The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 108.

"Odin!" As Odin approached, Frigga opened her mouth to call out to him.

"Frigga," Odin replied, then shouted to the guard who froze behind him, "Go!"

The guard then ran quickly to inform the rest of the army, while Odin turned around and said very calmly, "It's nothing, just a little mess, don't worry!"

"You never lie!" Frigga said, with a hint of ridicule in her words.

"Take her to your room and I'll come to you when it's safe." Odin smiled lightly, then commanded. The dark elf invasion was tricky however, but it was really just a small mess for Odin.

"You be careful!" Frigga was a little uneasy about the advice. It wasn't quite clear what happened to Saul in the future, but it was certain that he and Odin must have died, and perhaps it was in this battle

Frigga, who had already been through a lot of storms with Odin, understood that this was definitely not the little mess Odin was talking about, and if it was really the prison escape Saul thought it was, there would be no need for so many soldiers.

"No matter how many storms I've been through, my queen still worries about me" Odin reached out and stroked Frigga before turning to leave.

"Perhaps it is because I worry that you turn every time into a danger" Frigga spoke up and returned to her room with Jane, being a wise woman, Frigga knew very well that not causing trouble for the men on the battlefield was the best way to help them.

No sooner had Odin and his group of soldiers finished rallying their troops than Heimdall raised the alarm, and after that, many of the dark elf ships stopped hiding and just showed up and started forcing their way through.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, Asgard now only had a few regular garrison troops, but it was enough to face these ships. The cannons mounted on the city walls started firing, their power was so great that any Dark Elf ship that couldn't escape was blown up and fell down.

But it was clear that the dark elves who piloted the ships were no slouches, and those who dared to rampage into Asgard's base camp must have been elites or perhaps the surviving dark elves were elites, as those who weren't elites had been abandoned.

Although a third of the ships were lost, a large number of them still broke through the first line of defense, and although many soldiers also flew Asgard's airships up to meet them, but things were rushed for a time few soldiers were able to achieve good results.

Heimdall, on the other hand, was now at the console again, and after communicating the warning to the Asgardian populace, Heimdall actually had another mission, and why Heimdall was called the Gatekeeper.

Heimdall plunges his sword directly into the console, but this time it's not to open the rainbow bridge, but to raise Asgard's shields, and as long as the shields can be raised successfully, no enemy will be able to break into the city. This will not only preserve a massive troop advantage, but will also prevent civilians from being affected.

In the original movie, it was the Dark Elves as Cursed Warriors who destroyed the console core, which allowed the Dark Elves to break through, otherwise how could they have stormed in.

It's important to remember that Asgard's reputation is known throughout the universe, and it's not like Odin fought alone, he's strong indeed but he can't decide the outcome of a war, it's the people of Asgard that are truly strong.

The people of Asgard were true universal supermen, and any ordinary soldier was stronger than Captain America, not to mention having magical weapons and a rainbow bridge that could be haunted.

While the battle was going on up there, Saul was dealing with a rebellion inside the prison. Those who could be admitted into Asgard Prison were undoubtedly not very strong existences, so those soldiers, including the cadre of Saul's Three Warriors and such, were in a bit of a bitter battle.

But fortunately, at this time, Saul came and shocked everyone with his first entrance, and for a while the noisy cell was even a bit silent, everyone was watching this prince of Asgard.

"Go back to your cell, you won't be held accountable afterwards, I promise!" Rocky came to the area and spoke directly.

But then Loki gets punched in the face by a prisoner behind him, then hammers the prisoner aside, then pulls a prisoner over to put a hammer to his head, then says, "Okay! I take back what I just said!"

Then Saul stabbed into the battlefield like a sharp knife, and any enemy in his way was hit by the hammer in his hand, and soon all sorts of badly wounded and dead bodies filled the entire passageway.

After finishing all this, Saul directly ordered the crowd to clean up the battlefield, while he himself arrived at the entrance of Loki's cell. Looking at Loki, who was behaving normally, Saul stared for a moment, then spoke, "Loki, where is your real body!"

Hearing this, the phantom in the cell suddenly raised his head from inside the book and then asked, somewhat puzzled, "How did you see that!"

Obviously, this phantom shared senses with Loki or had an autonomous consciousness, otherwise it wouldn't be able to behave so flawlessly like a real person.

Now Loki was very puzzled, it was just fine to meet a special person like Zhang Wen, but now why could even his own idiot brother be able to see through his own phantom.

"I originally didn't know, but now, I do!" Saul's expression was slightly amused, then continued, "Besides this place has no one to free these prisoners but you!"

Looking at Saul's smug face, Loki looked a little cryptic, but it just so happened to be a guess, and for such a lousy reason.

"I really did kind of think highly of you! I didn't do any of this!" Loki said, covering his head, as if he would catch a fool's eye from talking to Saul one more time.

Then, as if to confirm Loki's words, a burst of gunfire was heard, and Saul's expression changed and he immediately ran outside.

Chapter 146 - Retreat

Without the cursed warriors to destroy inside, Asgard's shield rose smoothly, and several of the dark elf-piloted ships dodged and slammed directly into the shield, erupting in a burst of fire.

The remaining ships dodged urgently, then hovered around the outer perimeter of the shield for a while, seemingly waiting for this, but fled the area after taking out a few of them.

Asgard's soldiers gave chase for a while, then left two of the ships behind and let the remaining ones escape. Before leaving, they even fired a few shots at the protective shield with slight reluctance, but to no avail.

After all, the Dark Elves fled too fast, and once those ships that had separated from the mothership returned to the mothership, the Dark Elves' mothership simply disappeared in the void, unable to catch up.

"Father! How's it going!" Saul, who had just arrived from the prison, came to Odin's side and asked a slightly anxious question.

"They've retreated!" Odin didn't turn his head back and spoke, keeping the dark elf far away in his sight, Odin was filled with anger even though he looked calm on the surface, this was a provocation and Odin felt humiliation.

Although he was angry, Odin still chose to suppress it well, because this was not a good time to duel with the Dark Elf, because Asgard could not find the Dark Elf like a swimming fish.

The dark elves' ships inherently contained the power of space, and normal tracking methods couldn't find these dark elves, otherwise they would have cleared out the remnants of the party during Odin's father's reign.

Although it was somewhat difficult to take the initiative, waiting for them to come over was easy, after all, the surviving Dark Elves were too few to be a match for Asgard, which was the main reason why they had evacuated so decisively.

"We must take the initiative!" Coming to Odin's face, Saul spoke up.

"No! We won't find them, but with Ether here, Malekith will come to us!" Odin was still looking ahead without turning his head.

"Yes, they will destroy us!" Obviously, Saul held a different opinion on this.

"Obviously, you overestimate these monsters!" Odin spoke up, and finally, he turned back to Saul. There was anticipation in his eyes.

"No, I just cherish our people!" Thor opened his mouth to retort, then continued, "I'll take Jane to the Dark Side to draw the enemy away from Asgard, and when Malekith removes the Etheric Particle from Jane's body, he'll be exposed and vulnerable!"

"My son, I admire your courage, but you seem to have forgotten the legend of the Infinity Gems!" After staring at Saul for a long moment, Odin's eyes revealed a hint of relief, then continued, "Ether is no longer in Jane's body."

"What? Who took it out? Is that you? Father!" Saul was now simply surprised and delighted.

"No! I didn't do this, maybe you should ask your friend." Said Odin, shifting his gaze to a corner of the room.

"First things first! I didn't mean to peep!" Zhang Wen put his hand up and then spoke very calmly.

"Zhang Wen! You're the one who did it!" In an instant, Saul understood something.

"It wasn't me, but it wasn't far off!" Hearing Saul's words, Zhang Wen lowered his hands that were raised in the air as if in jest and came straight to their side.

"What do you mean!" Saul's brow furrowed, and although he had decided that Zhang Wen would be his friend, Saul couldn't help but have some bad suspicions at this critical time.

"The Reality Gem, oh! That is, Ether, who is now in Loki's hands, and as for where Loki is, I don't know." Chang waved his hand, looking like he didn't care.

"That's right, Odin! When I'm done with what I promised you, see when you can settle the bill." Turning his head, Zhang Wen began to demand a payment from Odin.

Odin looked deeply at Zhang Wen, then spoke, "Anytime!"

"That's not bad! By the way, you have your adopted son Loki to thank for that, he killed a cursed warrior, otherwise this guy would have destroyed that big ball of light you have and then the shield was destroyed and Malekith invaded. Saying that, Malekith is a really weak guy that even Frigga can't beat" Zhang Wen casually revealed what he knew, he made Loki do so much but if in the end no one knows, wouldn't it be too boring?

Originally Saul had been a little surprised at how Zhang Wen treated his father, and had forgotten what he wanted to say, but Zhang Wen mentioned Loki, which made Saul recover from his shock, "Zhang Wen, what's going on? Why would Loki escape!"

"That I just I don't know, by the way. In the future I saw, Queen Frigga died at the hands of that cursed warrior! You two really should thank Loki!" After saying that, Zhang Wen walked out of the room with a mysterious smile, as he couldn't wait to collect his payment.

In the hall, the father and son looked at each other, quite puzzled. Swinging around to know Loki better than father and son, except for Frigga who basically knew no one better than them, although Loki was often engaged in pranks

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