The Song Of Sword And Magic

Chapter 38 - The Battle Of The Magicians

Chapter 38: The Battle of the Magicians 

[Translator — Asuka]

[Proofreader — Karane]

What came into their sight was a flatland of hard soil. The mercenaries who were five hundred yards ahead of them could even see a wide river at the front, and across the river was another large area of forest. 

Seeing the silver lining, Stan said excitedly, “We have to cross the river. The Doylan knights can’t swim across the river while the scouts can. After that, we’ll only have to deal with the scouts in the forest on the other side.”

“Hopefully, it’ll be as easy as you think.” Fern wasn’t as optimistic. 

“I also think it wouldn’t be so easy.” Rae looked around apprehensively, but there was nothing unusual in the surroundings.

At the moment, only the traces of tears were left on Niss’s face. Still lying on Fern’s back, she raised her head to take a look at the river in the distance and frowned. “Your gut feeling is right. I can feel that the water element in the river is restless. Someone has cast a spell on the river.”

“What the heck!” Fern cursed. 


A moment later, Niss’s speculation was proven right. The mercenaries at the forefront had reached the river, but they were pacing around in a flustered manner instead of crossing it. 

When Fern and his companions reached the river as well, they realized that the water current was rapid, and there were even some whirlpools on the surface. Two bold mercenaries jumped straight into the river and were immediately drowned in it. Before they could even struggle, they were swept away by the current. The mercenaries on the shore shouted out at them and wanted to save them, but the two mercenaries were soon out of sight. 

After Fern put Niss down, she raised both her hands in an attempt to calm the river. After a few tries, she shook her head helplessly. “The person who has cast a spell on the river must be a high-level magician. There’s nothing I can do about it.”

While the mercenaries kept cursing, Miles looked to both sides and said, “We can only run along the river now and see if there’s any way out.”

“You’re right. We can’t stop, for Diaz will soon reach us.” Quentin then told the other mercenaries to keep going right.


All of a sudden, a water column sprang out of the river and shot at the front of the mercenaries, forcing them to retreat. Just then, an old man was heard saying from across the river, “Don’t waste your energy anymore. You can’t flee.”

They turned to the source of the voice and saw an old man, who was clad in a magician’s robe, at the other side of the river. His hair and beard were gray while his expression was calm.

“Are you… a magician from the Magician’s Tower?” Niss took a step forward excitedly, as though she had found a savior. 

“Yes. I didn’t expect that I’d come across someone from the Magician’s Tower here.” The old magician shot a dispassionate look at her.

“Then please let us cross the river. The Doylan soldiers are right behind us. If they reach us—” Niss explained anxiously.

The old magician waved his hand to stop her. “In fact, it’s Diaz who has sought my help to stop all of you from fleeing.”

“What?” Niss was flabbergasted. “Why? He’ll kill all of us!”

“Some sacrifices are inevitable for saving the majority of people. You should feel honored for having a chance to do that.” The old magician’s voice remained impassive.

“Is this what they preach at the Magician’s Tower? How can you sacrifice the lives of innocent people as you wish?” Rae flared up at him. 

The old magician shifted his attention to her. “Oh, you’re a magician as well.” He then ran his fingers through his beard and sized her up. “You’re a shadow magician? Who’s your teacher? Is it Moses?”

Rae widened her eyes in disbelief. “Who are you? And how do you know Moses?”

“It’s really him.” The old magician grinned, which caused his wrinkles to deepen. “I’m an old friend of Moses. My name is Hol. Anyway, that’s not important now, for all of you will lose your lives here. As for the two of you…” He hesitated and shook his head. “If you’re willing to follow me now, I’ll ensure that Diaz won’t be able to harm you. After all, you’re the juniors from the Magician’s Tower.”

“What about the others? Please save all of us here!” Niss shouted at him.

“That’s impossible!” Hol rejected sternly. “If you’re still so stubborn, you’ll have to go to hell with them. Think for yourself if it’s worth it!”

“There’s no need to talk to him anymore.” Rae said angrily. Then, she raised her magic cane and recited a spell, whereupon two black balls appeared from her back and shot at Hol.


Hol snorted and parted his lips without moving at all. When the black balls were still ten yards away from him, they broke up and vanished as though they had crashed into an invisible wall. 

Unresigned, Rae lifted her magic cane again as her gaze turned ruthless and the aura around her darkened. After reciting a complex spell, she slowly pressed down her hand, whereupon a dark dome was formed right above Hol’s head and gradually engulfed him. 

“Is it the Devouring Spell? It’s not easy for any magician to use such magic at your age.” Unfazed, Hol slowly raised his hands as a golden orb was forming between his palms. 

“He’s going to use light magic!” Seeing that, Niss hurriedly raised her hands as well to support Rae’s attack. 

Just then, two water columns rose from the river and launched themselves at Hol. As the dark dome and the water columns closed in on Hol, the others held their breath and watched the battle of the magicians.

All of a sudden, a beam of light radiated from Hol’s hands and penetrated the dark dome. Like a black crystal that had been crushed, the broken pieces of the dome fell to the ground around him. On the other hand, the water columns were also pierced through by the golden light and splashed on the floor.

“No way!” Niss stared at the sight in disbelief. “How could light magic resist elemental magic?”

“Despite your young age, the two of you are actually excellent magicians.” Hol adjusted his clothes upon breaking their spells. “I’ve reached a stage where I can materialize the light. What I used were Light Hammer and Light Shield. They’re quite similar to the Devouring Spell the shadow magician had used.”

Niss and Rae kept chanting their spells, not willing to give up any hope to defeat their enemy.

Hol heaved a sigh and shook his head helplessly. Following that, he raised his right hand and formed a fireball. While Niss and Rae were still trying to cast their magic, Hol swung his hand and hurled the fireball at them. 

Niss and Rae hurriedly stopped what they were doing and lifted their hands to cast a magic shield in front of them. The fireball crashed into the shield and scattered into all directions, which ignited some of the mercenaries’ clothes.

Finally, the fireball was offset by the magic shield. Just one fireball from Hol was enough to force Niss and Rae to almost use up all their energy to fend it off. While Niss was unable to stand stably, Rae was panting heavily. Both of them were unable to attack their enemy again. 

“Have you really used up your spiritual energy? Is that all you’ve got?” Hol raised his right hand and cast an even bigger fireball at them.

“Damn it!” Niss and Rae elevated their hands with difficulty and used their last bit of energy to cast the magic shield.

This time, the crash was even more violent as the magicians’ hair and clothes flapped with the air current from the impact. Niss resisted the attack with difficulty, and every second felt like forever to her. She had never expected that she could make it thus far. After expending all their spiritual energy, they were finally able to offset the fireball.

Niss fell on all fours as she was unable to get to her feet again. On the other hand, Rae had also fallen on her knees, but she was trying hard to get up. 

“Niss! Rae!” Fern and Stan hurriedly went over to support their weights.

“Alright. I suppose you have no more spiritual energy left, so you’re no longer a threat to me.” Hol raised his right hand again, intending to make one more strike. “I’ll just send you to hell myself. It’d be less painful than if you waited for Diaz to kill you.”

A fireball was once again launched at the kneeling magicians. As the air around them became scorchingly hot, Niss and Rae almost couldn’t open their eyes. In the blink of an eye, the fireball was just a few yards away from them.

Niss closed her eyes and prayed in her heart. At that instant, all her past memories kept flashing across her mind. Is it the end now? Dad, Fern and everyone, I’m so sorry…


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