The Soul Keeper

Chapter 299: Wreathed in Darkness (2)

"So," Inspector John's voice reflected his confusion. "What just happened?"

We were sitting in the dining room. Aoife was sitting on the couch. The dull blade was on the low coffee table. Her gaze was fixed on it.

I had just stepped inside when Inspector John spoke. I hesitated for a moment, then carefully leaned the large scythe against the wall before sitting down. 

"Well?" The Inspector asked. His glare was fixed on me. "Care to explain?"

I sighed. "I'm not even sure myself. Besides, I don't think we have that kind of time right now." I made a vague gesture towards the TV. "Remember the woman that appeared by the Pillar in the Gallagher Mansion?"

Aoife nodded while the Inspector hesitated for a moment. "Woman?" He mumbled. "That weird thing with wings and scales was a woman?" 

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, her name is Aelith." My expression turned serious once more. "She was the… usurper, so to speak in the game. She's incredibly powerful."

Aoife furrowed her brows. "But didn't you defeat her?"

I laughed. "No, it was Fetheion who fought her. I stood no chance against her, even at my best." I took a deep breath. "I need to find something," I said with a sigh and looked around to find a pen and paper.

As I scribbled down the symbol, the Inspector leaned forward to look at it. "What's this?" He asked, his expression reflecting his confusion. 

"It's a symbol carved on a cliff. I need to find where this is." Picked the sheet of paper up and showed it to Aoife. "Have you ever seen this before? I asked.

She glanced at the symbol, pondered for a while, then furrowed her brows. "No, I don't recognise it." She hesitated. "What do you even need it for?"

I sighed. Where had I seen those tourists all those years ago? I was sure as hell they had asked me where they could find that cliff in the photo. I was so sure. I stood up and paced the room.

"Aelith and the other Ereth will probably do the same thing they tried to do to the world in the game." I mumbled. "You know what that means," I said, glancing at the Inspector.

His face turned pale. "You're serious." 

"I am." I pointed at the TV. The broadcast had died. There was nothing but white noise now. "And it already started."

Aoife stood up as well. "What started? Kai, don't keep me out of the loop." I hesitated. I wanted to protect her from all of this. From the Ereth, from Aelith, from the war and bloodshed that could happen. But I knew that wasn't going to be possible.

"The Ereth travel from world to world," I spoke with a low, heavy voice. "They somehow create a Divine Pillar, exactly like they did in the Gallagher Mansion. I don't know how they did it. Then, their Divines – the most powerful people in their ranks – arrive. They drive back whichever local species exists, then begin draining the resources of the world." I folded my arms. "I do mean that, by the way. I saw the treasury in Baile Chailce. It was filled with ores, wood, stone, anything that can be said to be a natural resource."

Inspector John's expression darkened. "So, they want the resources of earth?"

I shrugged. "I guess so. I don't know for sure. Fetheion never told me much, and I never got the chance to talk with Luhen for long enough."

I could see the confusion in Aoife's face still, but I didn't feel like I had the time to explain right now. "I need to find that cliff." I spoke. "The symbol is carved on a cliff."

As I stepped towards the door, both of them quickly got up and followed me outside. "Where are you going?" Asked Inspector John as I grabbed the scythe and headed outside.

"I told you – I need to find that cliff."

"We should get a chopper then." He said, as he followed me outside. I hesitated, I didn't think it was a good idea, considering what had happened to the last chopper, but then again, without a fast way to circle the island, this search could take hours, at best.

"How will you even contact headquarters?" I asked as we arrived at the gate. I stopped before heading outside and glanced at my sister. "You can't come."

"What?" She shouted. "No way I'm leaving you alone."

"They are creatures with magic, Aoife!" I insisted. "You don't stand a chance against them – not with a dull sword."

She clenched her fists. "I'm coming. Whether you want me to or not." She gripped the hilt of her sword. "And this is not a dull one – I'm not so dumb to not take a battle-ready blade with me."

"Let her," Inspector John said after a moment. "At least we can keep her safe – she won't be able to do anything if they come here after we leave." 

I took a deep breath, annoyed. He wasn't wrong, but it still felt wrong to take my sister with us. What if we did find the cliff? I didn't want her to see the demons I would invite to this world.

"Fine," I said, despite feeling unhappy about the situation. "But if I tell you – any one of you – to run, don't question me." I glared at both of them. "No hesitating, no questioning, no trying to be the hero."

Aoife raised her chin, ready to protest. "I'm-"

"Or I'll go alone." I said, glaring at her.

Her shoulders dropped. "Fine," She said with a weaker voice.

Inspector John also sighed, then got on his phone. After unsuccessfully trying to reach his colleagues, he shook his head. "We'll have to walk to the base down at the shore."

"That's fine," I tightened my grasp around the shaft of my scythe. The familiar cool metal shaft gave me some reassurance. "Let's get going."

"But Kai, your body is still weak, is it not?" Inspector asked.

I grinned. "That's fine. I can handle it." 

I felt magic course through my veins, empowering my muscles, giving me that familiar strength. "Let's go." 

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