The Sovereignty System
87 Chapter 87
Ben and Mythia ate breakfast together before she went off the Gym. When they parted ways he used Zoom to teleport to the thin section of woods that divided his grasslands from the Aregard Kingdom.
His road leading toward Aregard ended here at the edge of the woods where he was currently standing.
Opening the Build Menu Ben began to draw out a long concrete and rebar wall with small towers. The wall and towers ran parallel with the treeline to prevent people from entering his territory from the Aregard Kingdom.
He drew out the road to extend further into the woods and built a Gatehouse with two three-inch-thick steel plate portcullises to be used to seal off the road into his soon to be kingdom.
The wall was designed with evenly spaced towers along its length and each tower would soon support a Magical Turret. Ben was sure to place the wall location two hundred yards back from the treeline. If any hostile forces attempted to attack this fortification he did not want the Magical Turrets tossing large fireballs that explode on impact into the forest and causing a massive forest fire.
Ben began construction and when the walls, towers, and gatehouse were complete, he added the Magic Turrets to the top of each of them. Any enemies who stepped out of the woods would have nowhere to hide in the open field between the forest and the walls from the Magic Turrets that continuously scanned this kill zone.
Behind the concrete wall, Ben built a two-story tower made of concrete and rebar. He also installed a thick steel door to the tower. On the first floor of this new tower, Ben placed tables, chairs, and sofas. On the back wall, he installed a sink, refrigerator, and stovetop oven.
The second floor of the tower was turned into a huge bedroom with bunk beds. All around the second floor outer walls were arrow slits for archers to fire at external threats. It was also possible to access the tower roof through a lockable steel trapdoor in the ceiling. This newly built tower was to serve as an outpost for troops who would be stationed here to watch the eastern border.
Surrounding this new tower, Ben built a Modern Restroom, Public Bathhouse, Small Clinic, Market, Water Treatment Facility, Waste Treatment Facility, and a Restaurant. He surrounded these new structures with Concrete and Rebar walls. The square walls surrounding this tower and outer structures also had a small tower on each corner with a Magical Turret on each of them.
This was basically a small fortified castle which his soldiers could fall back to if the main walls were ever scaled by hostile forces. They could fight from the castle walls around this small compound and would always have the option to retreat into the tower and barricade the thick steel door.
Along this concrete road, he also drew three foot thick by twenty-foot-high wood walls running along each side. This would allow travelers protection from the profound beasts lurking deep in the forest.
It was two hundred miles from the small two-story stone tower he had previously built in the forest to the southern Ciral border. Every few miles past this original stone tower he built another tower. The newly constructed towers were bigger and would allow around twenty-thirty people to sleep on the second floors.
Each tower had a cooking fire pit out front and a sink inside he placed couple simple table and chairs on each first floor and did not bother to put beds on the second floors. Having carts going up and down this road, it would only be a matter of time before some got the idea to steal the beds and furniture out of the towers to sell them so Ben decided to leave them mostly empty of furniture.
It was enough that people would have a secure place to sleep at night without having to worry about the profound beasts on the other sides of the wall and the towers would also keep them out of the weather.
A quarter mile or about five hundred yards from the Ciral border Ben made a fifty-yard long concrete and rebar wall and lined it with small towers. It was twenty feet high three feet thick and ran from east to west.
Ben cleared out all the trees south of the wall by constructing and deconstructing dirt roads. This left a clearing which was about one two hundred yards wide by two hundred yards long. This would leave a clear area for the Magic Turrets he was building on the towers to shoot at any approaching enemy without causing a forest fire,
The road here was guarded by a gatehouse built identical to the one on the Aregard border. Even though the defending concrete wall was only fifty-yards long if an enemy tried to go around the road fortification there was still the wooden walls along the road preventing access to the road.
To avoid the Magic Turrets guarding the road an enemy army would have to travel deeper into the forest and try to scale the twenty-foot high wooden walls. The only problem with this strategy is they would be on the side where the profound beasts lived and just a few profound beasts would make a meal out of hundreds of regular troops. A profound beast was an animal who could cultivate in its sleep so it was no different from sending regular people to try and kill a cultivator.
If they did happen to avoid the profound beasts and scaled the wood wall along the road they would eventually arrive at Ben's fortress. Ben was confident in his defenses and believed he could even send his troops out of the gatehouse and they would annihilate the enemy before they could even think of how they wanted to attack.
The only thing that might make him nervous now was if every kingdom on the continent were to pool their troops together to siege his fortress. He would have to contend with around twenty thousand troops.
The good thing is his fortress is self-reliant and they would never run out of supplies. If they destroyed his farms and resource gathering structures in the valley he could just rebuild them inside the fortress while he was under siege.
Ben waited a few more days for his funds to recover and built another small concrete castle outpost with supporting structures near his southern border wall for any troops who would be sent down there. This concrete castle was built exactly like the one he built on the Aregard border and offered his troops the same supporting facilities around the large tower where they would sleep.
Now everything was prepared he could simply connect his roads to the Aregard and CIral Kingdoms roads if everything went well.
'Now I need to sit down and figure out a name for my new kingdom and then I can go talk to the Aregard King and see how he feels about having a new kingdom on his borders. If he decides to work with me then I can go to the Ciral Kingdom and speak with the king there to find out if they would agree to connect my kingdoms roads with their roads.'
Ben cast Zoom and teleported to his Qi Chamber he locked the door and laid down in his leather recliner and closed his eyes. Ben opened a virtual text document and typed out a list of fantasy type kingdom names off the top of his head.
He scanned through the long list of names and nothing jumped out at him on the list.
'The names on this list seem like they would be more suited for town or castle names. This is another world so I can always reuse names created on Earth.'
Ben now instead of trying to be original, he began to recall games and books he had read. A kingdom name came back to him which was used in both games and stories. It was the Kingdom of Avalon.
'Avalon, Avalon, hmm, It has a nice ring to it and it could qualify for a kingdom name. It's not really all that important what the kingdom name will be anyway. The most important thing is getting the other kingdoms to accept it! If they don't accept it...well to bad for them. I have enough troops now to even open the borders up and let them march up here and see if they can change my mind!'
Now Ben had a name for his kingdom so it was time to move forward with his plan.
Tomorrow he would head to Goldcrest and see what the king of Aregard had to say.
Honestly, there shouldn't be a problem he was on great terms with the king. It may make things a little awkward him being an Archduke of Aregard and a king of a neighboring kingdom.
'No use in worrying about it I will find out soon enough I guess.'
Ben stood up and flipped the switch on the wall and the chamber began to fill with x5 Qi. He laid back on his chair and began to cultivate until early in the morning.
He held Mythia back from going to the Gym today and had her wear her armor and valkyrie tiara. Once she was suited up now looking like a little warrior princess they left the keep to find Chancellor Rayner. Ben knocked on the door of Rayner's home and asked him to round up the civilians and have them gather over in front of the Barracks.
Ben and Mythia then went and asked the generals to assemble their troops out in front of the barracks as well. Twenty minutes later there were over one thousand people assembled out in front of the Barracks and they were all looking up at Ben who stood on the stairs with Mythia overlooking the large crowd.
Ben raised his voice and said, "I am sure everyone who did not participate in the battle that took place in southern Aregard must have heard about it by now. The Kingdoms of this continent are beginning to change and they are looking out past their borders with hopes of expanding their lands. We must also make a change as well. We now have exceptional defenses and an army that can hold back any kingdom who chooses to make us their an enemy."
"We also control the entire surrounding grasslands and the entire Wayward Woodlands! I know we only have one small settlement and there are just over one thousand people including troops living here now, but it is time we stop hiding in the wilderness and let the world know we are here!"
"As of today, we will be known as the Kingdom of Avalon! I will no longer be your lord, I will now be your king and my disciple Mythia will be your princess!" Ben placed his hand on Mythia's shoulder as he introduced her.
"This does not mean our close relationship will change. I do not expect people to bow down and grovel before us! We are all a big family here and will continue to greet and casually chat with one another as we have always done! Our family will also protect one another from harm and if any kingdom sets a hostile foot across our borders we will retaliate and conquer their kingdom!"
"I will be heading to the Aregard kingdom today to inform the Aregard king I am establishing a kingdom in these unclaimed lands. If all goes well we will Ally with the Aregard Kingdom!"
"For those of you upset over the loss of our brave soldiers lost during the Trareniel invasion, I promise you we will visit the Trareniel Kingdom after the snows melt from this coming winter. When their troops attacked and killed our troops they made an enemy who does not forgive! We will Invade their kingdom and depose their king!"
"Continue to train, continue to study, and prepare yourselves to be one of the founding subjects who will build the most glorious kingdom on this continent!"
The gathered crowd could no longer contain their pride and excitement. They all let out a loud deafening roar of cheers and those who had been here since near the beginning were surprised at how much Ben had changed.
He had gone from being a quiet young man to a person who looked and sounded like a king. His passionate speech stirred the crowd and they all began to dream of what the future would be like for this tiny kingdom built off of miracles.
Ben called his slaves forward and went from one to the next removing their Slave Commands. He no longer had to fear if outsiders would find out the location of their fortress from loose lips. His people had also made a life here better than they ever could have dreamed. They lived free and had everything they could want provided for them.
"I have never treated any of you as slaves and as of today, you will be considered commoners of my new kingdom! Even if you chose to leave now I will not stop any of you! You are all free men and women but I hope you chose to stay here and continue to educate yourselves. As this settlement grows into a city I will need people who have the knowledge to help me manage this kingdom. You can one-day secure important roles or even become a noble or military leader! If you work hard it doesn't matter what your social status used to be! As long as you can continue to climb higher you can acquire a larger home and raise a family in a place where they can become anyone they choose to be!"
Ben then stopped with a smile and chuckled.
"Well, they can be anyone but the King, because I already claimed that role!"
Everyone began laughing and shaking their heads as they looked at one another with lighthearted smiles.
"Alright, I won't bore you all any longer with my bad jokes! Enjoy your day everyone and let's all work together to make a better future for ourselves!"
The subjects and troops cheered and applauded as Ben walked off with Mythia. The two of them walked toward the Restaurant. Ben explained he wanted her to hear what was happening even if she was still young she was considered this kingdom's princess.
It would only be a matter of time before she was as educated as Ben with how fast the system schools could educate people. Mythia could be fourteen years old with the education of a high school senior in a couple of months if she continued her studies.
"You have to work hard as well! I am planning to pay the Trareniel King a visit sometime in the spring so if you want to come along you will need to make physical improvements."
Mythia looked up and nodded. "I promise I will! I want to be a strong cultivator just like you!"
Ben smiled and walked into the Restaurant and they ate breakfast together. Mythia decided she would head to the Gym once she had gone back to grab her gym bag. Ben said goodbye and cast his Zoom spell.
One minute later he appeared in an alley near the Aregard Royal Palace gates. He removed his armor and equipped his noble clothes. Ben was still wearing his Archduke platinum badge and his Defender of Aregard medal when he walked through the gates into the Palace.
He went directly to the throne room and took a deep breath before stepping through the large wooden double doors. Ben was glad to see the kingdom's nobles were not attending court today.
The king was busy quietly talking with the court assistance around him, as usual, they never gave him a moment of peace.
'I guess it's time to see how this all turns out.'
His road leading toward Aregard ended here at the edge of the woods where he was currently standing.
Opening the Build Menu Ben began to draw out a long concrete and rebar wall with small towers. The wall and towers ran parallel with the treeline to prevent people from entering his territory from the Aregard Kingdom.
He drew out the road to extend further into the woods and built a Gatehouse with two three-inch-thick steel plate portcullises to be used to seal off the road into his soon to be kingdom.
The wall was designed with evenly spaced towers along its length and each tower would soon support a Magical Turret. Ben was sure to place the wall location two hundred yards back from the treeline. If any hostile forces attempted to attack this fortification he did not want the Magical Turrets tossing large fireballs that explode on impact into the forest and causing a massive forest fire.
Ben began construction and when the walls, towers, and gatehouse were complete, he added the Magic Turrets to the top of each of them. Any enemies who stepped out of the woods would have nowhere to hide in the open field between the forest and the walls from the Magic Turrets that continuously scanned this kill zone.
Behind the concrete wall, Ben built a two-story tower made of concrete and rebar. He also installed a thick steel door to the tower. On the first floor of this new tower, Ben placed tables, chairs, and sofas. On the back wall, he installed a sink, refrigerator, and stovetop oven.
The second floor of the tower was turned into a huge bedroom with bunk beds. All around the second floor outer walls were arrow slits for archers to fire at external threats. It was also possible to access the tower roof through a lockable steel trapdoor in the ceiling. This newly built tower was to serve as an outpost for troops who would be stationed here to watch the eastern border.
Surrounding this new tower, Ben built a Modern Restroom, Public Bathhouse, Small Clinic, Market, Water Treatment Facility, Waste Treatment Facility, and a Restaurant. He surrounded these new structures with Concrete and Rebar walls. The square walls surrounding this tower and outer structures also had a small tower on each corner with a Magical Turret on each of them.
This was basically a small fortified castle which his soldiers could fall back to if the main walls were ever scaled by hostile forces. They could fight from the castle walls around this small compound and would always have the option to retreat into the tower and barricade the thick steel door.
Along this concrete road, he also drew three foot thick by twenty-foot-high wood walls running along each side. This would allow travelers protection from the profound beasts lurking deep in the forest.
It was two hundred miles from the small two-story stone tower he had previously built in the forest to the southern Ciral border. Every few miles past this original stone tower he built another tower. The newly constructed towers were bigger and would allow around twenty-thirty people to sleep on the second floors.
Each tower had a cooking fire pit out front and a sink inside he placed couple simple table and chairs on each first floor and did not bother to put beds on the second floors. Having carts going up and down this road, it would only be a matter of time before some got the idea to steal the beds and furniture out of the towers to sell them so Ben decided to leave them mostly empty of furniture.
It was enough that people would have a secure place to sleep at night without having to worry about the profound beasts on the other sides of the wall and the towers would also keep them out of the weather.
A quarter mile or about five hundred yards from the Ciral border Ben made a fifty-yard long concrete and rebar wall and lined it with small towers. It was twenty feet high three feet thick and ran from east to west.
Ben cleared out all the trees south of the wall by constructing and deconstructing dirt roads. This left a clearing which was about one two hundred yards wide by two hundred yards long. This would leave a clear area for the Magic Turrets he was building on the towers to shoot at any approaching enemy without causing a forest fire,
The road here was guarded by a gatehouse built identical to the one on the Aregard border. Even though the defending concrete wall was only fifty-yards long if an enemy tried to go around the road fortification there was still the wooden walls along the road preventing access to the road.
To avoid the Magic Turrets guarding the road an enemy army would have to travel deeper into the forest and try to scale the twenty-foot high wooden walls. The only problem with this strategy is they would be on the side where the profound beasts lived and just a few profound beasts would make a meal out of hundreds of regular troops. A profound beast was an animal who could cultivate in its sleep so it was no different from sending regular people to try and kill a cultivator.
If they did happen to avoid the profound beasts and scaled the wood wall along the road they would eventually arrive at Ben's fortress. Ben was confident in his defenses and believed he could even send his troops out of the gatehouse and they would annihilate the enemy before they could even think of how they wanted to attack.
The only thing that might make him nervous now was if every kingdom on the continent were to pool their troops together to siege his fortress. He would have to contend with around twenty thousand troops.
The good thing is his fortress is self-reliant and they would never run out of supplies. If they destroyed his farms and resource gathering structures in the valley he could just rebuild them inside the fortress while he was under siege.
Ben waited a few more days for his funds to recover and built another small concrete castle outpost with supporting structures near his southern border wall for any troops who would be sent down there. This concrete castle was built exactly like the one he built on the Aregard border and offered his troops the same supporting facilities around the large tower where they would sleep.
Now everything was prepared he could simply connect his roads to the Aregard and CIral Kingdoms roads if everything went well.
'Now I need to sit down and figure out a name for my new kingdom and then I can go talk to the Aregard King and see how he feels about having a new kingdom on his borders. If he decides to work with me then I can go to the Ciral Kingdom and speak with the king there to find out if they would agree to connect my kingdoms roads with their roads.'
Ben cast Zoom and teleported to his Qi Chamber he locked the door and laid down in his leather recliner and closed his eyes. Ben opened a virtual text document and typed out a list of fantasy type kingdom names off the top of his head.
He scanned through the long list of names and nothing jumped out at him on the list.
'The names on this list seem like they would be more suited for town or castle names. This is another world so I can always reuse names created on Earth.'
Ben now instead of trying to be original, he began to recall games and books he had read. A kingdom name came back to him which was used in both games and stories. It was the Kingdom of Avalon.
'Avalon, Avalon, hmm, It has a nice ring to it and it could qualify for a kingdom name. It's not really all that important what the kingdom name will be anyway. The most important thing is getting the other kingdoms to accept it! If they don't accept it...well to bad for them. I have enough troops now to even open the borders up and let them march up here and see if they can change my mind!'
Now Ben had a name for his kingdom so it was time to move forward with his plan.
Tomorrow he would head to Goldcrest and see what the king of Aregard had to say.
Honestly, there shouldn't be a problem he was on great terms with the king. It may make things a little awkward him being an Archduke of Aregard and a king of a neighboring kingdom.
'No use in worrying about it I will find out soon enough I guess.'
Ben stood up and flipped the switch on the wall and the chamber began to fill with x5 Qi. He laid back on his chair and began to cultivate until early in the morning.
He held Mythia back from going to the Gym today and had her wear her armor and valkyrie tiara. Once she was suited up now looking like a little warrior princess they left the keep to find Chancellor Rayner. Ben knocked on the door of Rayner's home and asked him to round up the civilians and have them gather over in front of the Barracks.
Ben and Mythia then went and asked the generals to assemble their troops out in front of the barracks as well. Twenty minutes later there were over one thousand people assembled out in front of the Barracks and they were all looking up at Ben who stood on the stairs with Mythia overlooking the large crowd.
Ben raised his voice and said, "I am sure everyone who did not participate in the battle that took place in southern Aregard must have heard about it by now. The Kingdoms of this continent are beginning to change and they are looking out past their borders with hopes of expanding their lands. We must also make a change as well. We now have exceptional defenses and an army that can hold back any kingdom who chooses to make us their an enemy."
"We also control the entire surrounding grasslands and the entire Wayward Woodlands! I know we only have one small settlement and there are just over one thousand people including troops living here now, but it is time we stop hiding in the wilderness and let the world know we are here!"
"As of today, we will be known as the Kingdom of Avalon! I will no longer be your lord, I will now be your king and my disciple Mythia will be your princess!" Ben placed his hand on Mythia's shoulder as he introduced her.
"This does not mean our close relationship will change. I do not expect people to bow down and grovel before us! We are all a big family here and will continue to greet and casually chat with one another as we have always done! Our family will also protect one another from harm and if any kingdom sets a hostile foot across our borders we will retaliate and conquer their kingdom!"
"I will be heading to the Aregard kingdom today to inform the Aregard king I am establishing a kingdom in these unclaimed lands. If all goes well we will Ally with the Aregard Kingdom!"
"For those of you upset over the loss of our brave soldiers lost during the Trareniel invasion, I promise you we will visit the Trareniel Kingdom after the snows melt from this coming winter. When their troops attacked and killed our troops they made an enemy who does not forgive! We will Invade their kingdom and depose their king!"
"Continue to train, continue to study, and prepare yourselves to be one of the founding subjects who will build the most glorious kingdom on this continent!"
The gathered crowd could no longer contain their pride and excitement. They all let out a loud deafening roar of cheers and those who had been here since near the beginning were surprised at how much Ben had changed.
He had gone from being a quiet young man to a person who looked and sounded like a king. His passionate speech stirred the crowd and they all began to dream of what the future would be like for this tiny kingdom built off of miracles.
Ben called his slaves forward and went from one to the next removing their Slave Commands. He no longer had to fear if outsiders would find out the location of their fortress from loose lips. His people had also made a life here better than they ever could have dreamed. They lived free and had everything they could want provided for them.
"I have never treated any of you as slaves and as of today, you will be considered commoners of my new kingdom! Even if you chose to leave now I will not stop any of you! You are all free men and women but I hope you chose to stay here and continue to educate yourselves. As this settlement grows into a city I will need people who have the knowledge to help me manage this kingdom. You can one-day secure important roles or even become a noble or military leader! If you work hard it doesn't matter what your social status used to be! As long as you can continue to climb higher you can acquire a larger home and raise a family in a place where they can become anyone they choose to be!"
Ben then stopped with a smile and chuckled.
"Well, they can be anyone but the King, because I already claimed that role!"
Everyone began laughing and shaking their heads as they looked at one another with lighthearted smiles.
"Alright, I won't bore you all any longer with my bad jokes! Enjoy your day everyone and let's all work together to make a better future for ourselves!"
The subjects and troops cheered and applauded as Ben walked off with Mythia. The two of them walked toward the Restaurant. Ben explained he wanted her to hear what was happening even if she was still young she was considered this kingdom's princess.
It would only be a matter of time before she was as educated as Ben with how fast the system schools could educate people. Mythia could be fourteen years old with the education of a high school senior in a couple of months if she continued her studies.
"You have to work hard as well! I am planning to pay the Trareniel King a visit sometime in the spring so if you want to come along you will need to make physical improvements."
Mythia looked up and nodded. "I promise I will! I want to be a strong cultivator just like you!"
Ben smiled and walked into the Restaurant and they ate breakfast together. Mythia decided she would head to the Gym once she had gone back to grab her gym bag. Ben said goodbye and cast his Zoom spell.
One minute later he appeared in an alley near the Aregard Royal Palace gates. He removed his armor and equipped his noble clothes. Ben was still wearing his Archduke platinum badge and his Defender of Aregard medal when he walked through the gates into the Palace.
He went directly to the throne room and took a deep breath before stepping through the large wooden double doors. Ben was glad to see the kingdom's nobles were not attending court today.
The king was busy quietly talking with the court assistance around him, as usual, they never gave him a moment of peace.
'I guess it's time to see how this all turns out.'
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