The Song Of Sword And Magic

Chapter 55 - The Ferrer Barrier

Chapter 55: The Ferrer Barrier 

[Translator — Asuka]

[Proofreader — Karane]

On this winter night, they couldn’t hear the buzzing of insects or the howling of animals. Other than the rustling of the Devil Grass and their footsteps on the snow, they couldn’t hear any other sound. They had to make sure that they were well-hidden as they moved forward. When the moon was at its highest point, they finally reached the Ferrer Barrier. Looking from the distance, the Barrier just looked like a temporary camp that was built with wood.

“Is that the Ferrer Barrier? The name itself is grand.” Rae sounded contemptuous.

Fern lowered his head and hid behind a fence as he gazed at the camp. “Seems like it can accommodate hundreds of people. But there aren’t many soldiers now. Where are the others?”

Crouching on the snow, Stan appeared to be solemn. “They should be patrolling around the border now. They do that frequently to make sure that fiends and zombies will never cross the border.”


After half an hour of observation, they realized that three groups of knights would go to the North and three groups of knights would go to the South. Every group consisted of five knights. Each group would return every ten minutes, and the next group would leave the camp immediately.

“There’s basically no chance for us to get past.” Fern cracked his fingers anxiously and racked his brain to come up with a solution.

Rae looked further into the distance and asked in a lowered voice, “Stan, after we run past the Barrier, how long will we take to reach the next place where we can hide ourselves?”

Stan replied with difficulty, “I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to your question, for I’m not familiar with this area. I got to find out about the Ferrer Barrier from other people’s conversation.” He looked around. “But this area is full of forests. I’m sure after we go past the Barrier, we’ll see the same kind of forests.”

“We can only hope so.” Rae heaved a sigh as she fished out her magic cane and got up. “Come near me and form into a circle.”

Without saying anything, her companions surrounded her. She whirled around with her magic cane above their heads as she chanted a spell. When she kept her cane, the others felt slightly unnerved.

“Is this… the Dark Wall?” Niss touched her own chest to calm herself down.

“Yes, I’ve covered ourselves in the Shadow Wall. The knights won’t be able to see us now.” Rae pulled her cloak closer. “Let’s go now. I’m not sure if my spiritual energy can last until we reach the first forest after we cross the border. Stay near me as the range of the wall is small.”

“That’s incredible. I can’t believe you can make us invisible,” Stan followed her and exclaimed.

Rae’s pace was rapid. “We’re not invisible. The Shadow Wall simply reflects the light that’s supposed to come at us, so the people outside the wall can’t see us. Furthermore, even when we speak, our voices will be weakened by the wall, so the people outside can’t hear us as well. Of course, I’m sure you can feel the side effect of it now.” 

“I’m feeling unnerved. Maybe that’s the side effect.” Stan subconsciously clenched the hilt.

“That’s right. If you stay in the Dark Wall for a long time, you’ll go mad.” Rae replied as she jogged forward. “But don’t worry. My spiritual energy won’t last long enough to make you go mad.”


They then stepped onto the heightened road, which was used by the knights to keep watch on their surroundings. The road was so elevated that they were now able to see their surroundings clearer. When they reached the North side of the Barrier, they waited for the first group of knights to go past before crossing the road to ensure their safety. Everything seemed to be going well, and no one could see them. In the blink of an eye, they crossed the road, but they soon had to stop in their tracks upon seeing the view before their eyes.

“It’s… a river?” Fern staggered for a bit because he was stunned by the unexpected view.

“Damn it! Why didn’t I think about this?” Rae stopped moving forward. The river wasn’t wide, but it was still difficult for them to cross it. “The Dark Wall can’t hide the ripples on the water. As soon as we get into the river, we’ll be discovered.”

“But why isn’t the river frozen in this frigid climate?” Fern asked in puzzlement.

“The only explanation is that, just like the Devil Grass, the Dark Lord has influenced everything in the North. I think when we reach Sara, we’ll see even more illogical sights.” Rae knocked the gemstone on her cane with her finger, but she couldn’t come up with any solution at the moment.

Stan turned to look at the sentry tower where the soldiers were keeping watch on the vast border. “What should we do now? Even if we could walk on water, the ripples would expose us, not to mention if we had to swim in the river.”

“Damn it!” Fern cursed and looked at both sides of the river. There was no bridge in sight at all. “Can you and Niss fly over the river?”

Rae shook her head. “I can’t fly and use the Dark Wall at the same time. Niss can fly over on her own, but she’ll leave the range of the wall.”

“Then we should keep going North. If we’re lucky, we might come across a bridge.” Fern told them his idea.

“I don’t think I can last for such a long time. I’m already fatigued. Moreover, I have to keep some spiritual energy to cross the river and look for the first forest.” Rae rejected his idea.

“Alright. Do you have any suggestion?” Fern crossed his arms and looked at her helplessly.

Rae rubbed her temples and replied in a weak manner, “I would have told you if I had any suggestion instead of wasting my spiritual energy here.”


“I can cast a water column to distract them, then we’ll cross the river.” Niss suggested.

“That’s a good idea, but that won’t be able to hold them up for a long time.” Fern frowned, but Niss’s suggestion inspired him to come up with a solution, so he gazed at his companions. “All of you can cross the river first. I’ll lure them away.”

“No, Fern! There’s no way you can escape from them. They’re knights, so how are you going to outpace them?” Niss shook her head repeatedly.

Not replying to her, Fern looked into the South with determination. “I’ll run Southward to lure them away. All of you should seize the chance and cross the river, be it by flying or swimming.”

“Fern, are you going to ignore us again? Do you seriously think this is the best decision?” Rae questioned sternly.

Stan clenched the mercenary’s shoulders. “I’ll do it, Fern. I’m Doylan, so they wouldn’t harm me even if they caught me.”

“No, Stan. It’s the opposite. If they capture you, they’ll kill you for being a traitor.” Fern pulled the knight’s hands away. “Stop wasting time. Rae’s spiritual energy is limited. I’ll count down to three and start running.”

Unable to take it anymore, Rae snarled, “Fern, why can’t you ever change? Why do you always try to save your companions by risking your life? Do you think this is the outcome we want?”

Fern erupted as well and retorted, “Then what should we do? Fight with them and let them get us all killed? Will it be more heroic?”

Rae fell silent and took a deep breath. Turning around to look into the distance, she stopped responding to him.

With a sorrowful expression, Fern looked at Niss as he was reluctant to part with her. However, a moment later, he said resolutely, “Alright, get ready.”

“No, Fern! No!” Niss sobbed and grabbed his clothes. “You’ll die, Fern!”

“One!” At that instant, Fern remembered how Kaya’s tears streamed down her face right after her death. I can’t let my companions die before my eyes. I have to protect them, even if I have to sacrifice myself.

“Stop, Fern! No!” Niss draped her arms around the mercenary’s waist, trying to stop him. “Fern, no…” She wailed.

“Two!” Fern grabbed her hands and felt her warmth for the last time. Then, he pulled her hands away. “I’m sorry, Niss.”

Niss had wanted to reach out her hands again, but Fern gave her a push and caused her to fall to the ground. “Fern!” she called out to him despairingly. 

With a dispassionate expression, Fern looked fixedly in the South.


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