The Spearmaster and the Black Cat
Lesson 848 Crane's Virgin Blade and Hot Embrace
Crane stared at the virgin blade of the bracelet that was attached to her arms.
Whenever the blade of the virgin blade pierced into the inside of her arms, Crain frowned, but it didn't break her attitude.
The pale eyes are powerful.
The area around my arms is covered in blood.
But Crane doesn't break the vibe of a martial artist.
Only a slight voice of pain leaks out.
Blood leaking from the virgin blade bracelet and dripping from the arms and fingers filled the large toilet.
Crane sucked the blood out of his legs.
"This is the virgin blade." The Blood Ritual...... Eva did her best, didn't she? "
"Hmph, it's on your face, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry, every time, but thank you."
"It's the duty of the Sect Lord."You just have to hold on. "
I was encouraged by the same nuances as before.
You're a reliable Crain.
I nodded and responded.
Shall we enjoy your underwear?
From that crane, a few minutes later, I heard the intense story of killing all of Moguro Mogral, the branch manager of the gambling businessman who was torturing illegal slaves and children, the [Great Chamber Red Cross] [Tabaronte's Atonement]......
Crane's handling of and was rapidly improved.Slows down the accumulation of blood in the big toilet.
Is the effect of drinking Lombard spirits still going on?
I knew that Crane had the ability to use the power of magic liquor to strengthen himself.
The effect of that booze made it easier to operate?
Or is it because Klein Fenlon is special?
It's not the word "sake has another intestine"... but because she is a noble clan and a mourner of the Emperor Bépharitz, does she have a blood vessel and viscera that are different from other elves?
I wonder if it's a high elf family.
It was not strange to have a viscera and blood vessels that made use of the magic liquor that only the family of the emperor had.
But I've never heard from Rebecca, Quish, Belize, Bennett, Hoo, or Dokoko about their unique Elf Visceral and Vascular Enhancement skills.
That Elf friend.
Kish Bakunoda.
It was officially Quiche Baknoda Harderrende.
She is now a fine Queen of the Sidairs.
A heavy knight for home, for family, for everyone.
The Harderrende family, ancestor of Quiche, was also an ancient nobleman of the Great Empire of Befalitz.
I enjoyed having sex with Kish and Celli at the tavern.
The liquor you drank at the time was liquor.
Is that booze drink a kind of magic liquor?
Kish was drunk, but I think he's more resistant to alcohol.
Is it specific to the elves that it is strong against alcohol?
However, Rebecca, a high elf, had a weak impression of alcohol.
I remember eating ice cream with alcohol at Tanaka Confectionery in Pernete, and my face turned red.
I thought it might be possible for a tribe of Dwarves and Demons to have their own bloodlines.
...... Ah, I remember the conversation I had with Raglan.
{...... To be more specific, it's me and the rabbi, right?Fresh water and herbaceous grass on Mount Heim.It is a special sake made by immersing a liquid heated with some secret fruit ingredients in a magical jug obtained by trading with the elves.How many of these ingredients did you get for your hunt today?
It was said that.
Raglan speaks of the Elves as the Kingdom of Teramay.
To the south of Goldiva's town, the Great Forest is home to the Elves, and the Kingdom of Teramey rules over it.
The Teramay kingdom is also one of the ancient nobles of the Bépharitz Empire.I heard it was one of the factions of the Great Empire.
Crane said that he was temporarily tucked away in the Teramay Kingdom.
I assume the Terameys and the Fenlons are distant relatives?
That's why the elves have been brewing in the elves for a long time.
And now, the crane in front of you has strengthened?
He looked at me and shook his body.
"Sect Lord, something's coming..."
To my surprise, a small mark of firebirds reappeared on Crane's cheek.
The small mark of the Firebird is burning with light and dark magic.
Behind the bird of fire...
A small beam of light and Lucival's sigil tree float.
Next, a herd of eight crows, about the size of a grain of rice, is also a water otter.
The flock of birds appeared on her cheeks as she greeted the firebirds.
The herd of vines stopped at the branches of Lucival's sigil tree.
It also looks like a kind of landscape painting centered on firebirds.
The mark of the bird of fire moved like an anime.There is a breathless world.
It's interesting because it seems to be seen in the new tattoo culture.
The bird of fire on my cheek... "
It's a symbol of the clan once, but it's also a symbol of the power of Crane's own.
Is it the effect of the growth of Blood Magic?
The crane
"You've earned --" "Blood Duct First Opening!" "
"Quick! That's why the marks on the birds of fire on my cheeks have changed."
Huh? It felt good to feel something hot on my body, but did it change?
Crane was touching his cheek.
The little firebird pulls its head up against the crane.
It's cute.
"Emperor Firebird..."
Crane muttered that he was unaware of the behavior of the firebird.
Naturally, the mirror is not here.
And looking at the bird of fire,
It's called an Emperor Firebird.
"Ahh, the Emperor Bird, the Zhu Hua Emperor Bird, and the Fire Bird.""A fire bird based on Zhu Hua and Shen Shu.At the end of the golden cow season, Zhu Hua has a poem that says the Emperor's bird goes beyond the sand forest and returns to the Imperial Capital of Xilia. "
When I was Kish, the marks on the bees of the family on my cheeks increased.
Ah, not right after she became the head follower, but when she handed over the secret treasure of the underground god Lolga and Kish himself took in the bee-type nozzle.And the events that everyone calls "the miracle of Harder Rendezvous"...
It became a small golden crown.
Ale weiss with floral ornaments.
It's a similar name to the Edelweiss I know.
I'll never forget my date with Kish.
We ate Majummalong together.
The firebird that was responding to Crane's fingers did not jump out of Crane's cheek skin.
"I jumped out during the vassalization using the" "Light Demon King's Kaoru" "..."
Ah, the bird of fire has three legs.
Golden crows? There are water otters, and the sun god Le Mercando?
The bird of fire floating on Crane's cheek disappeared.
Crane nodded, wondering if he was confirming his power.
I wonder if I was aware of the marks on the cheeks of the firebird.
And the crane took all his own blood, which was left in the great toilet.
Crane's complexion was bright.
It's a relief from the pain, of course.
To that crane,
"Congratulations on winning."
"Thank you. This..."
I removed the bracelet-like virgin blade that was attached to both arms and released it.
I received a virgin blade with slight Crain's blood on it with one hand.
After receiving Klein's blood...
We've hit the battle device.
That crane,
"Blood magic."Abbreviations include the opening of the first gate and the first gate. "
"That's right. Blood channel number one, blood channel opening, blood manipulation."It's a lot. Well, you can just abbreviate it as you like. "
It's a little long, so I think I can understand why everyone abbreviates it.
Crane spoke like that...
Blood magic was emitted from all over the body.
The shade of blood looks like a vermilion flame.
Magic manipulation was also activated in the body.
The impression was that the original "Magic Fighting Magic" was also enhanced.
"The quality of magic power is improved, and the operation of magic power is smooth."Even though it's the first stage of Blood Magic, Veronica might be surprised. "
Crane nodded slowly.
"... I might be older than you, but Veronica is a vampire (vampire) senpai."I'll call you Sister Veronica. "
"Crane was a long-lived elf."
"... there's also something..."
Klein smiles as he speaks.
You feel like you've got a new family.
I'm glad to hear that, too.
"I think it's rude to both Veronica and Crain to talk about it in terms of appearance, but since they're both beautiful, I forget about the long life."
Klein smiled naggingly.
And then,
"... how old is Achilles?"
"Yes. The master had wrinkles and gray hair, but he was still young and the wind and spear were amazing."
"Ahahah, Shuya, the sect owner's face and tone will also change when it comes to Achilles."After all, the apprentice remains an apprentice. "
Speaking of which, salutation.
That's what happens naturally, isn't it?
Thinking about that,
"... what else is there?"
"Haha. Is that my imitation?"Funny. And we'll have to say hello in blood later.And let's say hello.I'm sorry for the chairman, but I'm already in the mood for [Tenryu no Moon]. "
Ah, what shall I say to the chairman of Asselbind?
"I think it's an important mercenary..."
Well, later.
And then, all of a sudden, I remembered the story of Klein's past,
"I heard that in the past, I belonged to one of the six top clans of Pernet's Adventurer Clan.Maybe Veronica and Near Miss. "
Crane, who whispered, nodded a few times.
Raise your gaze diagonally. While placing your fingers on your chin,
"... it was a labyrinth at the time, but it's impossible."After a long time of vampire (vampire) forbidden existence, I returned to meet Shuya, and to the Light Demon Lucival...... I really don't know how my destiny will fall...... "
That's what the great Klein Fenlon said.
I was looking at the ceiling.
I became the Light Demon Lucival, but I wonder if the Fate God Ashler is also confused.
The gods of the stars in the ceiling.
Did something happen to the ceiling?
"I didn't know..."
There are many places where paintings and drawings are stuck together and tied with a string.
Anagramic code for a moment?
There are some mysterious image tags!?
Like electromagnetic waves being induced?
... I wonder which god or what seat it is.
The map of the land is also stuck with pictures, so I don't know.
The Great Magician who was studying the stars in the sky and the land of the planet Selah in this room...
Kazane was independently researching the horoscope...
I remember saying that it was different from the zodiac constellation.
But now it's okay.
“I'm going back to Pernet, but what are the names of the top six people Crane took care of?”
Crane put his eyes back on me.
"[Heavenly Bird Sauran]." A clan with a lot of tamers, including a leader.There were many animals that served their purpose.That's why the military nobility of the other side of the world was happy with their cute puppy, Silver Phytanas, and their stag, Howletz.I also had a conversation with [Desert Heavenly Wolf] Wynn. ”
"[Heavenly Bird Sauran]?" I've never heard of it. "
"Eva didn't seem to know much about it either."There are quite a few changes in the top six.and Rebecca told me. "
"Probably. The labyrinth city of Pernet is a fierce battlefield."
"That's right, there are a lot of adventurers."The labyrinth is vast. There are ten other evil god apostles besides the the presence of the imo-chan there. "
Crane pointed it out.
Immolizers in my right arm are responding.
It looks like a golden caterpillar (golden securion).
The golden caterpillar (Golden Securion) looked up from below is cute.
"Pui pui"
"Fufu, that's a cute voice." Is it the sound of spinning cocoons? "
and blew a golden powder that really seemed to spin the cocoon.
Crane was surprised and unleashed his [Blood Magic Power].
I wonder if it's even in the upper bracket?
While keeping the center of gravity in that stance, he lowered his head back.
Stunning Swedish technology.
"Immoliza, come to us now."
Immoliza's golden caterpillar (Golden Securion) twisted her torso and walked out into the hallway, becoming invisible.
Immoliza's voice echoed.
Did you disappear on the way back?
Crane reconstructed his posture.
"Immoliza is strange."
“Oh, I think you'd like to say hello to Silver Phytanthus, Met and Howletz.”
"Fufu, I know how you feel. And now the smiling Immolizer Liliza was an evil god's messenger.And the evil gods will be our enemies. "
I nodded.
I see. Fortunately, the enemy is the enemy, and we are fighting each other.
Let's thank the demon world, the god world, and the humans for that.
"Ahh, but there are ten evil gods.There are many of them in the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth generations.There were also various types of parasites from the evil god Huriox.Parasitic types such as Fu, Silphilia, and Kuna were weak, but Pax was strong. "
"It's a battle in the basement of Pax's Mansion in Pernet."I hear it was a fierce battle. "
I nodded.
I don't know if the forces of the blood-sucking god Lugnado, Farmilia Lavalle Valmask Lugnado, can be called allies.
The Warrior Vu Clan in the Divine Realm must be fighting those factions somewhere.
"So, let's get back to it, but if it's the [Desert Heavenly Wolf] win, we know it."One of the clans that was in the co-op when I received the request for the magic treasure map of Cocleto. "
Crain nodded to my words.
And then,
Innocent Arms adventurer Eva told me there was a stampede.
At that time.
Monsters overflowed and rampaged.
"A large number of monsters appeared, but they were all excellent."It was easy to deal with. "
"Eva told me the same thing."So, do you have any future contact with the collector Shiki? "
"I don't know yet..."
"I received an assistant sword from the skeleton sorcerer Hazes who works under the coletter, so I may go to see him one day to thank him."I'm more concerned about the conversation with Eva. "
"Fufu, 'nh, Shuya, this is amazing."I waved my demon spear wand in the sky and defeated a huge snake!'I was so excited.My nostrils were a little swollen. "
Ahahah, it looks like Eva.
I see. He told me there were other great adventurers who used light threads.
Crane's words reminded me of our conversation with Eva back then.
“I remember a conversation I had with Eva in which he told me that he had a top-notch martial artist and that he was a strong man using thread.”
"Haha, Eva-chan..."
Crane's face is indescribable.
I remember when Eva and Crane hugged each other.
It's a little bit tingly,
"You used the tavern a lot, didn't you?What were the rumors and dark neighborhoods like back then? "
"I've heard of the Great Sword Building, the Fresh Blood Reaper, the Lion Ann, the Blue and Silver Oze, and Homosapida Momongia, who led the mercenary group that was active in the war."but I'll give it a try. "
Speaking of which, it quickly rotates sideways.
Veronica was supposed to be a bloody reaper.
Crane stretched out his hands and exposed his thin armpits.
It was an enchanting armpit that twitched for a moment.
The better your breasts are hidden by your underwear, but you can tell that your protruding nipples are round and aroused.
Me too, but Crane saw his hands.
"This is the head servant..."
While muttering, he put blood on his hands.
That's cool.
Besides, the blood was like a flame.
It was similar to Rebecca, who had the blessing of Azure Flame God Aerial, but it might be more of a Flame God Enfret.
Feel the difference in mobility?
Well, it was Crain, who was also a militant.
Would you rather try your body maneuver now than talk about it?
"Yes, I know that the opening of the first gate of the bloodstream is a great step."
Laughing is cute.
I nodded at the small helmet floating in my sight.
Excellent quality of magic power and Blood Magic Power .I think it is the highest class among the current leaders and followers. "
I think so too. Even before I became a dependant, I was that strong. "
Even while I was talking to Herme for a very short time, I knew that the speed of the magic power around Crane's body was steadily accelerating.
It looked like Crane's unique Qi Combat Skill had also been strengthened by becoming the head follower.
It reminds me of when I fought with this beautiful Crain in Sashi.
When Crane jumped with her hands open...
Was Tonfa seen on both wings of the Phoenix?
"But again, Crane."It will be the fastest of all the family members to have won the [Blood Duct First Opening]. "
Crane nodded.
With a naughty expression,
"I'm confident in my sense of battle."And I have the skills to apply experience to my abilities. "
A skill like my [talented magician]?
"That's right. Valuable skills."
"Can you tell me the name of that precious skill?"
Crane gave a slightly embarrassed expression,
I won't tell anyone else, will I?
"I know, but Eva will read my mind."
"Woven length"
That's what Crane says with a smile.
"Wasn't Eva able to read Klein's mind at the time?"
"She was still growing up."
That's right.
Crane lowered his gaze a little when he saw my complexion.
"... but I have" "Zhu Hua," "" Zhu Hua, "" "Flame God," "" Fenron's Sixth Sense, "and" "Magic Wine, Eight Holy Ways." "So even when Eva grew up, I don't think it was easy to read my mind. "
Have you already earned a lot of Mind Defense Systems?
Crane laughed, "Fufu."
"The environment, thanks to the enemy?" Well, I haven't lived long enough for Date. "
That's what Crane said, taking a moment.
I nodded and stared into Crane's eyes.
I heard Crane had fought the [Atonement of Thebalonte] folks near Eva's hometown before.
"But Eva was Eva, and she was afraid of me."That girl's kindness is really amazing. "
He talks about Crain's apprentices with his thoughts.
That look is lovely.
And it turns out that there are many different mental skills.
There are a lot of anti-psychotic defensive skills that can prevent Eva's Extra Skill.
Crane laughed happily, "Fufu", and then tightened her face.
"So, a valuable skill, a skill related to growth that adds to my experience, is."That's a lot of skills that come from it.I guess the first name was... it fused and developed into... "
The variety of battles comes from the number of skills.
As she spoke, Crane gave a embarrassed expression,
"... I've taught you before, but I've learned so much that my head ruptures when I was young..."
That's right. Heavy drills.
It reminded me of the survival training of the Dark Elf's magical nobles.
Vine survived well.
"Speaking of bastards, is it an education in imperial science?"I heard you learned the Fenlon technique from the Imperial Guard. "
I heard what I said, Crain.
She had a retrospective expression on her face.
His complexion seemed painful and pleasant.
"Thanks to you, I've grown stronger..."
I felt history from Crane's expression.
Exactly in the history of the Fenlon family.
The blood letters Rebecca and Perelandra had similar blood letters.
Of course, Perelandra, Rebecca, and Vine all have a history.
And Crane had a tough training from a very young age.
- Arches.
Then I'll send La Kerrada's handprint to Crain, his family, and his people.
Klein, who understood my intentions, also gave me back La Kerrada.
To that crane,
"I know that Zhu Hua is the skill that accelerates the Magic Fighting System.Do you have any other acceleration skills? "
Yes, there's a difference in proficiency.
It's a lot of acceleration, isn't it? Amazing!
"Haha, the Sect Lord is amazing."And the Light Demon Lucival's unique Qi Fighting Spirit Outfit, the Mizuki Blood Fighting Technique, was numb.Leveraging the blood of Lucival, a light demon similar to that old fairy technique, the Fairy Dao system, I admire it. "
I didn't think it was a fairy trick or a fairy trick, but when Crain told me so, it shone.
"And even with Luo's [Meditation Way/Meditation Water] skill, the sect leader accelerated."The black outfit with the motif of Luo's costume was also nice and fast.In addition, the Sect Lord earned a new!That silver costume! "
Crane's eyes shine a little.
Are you excited?
Of course, I have a lot of acceleration skills.
That's right. And that cool Azure Saint Demon Sword Tanatos and the ancient Yoshiyamori Mirva Dagger that I showed you earlier.I predict that the speed up effect of the system linked to that equipment will be lower than that of the system, but will it increase somewhat? "
"I haven't fully operated yet, but I think it will go up."
Speaking of which, Crain gazed at me.
I knew it. The judgment and sense of battle within the spear range and in close range battles utilizing a variety of acceleration skills is extremely high. It was a shock that my Zhu Hua Emperor Bird Emmental was played perfectly there.
But that silver gear is too handsome!
Crane's a little weird.
While laughing,
"That's good-looking, isn't it?" Dissatisfied? "
"No, I thought if I stopped wanting to be naked sometimes, I'd be the perfect man..."
I'm conscious of my strange face.
"Perfect? That's boring, isn't it?It would be more interesting if you slipped a little bit. "
"Ahahah, looks like a sect leader." That might be it. "
I was soothed by Crane's smile.
Then, a small helmet appeared on the left edge of the line of sight.
That hermeticity,
Oh, that's nice.
What's up, asshole, start a new party!I thought maybe I'd send you some thoughts. "
I'm sorry, sir, because I teach boobies!
When you learn to give it back, Herme is doing it.
Oh, and I think that the handsome silver mask, the silver costume, the Azure Saint Demon Sword Tanatos, and the ancient Yoshiyomi Mirva dagger have various effects.
“I knew it. My face looks different, so I could use it as a disguise.”
Crane, as convinced as I am.
Ah, because it's a Demon Dress Tengu Saint Thief .
Will you steal money from a merchant and spread it among the poor?
Crain accumulated magic power in Tanda while joking like that.
The magic power unfolded vertically around the abdomen of Tanda.
I made several points of magic power accumulation in the midline of my body.
I made several other points of magic power that had [Blood Magic Power] in the festivals of my body.
- Interesting.
Are you trying out the Combat Qi System and Blood Magic at the same time?
Is it close to Kisara's ability to use the "Magic Hand Taiyin Lung Sutra"?
Speaking of which, there was something strange about the movements of Kalud, Yui, Kikka, Vine, and Marua's swordsmanship to protect the holes in their bodies.
Whether it's wind, spear, or defensive... "
There are "middle stage", "upper stage", and "lower stage".
"Magic Baton Beating" as an offense and defense.
There are also "branching" and "branching".
Crane also focused his magic power between his brows.
The hue of magic power accumulated in both eyes changes.
Originally, it was supposed to have mixed vermilion, silver, and pale eyes.
The colour of my original eyes is stronger... but is it a little bit red and black?
Lightning ran through his sinister eyes.and the brightness increases in the eyes.
The shades of the red system have increased all at once.The pigmentation of my eyes changed due to the strength and weakness of magic.
At the same time, it also accumulated magic power in the joints.
I walked a few steps while emitting an aura-like blood magic power from my entire body.
The treatment of Blood Magic also looked like a cloak.
Looks like it could be used for a battle fake.
The steps to harness its unique magic and blood magic were sophisticated.
"Interesting Steps"
"Fufu, that's amazing."Various applications are possible- "
I had the impression that Crane had walked a few steps.
As I dashed in, I checked my own blood magic power and stood on my toes with both hands on my desk.
I was looking up at the window glass that was interlocked with the telescope.
Klein in underwear has a good style.
It is nailed to the buttocks and thighs.
I was fascinated by the lovely Crane.
but quickly cleaned up the big toilet,
Is there a name for the skill of the Magic Fighting system?
When she heard that, Crane turned around.
And then put your butt on the desk.
Crane on the desk smiles seductively.
I put my legs together.
I could see panties in my underwear.
As for Nikon Niko, Crane was touching her thin jaw with her index finger.
"Fenlong Qi Fighting Technique."Of course, the basics of magic skills were the main thing.In addition, there are also the Zhu Hua system and the Wind God system- ”
She quickly reached out her hand and arm, which were touching her chin.
She crawled on the surface of one arm.
It was a very versatile operation called "Blood Magic".
I have also earned such things as "Mizuki Blood Fighting Technique" from "Magic Fighting Skill", but I only have respect for Crane.
With that in mind,
"By becoming the head follower, Crane learned that" Blood Eight Senses "is a sensory system strengthening, but is that" Blood Eight Senses "also applied to step method and acceleration?"
I heard that.
Crane nodded,
"I may be able to live."
Ah, you just got it, don't you understand?
Crane nodded.
"I think it's possible to apply it with." Well, from now on. "
When I look at Klein, who also has an excellent sensory system, it seems like he can afford it.
"Haha, I bought it. Really, I'm still going to buy it."
The heart is strong.
Just like Master Achilles - La Kerrada.
That crane,
"...... I think it's about time to do" "(Pheromones Touch)" "... is it okay for me to emit a smell?" "
"It's gonna be okay."
"Immediately after Perelandra spread the smell of blood, she was going to spread more blood..."
I was worried about the demon annihilation machine (Disiorte). That's true.
"I think there is (...) someone who knows us, but when you come, I will do my best to respond."
"Haha. That's right, the Sect Lord is definitely responding, but the Sect Lord and I are not always here."It's going to increase the risk. "
”Sure... but if you're worried about that, you won't be able to cut it off”
Go on.
"And it would be better to think that we are already marked by the excellent vampire [Vampire] hunters and the holy church who have the same heart as the demon annihilation organization (Discoorte)."In addition, the cadre of [Tenryin no Moon], who was not a family member, was also strong.Even if the mighty men attack, we should be able to deal with them. "
Crane nodded as she spoke.
"... it's true that those who are good at tracking, will not put their hands on the [Tenryin's Moon] cadre, but will target us with a pinpoint and the smell of blood drifting through them?"
Ah, I hear Crane has fought with vampires in the past.
"There it is. Al Hen." it should still be alive now..... "
There was a darkness in Klein's expression.
I don't think that Alchen is a vampire (vampire) hunter, or an ancestral vampire who can fight against the powerful of the church's demon annihilation agency (Disiorte).
There was a good chance that I had some kind of secret treasure and gained a lot of strength.
A vampire resistant to light.
That's what Crane predicted as he approached me.
Crain's cheeks were slightly vermilion-colored,
Sect Lord, this is the end of the serious conversation.
My arms are tangled around my neck.
Crane smelled good, and so did the smell of booze.
Pink little lips are cute.
That crane,
What happened to the smell of secretory absorption (Pheromones touch)?
"Fufu, there's a conversation right now, but I'll keep it for a while... I'm still struggling to operate..."
And, my lips were stripped.
He turned his hands around Crane's back in response to her fervor.
A long kiss while hugging.
While massaging your shoulder blades with your fingertips, gently pull Klein's lips with your lips.
Crane's excitement overflowed from his nose.
Such a gift to Crane.
At the same time, I turned my hands to Crain's buttocks.
Grasping his hand, Crane shook his body and stopped kissing and turned his head and back toward Russia.
and it was exhausted, but I held it and healed immediately.
I looked at my face and felt a demonic atmosphere, but my eyes were immediately shaking and my lips were shaking,
"Sect Lord, I feel it, but I... don't know a man..."
That's what I said.
To reassure you, cuddle Crane's body, and then hold it in your long ears.
“Crane, don't worry. Let's move to a room with a bunk bed.”
Crane nodded slightly.
Kissing Klein's long ears,
Pinch the lower earpiece with your lip and pull it.
Is the Elf deaf?
"... only the sect master is good... ahhn"
Crane felt the cute buds on the tip of her boobs.
The beating sound of my heart was heard in my hand.
In this way, the acquisition of [Blood Gate No. 1/Opening] for everyone was such a pleasure that Rolodyne was dazzled while lying down.
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