The Sound Of Despair

Chapter 57 - Escaping Death

Sturm's instincts did not alert him of any imminent danger, no matter how much closer he got. At his pace, it took an hour to get to the foot of the mountain, and when he got there, his senses finally picked something up. The earth was vibrating slightly like there was a hidden club beneath the ground, blasting techno music with bass boosted subwoofers.

When he stood at the mountain cave entrance, Sturm saw the cave walls were vibrating as well, and it sounded like deep inside the mountain, two echoing voices were arguing with each other. Even with enhanced senses, it was impossible to make out the exact words.

There was still no feeling of danger, but the attraction Sturm felt grew as he listened to the voices. While the tunnels inside the cave were dark, the influence this place had on his lightning cells made them turn bright, illuminating the surroundings. It was not quite at the point Sturm would be forced into [Avatar of Thunder], but there was no question that he would reach that point when he got to the source.

The path went downwards, deeper and deeper into the earth. There was nothing else on the way, just the rocky cave walls. Every few hundred meters, Sturm got brighter, lighting up like a street lamp at dusk. Progressively, the voices started getting clearer, and Sturm listened to the conversation. The voices were deep and sounded immensely powerful. It somewhat reminded him of the divine voice that had invited him to this world.

"You lost, admit it, you pu**y. See my little toe? I can still move it," the rougher one of the two voices said.

"Ha! Your little toe? Just look at my right ear; I can perfectly flap it around. What is a little toe compared to that? I knew you were a dumb bit**h, but you never fail to amaze me," a more elegant voice responded.

The cave walls started shaking even harder with the following response. "What did you call me?! I would be the next chieftain of my tribe if I was not stuck here with you. I dare you to come closer. My little toe will stab you in your heart!

"You think you are so special? Your tribe consists of simple brutes, and you know nothing but war. Even if you were going to be a chieftain, you would be the chieftain of simpletons. Is that really something to be proud of? Just look at my clan. We have been protectors for centuries, dutifully fulfilling a noble cause, and I could have been the new grand protector if it was not for you!"

"Pah! You call yourselves protectors, but you only ever sit around that gate, minding your own business, while the world around burns. We are uniting the tribes to form a united front. Together we would not have to fear anything, not even whatever is behind that gate!"

"What do you know about the threat behind the gate? If it were not for us, your little tribes would already have been exterminated. Do you even realize that… wait. Someone is coming."

Sturm, already in his [Avatar of Thunder] form, stepped into a cavern twice the size of a soccer field. The ceiling was at least a hundred meters high, with bright crystals attached to it. It illuminated the entire cavern, showing a scene of destruction. What seemed to once have been a giant throne made of stone had everything except its seat pulverized. Around the throne, there was nothing more than ashes, the same as in the rest of the cave.

In a few places, the cave floor was broke open; it looked the same as when tree roots on Earth occasionally found their way through a paved street. Judging by the size of the fissures, there had probably been giant trees inside this room before everything had been destroyed.

Around ten meters apart from each other laid the source of those two voices Sturm had heard on his way down here. They were no doubt the cause for the surrounding destruction. To the left side of the cave laid a monstrous, giant wolf. Imagine those large companions of the family in the north from that book where your favorite characters kept dying, but five times bigger.

Even compared to the ironmaw bear, it was twice as large. Its fur was carbon black, and it discharged electricity into the surrounding air. But that electricity was not bright but instead seemed to consume light, making it hard to spot. Even with his enhanced sight, Sturm barely spotted the phenomenon, and if the cave was not brightly lit, then the continuous electric discharge would have been practically invisible.

The majestic beast was covered in wounds, and dry blooded painted the ground beneath it dark red. Sturm remembered their conversation and looked at its paws; the claws on them were broken, some even pulled out, but there he saw it. The foot of its left rear leg had one of its toes constantly twitching.

<<This has to be the owner of the rough voice. It seems they can't move. Taking a look around, that's probably for the better. I wonder if they are silver magic beasts? They are supposed to be much more intelligent.>>

While it could not move, the giant wolf's white eyes stared firmly at Sturm. They did not transmit hostility, only curiosity. It did not talk to him, though, and neither did its nemesis on the other side of the cave. Like the wolf, the second beast was discharging electricity as well, but unlike the dark, dim lightning of the former, the latter's was white and bright instead.

It was a white tiger with light blue stripes in the form of Lichtenberg figures. It was in no better state than the wolf, but its white and blue fur made the dry blood on it much more visible. Just like the stripes, its eyes were light blue, shining with pride and arrogance. There was some curiosity in it as well, but while its gaze was not hostile, Sturm could feel it looking down on him. It was a majestic beast, but the way one of its ears was flapping around did make it look kind of cute.

<<Then this is the owner of that elegant voice. They both seem on the brink of death. I am sure that they are what my lightning cells were reacting to, just being in their presence seems to have an effect on them. They will die anyway, so should I end their suffering and see if I can dissect them for something that will make me stronger?>>

The moment those thoughts appeared in Sturm's mind, both pairs of eyes suddenly turned from curiosity and superiority to predatory and domineering. A powerful pressure descended upon Sturm, forcing him onto one knee. If not for the [Avatar of Thunder] form, he'd be kissing the ground, being slowly crushed to death.

"Just because we are injured, boy, does not mean we can easily crush ants like you." the white tiger's voice resounded through the cave. He was not moving his mouth and instead controlled discharges of the white electricity transmitted the sound.

"He is right, tiny human. Even the mightiest of your race would be nothing more than a snack in front of one of our cubs. Do not mistake who is the predator and who is prey; there will never be a day we will be hunted by the likes of you," the black wolf's rough voice was transmitted in the same way.

Sturm had no idea how they were able to read his thoughts, but it terrified him. His instincts, which had been calm all the time, were screaming at him to run. Sweat started pouring down his back, only to be instantly evaporated by his lightning form. Whatever they were, destroying him would be nothing more than an afterthought to them. Sturm forced himself to ignore his survival instincts and relax. He had made a mistake and offended the beasts, but they were not inherently hostile to him.

"I am sorry, mighty beasts. I have been fleeing for days and lost my dearest companions. It was never my intention to offend you, but I have been taught to use everything at my disposition to grow stronger." Sturm, while still on one knee, bowed as deeply as he could. "I hope you can forgive me, and if I can provide you assistance in any way, then feel free to command me."

The pressure on Sturm immediately disappeared, and he could spot amusement in the beasts' eyes. It was apparent to him now. They only wanted to scare him, but their killing intent was simply too overwhelming, causing his survival instincts to kick in.

"Good. Now that you have learned your place, there actually is something you can do for me. You see that oversized cat over there? While us mighty brumawolves will never be prey to humans, that pu**y over there belongs to the raitigers. Do me a favor and finish him off, and I will enter a contract with you. What do you think?" The giant wolf's eyes once again radiated killing intent when he mentioned the tiger.

"That puppy is tricking you, do not listen to him. Both of us are already dying, and the reason you are still alive is your condition. Your mana cells have made a complete conversion to the lightning attribute, which makes you compatible with a contract. A contract would keep him alive. He has been lying to you, you see? I will never lie to you, and I will allow you to serve me. Isn't this much better than being stuck with that bit*h over there?" The white tiger said condescendingly.

This was both an opportunity but also dangerous. Sturm had no doubt he had to choose one of them if he wanted to leave alive. The wolf had withheld crucial information, which did make it seem less trustworthy, but the tiger clearly looked down on him, and Sturm never planned to serve anyone. Edgar had been his master and more, and no one would ever take that position from him.. Even after his death.

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