The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 132.

He hates the same red as Stark!

"Now! It's time to execute the plan!" Ultron feels this world, which is a different feeling than being trapped inside a body, and it's a bit intoxicating, but eventually Ultron remembers the woman from the internet and the Avengers.

Even though there were no longer any limits to the so-called guardianship, Ultron still decided to go ahead with his plan to destroy the world, but Ultron didn't see it as destroying the world, he was saving it.

This world is full of hate, war! Mankind needs to evolve!

Ultron, on the other hand, would give mankind the opportunity to evolve, which belongs to the mercy of God!

Chapter 182 - The Battle Begins

"Ultron is on the move!" Zhang Wen was checking the books in his hand, and then he heard Mia's voice.

"Yes? To what point!" Zhang Wen put down the book in his hand, then asked Mia.

"All the Ultron bilocations around the world are gathering in one place!"



"Scovia? Wasn't it destroyed there by me?"

"There should be more than one Hydra base."

"How pitiful for the people of Skovia! Inform Tony and the others, and by the way, tell the army officers of the various countries, and believe it or not, feel free to do as they please!"

"Okay." Mia nodded.

The people of Skovia were destined for disaster, and Zhang Wen had set off a firework here some time ago, and although it didn't cause any civilian casualties, it still made the government nervous and did a state of war readiness for a long time.

The state of war readiness had just ended, and as a result, Ultron had run over again. The people of Skovia weren't so lucky this time, as the shadowy robots appeared directly in front of them, with no way to fight them. With the exception of those that resisted death, the rest of the masses were gathered together to be taken hostage by Ultron.

"Captain, what about the current situation?" The compound members who had arrived in the Quinjet were clueless, after all, there were too many robots ahead of them to see the end of the city at a glance, let alone this large number of civilians in the city.

"We fight!" In fact, there wasn't much Steve could do about it, after all, there were too many robots in there to do anything about it at all.

"How do we do it? So many we have no way to get to Ultron!"

"I want an E. That would be a spectacular scene~!" Tony spoke up when he saw the sheltering scene ahead.

"Then do it!" As soon as Steve heard that Stark had a solution, he got him started on it.

Tony came out of his suit and then said to Jarvis in his headset, "Jarvis? let's get a big one!"

"Yes, sir!" Jarvis responds smoothly, and then a missile shoots out of the ground, heading straight for Skovia. But it was intercepted and detonated in mid-stride, causing a small American town to experience a pulse attack and a lot of damage! But it was a hair's breadth compared to Scovia.

"I knew this was going to happen!" Tony opened his mouth and laughed bitterly, then put on his own suit and said nothing.

"Let me and Mia take care of the droids outside!" Zhang Wen waited for a long time and saw that there was really nothing more the group could do before he said, "But Ultron can be left to you guys. Ultron already has a body now, so all you need to do is destroy Ultron's current body to end it all, but be careful! Ultron is a very strong one."

"Chang Man thanks!" Steve gave a grateful glance at Zhang Wen, then picked up the shield in his hand and prepared something.

Zhang Wen's body disappeared, and just when everyone thought that Zhang Wen was gone, two people reappeared beside Zhang Wen, namely Wanda and Pietro.

"Mr. Zhang Wen?" Wanda looked at Zhang Wen with some confusion.

"Wanda, Pietro, I'm giving you two a mission! Help these guys take out Ultron!" Zhang Wen touched Wanda's head and said in a very gentle voice.

"Yes!" Wanda and Pietro agreed very happily.

"Chang Man! Are you sure you want them involved? This is no child's play!" Steve looked at Chang Wen with a serious face.

"No problem, don't underestimate them both! I honestly don't trust you guys to be able to deal with Ultron without them here!" Zhang Wen smiled slightly and explained.

"By the way, Ultron now has no more purpose set by Tony to maintain world peace, it would be great if you guys could persuade him" After saying that, Zhang Wen directly disappeared from here, along with Mia, who was really going to fight this time.

Don't compare numbers with the speedsters, because no amount of numbers can compare to the speedsters! Because one speedster is the equivalent of a million others, no end in sight!

These could easily be solved if Zhang Wen exerted his true strength. However, Zhang Wen had recently been reading psychology books, and with a little bit of insight, Zhang Wen suddenly had a bit of a try at a normal person's lifestyle.

Of course, not the life of an ordinary person who worked every day for three meals a day, that wasn't called living that was called survival!

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Wen had been following the members of the reunion. While observing what they were doing, he compared it to whether there was anything he had overlooked.

As a result, Zhang Wen was really able to find some, and he was a little too good at it. Perhaps he should be tactful and not be so blind? Nope! How should I describe it? Forget it, let's try it first.

It just so happened that the many targets in front of him could also allow him to try his best, after all, there were more of them, and it would be quite troublesome if he didn't use the divine Speed Force Splitter, so let's open a path for this group of people first.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wen directly accelerated to kill the robots in front of him. Those robots made of metal were sliced apart as easily as tofu under Zhang Wen's sword, and Zhang Wen didn't even need to use any techniques.

Protected like babysitters at the side of the Kun-type fighters, every time a robot tried to cross the cordon that Zhang Wen had set up, it would be directly cut in two.

"Zhang Wen helped us make a passage, hurry up and get in!" Steve saw this and hurriedly said to Hawkeye who was piloting the plane.

Of course, no need for Steve to remind Hawkeye knew what to do, after all, he was not blind, and could see the mechanical wreckage that kept falling from the sky.

The sky was raining rain made up of mechanical wreckage, hitting the quinjet with a loud noise, which made the fighter somewhat unable to accelerate, and could only fly in slowly, and fortunately the quinjet was well made, otherwise there was really no way to get in.

It took about a few minutes, but the Quinjet finally arrived in the middle of the city, which had a large crowd of people kidnapped by Ultron's billet, and Ultron was sitting on a throne with a steel construction, quietly watching the multiple crowds flying in.

"Ah, you're in! Have you come to worship your new God?" Ultron sat on top of the throne and scoffed calmly.

"Oh, my son. Your aesthetic has really become so special, remember how I taught you?" Stark saw Ultron in this state and immediately began to mock him.

"Stark! You're still so arrogant! I've surpassed you, now! I'm free!" Ultron stood up and shouted loudly at the multiplex in front of him.

"If you're free, why are you doing this!" Steve questioned to Ultron.

"It's mercy! I am about to give you evolution! So you should thank me!"

"By destroying the Earth?"

"No! How is that possible! I would leave plenty of time for humanity to evolve. There have been countless genocides throughout history, but the ones that survived were the strong ones that managed to evolve! As for the weak, they have no right to live."

"Oh, is that so? So what happens to you, weakling?" Saul opened his mouth and then hit it with a hammer!

Chapter 183 - Ultron's Plan

The battle began with Saul's hammer, the body made up of Zhenjin bonded cells was special, allowing Ultron to absorb more energy, perhaps due to less mind gems, Ultron's new body didn't have the ability to materially penetrate, instead it had more energy to absorb this power.

With his new body, Ultron naturally lost the ability to attack with some weapons, there was no way to avoid this, after all, Ultron couldn't make a hole in his hand. While there was no way to house conventional weapons on his body, Ultron had a new toy, which was the ability to freely release inhaled energy.

This ability looks a bit like the late Black Panther suit's ability, or the Black Emperor from the X-Men, but it's not as powerful, and while Ultron's entire body is made up of Zhenjin, there is a limit to the amount of energy it can carry, and if it goes beyond that, then it must be released.

Ultron's method of releasing his powers was unique, it was neither a mass release to form explosions, nor was it firing lasers or anything like that, instead it was strengthening his body, and after absorbing Saul's lightning, Ultron looked a bit like the Superman of the dc world, rampaging!

Of course, this is referring to Ultron's fighting style, after all, Ultron doesn't shoot lasers with his eyes or anything.

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