The Sovereignty System
43 Chapter 43
Next on Ben's list was to open the Seamstress interface and select a few women's undergarments. He chose undergarments for casual, formal, athletic, and even romantic situations.
Not that he had any experience, but Ben was sure that the women of this world did not have bras. Bras had not been invented until the 1900s on Earth so there was no way that this world had made anything as advanced as what he could provide them.
Using the styles of modern Earth, he could offer many choices that would provide the city's women with a wide selection of undergarments designed for many events. He also went on to make a few varieties of men's underwear with the Tailor interface.
Up until now, he had been producing warm weather clothing. It was still what would be considered summer and the cold weather was still a ways away.
To help bolster his clothing selection, Ben had the Seamstress and Tailor also begin to make late fall and winter jackets, pants, gloves, hats, and scarves. Clothing was now being produced that could be worn in every season.
There was even a selection of accessories now of hair ribbons, bows, formal gloves, silk handbags, and silk scarves for women to wear.
While he was in the clothes making mode, Ben decided to make a few classy uniforms for his employees.
For the women, he made lovely looking blazers, slacks, blouses, one-piece dresses, stockings, and belts that could be worn by any successful businesswoman on Earth. The uniform sets were made in a few different colors. These outfits also had matching flats, boots, and sandals supplied with gel soles provided by the system store so that the girls could stay on their feet for long hours without feeling pain.
Not leaving Baynard out on the new uniforms, Ben chose a few formal Gothic Victorian suits that looked like an outfit you would see a high-class old-school vampire wear in a movie. He did not know everyone's sizes so he had them all made in various sizes.
Even if some were not used because they did not fit anyone there would be a day that he had to hire more employees so they would be used sooner or later. Ben decided to even use his sizes to make a few of the new men's uniforms for himself.
On the lower basement second floor, a new row of new structures began to spring up from the blue mist after Ben chose to continue building. They rose up from the floor to over time take the shape of five new structures that, he had purchased and placed earlier.
These new structures were a [Mineral Mine], [Fragrance Manufacturer],
[Plastic Products Manufacturer], [Liquor Distillery], and a [Soap Maker].
[Mineral Mine]: nahcolite/sodium bicarbonate, fluorite/fluoride, magnesium, silicon, boron, chromite, lepidolite.talc, Ilmenite, sphalerite, niter, sulfur.
[Fragrance Manufacturer]: Produces perfumes, colognes, deodorants, scented powder, and air fresheners. [locked until: liquor distillery, flower and dye plant farm] [consumes: vodka, flower petals, coconut oil, nahcolite, magnesium, silicon, talc]
[Plastic Products Manufacture]: Produces a wide selection of plastic products like plates, cups, cooking utensils, toothbrush, hairbrush, hair comb, sealable containers, outdoor furniture, screw-top bottles, buckets, garbage cans, tarps, and many other products. It also comes with a custom design menu that allows you to design your own plastic items. [locked until: built plastic factory] [requires: stone, wood]
[Liquor Distillery]: Produces a vast selection of liquors from Earth. There are many famous recipes available. The host provides the proper ingredients this distillery can perfectly recreate them. [requires: stone, wood] [consumes: vegetables, berries, grains, fruits, sugar cane]
[Soap Maker]: Produces hand soap, body soap, laundry soap, dish detergent, conditioner, shampoo. [Locked until: built lye lab, olive tree orchard: olive tree, flowers, and dye plants farm, animal ranch ] [consumes: animal fat, lye, olive oil, coconut oil, herbs, flowers, nahcolite] [requires: stone, wood]
The Mineral Mine was purchased to unlock a few structures and to provide them with needed ingredients later.
The Fragrance Manufacturer was used to make a small selection of women's perfume, men's cologne, deodorants, and body powders.
From the Plastic Products Manufacturer, Ben began fabrication of plastic products, such as sealable plastic containers, cups, plates, buckets, sealable plastic bags, screw top bottles in thirty different sizes, plastic tarps in various sizes, hair brushes, combs, toothbrushes, brooms, dustpans, and plastic scrub brushes and many other household products.
The Liquor Distillery was programmed to begin producing whiskey, vodka, brandy, gin, rum and a few other popular spirits from Earth.
Lastly, the Soap Maker was turning out dish soap, laundry detergent, hand soaps, body soaps, shampoos, and conditioners in a few different scents and styles.
These new liquid soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and liquors were transferred to appropriately sized screw-top plastic bottles. Plastic bottles were chosen to avoid breakage and for convenience to store.
With all these new hygiene products now Ben thought it would be nice to make a travel type kit to sell. Back over at the plastic products manufacturer, he designed a durable plastic case with a small handle and latch that held a hairbrush, comb, deodorant, toothbrush, a bar of scented soap, shampoo and conditioner in small little-sectioned spaces inside of it.
The customers could still buy these products individually at his store. Ben had only made the plastic travel kit with everything in it so that people on the go like merchants, travelers, or soldiers would have a small convenient case that kept everything together for them.
As these new items were all being made, Ben began to place them into his inventory along with the other items being fabricated the past few days.
Ben went outside his store and placed a marble statue of his dragon crest on each side of the front door so that customers would see the marble black dragon holding the shield as they entered and the crest logo inlaid into the entrance white hardwood floors.
In the store entrance, he began arranging elegant sofas, chairs, and area rugs. There were also marble statues placed in between them and magnificent wood-framed paintings were also hung on the walls.
The long central hallway was decorated in this manner and had plush chairs stationed along the walls to provide the customers with places to sit and relax during their shopping experience.
Ben began to think of how he would set up each department and realized he would need display cases, shelves, and cabinets. He opened the Furniture Maker interface downstairs and began to manufacture glass display cases that would match the decor of the store.
The newly made display cases and shelves were placed in each separate department room and would be used to display items and keep certain "types" from pocketing the merchandise when the sales girls were busy.
The store's first floor had three large departments off of each side of the center hallway. Once Ben had arranged the display cases and decorations for these six departments, he decided what each room would be stocked with and began to fill the displays with products.
The first department was one of the front rooms closer to the front doors and Ben stocked it with all the processed foods, raw foods, wine, and alcohol he was going to sell.
His food was the main draw that brought people looking for him every day so it was placed close to the door on the first floor.
When he had everything on display the room looked like a small grocery store. There was a bakery section, deli section, produce section, packaged food section, fruits section, beverages section, and alcohol section.
Most of the food he had placed out would need to be returned to his inventory when he was done. There were still a few days left until the store opened and the food would begin to go bad if left out until then. Ben only wanted to get an idea on how he would lay out the different categories of food later on.
He placed a sign above the arch which simply read "Food Department" and moved to the next room across from it.
The next department Ben decided to make the Clothing Department. There was currently not a huge selection of clothes, so, for now, the men's and women's clothes would be in the same department. This department also had all the footwear, women's accessories, and rolls of fabric being produced.
Along the back wall out of the way, he decided to build ten small changing rooms with locking doors and mirrors so that customers could try on clothes before purchasing them.
The clothing was hung on racks and displayed with mannequins. The footwear and accessories were placed inside of glass displays. Off in the back corner near the dressing rooms were wicker baskets filled with rolls of cotton, hemp, and silk fabrics that came in many colors and patterns.
The next department to be arranged was the Furniture Department. There were canopy beds, elegant sofas, comfortable cushioned reading chairs, hand carved decorative dining room tables and chairs, artistically designed end tables, beautiful coffee tables, posh night stands, and large ornate wooden dining room hutches.
Small sections of matching types of furniture were arranged together to look like bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms under the displayed furniture sets Ben also laid out the different styles of woven area rugs.
The room next to the Furniture Department would become the Household Products Department.
This room would have cookware, tableware, silverware, cooking utensils, plates, cups, plastic products, and hand-crank appliances. There were also scrub brushes, brooms, and cleaning soaps on display
Across the hallway, he made the Weapons and Armor Department. With the help of wood armor display stands, Ben put out full sets of padded cloth, leather, and chain-mail armor around the room.
Inside of display cases and on the walls hung daggers, bows, short swords, long swords, shields, and spears. Almost all these weapons were made of steel and are impressive when compared to the quality of weapons sold in the city. Even if it was possible for his level five Weaponsmith to create incredible weapons now it had been upgraded. These plain steel weapons were nothing like the weapons he could seriously produce now.
Ben still felt uneasy about selling his top end weapons that could be used against him someday so, he came up with the idea to make a toned down version that would be sold through the store.
The last room on the first floor would be the Literature department. It was full of bookshelves along the walls that displayed copies of all the books now being made.
There were tables in the center of the room that displayed typewriters, variously sized bundles of paper, replacement ribbons for the typewriters and glass bottles of black ink.
This was the last department on the first floor so Ben went upstairs and made the Hygiene Department next. Customers would find a decent choice of perfumes, colognes, scented hand soaps, shampoos, conditioners, body powders, hair brushes, combs, deodorants, and toothbrushes.
Directly across from the Hygiene Department Ben put out the pickup style cart and the cushioned three bench seated cart. They were both outfitted with leaf spring suspensions and were built of beautiful stained wood as smooth as glass.
They might only be horse-drawn carts, but they had an upscale appearance. The nobles and commoners all used the same type of merchant cart made from rough-hewn wood that made the cart look like it belonged on a farm hauling crops or feed.
Ben was providing a cart that would be considered a luxury cart more than a basic work cart. These carts would be ideal for nobles traveling around the city or attending formal dinners and parties with.
These carts would not only be limited to staying inside the city walls. The solid construction of steel nuts and bolts and the leaf spring suspension would allow these luxury carts to travels the worst of back roads.
Along with the two new cart models, there were also the pedal-powered tools that could be viewed and the different models of bicycles in two-wheel and three-wheel options.
Ben still had other rooms to make more departments on the second and third floors. He had put out all the products that he was currently making and still could not fill the entire store.
In the future, there would be more products and foods that would help one day fill the store. It was never his intention to buy such a large store from the beginning, he just happened upon a good opportunity and wound up in a store with a good amount of growing room.
It was getting late into the night by the time he had gone through and arranged all these departments. Before heading downstairs he checked the door lock and shut off the lights.
Not that he had any experience, but Ben was sure that the women of this world did not have bras. Bras had not been invented until the 1900s on Earth so there was no way that this world had made anything as advanced as what he could provide them.
Using the styles of modern Earth, he could offer many choices that would provide the city's women with a wide selection of undergarments designed for many events. He also went on to make a few varieties of men's underwear with the Tailor interface.
Up until now, he had been producing warm weather clothing. It was still what would be considered summer and the cold weather was still a ways away.
To help bolster his clothing selection, Ben had the Seamstress and Tailor also begin to make late fall and winter jackets, pants, gloves, hats, and scarves. Clothing was now being produced that could be worn in every season.
There was even a selection of accessories now of hair ribbons, bows, formal gloves, silk handbags, and silk scarves for women to wear.
While he was in the clothes making mode, Ben decided to make a few classy uniforms for his employees.
For the women, he made lovely looking blazers, slacks, blouses, one-piece dresses, stockings, and belts that could be worn by any successful businesswoman on Earth. The uniform sets were made in a few different colors. These outfits also had matching flats, boots, and sandals supplied with gel soles provided by the system store so that the girls could stay on their feet for long hours without feeling pain.
Not leaving Baynard out on the new uniforms, Ben chose a few formal Gothic Victorian suits that looked like an outfit you would see a high-class old-school vampire wear in a movie. He did not know everyone's sizes so he had them all made in various sizes.
Even if some were not used because they did not fit anyone there would be a day that he had to hire more employees so they would be used sooner or later. Ben decided to even use his sizes to make a few of the new men's uniforms for himself.
On the lower basement second floor, a new row of new structures began to spring up from the blue mist after Ben chose to continue building. They rose up from the floor to over time take the shape of five new structures that, he had purchased and placed earlier.
These new structures were a [Mineral Mine], [Fragrance Manufacturer],
[Plastic Products Manufacturer], [Liquor Distillery], and a [Soap Maker].
[Mineral Mine]: nahcolite/sodium bicarbonate, fluorite/fluoride, magnesium, silicon, boron, chromite, lepidolite.talc, Ilmenite, sphalerite, niter, sulfur.
[Fragrance Manufacturer]: Produces perfumes, colognes, deodorants, scented powder, and air fresheners. [locked until: liquor distillery, flower and dye plant farm] [consumes: vodka, flower petals, coconut oil, nahcolite, magnesium, silicon, talc]
[Plastic Products Manufacture]: Produces a wide selection of plastic products like plates, cups, cooking utensils, toothbrush, hairbrush, hair comb, sealable containers, outdoor furniture, screw-top bottles, buckets, garbage cans, tarps, and many other products. It also comes with a custom design menu that allows you to design your own plastic items. [locked until: built plastic factory] [requires: stone, wood]
[Liquor Distillery]: Produces a vast selection of liquors from Earth. There are many famous recipes available. The host provides the proper ingredients this distillery can perfectly recreate them. [requires: stone, wood] [consumes: vegetables, berries, grains, fruits, sugar cane]
[Soap Maker]: Produces hand soap, body soap, laundry soap, dish detergent, conditioner, shampoo. [Locked until: built lye lab, olive tree orchard: olive tree, flowers, and dye plants farm, animal ranch ] [consumes: animal fat, lye, olive oil, coconut oil, herbs, flowers, nahcolite] [requires: stone, wood]
The Mineral Mine was purchased to unlock a few structures and to provide them with needed ingredients later.
The Fragrance Manufacturer was used to make a small selection of women's perfume, men's cologne, deodorants, and body powders.
From the Plastic Products Manufacturer, Ben began fabrication of plastic products, such as sealable plastic containers, cups, plates, buckets, sealable plastic bags, screw top bottles in thirty different sizes, plastic tarps in various sizes, hair brushes, combs, toothbrushes, brooms, dustpans, and plastic scrub brushes and many other household products.
The Liquor Distillery was programmed to begin producing whiskey, vodka, brandy, gin, rum and a few other popular spirits from Earth.
Lastly, the Soap Maker was turning out dish soap, laundry detergent, hand soaps, body soaps, shampoos, and conditioners in a few different scents and styles.
These new liquid soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and liquors were transferred to appropriately sized screw-top plastic bottles. Plastic bottles were chosen to avoid breakage and for convenience to store.
With all these new hygiene products now Ben thought it would be nice to make a travel type kit to sell. Back over at the plastic products manufacturer, he designed a durable plastic case with a small handle and latch that held a hairbrush, comb, deodorant, toothbrush, a bar of scented soap, shampoo and conditioner in small little-sectioned spaces inside of it.
The customers could still buy these products individually at his store. Ben had only made the plastic travel kit with everything in it so that people on the go like merchants, travelers, or soldiers would have a small convenient case that kept everything together for them.
As these new items were all being made, Ben began to place them into his inventory along with the other items being fabricated the past few days.
Ben went outside his store and placed a marble statue of his dragon crest on each side of the front door so that customers would see the marble black dragon holding the shield as they entered and the crest logo inlaid into the entrance white hardwood floors.
In the store entrance, he began arranging elegant sofas, chairs, and area rugs. There were also marble statues placed in between them and magnificent wood-framed paintings were also hung on the walls.
The long central hallway was decorated in this manner and had plush chairs stationed along the walls to provide the customers with places to sit and relax during their shopping experience.
Ben began to think of how he would set up each department and realized he would need display cases, shelves, and cabinets. He opened the Furniture Maker interface downstairs and began to manufacture glass display cases that would match the decor of the store.
The newly made display cases and shelves were placed in each separate department room and would be used to display items and keep certain "types" from pocketing the merchandise when the sales girls were busy.
The store's first floor had three large departments off of each side of the center hallway. Once Ben had arranged the display cases and decorations for these six departments, he decided what each room would be stocked with and began to fill the displays with products.
The first department was one of the front rooms closer to the front doors and Ben stocked it with all the processed foods, raw foods, wine, and alcohol he was going to sell.
His food was the main draw that brought people looking for him every day so it was placed close to the door on the first floor.
When he had everything on display the room looked like a small grocery store. There was a bakery section, deli section, produce section, packaged food section, fruits section, beverages section, and alcohol section.
Most of the food he had placed out would need to be returned to his inventory when he was done. There were still a few days left until the store opened and the food would begin to go bad if left out until then. Ben only wanted to get an idea on how he would lay out the different categories of food later on.
He placed a sign above the arch which simply read "Food Department" and moved to the next room across from it.
The next department Ben decided to make the Clothing Department. There was currently not a huge selection of clothes, so, for now, the men's and women's clothes would be in the same department. This department also had all the footwear, women's accessories, and rolls of fabric being produced.
Along the back wall out of the way, he decided to build ten small changing rooms with locking doors and mirrors so that customers could try on clothes before purchasing them.
The clothing was hung on racks and displayed with mannequins. The footwear and accessories were placed inside of glass displays. Off in the back corner near the dressing rooms were wicker baskets filled with rolls of cotton, hemp, and silk fabrics that came in many colors and patterns.
The next department to be arranged was the Furniture Department. There were canopy beds, elegant sofas, comfortable cushioned reading chairs, hand carved decorative dining room tables and chairs, artistically designed end tables, beautiful coffee tables, posh night stands, and large ornate wooden dining room hutches.
Small sections of matching types of furniture were arranged together to look like bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms under the displayed furniture sets Ben also laid out the different styles of woven area rugs.
The room next to the Furniture Department would become the Household Products Department.
This room would have cookware, tableware, silverware, cooking utensils, plates, cups, plastic products, and hand-crank appliances. There were also scrub brushes, brooms, and cleaning soaps on display
Across the hallway, he made the Weapons and Armor Department. With the help of wood armor display stands, Ben put out full sets of padded cloth, leather, and chain-mail armor around the room.
Inside of display cases and on the walls hung daggers, bows, short swords, long swords, shields, and spears. Almost all these weapons were made of steel and are impressive when compared to the quality of weapons sold in the city. Even if it was possible for his level five Weaponsmith to create incredible weapons now it had been upgraded. These plain steel weapons were nothing like the weapons he could seriously produce now.
Ben still felt uneasy about selling his top end weapons that could be used against him someday so, he came up with the idea to make a toned down version that would be sold through the store.
The last room on the first floor would be the Literature department. It was full of bookshelves along the walls that displayed copies of all the books now being made.
There were tables in the center of the room that displayed typewriters, variously sized bundles of paper, replacement ribbons for the typewriters and glass bottles of black ink.
This was the last department on the first floor so Ben went upstairs and made the Hygiene Department next. Customers would find a decent choice of perfumes, colognes, scented hand soaps, shampoos, conditioners, body powders, hair brushes, combs, deodorants, and toothbrushes.
Directly across from the Hygiene Department Ben put out the pickup style cart and the cushioned three bench seated cart. They were both outfitted with leaf spring suspensions and were built of beautiful stained wood as smooth as glass.
They might only be horse-drawn carts, but they had an upscale appearance. The nobles and commoners all used the same type of merchant cart made from rough-hewn wood that made the cart look like it belonged on a farm hauling crops or feed.
Ben was providing a cart that would be considered a luxury cart more than a basic work cart. These carts would be ideal for nobles traveling around the city or attending formal dinners and parties with.
These carts would not only be limited to staying inside the city walls. The solid construction of steel nuts and bolts and the leaf spring suspension would allow these luxury carts to travels the worst of back roads.
Along with the two new cart models, there were also the pedal-powered tools that could be viewed and the different models of bicycles in two-wheel and three-wheel options.
Ben still had other rooms to make more departments on the second and third floors. He had put out all the products that he was currently making and still could not fill the entire store.
In the future, there would be more products and foods that would help one day fill the store. It was never his intention to buy such a large store from the beginning, he just happened upon a good opportunity and wound up in a store with a good amount of growing room.
It was getting late into the night by the time he had gone through and arranged all these departments. Before heading downstairs he checked the door lock and shut off the lights.
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