The Sovereignty System
65 Chapter 65
The only weak point in Ben's carriage design now would be the exposed horses that pulled it.
'I could make an armor set that can be strapped onto the horses. It may be impossible to completely cover them but I can at least armor the vital areas.'
With yet another idea Ben asked Athena to send the measurements of the horse they had designed to the Armorsmith workshop. The horses would all be created to the same exact sizes at the stable so one set of armor would fit every one of them.
Not only would this help protect the horses used to pull the carriage he could also make enough sets of horse armor so that his mounted knights could armor their mounts.
Using the same lightweight black Mythril alloy blend used to make the knight's armor Ben designed sections of armor that could be worn by a horse. Each of these pieces had leather straps and steel buckles that allowed the armor to be snugly worn around the horse's face, neck, body, and upper legs. Ben even decided to make a Magnesium Mythril chainmail blanket that could be hung over the horse's body under the plate armor.
There had to be a few gaps between the sections of armor to allow the horse to move freely when they were running. A good seventy percent of the horse would be protected by plate armor and the gaps between the armor would be covered by the chainmail blanket worn underneath. The only exposed area of the horse would be from its knees to its hooves.
Ben began to think about how the horses could injure their legs during the collision of a charge into enemy lines and he came up with an idea to make shin guards to protect the horses lower legs. This would help prevent injuries and also helped to protect the only exposed area from arrows or melee weapons.
Now that Ben was planning to produce over one hundred sets of horse armor and chainmail he had to create even more of the black hued Magnesium Mythril alloy ingots at the foundry. He decided to make more than was needed to save him any near future trips back to the foundry.
With the horse armor now in production Ben paused for a moment to decide on what he would work on next.
'Now that I have most of the big stuff out of the way I want to build a Wizardry School, make my noble badges, and produce a few tools for the groundskeepers at my Small Palace in Goldcrest.'
It was already beginning to grow dark outside and Ben still had a few things to finish so he activated his [Night Sight].
He made his way over to the southern end of the military Training Grounds and found a section of clear land to build a Wizardry School.
[Wizardry School]: The system creates a link to the student to help unlock the latent magical talent of all attending students. When their talent is unlocked the system will then teach the students any spells the host has added to the school's database.
As the new Wizardry School was slowing being constructed by the forming blue mist, Ben went over to the Tool Maker workshop and began production of shovels, hoes, rakes, saws, hedge shears, pruners, garden watering cans, edgers, hand tillers, wheel barrels, and a push reel lawn mowers.
The push reel lawn mower was an old school mower designed before the gas and electric models. When you pushed this mower the wheels would spin a reel of fixed blades which cut the grass. It was a simple mower to use and was even still used by a few golf courses due to how sleek the grass appeared after using one.
With this assortment of tools, his groundskeepers could keep the gardens and lawns well maintained.
There was still some time to kill while the school was being built so Ben walked over to the [Jeweler] workshop to design his noble badge.
He made the badge with a similar shield shape of a police officer's badge. His design was half the size of a standard police officer badge and it had his noble title, name, and his noble crest on the face of it.
Ben had plenty of gold sitting in his warehouse so he decided to use gold in the same manner as the badge the king had given him. He also had a decent amount of gems since he wasn't producing large amounts of jewelry.
As an added touch Ben added cut red rubies for the dragon's eyes on his badge. The dragon would have sparkling red eyes adding a nice effect while also making the badge appear opulent.
It was not a requirement to use gold and some nobles who could not afford to use gold would simply use iron.
There was not a set size, shape or needed material designated for these badges. There was only one stipulation for the kingdom's badge. The only people who could wear a badge in the kingdom were royalty, nobles, and the noble's household members.
If someone was seen wearing a badge you would instantly know they were a noble or part of a household even if you could not read the badge right away.
Ben was unsure what the punishment would be if someone were to make a fake badge and wear it but he figured it would involve a very long stay in a cold and dirty cell somewhere unpleasant.
He had his Jeweler workshop begin production of four hundred gold noble badges and placed the first fifty which were made into his inventory.
By the time he made it back over to the Wizardry School he only had to wait another ten minutes for it to be completely built.
Ben opened the school's database and added every spell that he had learned so far. Once the spells were added he had to sit down and look through the fantasy books he had in his Programs section.
The Wizardry School allowed him to create a recruit of any race if he had enough information to stipulate the characteristics of the race he wanted to recruit. It worked in the same way as the military recruitment but instead of military classes, he would have to choose from elements of magic.
Wizardry School Recruitment Menu
Fire Element...….[cost: 100g each]
Water Element....[cost: 100g each]
Wind Element.....[cost: 100g each]
Earth Element ....[cost: 100g each]
Nature Element…...[cost: 100g each]
Lightning Element...[cost: 100g each]
Metal Element....[cost: 100g each]
Light Element.....[cost: 100g each]
Dark Element.....[cost: 100g each]
Dual Elements...[cost: 500g each]
Quad Elements…..[cost: 1000g each]
After discussing the list of choices with Athena, Ben found out that he could buy a recruit who could use only one element for 100g. There was no limit to how many spells they could learn as long as the spell's element was the same as their given element.
The dual element option allowed Ben to purchase a recruit for 500g who could use to different elements and the Quad element which cost 1000g would allow him to purchase a recruit who could use four different elements.
Not one to want to go cheap when it came to his recruits Ben wanted to recruit a few magi with Quad Elements. The only problem was they cost 1000g each! He did not have much money left so he would have to sell off some of his resources.
Now that he had so many Mines producing ore it would not hurt as much to sell some of it off. Ben decided to sell off the platinum in his Warehouses because it had a high selling price and he never used it for anything. Platinum was used to make the highest priced coin of this world so the store offered him a decent exchange for his Platinum ore.
He had a total of 10000g after he sold off his Platinum ore and decided to use it to purchase twenty dual elemental magi instead of ten quad elemental magi.
The best descriptions for the magical type races Ben found in his books were Dragons and Fairies. He was unsure if he were to create a dragon if it would be possible for it to transform into a human form.
It would be incredible to have a few dragons but he did not have the time or space to provide such a huge creature right now. This left him with the Fairy race which he did not mind. It was never a bad thing having beautiful women around you to look at.
Ben had Athena input the information he had on the Fairy race and chose to use the character creation menu to make each of the twenty Fairies.
Ben scaled them up from the small mystical creatures they were in stories to the size of a regular human woman. They also had translucent wings on their backs but Ben chose to remove these wings.
If the natives of this world saw women with wings it could create a huge uproar. There also was the size of these fairies to take into consideration. Now that they were the size of a normal human woman these wings would more than likely be useless now.
The character creation had a large database of famous women and models so Ben used this as a shortcut and chose the faces and bodies of twenty gorgeous models.
Each of these fairies was given the fire element and the lightning element. A fairy would normally have more nature-based magic but Ben wanted them to have offensive type spells that would be more useful in combat.
Currently, he did not have any lightning spells so Ben bought a simple [Lightning Bolt] spell for 200g and then added it to the list of spells in the Wizardry Schools database.
Once he had added the new Lightning Bolt spell to the school he went back into the character creation and finalized the twenty Fairies he had created.
Twenty stunning females appeared before him wearing long black robes. Even wearing those drab black robes it was hard to hide the fact they all had bodies which would make any man's blood boil.
Ben just shook his head with a shit eating grin on his face as he looked over each of the women whom he had just made.
They all bowed to him and patiently waited for him to instruct them. Even with Ben obviously checking each of them out they did not show any signs of distress and were each completely loyal toward Ben just as the military troops were.
"Welcome ladies, first let me take you over to the Market so each of you can get something besides these robes to wear and then we can find a place for you to live in the Barracks for now. Before we leave though I want to take you inside the school's classroom."
Inside the Wizardry school, Ben found the decor was different from the plain military school. There was an old-world Victorian style to the place which made him think of one of the movies he had in his Programs about a young wizard with a scar on his forehead.
'Heh, whoever designed this place took a page straight from the wizard school in that movie. Could the idea for this small school have come from them viewing that movie?'
Ben walked down the only hallway in the school and led the group of Fairy magi into the classroom.
"I want each of to come here every day to use these system-link chairs. Each of you already has the ability to use magic you only need to use these system-link chairs to learn the spells. I want you to begin by learning the firebolt spell and then to move onto learning the lightning bolt spell. If any you can learn the firebolt spell by the end of the week I will bring you with me to an event I have planned. There is a group of nobles in the Aregard Kingdom who are spreading rumors about me. I plan to invite these nobles to a party and put on a show of strength. I will have my military there fully dressed for combat on display for everyone to see. I would also like to bring you all along and have you display a little magic. I plan to let the Goldcrest nobles know I have a strong enough force to crush each of their households with ease. With the combination of me being a cultivator and demonstrating the power of my household, it should be enough to prove I am not to be tested."
When the fairies were told someone was causing troubles for their young lord a fire of determination was lit inside each of them to learn these spells.
Ben brought the group of beautiful women over to the Market where they learned to use the menus and picked out an assortment of clothing. They placed their new clothes and footwear into military laundry sacks and carried them over to the barracks.
'I could make an armor set that can be strapped onto the horses. It may be impossible to completely cover them but I can at least armor the vital areas.'
With yet another idea Ben asked Athena to send the measurements of the horse they had designed to the Armorsmith workshop. The horses would all be created to the same exact sizes at the stable so one set of armor would fit every one of them.
Not only would this help protect the horses used to pull the carriage he could also make enough sets of horse armor so that his mounted knights could armor their mounts.
Using the same lightweight black Mythril alloy blend used to make the knight's armor Ben designed sections of armor that could be worn by a horse. Each of these pieces had leather straps and steel buckles that allowed the armor to be snugly worn around the horse's face, neck, body, and upper legs. Ben even decided to make a Magnesium Mythril chainmail blanket that could be hung over the horse's body under the plate armor.
There had to be a few gaps between the sections of armor to allow the horse to move freely when they were running. A good seventy percent of the horse would be protected by plate armor and the gaps between the armor would be covered by the chainmail blanket worn underneath. The only exposed area of the horse would be from its knees to its hooves.
Ben began to think about how the horses could injure their legs during the collision of a charge into enemy lines and he came up with an idea to make shin guards to protect the horses lower legs. This would help prevent injuries and also helped to protect the only exposed area from arrows or melee weapons.
Now that Ben was planning to produce over one hundred sets of horse armor and chainmail he had to create even more of the black hued Magnesium Mythril alloy ingots at the foundry. He decided to make more than was needed to save him any near future trips back to the foundry.
With the horse armor now in production Ben paused for a moment to decide on what he would work on next.
'Now that I have most of the big stuff out of the way I want to build a Wizardry School, make my noble badges, and produce a few tools for the groundskeepers at my Small Palace in Goldcrest.'
It was already beginning to grow dark outside and Ben still had a few things to finish so he activated his [Night Sight].
He made his way over to the southern end of the military Training Grounds and found a section of clear land to build a Wizardry School.
[Wizardry School]: The system creates a link to the student to help unlock the latent magical talent of all attending students. When their talent is unlocked the system will then teach the students any spells the host has added to the school's database.
As the new Wizardry School was slowing being constructed by the forming blue mist, Ben went over to the Tool Maker workshop and began production of shovels, hoes, rakes, saws, hedge shears, pruners, garden watering cans, edgers, hand tillers, wheel barrels, and a push reel lawn mowers.
The push reel lawn mower was an old school mower designed before the gas and electric models. When you pushed this mower the wheels would spin a reel of fixed blades which cut the grass. It was a simple mower to use and was even still used by a few golf courses due to how sleek the grass appeared after using one.
With this assortment of tools, his groundskeepers could keep the gardens and lawns well maintained.
There was still some time to kill while the school was being built so Ben walked over to the [Jeweler] workshop to design his noble badge.
He made the badge with a similar shield shape of a police officer's badge. His design was half the size of a standard police officer badge and it had his noble title, name, and his noble crest on the face of it.
Ben had plenty of gold sitting in his warehouse so he decided to use gold in the same manner as the badge the king had given him. He also had a decent amount of gems since he wasn't producing large amounts of jewelry.
As an added touch Ben added cut red rubies for the dragon's eyes on his badge. The dragon would have sparkling red eyes adding a nice effect while also making the badge appear opulent.
It was not a requirement to use gold and some nobles who could not afford to use gold would simply use iron.
There was not a set size, shape or needed material designated for these badges. There was only one stipulation for the kingdom's badge. The only people who could wear a badge in the kingdom were royalty, nobles, and the noble's household members.
If someone was seen wearing a badge you would instantly know they were a noble or part of a household even if you could not read the badge right away.
Ben was unsure what the punishment would be if someone were to make a fake badge and wear it but he figured it would involve a very long stay in a cold and dirty cell somewhere unpleasant.
He had his Jeweler workshop begin production of four hundred gold noble badges and placed the first fifty which were made into his inventory.
By the time he made it back over to the Wizardry School he only had to wait another ten minutes for it to be completely built.
Ben opened the school's database and added every spell that he had learned so far. Once the spells were added he had to sit down and look through the fantasy books he had in his Programs section.
The Wizardry School allowed him to create a recruit of any race if he had enough information to stipulate the characteristics of the race he wanted to recruit. It worked in the same way as the military recruitment but instead of military classes, he would have to choose from elements of magic.
Wizardry School Recruitment Menu
Fire Element...….[cost: 100g each]
Water Element....[cost: 100g each]
Wind Element.....[cost: 100g each]
Earth Element ....[cost: 100g each]
Nature Element…...[cost: 100g each]
Lightning Element...[cost: 100g each]
Metal Element....[cost: 100g each]
Light Element.....[cost: 100g each]
Dark Element.....[cost: 100g each]
Dual Elements...[cost: 500g each]
Quad Elements…..[cost: 1000g each]
After discussing the list of choices with Athena, Ben found out that he could buy a recruit who could use only one element for 100g. There was no limit to how many spells they could learn as long as the spell's element was the same as their given element.
The dual element option allowed Ben to purchase a recruit for 500g who could use to different elements and the Quad element which cost 1000g would allow him to purchase a recruit who could use four different elements.
Not one to want to go cheap when it came to his recruits Ben wanted to recruit a few magi with Quad Elements. The only problem was they cost 1000g each! He did not have much money left so he would have to sell off some of his resources.
Now that he had so many Mines producing ore it would not hurt as much to sell some of it off. Ben decided to sell off the platinum in his Warehouses because it had a high selling price and he never used it for anything. Platinum was used to make the highest priced coin of this world so the store offered him a decent exchange for his Platinum ore.
He had a total of 10000g after he sold off his Platinum ore and decided to use it to purchase twenty dual elemental magi instead of ten quad elemental magi.
The best descriptions for the magical type races Ben found in his books were Dragons and Fairies. He was unsure if he were to create a dragon if it would be possible for it to transform into a human form.
It would be incredible to have a few dragons but he did not have the time or space to provide such a huge creature right now. This left him with the Fairy race which he did not mind. It was never a bad thing having beautiful women around you to look at.
Ben had Athena input the information he had on the Fairy race and chose to use the character creation menu to make each of the twenty Fairies.
Ben scaled them up from the small mystical creatures they were in stories to the size of a regular human woman. They also had translucent wings on their backs but Ben chose to remove these wings.
If the natives of this world saw women with wings it could create a huge uproar. There also was the size of these fairies to take into consideration. Now that they were the size of a normal human woman these wings would more than likely be useless now.
The character creation had a large database of famous women and models so Ben used this as a shortcut and chose the faces and bodies of twenty gorgeous models.
Each of these fairies was given the fire element and the lightning element. A fairy would normally have more nature-based magic but Ben wanted them to have offensive type spells that would be more useful in combat.
Currently, he did not have any lightning spells so Ben bought a simple [Lightning Bolt] spell for 200g and then added it to the list of spells in the Wizardry Schools database.
Once he had added the new Lightning Bolt spell to the school he went back into the character creation and finalized the twenty Fairies he had created.
Twenty stunning females appeared before him wearing long black robes. Even wearing those drab black robes it was hard to hide the fact they all had bodies which would make any man's blood boil.
Ben just shook his head with a shit eating grin on his face as he looked over each of the women whom he had just made.
They all bowed to him and patiently waited for him to instruct them. Even with Ben obviously checking each of them out they did not show any signs of distress and were each completely loyal toward Ben just as the military troops were.
"Welcome ladies, first let me take you over to the Market so each of you can get something besides these robes to wear and then we can find a place for you to live in the Barracks for now. Before we leave though I want to take you inside the school's classroom."
Inside the Wizardry school, Ben found the decor was different from the plain military school. There was an old-world Victorian style to the place which made him think of one of the movies he had in his Programs about a young wizard with a scar on his forehead.
'Heh, whoever designed this place took a page straight from the wizard school in that movie. Could the idea for this small school have come from them viewing that movie?'
Ben walked down the only hallway in the school and led the group of Fairy magi into the classroom.
"I want each of to come here every day to use these system-link chairs. Each of you already has the ability to use magic you only need to use these system-link chairs to learn the spells. I want you to begin by learning the firebolt spell and then to move onto learning the lightning bolt spell. If any you can learn the firebolt spell by the end of the week I will bring you with me to an event I have planned. There is a group of nobles in the Aregard Kingdom who are spreading rumors about me. I plan to invite these nobles to a party and put on a show of strength. I will have my military there fully dressed for combat on display for everyone to see. I would also like to bring you all along and have you display a little magic. I plan to let the Goldcrest nobles know I have a strong enough force to crush each of their households with ease. With the combination of me being a cultivator and demonstrating the power of my household, it should be enough to prove I am not to be tested."
When the fairies were told someone was causing troubles for their young lord a fire of determination was lit inside each of them to learn these spells.
Ben brought the group of beautiful women over to the Market where they learned to use the menus and picked out an assortment of clothing. They placed their new clothes and footwear into military laundry sacks and carried them over to the barracks.
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