The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Amazing Race Chapter 143.

Since the Battle of New York, Tony has been running off into space for carrying a nuclear bomb! So acquired anxiety disorder, whenever an anxiety attack he suffers as if he has a disease, according to the normal timeline, Tony bar would have been cured not too long ago because he met a little boy.

But hesitant Zhang Wen's influence, so Tony didn't meet the boy. The boy lost a chance to meet Tony and Tony lost a chance to be cured of his anxiety, so to make it up to Tony, Chang Man used the Mind Gem to heal Tony's anxiety.

However, external power was external power although Tony might not be easily manipulated by other people because of the Mind Gem's energy, but for Tony's own heart, the Mind Gem's energy couldn't help much.

Stark is just a dude, and all of his powers come from his technology. He's never experienced war, or seen death, or even gone through any special training, so when it comes to this kind of thing, Tony falls deeper into it than anyone else, and is more susceptible to his own inner condemnation than anyone else.

So why is it so hard to be a good person? That's why! It would be hard to think of a good guy like Tony if it was some cold-hearted villain in a movie who didn't go back to caring at all, but it would be hard to think of a good guy like Tony.

"Tony Stark is, after all, just a normal person, with no genetic modifications or warfare, and I doubt he's even seeing dead people for the first time!" Pietro said with some disdain.

Naturally, it wasn't that Tony hadn't killed anyone, it was just that

"Beware! I'm here! Anyway, I'm part of the reunion, I can't let them really split!" Zhang Wen casually comforted the two of them, then reached out and opened a temporal door to the villa.

On the other side of the space-time door, a white puppy spotted Wanda's figure and ran over in excitement before crashing headlong into the seemingly blank space-time door.

This thing that Zhang Wen had made out was one-way, and besides, even if it was two-way Zhang Wen wouldn't let the hell creatures run around on Earth, what if they spread out some virus?

"Ah! Sebastian! ~"Wanda called out when she saw this, then quickened her pace to the other side of the time portal.

"His name is obviously not Sebastian" muttered Pietro on the side.

Pietro had originally given the puppy a name that was clearly approved by Wanda, but was selectively ignored by Wanda less than a week later.

Chapter 200 - Carter's Funeral

The members of the reunion argued for a long time, until a text message entered Steve's phone.

"She passed away in her sleep."

Steve's face suddenly turned pale, and even though the two were separated by 70 years, hearing that the love of his life had passed away was like a thousand razor blades slicing back and forth across Steve's heart.

"I have to go!" Barely able to restrain himself around the members of the reunion, Steve made an excuse to leave, he didn't want to tell everyone about it.

Natasha learned something by some subtle expressions, but thought nothing of it, did nothing, said nothing.

Steve hurriedly drove the car speeding on the road, and soon a police car spotted the car speeding inside the city, and just wanted to take action, he heard his boss's voice on the other side of the headset.

Steve finally in the hospital room inside to see not yet able to carry away the Carter, she is still lying on the bed, expression is very gentle as if asleep general.

Apparently, this was a scene that someone had intentionally left to Steve. Carter's niece, Sharon Carter, quietly left behind Steve, leaving the two of them with this brief moment.

Chang was at home reading some psychology books, and even notes from his own psychiatrist studies, when Mia's voice came over, causing Chang's brow to furrow.

"Mia, according to the timeline, is it inferred that we are now a few months ahead of the scheduled time?" Chang pondered for a moment, then asked Mia about it.

"Well, the Ultron event hasn't happened yet in the original timeline! The timing of our encounters have been moved up quite a bit." Mia cross-referenced the information in the database, then said with great certainty.

"Then why is Carter dead now? Any changes to the timeline?" Zhang Wen muttered to himself somewhat confusedly, as a speedster who could travel through the timeline at will, what Zhang Wen was most afraid of was not any powerful enemy, but the altered timeline.

However, Zhang Wen himself did not feel the altered timeline, indicating that it had nothing to do with him, but why was the time of Carter's death brought forward? It also happens to be in the middle of the plot of Team America III, and in the movie Captain America's attitude seems to have something to do with Carter's death.

"By inference, it's probably because of Comic-Con's local gods!" Mia searched carefully in her mind and came to a conclusion.

"Gods? Is it death?" In an instant, Zhang Wen remembered the woman who was somewhat uncomfortable with himself.

"No!" Mia shook her head and then said, "According to the data there is a good chance that there are no pure mutants in Comic-Con, Spider-Man became Spider-Man because the Spider-Goddess chose him, Black Panther's powers are because of the Black Panther Goddess, and there is a good chance that there is some sort of connection between the other mutants, most likely the gods that contributed to Captain America's appearance. "

"Information? Did you get this information in the last world?" Zhang Wen inquired, if it was true that he was getting information about this kind of thing in the world of the Flash, Zhang Wen would have to consider whether or not he wanted to travel back in time for a bit.

"Not really! It's from your memory, the information is a bit fragmented!" Mia replied.

This made Zhang Wen laugh and cry a little, but he had rarely read any comics before his initial crossover, let alone the complicated variety of comic books, watching at most two episodes of anime, or skipping them.

Now most of the information in Mia's database about comic book is collected in the flash world.

As we all know, the Marvel universe has dc comics, and the dc universe has Marvel comics, but the two seem to be coincidentally designed with the other company being a small company on the verge of bankruptcy. In this case the comic book company is naturally not much comics inside, including the database of comic book movies are some special effects are lacking, a few tiger head and tail feeling.

In this situation, it was naturally impossible for Zhang Wen to find too many comics.

Gods this situation should also be possible, in order to create a good Captain America's persona? Carter's got a few months less life expectancy though, and it's really kind of unpleasant to be manipulated so indiscriminately!

I wonder if I'm also being manipulated by some asshole? Crossing from dc to comic book is a real possibility!

Zhang Wen stayed in the same place and pondered for a long time, all sorts of conspiracies and thoughts pouring out in his mind, but until the end, it could only turn into a sigh.

The current me might be able to fight if I encounter the god that manipulates Steve, but if what I guessed is true I might be able to resist? As with Steve, could he do anything if he really knew he was being manipulated? Not at all!

Besides, all the speculation is unsubstantiated, and even the speculation is nothing more than fanciful speculation. Me.

"Vin? What's going on?" Seeing Zhang Wen's face changing shadily, Mia asked with some concern.

"It's fine, just a moment of confusion!" Chang smiled at Mia and then changed the subject, "Speaking of which, we should go to Carter's funeral, I'm a little curious if the world will ever see an older version of Captain America"

"After a search! There is no such person!" Mia took a brief moment to do a full search of the internet.

"Don't rely too much on what you see, there's still plenty of places in the world without the internet!"


"I'm sorry for your loss!" Arriving at the funeral, Chang Man patted Steve's shoulder with his hand and then blended into the crowd that was mourning.

Steve was very confused as to why Chang Man had come over, but this was obviously not a good situation to catch up on old times, and he wasn't in the mood for it, his whole body was now overwhelmed with grief.

"What sad colors!" Mia followed behind Zhang Wen, looking at Steve's appearance and spoke.

Mia had a large amount of mind energy left in her body, this was to ensure that her soul and body merged, but because of this, Mia possessed the ability to see the emotions of others.

"Well! It's a purist, but I just don't like it much!" Zhang Wen's eyes clearly saw more clearly that Steve had always been a very pure person, or rather, people who were injected with the Super Soldier serum were very pure people.

The super soldier didn't just strengthen the human body, he also purified a certain idea, or a certain trait of the human being, just like many people often said, there were no pure good guys and pure bad guys in this world.

But in fact, Captain America is such a pure good guy, although the pure good guy will also do things, but this does not change its nature, after all, pure is just pure is not really only good things, there are plenty of times in this world when good intentions do bad things.

Zhang Wen looked around the funeral scene for a week, slightly disappointed, but it was also clear to see that really the future hadn't caused any trouble for himself.

Chapter 201 - Discovering Dark Energy

The funeral went very smoothly, and although there was nothing too grand about the ceremony, the people who rushed over were all very famous people, and many people spoke highly of this legendary woman and felt great admiration for her.

After all, in what era but able to break the stereotypes of the world on her own, such a woman had to be saddened by the situation.

Steve was sad and at the same time felt an indescribable sense of loneliness, as if the whole world had become very strange, woke up to the change of times, time has passed more than 70 years, and now he is another familiar person left, and Bucky is still inside the prison of the government department.

Listening to Carter's niece's speech from above, Zhang Wen felt that there was no point, so he just left the place.

The funeral! Wedding! It was one of the last places Chang Man wanted to go; he didn't like seeing people die, but he also didn't much like humans rejoicing.

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