The Sovereignty System
71 Chapter 71
Ben's dining table was so large he did not have the chance to communicate with most of his noble guests. Those on the other end of the table had introduced themselves to other attending nobles or spoke with others they already knew.
Ben sat at the head of the table and the first person to speak up during the meal near him was Viscount Rundall's eldest daughter Juliana Rundall.
"Your estate is exquisite Duke King. The craftsmanship of this building and the furniture are masterful. The tableware even appears to have been made by artisan goldsmiths. I heard the other nobles also mention these table arrangements are made of spirit plants. It must have cost you a small fortune to arrange such a wonderful dinner. I am truly grateful I was allowed to attend such a prestigious event."
Juliana was truly excited to be there and seemed to be looking around at everything in wide-eyed wonderment.
"Dear, you shouldn't be too impressed. Most young people have trouble controlling their spendings. Those who spend their money on this type of nonsense tend not to have it for long."
Juliana's frugal father Viscount Rundall was known for being a cheap noble that others wouldn't want to do business with because he would always attempt to haggle for ridiculously lower prices with his suppliers.
"I am sorry you do not approve of how I spend my money, Viscount Gerald Rundall. You own ten prosperous butcher shops around Goldcrest City and a large livestock farm and yet you live is such an unimpressive estate. An elder at your age should know that he can't take his money with him when he dies so you should try to enjoy life who knows you may find it suits you."
Ben knew the name, businesses, and whispered secrets of every noble attending his party thanks to Athena. When she had downloaded the information known on each of the kingdom's nobles into Be's mind it was as if he was raised in Goldcrest City.
Every one of their good and bad deeds had been somehow added to Athena's quantum memory. It was possible that whoever had created her had provided her with a database of every person, place, and creature on planet Victus.
Viscount Rundall was taken aback by Ben who knew so much about him and had called him out for his cheap ways. Ben may be as young as his daughter but he was a higher rank of nobility than him and a cultivator which gave him even more authority than his noble rank of Duke.
Viscount Gerald Rundall could only cough at his embarrassment and swallow his grievances with a gulp of the wine from his golden goblet.
"Thank you for your compliments on my estate Juliana. There have been a few nasty rumors being spread about me around the city so I only wished to invite everyone here to get to know the real me."
"My friend Viscount Rundall was taught by his late father to always be prudent. We never know what the future has in store for us so it is wise to spend wisely and keep some funds aside for emergencies."
Baron Merwin Brook an overweight balding noble spoke up in an attempt to save Viscount Rundall some embarrassment.
"I completely agree with you Baron Brook and meant no offense towards Viscount Rundall. I may spend a good deal of gold coins on my troops and estate but I will soon be expanding into businesses other than my Spirit King Store. The additional income will be sure to help me with my future savings."
Ben continued to stun each of the nobles around him by addressing each of them by their title and names. When those who were quietly sitting near Ben heard he was planning to open other businesses they all began to worry if these businesses would compete with theirs.
Ben had already cut into the profits of many of the attending nobles at the table with his store that sold so many incredible foods and products. If he were to open a business that directly competed with one of theirs they did not have the confidence to stand fair and square against him.
Everything about this young Duke was unbelievable. He was a high stage cultivator at such a young age and had access to food and products that they had never even knew existed.
Baron Merwin Brook who defended Viscount Rundall made a decent living with is business that copied books. His hired scholars would hand copy history and literature works to sell to the wealthy nobles and royal families of the continent.
When someone had shown him a typewriter and the smooth white paper Ben sold at his store he began to fear for his future. He was forced to change with the times and had sent one of his employees to the Spirit King store to purchase ten brand new typewriters, ribbons, and stacks of the new paper. If he did not quickly change he feared others would use these new typewriter machines to put out cleaner more comprehensible works.
The smile on Baron Merwin Brook's face slowly faded away and the tension could almost be felt from the nobles who silently listened.
"So Duke King plans to expand into other businesses. Might we be privileged to know what areas you are expanding into?" Baron Brook asked with a worried look.
Ben simply took a sip of wine and winked at the Baron.
"It will, unfortunately, have to remain a secret for now but I believe they will become popular with the nobles and commoners." Ben explained with a smile.
"I am sure it will as well. You are an example to all of us nobles a young man of the people that both nobles and commoners admire." Baron Brook replied while sounding thoroughly disheartened.
The dinner progressed on with Ben verbally dueling with the surrounding nobles as platters of desirable delicacies continued to be served to his dinner guests.
Ben began to wonder how he could continue to articulately debate with these nobles without coming out on the losing end. He was a mere construction worker who had only attended high school.
During a lull in the conversation, Ben asked Athena about how this was possible and was told it was due to his increasing attributes. His Intelligence and Wisdom had risen to such a high level now that even though he may be uneducated his mind could quickly think through a situation and come up with a proper reaction to the current discussions.
'This makes me wonder if I were to build the more advanced schools and colleges in the Education section of the Build Menu and attended the lessons could I become a leading scholar of this world? I almost forgot about the Photo Reading skill that allows me to retain anything I read. It is almost the same as having a photographic memory when it comes to reading.'
As Ben was thinking he had done well to put some of these snobby nobles in their place the dinner came to an end with a wide variety of gourmet desserts. One thing was for sure not a single noble present could complain about the food. They had all eaten like kings and queens and every dish was prepared with Ben's famous spirit food.
Not only were they all happily full but they could feel the strong Qi and Mana energies coursing through their bodies. A few people energetically talked about the dinner with the nobles around them while others sat quietly with their eyes closed enjoying the sensation of the magical energy which was improving and healing their bodies.
It was an incredible experience and even if many of the attending nobles were jealous of Ben, they secretly convinced themselves to send their slaves or household servants to purchase food from his store from now on.
Ben waved over Steward Hughes near the end of the dinner and asked him to have the musicians on the third-floor move down to the stateroom now decorated and arranged as a ballroom.
Ben escorted his guests out behind the Small Palace to tour through the gardens and allow their meals to digest before they went back inside. The nobles seemed to have enjoyed the vibrant gardens of flowers and decorative shrubs and trees.
Once they had all made a pass through the back garden walkways they were led into the ballroom where the musicians were preparing to perform.
"I would like to thank each of you for attending my estate warming party. Before we get started I would like to perform for you. I am afraid I am far from being as skilled a musician as these fine gentlemen who will play for us tonight but I hope you will enjoy a popular song from my home. It is different from the music of this continent but I think you might enjoy it."
As Ben was touring the gardens with the nobles earlier he made a decision to perform for his guests. Instead of taking the chance to have them try and embarrass him into playing he would make a preemptive strike on his own.
He at first thought about performing a classical piece from Earth's composers. He could do a piece from Mozart or Beethoven this would only allow him to show off his piano skills he had trained earlier.
Ben after some searching through the system for piano ballads decided to purchase the sheet music for a modern love song. He picked "All of Me" by John Legend because it was a mellow song that could be enjoyed by any age group.
Ben sat down at the large black piano and began to play. Everyone walked forward to listen to his performance. They were all unfamiliar with the piano instrument but they all instantly took a liking to its sound.
Ben played the opening melody and then began to sing the lyrics to the song while he played.
What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
Ben didn't notice but everyone began to glance around at each other in wonder. Music of this part of the world was still in its infancy and no one had ever sung to music like this before. It was custom to sing at certain ceremonies and funerals but the music was generally performed with instruments alone.
Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
Even though Ben was far from performing on John Legend's level he soon had captivated his audience with his performance. The women were entranced by the words of love and the men were fascinated by this new instrument and music style of playing and singing together.
I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
All of yoooouuuu...
Ben finished and looked up to a silent room of over one hundred mesmerized faces.
What the hell? Was my playing that bad? Why isn't anyone reacting at all?
As Ben looked around with a questioning smile he spoke up.
"Thank you, I hope you enjoyed my song."
The frozen room was suddenly awoken from their trance. The first people to react were his sales girls and the young daughters of the nobles. They all suddenly began clap and hop around with flushed cheeks trying to hold in their enthusiasm.
Even a few of the noble ladies had tears in their eyes while they covered their mouths with their hands. They had never heard a love song before and they were swept away by the beautiful lyrics of a man in love.
Ben was unsure of how to read the room until everyone finally began to applaud him. He stood up and gave a small bow and turned to his musicians to signal the go-ahead to take over.
When the music began it suddenly sounded like a small orchestra had begun in the ballroom. The music the musicians played was on foreign instruments but the nobles could recognize the familiar melody of a popular dance song.
Ben scanned the room and walked over to the side where Cordelia was standing with the other sales girls and asked her to dance. She happily accepted his request and allowed Ben to lead her out onto the dance floor in front of everyone.
The best way to get things started was to have someone begin dancing so Ben asked the Cordelia. He could kill two birds with one stone this way. Ben could show off his dance skills and help loosen up the guest by not having to be the first person who stepped out to dance.
Ben was surprised at how well Cordelia could dance. She was a commoner who could read and write and seemed to be far more educated than the typical commoner. She even knew the proper dance step to be used for the song being played.
"Your performance was incredible my lord. I had no idea you could sing and play an instrument. It is also a surprise that you know the local dances." Cordelia said as they spun around the dance floor.
"I am as surprised as you are. You claim to be a commoner but you are educated and have obviously been taught how to dance. The more I learn about you the more I find you continue to break the image I previously had of you."
Cordelia began to look around as if she was deciding on how she should respond to Ben's statement. He noticed her distress and choose to speak up first.
"Listen Cordelia. Everyone has their secrets and if you are uncomfortable discussing them then you do not need to feel pressured to tell me. I just want you to know if you ever have anything you want to talk about or any problems you can come to me for help."
Cordelia looked at Ben with a grateful expression and they finished their dance in silence. Ben decided to ask each of his sale girls for a dance and accepted a few dances requests in return.
Ben sat at the head of the table and the first person to speak up during the meal near him was Viscount Rundall's eldest daughter Juliana Rundall.
"Your estate is exquisite Duke King. The craftsmanship of this building and the furniture are masterful. The tableware even appears to have been made by artisan goldsmiths. I heard the other nobles also mention these table arrangements are made of spirit plants. It must have cost you a small fortune to arrange such a wonderful dinner. I am truly grateful I was allowed to attend such a prestigious event."
Juliana was truly excited to be there and seemed to be looking around at everything in wide-eyed wonderment.
"Dear, you shouldn't be too impressed. Most young people have trouble controlling their spendings. Those who spend their money on this type of nonsense tend not to have it for long."
Juliana's frugal father Viscount Rundall was known for being a cheap noble that others wouldn't want to do business with because he would always attempt to haggle for ridiculously lower prices with his suppliers.
"I am sorry you do not approve of how I spend my money, Viscount Gerald Rundall. You own ten prosperous butcher shops around Goldcrest City and a large livestock farm and yet you live is such an unimpressive estate. An elder at your age should know that he can't take his money with him when he dies so you should try to enjoy life who knows you may find it suits you."
Ben knew the name, businesses, and whispered secrets of every noble attending his party thanks to Athena. When she had downloaded the information known on each of the kingdom's nobles into Be's mind it was as if he was raised in Goldcrest City.
Every one of their good and bad deeds had been somehow added to Athena's quantum memory. It was possible that whoever had created her had provided her with a database of every person, place, and creature on planet Victus.
Viscount Rundall was taken aback by Ben who knew so much about him and had called him out for his cheap ways. Ben may be as young as his daughter but he was a higher rank of nobility than him and a cultivator which gave him even more authority than his noble rank of Duke.
Viscount Gerald Rundall could only cough at his embarrassment and swallow his grievances with a gulp of the wine from his golden goblet.
"Thank you for your compliments on my estate Juliana. There have been a few nasty rumors being spread about me around the city so I only wished to invite everyone here to get to know the real me."
"My friend Viscount Rundall was taught by his late father to always be prudent. We never know what the future has in store for us so it is wise to spend wisely and keep some funds aside for emergencies."
Baron Merwin Brook an overweight balding noble spoke up in an attempt to save Viscount Rundall some embarrassment.
"I completely agree with you Baron Brook and meant no offense towards Viscount Rundall. I may spend a good deal of gold coins on my troops and estate but I will soon be expanding into businesses other than my Spirit King Store. The additional income will be sure to help me with my future savings."
Ben continued to stun each of the nobles around him by addressing each of them by their title and names. When those who were quietly sitting near Ben heard he was planning to open other businesses they all began to worry if these businesses would compete with theirs.
Ben had already cut into the profits of many of the attending nobles at the table with his store that sold so many incredible foods and products. If he were to open a business that directly competed with one of theirs they did not have the confidence to stand fair and square against him.
Everything about this young Duke was unbelievable. He was a high stage cultivator at such a young age and had access to food and products that they had never even knew existed.
Baron Merwin Brook who defended Viscount Rundall made a decent living with is business that copied books. His hired scholars would hand copy history and literature works to sell to the wealthy nobles and royal families of the continent.
When someone had shown him a typewriter and the smooth white paper Ben sold at his store he began to fear for his future. He was forced to change with the times and had sent one of his employees to the Spirit King store to purchase ten brand new typewriters, ribbons, and stacks of the new paper. If he did not quickly change he feared others would use these new typewriter machines to put out cleaner more comprehensible works.
The smile on Baron Merwin Brook's face slowly faded away and the tension could almost be felt from the nobles who silently listened.
"So Duke King plans to expand into other businesses. Might we be privileged to know what areas you are expanding into?" Baron Brook asked with a worried look.
Ben simply took a sip of wine and winked at the Baron.
"It will, unfortunately, have to remain a secret for now but I believe they will become popular with the nobles and commoners." Ben explained with a smile.
"I am sure it will as well. You are an example to all of us nobles a young man of the people that both nobles and commoners admire." Baron Brook replied while sounding thoroughly disheartened.
The dinner progressed on with Ben verbally dueling with the surrounding nobles as platters of desirable delicacies continued to be served to his dinner guests.
Ben began to wonder how he could continue to articulately debate with these nobles without coming out on the losing end. He was a mere construction worker who had only attended high school.
During a lull in the conversation, Ben asked Athena about how this was possible and was told it was due to his increasing attributes. His Intelligence and Wisdom had risen to such a high level now that even though he may be uneducated his mind could quickly think through a situation and come up with a proper reaction to the current discussions.
'This makes me wonder if I were to build the more advanced schools and colleges in the Education section of the Build Menu and attended the lessons could I become a leading scholar of this world? I almost forgot about the Photo Reading skill that allows me to retain anything I read. It is almost the same as having a photographic memory when it comes to reading.'
As Ben was thinking he had done well to put some of these snobby nobles in their place the dinner came to an end with a wide variety of gourmet desserts. One thing was for sure not a single noble present could complain about the food. They had all eaten like kings and queens and every dish was prepared with Ben's famous spirit food.
Not only were they all happily full but they could feel the strong Qi and Mana energies coursing through their bodies. A few people energetically talked about the dinner with the nobles around them while others sat quietly with their eyes closed enjoying the sensation of the magical energy which was improving and healing their bodies.
It was an incredible experience and even if many of the attending nobles were jealous of Ben, they secretly convinced themselves to send their slaves or household servants to purchase food from his store from now on.
Ben waved over Steward Hughes near the end of the dinner and asked him to have the musicians on the third-floor move down to the stateroom now decorated and arranged as a ballroom.
Ben escorted his guests out behind the Small Palace to tour through the gardens and allow their meals to digest before they went back inside. The nobles seemed to have enjoyed the vibrant gardens of flowers and decorative shrubs and trees.
Once they had all made a pass through the back garden walkways they were led into the ballroom where the musicians were preparing to perform.
"I would like to thank each of you for attending my estate warming party. Before we get started I would like to perform for you. I am afraid I am far from being as skilled a musician as these fine gentlemen who will play for us tonight but I hope you will enjoy a popular song from my home. It is different from the music of this continent but I think you might enjoy it."
As Ben was touring the gardens with the nobles earlier he made a decision to perform for his guests. Instead of taking the chance to have them try and embarrass him into playing he would make a preemptive strike on his own.
He at first thought about performing a classical piece from Earth's composers. He could do a piece from Mozart or Beethoven this would only allow him to show off his piano skills he had trained earlier.
Ben after some searching through the system for piano ballads decided to purchase the sheet music for a modern love song. He picked "All of Me" by John Legend because it was a mellow song that could be enjoyed by any age group.
Ben sat down at the large black piano and began to play. Everyone walked forward to listen to his performance. They were all unfamiliar with the piano instrument but they all instantly took a liking to its sound.
Ben played the opening melody and then began to sing the lyrics to the song while he played.
What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
Ben didn't notice but everyone began to glance around at each other in wonder. Music of this part of the world was still in its infancy and no one had ever sung to music like this before. It was custom to sing at certain ceremonies and funerals but the music was generally performed with instruments alone.
Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
Even though Ben was far from performing on John Legend's level he soon had captivated his audience with his performance. The women were entranced by the words of love and the men were fascinated by this new instrument and music style of playing and singing together.
I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
All of yoooouuuu...
Ben finished and looked up to a silent room of over one hundred mesmerized faces.
What the hell? Was my playing that bad? Why isn't anyone reacting at all?
As Ben looked around with a questioning smile he spoke up.
"Thank you, I hope you enjoyed my song."
The frozen room was suddenly awoken from their trance. The first people to react were his sales girls and the young daughters of the nobles. They all suddenly began clap and hop around with flushed cheeks trying to hold in their enthusiasm.
Even a few of the noble ladies had tears in their eyes while they covered their mouths with their hands. They had never heard a love song before and they were swept away by the beautiful lyrics of a man in love.
Ben was unsure of how to read the room until everyone finally began to applaud him. He stood up and gave a small bow and turned to his musicians to signal the go-ahead to take over.
When the music began it suddenly sounded like a small orchestra had begun in the ballroom. The music the musicians played was on foreign instruments but the nobles could recognize the familiar melody of a popular dance song.
Ben scanned the room and walked over to the side where Cordelia was standing with the other sales girls and asked her to dance. She happily accepted his request and allowed Ben to lead her out onto the dance floor in front of everyone.
The best way to get things started was to have someone begin dancing so Ben asked the Cordelia. He could kill two birds with one stone this way. Ben could show off his dance skills and help loosen up the guest by not having to be the first person who stepped out to dance.
Ben was surprised at how well Cordelia could dance. She was a commoner who could read and write and seemed to be far more educated than the typical commoner. She even knew the proper dance step to be used for the song being played.
"Your performance was incredible my lord. I had no idea you could sing and play an instrument. It is also a surprise that you know the local dances." Cordelia said as they spun around the dance floor.
"I am as surprised as you are. You claim to be a commoner but you are educated and have obviously been taught how to dance. The more I learn about you the more I find you continue to break the image I previously had of you."
Cordelia began to look around as if she was deciding on how she should respond to Ben's statement. He noticed her distress and choose to speak up first.
"Listen Cordelia. Everyone has their secrets and if you are uncomfortable discussing them then you do not need to feel pressured to tell me. I just want you to know if you ever have anything you want to talk about or any problems you can come to me for help."
Cordelia looked at Ben with a grateful expression and they finished their dance in silence. Ben decided to ask each of his sale girls for a dance and accepted a few dances requests in return.
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