The Song Of Sword And Magic

Chapter 20 - Wolfsburg

Chapter 20: Wolfsburg

[ Translator — Asuka]

[Proofreader — Karane]

On the seventh day since Fern and his team had left Stesinki Port, they were still trudging on Northern Avenue. The weather was lovely with no clouds in the sky. The snow on the ground reflected the sunlight, and the air was chilly yet refreshing.

Winter had arrived, so the further they headed North, the lower the temperature would be. Just when Fern was worried about how much longer Niss and himself could bear with the climate, Stan finally told them some good news—they would reach Wolfsburg in half a day. Thinking that they could check into a warm inn at night, Niss almost burst out crying.

Daytime was shorter in the North, so before they reached the city, the sun was already setting, and the sky was turning dark.

Dejectedly, Niss complained to Stan, “Your definition of ‘half a day’ is probably different from mine. Can we reach the city before the sky turns completely dark?”

“We’ll arrive soon. During winter, daytime is only one third of the day.” Stan replied with a smile.

“How do the Doylans tolerate the long nights?” Niss asked in amazement. 

“We’ve lived here for all our lives, so we’re used to it. When I go to the South, I’m also not used to the long daytime.” Stan explained patiently. 

“There are some days when daytime lasts for only six hours.” Fern added. “If we go to the Northernmost part of Wallis, daytime only lasts for about two to three hours a day.”

While Niss heaved a sigh, Stan suddenly pointed at the front and shouted excitedly, “Wolfsburg is right there!”

The others looked in the direction he pointed, and under the faint sunlight, a magnificent city came into sight. Although the city was much smaller than Deville, and it was just half the size of Canreto, the buildings were very imposing and impressive.

The entire city was built on a slightly sloping hill. From the bottom to the top, there were markets, houses, military camps and a castle. At the crest of the hill, there was a castle with several towers, and there was a huge bronze bell, which shone faintly under the sunlight, at the top of every tower. Looking from afar, the entire city blended with the hill. Due to its unique terrain, the city could be guarded easily, but it was difficult for the intruders to break in. 

“Are those guard towers?” Niss asked curiously.

“No. They’re the symbols of pride for Doyle.” Stan replied proudly. “Every time we defeated the Dark Tide, we would build a tower to commemorate our victory and our dead companions.”

“So, Doyle had defeated the Dark Tide six times?” Fern counted the number of the towers.

“Yes. Doyle was founded six hundred years ago, and the Dark Tide would strike every one hundred years.” Stan said enthusiastically, with a steadfast expression. “There won’t be any exception this time. We’ll build the seventh tower in Doyle!”

“But the Dark Tide has come back earlier than the estimated time, which makes me feel that this time is a little different.” Niss frowned, trying to recall the time their ancestors last went to war with the Dark Tide that she had read from the books. 

“Yes. There has to be a reason for that. Maybe the Dark Lord…” Rae suddenly chimed in. “Maybe the Dark Lord has come personally. Of course, that’s just my speculation.”

“The Dark Lord?! If that’s the case, I can’t even imagine what the outcome will be.” Niss shook her head as her eyes were filled with worry and fear.

“Even if the Dark Lord has arrived personally, the Doylans will still defeat him!” Stan straightened his back, and his voice was full of determination.

Fern stole a glance at Rae, who was looking at the city in the distance with a dispassionate expression, as though she was staring at a dying person.

“Why is the city named Wolfsburg?” Niss asked excitedly. She was mesmerized by this legendary and historic city, so she had cheered up a lot.

“If you take a look at the city from the top of the mountain, you’ll see that it looks like a running wolf.” Stan explained patiently.

“Then I should go up the mountain one day and see if the city really looks like a wolf.” Rae suddenly said. 

Worriedly, Fern turned to look at Stan, but fortunately, the latter didn’t seem to have noticed the slight change in tone when she said those words.

“Sure. I’ll bring you to the top of the mountain when there’s a chance.” Stan giggled. 

“Let’s get into the city quickly. I miss the best ale in Wallis already.” Worried that Rae would say something inappropriate again, Fern hurriedly urged them to enter the city.


Two rows of soldiers with torches and spears in their hands were standing outside as they examined anyone who wished to enter the city. All the travelers had to lower their hoods so that the soldiers could make sure that no fiends had disguised themselves as humans. Due to the fact that most villagers had fled to the city, the streets were rather crowded. Fern and his companions squeezed through the crowd and left the main road. Following that, Stan led them to an inn which was located on the edge of the city. 

“This inn is quiet and comfortable. More importantly, it’s not far from the castle.” Stan stopped in front of the inn. “Take a rest. I’ll meet up with you tomorrow morning.”

“Aren’t you going to stay here with us?” Fern shifted his attention from the inn to Stan.

“My home is in the city…” Stan replied hesitantly.

“Why don’t you invite us to your home?” Niss asked inquisitively. 

With an embarrassed expression, Stan explained, “My dad is not an easy-going person, so I don’t want to ruin your mood.”

Fern smiled and then said to Stan in a serious manner, “Stan, you’ve helped us a lot on this journey, but what we’re about to face will be even more perilous, so you don’t have to take the risk with us. You’ve returned to Doyle, and you don’t owe us a thing. If you’d like to part ways with us here—”

Stan interrupted him. “No. I can get some training by traveling with you. I’d rather take the risk with you than do nothing at home. Furthermore…” Stan pulled a face, which he rarely did. “I realize that I’ve taken a liking to traveling with all of you.”

Fern and Niss chuckled, and even Rae flashed a smile at him.

“Alright. Then we should look for the Source of Magic after this.” Fern inquired, “Stan, do you have any clue about this?”

“There’s no need for a clue.” Stan replied confidently. “I know how to get there. When the right time comes, I’ll bring you to that place.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful.” Then, Fern widened his eyes and questioned, “But… what do you mean by the right time?”

“Do you want to stand by the door and keep asking me questions? Or do you want to get in to have some warm food and take a bath?” Stan crossed his arms and tilted his head toward the inn. “You’ll understand it by then. Don’t worry.”

“Okay. I trust you.” Fern smiled helplessly and turned to the ladies. “Let’s get in and enjoy our stay.”

“Have a good night’s rest.” Stan took the lead rope of his horse and left the place. 


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