The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 111.

"It's nothing, and I'm getting my share of pay!" Chang smiled, then showed Saul the two gadgets inside his hand.

"By the way, free news for you!" Chang Wen leaned into Saul's ear and said, "The Twilight of the Gods prophesied by Asgard may be born after Odin's death, and the enemy is your sister, Hera!"

"What?" Shocked by the breaking news, Saul couldn't believe it, but Zhang Wen didn't say anything further, just waved his hand at him and said, "If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to come to me!"

Saying playfully, Zhang Wen instructed Heimdall to activate the Rainbow Bridge, and Zhang Wen's figure disappeared in a pillar of light.

"Heimdall, my lawn!" Zhang Wen, who was standing in his own courtyard, shouted somewhat depressedly to the sky.

Because Heimdall directly sent Zhang Wen to his favorite lawn, this lawn had cost Zhang Wen a great deal of thought, this is not an ordinary grass, but a unique grass that can emit a strange fragrance.

Zhang Wen had always loved it very much, but now it had been directly destroyed by Asgard's Rainbow Bridge by nearly half, which made Zhang Wen seem very heartbroken, but this little bit of stuff wasn't so bad that Zhang Wen ran to Asgard to find trouble with Heimdall, so Zhang Wen just threatened Heimdall fiercely to the sky.

Of course, this was just venting, and Zhang Wen was well aware that Heimdall most likely didn't even see it.

As for why Heimdall had a problem with himself? Maybe the last time Zhang Wen confronted Xif, he hit her a little too hard, but she didn't even care about anything herself. And you didn't hurt Shiv, did you.

"Vin, what happened!" Mia came over in a long white dress, there was almost no hiding anything from this villa façade from Mia, let alone the Asgard Rainbow Bridge making so much noise.

"It's fine, it's been shaded by a villain, I didn't think that guy would dare do that!" Zhang Wen looked slightly helpless as he said to Mia, then took out the Reality Gem and the Casket of Ice to restore the damaged lawn.

"Is this the Reality Gem?" Mia looked at the Reality Gem in Zhang Wen's hand, and there was a bit of fervor in her eyes, it just so happened that Mia's research on the Mind Gem had fallen into a quiet period of time, she was currently lacking something to research, and it just so happened that this was the time when Zhang Wen brought the Reality Gem back.

"Well, here you go." Zhang Wen said, then then subsequently threw the Reality Gem and the Casket of Ice over, as for the Tablet of Life and Time, let's just put it away and press it into storage, because Zhang Wen very much doubted that the things on it were correct.

"Well, thank you, Wen!" Mia was very happy with the results of these two items.

A normal person holding an Infinity Gem with their bare hands would definitely take damage, but Mia wasn't included, it wasn't that Mia was a data being, but the body Mia had now didn't count as her real body.

To be more specific it would be similar to Mia wearing just a dress, and if Mia did reveal her real body, it should look like a ghost existence.

Although it is said that Mia was born from the Internet, but in fact Mia does not belong to the Internet, because before her birth the huge data stream has not been able to accommodate the Internet, but Mia is able to incarnate data in the Internet to walk at will.

If you describe Mia for a moment, then the ghost thing is really more appropriate, so as per normal Mia isn't using her body to touch the Infinity Gem right now, even though Mia's body is now completely in line with humans and even able to have children and such.

As for the mind gems in Mia's body right now, it was because Mia herself was born in a mind gem so direct contact was fine, but it was only limited to mind gems, as for the other infinity gems, no.

"Mia, did anything happen while I was away?" Zhang Wen inquired to Mia.

Mia looked at the Reality Gem in her hand with some reluctance, then withdrew her gaze and reported to Zhang Wen, "S.H.I.E.L.D. is recently conducting a massive cleanup of Hydra, Stark has redesigned many of his armor, and has initiated a robot rescue program. Stark is on the right track, and the products are smoothly on sale around the world."

Mia hesitated, then continued to report "Wanda and Pietro have started working as superheroes under the names Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver, but have been warned several times by S.H.I.E.L.D.. And"

Zhang Wen listened to Mia's report and had a sudden feeling that a lot had happened in the days he had been away.

"And, Vin! According to the time now it's almost time for the power gems to appear, are we going?" Suddenly, Mia inquired at Zhang Wen.

Chapter 151 - Hydra's Annihilation (I)

Zhang Wen looked at the somewhat excited Mia, suddenly feeling a little abnormal as if Mia's love for the Infinity Gem was a little too much. But Zhang Wen was not the kind of person who hid it, since there was a doubt in his heart then naturally he had to ask, since Zhang Wen had fused the God Speed Force Space, the personality aspect was becoming more and more casual.

"Mia, aren't you a little too concerned about the Infinite Gem? Is it to fulfill some wish?" Zhang Wen looked at Mia's charming face and slowly asked.

"I want to have a real body!" Mia was silent for a moment, then she directly answered Zhang Wen, for Mia she would never lie to Zhang Wen.

After Mia finished speaking, she directly revealed the real body of the data life, it was a body that looked very illusory, although it had all the characteristics that life had, but it was not able to do what humans could do.

Perhaps it was because Mia had been staying with humans since birth, she used to think that the human body was the real body, but what Mia's body was now covered with was just a material that could change at will, although it could perfectly replace the body's various index functions, but to Mia, it was not her own body.

"So," Zhang Wen heard Mia say that, and then said after a moment's pause, "Then why did you tell me earlier? Collecting six gems now can be a bit of a problem!"

"Actually, I'm just thinking" Mia spoke in a lower and lower voice, even with Zhang Wen's hearing, she didn't hear what she was saying clearly, but that didn't matter.

"Are you sure you want to think about the human body? In that case you would lose everything that data life has" Zhang Wen thought carefully, then said to Mia.

"Yeah!" Mia would come into her shell and then nodded vigorously.

"So ah, no problem, I should be able to do that!" Chang thought for a moment, then replied.

"But Mia, you need to think carefully, you remember that you should have data life in your profile, you are now a real life form, there might be your kind in this universe, are you sure you want to become human?" Chang's face was a little serious, then he questioned Mia.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Mia replied without thinking.

"Well then, it looks like the Power Gem is a must get, I don't really want to go that far!" Zhang Wen paused for a moment and then reconsidered to.

As he thought, Zhang Wen returned to the villa, while Mia was following Zhang Wen with a happy face behind.

It was strange that Zhang Wen felt relaxed when he walked into the villa, but when he entered the room, he felt very relaxed, which directly made him feel like he was going home.

During the days that Zhang Wen left the Earth, Daisy sought her parents encountered difficulties, so she chose to ask Wanda for help, although the last time she traveled with Wanda did not encounter any danger, Daisy also learned about some of Wanda's unusual strength, so she chose to ask her for help.

Wanda who received her only friend was naturally full of joy and said goodbye to Mia's sister, and then planned to have a journey with her friend to find her family, as for the possible dangers encountered therein was selectively ignored by Wanda.

Zhang Wen was not at home, Mia alone could not stop Wanda, although Wanda had been behaving well, but because of this is why she had no fear of Mia, unlike Pirotte who was afraid of Mia's punishment.

Unfortunately, Mia had no choice but to force Pirotte over there, after all, Pirotte's speed was enough to solve many dangers.

And so, Daisy Mia and Pirot together formed an expedition team, which made Pirot, who had almost been out of the house during this time, very excited, in addition to that, Mia also prepared a set of clothes for them, Wanda's clothes were simple just a scarlet magic robe, which looked a bit like a fur coat, but the material was completely different.

Pietro's clothes were a bit more difficult, because of his super speed, he could only use high friction resistant material similar to Flash's clothes, naturally the style was not much better, but Mia should make it into a normal clothing style silver jacket.

This is how the superheroes Scarlet Witch and Fast Silver are officially debuting, except that these two guys have not performed a single heroic mission until now, but are wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. because they are with Daisy.

And Daisy, who could have easily been caught by S.H.I.E.L.D., escaped several times with the help of Wanda and Pirotte. Much to the chagrin of HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. who were tracking them.

In the meantime, Nick Fury had even called in to question Chang Wen, but was dismissed by Mia in a couple of sentences.

Naturally, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s tracking ability wasn't that easy to get rid of, in fact, most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s resources were now used to track Hydra, an organization that was really scandalous to everyone, everyone! The World Security Council, which had been clamoring all day, was trying their best to track them down, but unfortunately with little effect.

It can't be said to be ineffective, this period of time destroyed Hydra base not a hundred and dozens of, but most of them are temporary docking sites, for Hydra's fundamental forces did not lose anything.

The company's main focus is on the development of a new generation of drugs that will be used in the next few years.

Hydra has become so famous in the underground world that no one dares to contact it, and as a result, it has become a source of internal strife, with many targeting Alexander Pierce.

After all, although Hydra was very stubborn and sturdy, claiming that cutting off a head would grow two heads, but in reality there was no unified voice within Hydra at all, everyone was just being Hydra's head, using Hydra's name, and then doing their own thing.

Otherwise if Hydra were really that powerful, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have changed its name long ago when Alexander Pierce was director.

The Hydra genre is divided into several main categories, such as Pierce who is in charge of Project Insight, a category that believes in the original Hydra, and those who are in charge of technology, and so on. Rather than being the head of one of Hydra's snakeheads, they're just the leaders of their respective forces.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s power this time affects all of HYDRA's business, so naturally some people will be dissatisfied. But dissatisfaction aside, no one dared to fight within the HYDRA.

In order to alleviate this pressure, Alexander Pierce had to make a promise to the other snake heads that he would finish this matter as soon as possible, so he had a new goal.

And that target for Alexander Pierce was Wanda and the others.

Chapter 152 - Hydra's Annihilation (II)

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