The Sound Of Despair

Chapter 25 - Surprise In The Forest

<<I cannot believe it has been five years since I stood in front of this tent, and that little weasel Raton dragged me to the quarry.>>

Even among all the monotony, the time seemed to have passed by in the blink of an eye. Sturm felt quite nervous. It was no wonder since he had never left the quarry from the time he arrived in this world. A whole new realm with endless possibilities was waiting for him.

Haktruk had already been invited to fight in the town's arena a year ago. His tenacity under the brutal training regimen had quickly rocketed his abilities. One Ear knew the boy would soon follow, so there had been no heartfelt goodbye, only endless blabbering. Sturm was thankful for the combat slaves' absence, as he had already been waiting in front of this tent for quite a while and felt no need for one last torture before he left.

The tent door soon flapped open and Edgar stepped out with a pack of parchments in his hands.

"This is yours now. Well, technically, it is still mine, but you can hold onto it. No, wait, it is probably better if I keep it. Here, just take a look at it," concluded Edgar indecisively.


After rolling out the scrolls made out of parchment, Sturm took a look at what was basically his life, as sad as that sounded.


Dagger's Rock Island Slave Internment Camp

This document is proof that Edgar Thunderhand has legally acquired the following slave:

Assigned Name - 2047 (Sturm).

Age (As of the 7th moon 137) - 13.

Height - 158cm.

Skin color - White/Tanned.

Hair color - Blond.

Origin - Born slave.

Experience - two years quarry; three years fighting pit.


<<Edgar's surname is Thunderhand? I cannot believe I found this out five years after getting to know him. Hm, born slave? That means I am not someone sold into slavery and that this body's parents were slaves as well.>>

"What are you so thoughtful about? You are essentially free now, just that it is even better. You can officially work for the amazing Thunder Merchant Group!"

Sturm decided to go along with Edgar's antics and asked, "Haven't I been doing that all along?"

Edgar waved his hands in response. "No-no-no. How could doing inventory and accounting be considered work? That is just pure torture! What I mean is that you will be able to accompany me when I acquire and sell goods. I am talking about scam… I mean haggling. That is what makes being a merchant fun! Well, apart from counting money, of course."

The fervor in Edgar's eyes showed how passionate the merchant was about scam… haggling with people. He just could not wait to share it with Sturm and show him the joy of manipulating unsuspecting vict… trade partners.

"Come come, Reinhardt is already waiting for us. The cart is ready, so we can leave the moment we get there." Edgar felt as impatient as Sturm did. He had been planning the following steps for years.

On their way to the cart, the slaves were throwing part envious and part hostile glances at Sturm. The world was unfair. While they were on their way to the quarry, unsure if they would survive another day, a little child had not only been blessed with genius fighting ability but had also been taken under the wings of an open-minded and kind-hearted merchant.

A few slaves especially lamented not having sabotaged him. If they had followed the corrupt guard's instructions and managed to let Sturm die in an accident, maybe, just maybe, they would be the ones walking out of the quarry right now.

At that time, they did not think it necessary. Rather, they felt sorry for his apparent torture and thought he had it even worse than them, but seeing Sturm happily follow the merchant towards the town filled them with endless regret.

Why? Why was it not them?

Pretending to be oblivious to the stares around him, Sturm followed Edgar back to the small merchant camp. Somehow he felt a hint of nostalgia when looking at the rock Edgar had lifted five years ago to show him the strength of a fifth step commoner.

All the sparring, studying, and laughing he did here with Edgar and Reinhardt would forever stay in his memories. What should have been pure hell for him ended up being a good memory. The debt towards Edgar was enormous, and Sturm felt truly thankful for having been saved by him.

If the guards or slavers knew he was reminiscing about his time at the slave camp, they would probably make sure to work the remaining slaves extra hard. Now that the quota was fulfilled, they once again had the permission to punish and torture slaves at their own discretion, as long as they did not overdo it. Sturm had experienced the pole, but other than that, his experience had been tame in comparison. Without restraints, the true cruelness and savagery would be unleashed upon the slaves.

"Boss, Sturm, there you are! The cart is ready, and my axes are well polished. I know that Sturm can defend himself, but who knows what kind of magic beasts we may encounter. His physique is being held back by his slave identity, after all. So, with my authority as Guard Captain, I decided to hire Daga as an additional escort to prevent any accidents."

The two-meter tall giant was petting the two horses in front of the fully packed cart and looked excited to leave. Daga was leaning on the rock and looked as gloomy as always. Except for a slight nod, he did not communicate.

"Alright. Sturm, take off that iron around your ankles and wrists; being slowed down may cause your death. You will travel on the cart with me." Edgar addressed Sturm and turned towards the guard captain. "Reinhardt, you take the vanguard, so pay attention to the road. Daga, I am thankful for your presence, and whatever payment my Guard Captain decided on with you will be doubled if we safely arrive at our destination. That's it, Thunder Merchant Group, move out!"

The removal of the weights marked the ending of Sturm's time at the slaver camp. For years now, he had not removed the weights at any point. Compared to his brown skin, tanned endlessly under the burning sun, the skin beneath the shackles was as white as a geisha's. Not only did Sturm feel the pressure on his body lessen when he looked at the marks on his body, but his soul felt liberated as well.

He had endured, survived, and overcome the possibly worst start one could imagine after transmigration. Only being instantly killed and then revived, again and again, was arguably worse.

But even if he had been saved, he would not forget his tormentors. The day he had the power to pay back the debts would be the day he would return. No matter how long it would take.

*Clack* *Clack* *Clack*

While Sturm was lost in his thoughts, the wooden wheels of the cart were rolling through the slave camp. They had almost reached the gates. Around a dozen armed men were standing guard, with a few more stationed on two watchtowers next to the gate. The carriage and permission control went over without any hassle. Edgar was well known to the guards, and they had already been informed that a slave would be accompanying him.

The presence of Reinhardt and Daga was not detrimental to the document procession speed either. Daga naturally made people feel uncomfortable, as he seemed to lack any emotions. Reinhardt, on the other hand, was not known for his patience. A few slaves were still repairing the palisade that suffered under his rampage.

After leaving the slave camp for the first time, Sturm finally saw the world outside. The sight of a grand forest with lush green trees opened up to him. Tree stumps filled the space between the vital green vegetation and the dark brown palisade. The trees had been cut down to both provide the materials for the fortifications as well as to prevent slaves from using branches to climb over the barrier.

Birds were chirping in the background, and the monotone sound of the wheels rumbling over the uneven forest path gave Sturm inner peace, causing him to almost made doze off. Edgar held the reins and did not wish to disturb his future right hand. It amazed him that Sturm could sleep under such conditions, but it also made him happy that they made him feel safe enough to let down his guard in a forest filled with magic beasts.

"Hey, you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that imperial ambush."

<<What? What border? An imperial ambush?>> Sturm woke up confused and quickly realized he had been dreaming.

The merchant immediately took action and yelled out commands. "Wolf attack! Reinhardt, leave the horses and protect our flanks with Daga and leave Sturm to me. Today we will sell some wolf pelts."

<<Attack…? Attack!>>

Sturm came to his senses and jumped up. His mental gears immediately went into overdrive, and his senses scanned the surroundings.

*AWOOOH* *AwoooH* *AWOOOH* *AWooH* *AWoOoOH*

It did not take his enhanced hearing to realize they were in trouble.

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