mainland banks in Hong Kong. Later, Huayin International was formed and became a legally independent institution. The transfer of its personnel department still required the approval of Huaxia Bank in Yanjing.

  Counting the former HSBC, the heads of the three note-issuing banks in Hong Kong have all visited Zhong Shi. Even a fool should understand that Zhong Shi must be a great big shot.

  Zhao Jiajie was completely dumbfounded at this moment, and the young masters who had been following him were also shocked. If there was a gap in front of them at this time, they would probably sneak in without hesitation.

   "Mr. Zhong, I wonder if you are interested in taking care of our Huayin Hong Kong business?" Zhang Feilu respectfully handed Zhong Shi a business card with both hands, and said solemnly.

   Neither he nor Zeng Yuanshuang knew that the real caller of the Zhong family was right in front of him. They all agree that the person who has accumulated such a large amount of wealth in just a few years is the person who is far away in the United States, not the young man who is not yet an adult. However, the bankers would never miss such an opportunity to win over relationships. After all, according to their analysis, Zhong Shi would be the second person in the Zhong family.

   "There is a business right now, so I don't know if Huayin Hong Kong is interested?" Zhong Shi thought slightly, and couldn't help blurting out.

  Like his current net worth, if he doesn’t invest in the real economy, he basically can’t deal with the banks. Apart from using their brokerage department, the only thing left is to deposit the money with them. But now that he is determined to support his uncle, he needs a name to invest in the mainland in an upright manner. Although he can use the name of an offshore company, his staff is extremely lacking in management talents, which will be a major factor that hinders his development.

  The quickest way to solve this problem is to acquire a company with a complete structure, and then send experienced management to a joint venture in the Mainland, so that a complete company can be constructed in the shortest possible time.

   It’s not been a day or two since Zhong Shi’s idea appeared, and he only said it with today’s opportunity. In the eyes of Liao Xiaohua and Zeng Yuanshuang, it is child's play to blurt out that they want to acquire a listed company, but Zhong Shi knows that this is only the first step in his plan to invest in the mainland.

"Oh? I don't know what big move it is. We Huayin Hong Kong will definitely give full support in terms of funds." The expression on Zhang Feilu's face was stagnant, and then he smiled happily. He didn't expect to say so casually. Got a deal.

Relying on his identity, it is not too much to say "to provide sufficient financial support". In fact, all Chinese-funded banks have this bad problem, that is, they are not afraid of bankruptcy at all, because these people know very well that no matter how many bad debts there are, there are still some. The state treasury pays for it.

During the real estate crisis in South China Sea Island in 1993, a large number of banks and enterprises came to South China Sea Island to speculate wildly on the one-acre land. As a result, the bubble burst, and the banks left South China Sea Island with a large number of bad debts and chicken feathers. In the end, the bad debts of these banks are all paid by the state. The funniest thing is that those bank executives with a lot of bad debts were later promoted to varying degrees, while the management of the banks that withdrew from the South China Sea Island in time were not as good as them in terms of promotion.

Zeng Yuanshuang, who stood on the sidelines and watched silently, did not speak. She did not dare to make such a guarantee, because if Standard Bank suffered a huge loss, the British government would definitely let it die naturally, because most of its business is concentrated in Africa. And the Asian region, even if it goes bankrupt, it will not have much impact on the UK's local financial system.

However, Zhongshi does not intend to leave Standard Bank behind. He is very clear that Standard Bank’s business in the South American market is much faster than the other two. In the near future, he will make a big move in the South American capital market. At that time, it may be necessary to borrow the brokerage channel of Standard Bank.

"I plan to acquire the property of this young master's family. I would like to invite the Investment Banking Department of Standard Bank to be my financial advisor. Huayin Hong Kong will provide financial support. What do you think?" Zhong Shi looked at Zeng Yuanshuang and Zhang Feilu, saying a word said suddenly.

  Zeng Yuanshuang and Zhang Feilu looked at each other, and looked at each other. Zhang Feilu wanted to slap himself at the moment, but he just said a casual sentence, which actually attracted so many follow-ups, which made him want to cry.

Standard Chartered Bank is okay, but their investment banking department provides financial advisory services, and once the acquisition offer is issued, Huayin Hong Kong will provide relevant financial support, not to mention how much money the Zhong family has now, just say this Zhao There are three listed companies controlled by the family, with a total market value close to 10 billion. Such a large acquisition requires a huge amount of funds.

  Hong Kong’s laws stipulate that for the acquisition of listed companies, the starting point for the disclosure of a large number of shares is 10%, which means that once you hold more than 10% of the shares in the stock market, you must explain the purpose to the public, otherwise it is a violation. After disclosing the purpose, it is necessary to make a purchase offer to the party being acquired, commonly known as "raising a placard". The acquisition is completed within the validity period in the offer, and it is generally not allowed to withdraw the offer. Before the takeover bid is announced, the exchange may be required to approve the suspension of the shares from trading.

  Zhang Feilu secretly groaned in his heart, but how can he take back what he just said, he was in a dilemma for a while.

Zhong Shi on the side watched coldly. This was an opportunity he gave Huayin Hong Kong. If Zhang Feilu repented on the spot, Huayin Hong Kong would not want to receive any business from him in the future, even after that. Even Huayin International's investment banking department can't get any business from him.

After weighing it in his heart for a long time, Zhang Feilu finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Mr. Zhong is really good at joking, we Huayin Hong Kong don't want to destroy the current stable and prosperous situation, so let's not get involved in this matter, right? "

  In the end, they are managers from the mainland who are used to traditional banking business, but they are not very used to this kind of business. In fact, it was not until 2002 that Huayin Hong Kong started investment banking business and actively expanded other businesses outside the balance sheet.

  In fact, it was not until 1995 that the first real investment bank was born in the mainland. Before that, most of the M&A business was performed by foreign investment banks as financial advisors.

"Really?" Zhong Shi said with a smile, without any dissatisfaction on his face, "Since this is the case, I will not force it. Then this business will be handed over to Standard Chartered. The main funds will be deposited in Standard Chartered Bank, and investment business will be carried out through your global network, and the estimated amount of funds will be around this amount." He held up his two index fingers in the shape of a cross as he spoke.

   Zeng Yuanshuang, who had been silent for a long time, was overjoyed, and quickly stated: "Thank you Mr. Zhong for your kindness, and Standard Chartered will fully support your acquisition."

  She also thought that Zhongshi’s funds were calculated in Hong Kong dollars, and one billion Hong Kong dollars was enough to acquire 20% of the shares of the flagship company of the Zhao Consortium. Coupled with factors such as leverage, it was enough to acquire shares that could control management rights.

  What she didn't expect was that what Zhong Shi said was one billion US dollars, which would be more than seven billion dollars in Hong Kong dollars. He could even completely privatize the company and withdraw from the stock market.

"In addition, there are two other things. The first is that I don't think I will need this business card anymore, Mr. Zhang, I'd better take it back!" Zhong Shi took out the business card that hadn't been warmed up for a long time, and handed it to the man with an ugly face. Zhang Feilu.

   "..." Zhang Feilu took back the business card in embarrassment, looked around at the people around him, and found that all the people looking at him were joking expressions, which made his expression even worse. He grunted and walked away expressionlessly.

"There is a second thing, which is the business under the name of Mr. Zhao's family. What exactly does it do?" Zhong Shi watched Zhang Feilu leave with a cold eye, sneered disdainfully, and then turned his head, a little confused asked Zeng Yuanshuang confidently.

   "..." This time it was Zeng Yuanshuang's turn to be speechless. It never occurred to her that after discussing for a long time, the Mr. Zhong in front of her didn't even know what other people were doing, and she would talk about acquisitions.

   While she was in a trance, she actually had a feeling of fainting. Who is this person? Is he extremely nervous or confident? If she hadn't known that the Zhong family had at least one billion dollars in funds, she would probably want to leave immediately like the one from Huayin Hong Kong just now.

"The flagship company of the Zhao family is mainly engaged in real estate, and there are two other companies in shipping and transportation, both of which are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. ..." After experiencing the initial shock, Zeng Yuanshuang quickly came back to her senses, and after taking a deep look at Zhao Jiajie who had been standing beside him for a long time without a chance to speak, she said to Zhong Shi in detail.

"Ten billion..." Zhong Shi thought for a while, then nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I see, you have drawn up the specific acquisition plan, go to Repulse Bay to find me, I believe you also know me residence."

   Zhong Shi's reaction was seen by Zeng Yuanshuang, so she was somewhat sure. People who can calmly hear that they have tens of billions of assets and have not changed their original intention of acquisition are definitely not crazy.

   Zeng Yuanshuang nodded, then gave an apologetic smile to the young masters standing beside Zhong Shi, and then left with a smile all over her face. From the beginning to the end, she never had **** with these sons! Let's say a polite word.

   Thank you very much for Lei lsq’s monthly ticket support, thanks for the rewards that made me think about it, and the madman who dragged me, and also thank you for the evaluation ticket!

   Alas, it’s not easy to update two chapters a day... Why do some people think that the update is too and writing a book are completely different things, I hope everyone will be more considerate~~~



  (end of this chapter)

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