The Song Of Sword And Magic

Chapter 66 - The Hole In The Mound

Chapter 66: The Hole in the Mound

[Translator — Asuka]

[Proofreader — Karane]

The snowstorm outside the mound was howling in their ears. Even though the snow was blocked out of the hole by the cloak, it still piled up at the entrance. Fern had to push the snow away from time to time so that the entrance wouldn’t be sealed off. Inside such a hole, he had to ensure that the place was well-ventilated. 

Niss took a seat beside him and curled up her legs. Hugging her own knees, she rested her head on them and fell into her thoughts.

Fern took out a flint and a tinder. Putting some twigs together, he tried to kindle a fire. After walking on a snowfield for a long time, his hands were extremely numb, so it was difficult for him to use the flint. 

Niss observed him silently as a strange feeling was rising within her. She knew that he wasn’t willing to let her spend some spiritual energy to kindle a fire. Although he was knackered himself, he still wouldn’t want to exhaust her. At the thought of this, she could feel that her eyes welled up with tears.

Hearing her sniffle, Fern raised his head and looked at her. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling cold? Don’t worry. I’m making a fire now.” Upon finishing his words, he blew some warm air at his palms and continued rubbing the tinder against the flint.

Unable to control her tears anymore, she hugged her knees tighter and couldn’t utter a word. 


A while later, Fern finally managed to light up the tinder. When the smoke started billowing from it, he started coughing violently due to his close distance with the smoke. When he pulled himself together, he hurriedly set the twigs on fire to make themselves warm.

After the fire grew stable, it started crackling. Fern took out a steel pot from his bag and set it up on top of the fire pit. Following that, he grabbed some snow and put it into the pot. When he was done with all that, he took a seat against the wall and let out a breath.

“You’ll feel warmer after drinking some hot tea.” Fern curled up his right leg and placed his right hand on his knee as he watched the snow inside the pot melt.

Niss brushed away her tears and put on a smile. Feeling hopeful, she gazed at the fire pit attentively.

Without uttering a word, both of them listened to the howling of the wind and the melting of the snow.


When the water was finally boiling, Fern fished out a tea cup and put some black tea leaves into it. After he poured some boiling water into the cup, the aroma of tea started permeating the place.

He passed the cup to her and said, “You have waited for a long time. Drink it now.”

Niss took the cup and held it for a while to warm her hands. After that, she took a sip of the black tea.

Fern prepared another cup of tea for himself, but he rubbed his hands together on the fire pit instead of drinking the tea immediately.

“Are you feeling cold, Fern? Are you alright without the cloak?” Niss looked worriedly at him. The mercenary had been sitting near the entrance to block out the cold wind for her. At this moment, he was able to warm himself with the help of the fire.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine after eating some food.” He then took out some food and ate it with the tea.

Even though Niss wasn’t hungry, she still picked up a slice of bread and tore out a small piece from it before putting it into her mouth. After drinking three cups of black tea, she could feel that sleepiness was washing over her. Nevertheless, she tried to stay awake to keep him company.

Noticing that she was sleepy, Fern threw more twigs into the fire pit. “Get some sleep if you’re tired. It’s night time now.” He then pushed aside the cloak a little to observe the weather outside. “The snowstorm isn’t going away anytime soon. We have to stay over in this place tonight.”

Niss grunted and frowned as she wanted to say something. However, after a moment of hesitation, she decided not to say it. Upon finding a flatter space, she lay down and covered herself fully with her cloak.

Seeing that she had taken a rest, Fern looked up at the top of the hole. He wasn’t certain if he could persevere for one night. After all, it wasn’t easy to get through the night without sleep and a cloak. There will be a way, he thought and laughed in self-mockery.


Just then, memories from the past sprang into his mind. He recalled his time when he was part of the Black Crows. At that time, he had many companions, who were making noises all the time, so his biggest wish was to have some quiet time alone. Now that he had all the quiet time for himself, he felt extremely lonely.

“Fern…” Niss called out.

Fern watched in surprise as she got up by pressing her hands against the ground. Her hair was mostly tucked behind her ears with some strands hanging loose on her shoulders. “What’s wrong? Sleep now.”

“Fern, you’ve just recovered from a fever, so you’re still weak. Without a cloak, you won’t be able to get through such a cold night.” She sat up and gazed worriedly at him.

“Don’t worry. I have my own way.” Fern flashed a smile at her and subconsciously hunched his back.

“What way could you have?” Niss suddenly raised her voice. “You’re always harming yourself to protect your companions. Let me help you once today.” She lowered her voice quickly. “Please…”

Fern fell silent for five seconds and decided to give in. He knew that if he couldn’t get through the night, Niss wouldn’t be able to go on with her journey. “Do you have any solution? I’ve indeed run out of ideas.”

Without uttering a word, she pressed her lips together and looked at the mercenary with a determined gaze. She seemed to have made a decision. Standing up, she took off her cloak and held it in her hands before walking up to him. Before he could even react, she took a seat beside him and covered both of them with the cloak.

Although Fern was shocked, he didn’t resist it. Covered in the cloak, he could feel that his entire body was warm again. He then pulled the cloak closer to cover himself fully and looked at the girl beside him. “Niss, thanks. I think I can survive the night now.”

Niss grunted in acknowledgement. She didn’t dare to raise her head because she was worried he would see that her face was reddened all over. It was the first time she was so close to him when they weren’t in any serious danger. As their hands came into contact, she could feel that she was sleepy again. Unable to keep sitting, she decided to lean against his left arm and rest her head on his broad shoulder.

Fern lowered his left shoulder so that she would feel more comfortable. Niss’s stable breathing suggested that she was sound asleep. Fern caught a whiff of her bodily fragrance. Even her breath exuded a pleasant scent that resembled that of the gardenia flowers. Suddenly, he had the urge to kiss the girl, but his rational mind told him not to do so. After a sigh, he turned his head away.


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