Heita listened to Meng Li Meng Deng, but since he mentioned the ring, he naturally understood that it must be Zhou Peng who had done the immoral thing of occupying other people's things!

Huang Mao and a group of younger brothers behind him look at Zhou Peng with a look of ridicule on their faces!

This fool, finally kicked on the iron plate!

Chen Yi looked at Zhou Peng, whose head was broken in front of him, and said faintly, "break your limbs and inform your family to come and get people."

Zhou Peng heard, the body immediately soft, a burst of yellow heat flow along his pants to the ground!

I was scared to pee!

Heita took Zhou Peng's mobile phone and called Zhou Dahai, the boss of baicui jewelry company.

Half an hour or so, a middle-aged man in his fifties ran into the candy billiards hall!

"Brother Hei, please hold your hand and let my son go!"

With that, the middle-aged man fell on his knees and pulled out a ring box, which was Chen Yi's heart of Vitas!

Zhou Dahai's heart is trembling, in the heart unceasingly scolds own that does not become a tool's son!

Can buy the heart of Vitas, is also you can provoke!?

Heita took the ring box from his hand and handed it to Chen Yi respectfully.

"I don't have the right to decide whether to let your son go or not. You'd better ask for more happiness from yourself." With that, heita stood respectfully behind Chen Yi, holding his head high and saying nothing!

As soon as Zhou Dahai looked at it, he immediately understood the relationship. He knelt down in front of Chen Yi and raised his hand to bow. "This big brother, my son Zhou Peng is not sensible, which has angered you. Please let him go. I will educate him well after I go home, and I will never let him hinder your eyes any more."

Although Zhou Dahai was not in a high position, he knew a little about the auction of Vitas heart. He didn't expect that the mysterious man who could easily buy the heart of Vitas with 500 million Chinese dollars would be so young!

Chen Yi sits there without saying a word. When heita looks at it, he pours his mouth at Huang Mao.

Huang Mao has been with the black tower for many years. He can understand what he means by looking at the black tower's eyes. He gets into the bar and brings out a bottle of Erguotou, which is more than 50 degrees.

"Old man, running so fast, thirsty!? Here, quench your thirst

With that, Huang Mao unscrewed the lid of Erguotou and handed it over.

Zhou Haihai took the bottle and poured it into his mouth without any hesitation!

A thread of fire flowed into the stomach, and Erguotou was immediately drunk thoroughly!

However, Chen Yi still did not speak!

Huang Mao is not satisfied with Chen Yi. He raises his hand and takes down two bottles of Erguotou. Bang Bang puts them in front of Zhou Dahai!

There was another sound of pouring wine. Two or three minutes later, the two bottles of Erguotou in front of me became empty again!

"Leave half the property and your son will take it back."

With that, Chen Yi got up and walked toward the gate. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell heita, "the money is put in your place, which is the money for your car."

With that, Chen Yi walked out of the door with the Mazda key in his hand.

Black tower gulps a mouthful of saliva, Zhou's half of the property, at least 12 million ah! He, he actually gave it to himself!?

Throwing the black tower, Zhou Haihai closed his eyes tightly and slapped his thigh with regret!

Zhou Peng should not be in charge of the jewelry store!

Chen Yi's order, Zhou Dahai dare not refuse. The economic strength shown by this young man is totally beyond his ability to resist. To destroy a jeweler like Zhou's, I'm afraid he doesn't have to move a finger!

Zhou Dahai calls for a lawyer to transfer the property. Chen Yi puts the ring on the copilot and drives to the Shen family company, because Shen Yueran has already come to work in the afternoon.

Chen Yi leaned against the back of the driver's seat with his eyes closed. All he could see in his mind was the pitiful appearance of Shen Yueran today.

He never thought, and never dare to think, that Shen Yueran actually valued the things he gave her like this!

Suddenly, the mobile phone vibrated. A wechat video interrupts Chen Yi's thoughts. Chen Yi takes a look at the head image of the video, and then he agrees.

The video shows a tall blonde with wet hair and only a towel around her body. It is obvious that she has just taken a bath.

"Hey, chief, what are you doing?" The blonde winked at Chen Yi, moved her body twice and sat down on the bed.

The person opposite the video is no one else. It's the Royal Princess of Switzerland, Diana!

His identity is not only the Royal Princess of Switzerland, but also the first beauty in the royal palace. He is proficient in almost all kinds of assassination techniques, and has carried out all the tasks he has failed!

In the organization, although two people are superiors and subordinates, Diana has never regarded Chen Yi as her boss. In the whole Royal Palace, only she dares to disobey Chen Yi's orders!In the battlefield, Diana is a good helper of Chen Yi. In bed, Diana is determined to become the most infatuated woman, but the premise is that the man can only be Chen Yi!

"Waiting for someone." Chen Yi sits up and the camera twists twice to reveal the parking lot around him.

"Who has the right to keep you waiting?"!? Boss, I'm going to love you so much. I'm going to accompany you! "

Diana sat on the bed in the presidential suite on the top floor of Hyatt Hotel, legs crossed, and said she was going to get dressed.

"No, I'm waiting for Yueran. When she sees me with you, she will misunderstand me." Chen Yi takes a gentle look at the company gate. He hopes Shen Yueran can see him as soon as he comes out.

"Chief, you make me sad!" Diana said, and twisted herself back into bed again.

Chen Yi took a deep breath, got out of the car and lit a cigarette. He asked, "is there any training today?"

"Of course! In the gymnasium of the hotel, I carried 200 Jin weight, squatted 1000 times, pulled 50 Jin and punched 2000 times. All of them were over fulfilled

Then Diana licked her tongue at Chen Yi full of temptation. "Boss, I just found that when I took a bath, people's muscles not only strengthened, but also their breasts developed. Do you want to have a look?"

With that, Diana would unbutton her bath towel!

As soon as Chen Yi looks at it, he hangs up the video in a hurry.

If you are seduced by Diana again, you will make mistakes sooner or later!

"Bought a car?"

At this time, a man in a security suit walked up to Chen Yi and walked around the car with a smile.

"Well, our family is happy to be the person in charge. We can't ride a donkey any more." Chen Yi laughs and hands over a cigarette.

The security guard's name is Xing Jianguo. Since Chen Yi entered the Shen family, he has been looking at the door of the Shen family company.

"How about the South China Sea of the eight dollar package!? I'm still short of tobacco money after I've driven all the cars. " Xing Jianguo lit his cigarette with a click, but he did not forget to tease Chen Yi.

In the past three years in Jiangcheng, if there are people who really look down on themselves, it is only Xing Jianguo.

"Cigarette money is not a small expense. If you don't save some money, you'll be scolded by your mother-in-law again!" Chen Yi smiles slightly. It seems that he doesn't pay attention to being scolded by Han Mei.

Cheng Jianguo took a puff of smoke and slowly vomited out, "why do you suffer from this injustice? With your ability, what woman can't be found!? I have to suffer this cowardice here. "

Chen Yi didn't expect Xing Jianguo would say such a thing. He said with a smile, "skill!? You're not a security guard with 3000 yuan a month. "

Xing Jianguo laughed at the speech, but then he didn't say anything, as if they had already formed a tacit understanding between them, and they would stop every time they talked about it.

After smoking, Xing Jianguo returned to his security Pavilion, while Chen Yi drove to the gate of the company and waited for Shen Yueran to go downstairs.

It's time to get off work soon. Many people come out of the building and see the Mazda X5 across the gate of the company. Although it's not a luxury car, it's more arrogant. Many people are guessing who's boyfriend is coming to pick up her girlfriend and swear sovereignty.

If they had known that the car belonged to Chen Yi, they would have looked scornful!

"Chen Yi, you are..." Shen Yueran held a stack of documents in her arms, and her face showed a surprised look.

"You're not the same now. You can't ride a donkey to work every day!"

With that, Chen Yi pulled the door of the car and asked Shen Yueran to get on.

But at this time, a discordant voice came from the door of the company!

"Well, you coward. As soon as Shen Yueran became the person in charge, you dare to instigate her to embezzle public money to buy a car. You are not afraid of your grandfather cleaning you up!"

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