The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 146.

"That robot from a while back? Weren't you guys killed?" Black Panther's eyes flashed with surprise, then inquired.

"No, we've reported on all the nations from the beginning, and Ultron wasn't completely wiped out, it's just that the group obviously couldn't wait that long!" Natasha shrugged her shoulders, then said.

"Thank you very much!" The Black Panther thanked Natasha and left the place with quick steps.

Natasha watched the Black Panther's departing back with a bitter smile on her lips!

This group still can't tolerate the Avengers, I wonder where things will end up if the

Mia's stomach just happened to eat shortly before she ate again, only this time Mia remembered her appetite and paid very careful attention to it. Just all of a sudden, Mia seemed to notice something and then said to Zhang Wen, "Wen! Ultron showed up!"

"Yeah? Where is it?" As soon as Zhang Wen heard this, he immediately put down the book he was holding and inquired.

"I didn't find the exact location, but I found traces of the Ultron robot, so maybe we can find something somewhere!"

"Okay, get ready to go! It's time to finish this guy off!"

Chapter 205 - Provoking Rose

Such an event happened at the United Nations meeting, and naturally, it was rumored that for the safety of the delegates from each country, all kinds of armies and current military equipment were unfolding in this small place, almost as good as an arms bidding competition.

The Skovia Agreement, which was originally thought to stop, did not, and although the meeting was not finished, the Skovia Agreement had officially come into effect, and all the Avenging Alliance personnel, including Zhang Wen! As long as there is no signed agreement, there is no way to properly maintain world peace! They would be treated as criminals.

And even those who signed the contract, such as Stark, must act according to the UN's instructions and not go out without permission, just like those of their men, who would be just as wanted by the governments if they didn't follow orders.

Of course! Zhang Wen did not have to care about such things at all.

"Sir! You are not allowed to enter the scene of the crime without orders!" As Zhang Wen carefully observes the wreckage of the self-destructing robot, a staff member who finds Zhang Wen here steps forward to stop him!

Although this guy didn't know how Zhang Wen had appeared here, it was his duty not to allow anyone to approach, so he warned very seriously.

It was only as if the two in front of him didn't notice him at all, and even when he drew his gun and pointed it at them, they reacted the same way as if he didn't exist at all.

"Sir! Please answer me now! Or I'm going to shoot!" Seeing this, the staff took immediate action and started a countdown, once it was over he would actually shoot.

"Mia, what's up? Did you find any clues?" Zhang Wen didn't care about the staff who threatened him on the side and just took a look at the traces left behind by the unsuspecting observer Ultron.

"The database was deleted, only some remnants of the code, but I found traces of the US military inside such code, which has a location! Yes," Mia didn't even finish her sentence before a bullet flew diagonally towards her head.

Mia didn't even look at the bullet, just a brief glance at the staff who was firing his gun not far away, and then the bullet flew through the wall not far away like an illusion.

As for the staff member who had fired, he had already turned unconscious the moment Mia looked over, but his work was done before he fell unconscious, and the encounter invasion alert had been issued, just seconds before he fired.

"Looks like they're coming over here!" Chang Man saw what Mia was doing and didn't stop anything.

First! It's the other guy attacking himself first, second! Mia hadn't hurt his life just knocked him out.

"Do we need to leave?" Mia inquired.

"Not necessary, I happen to make myself known to this group!" Zhang Wen waved his hand, then said.

"Well, it just so happens that I need some time to decipher the traces left behind by Ultron!" Mia nodded, then said. Although she had become a lot more human after turning into a human, she would become just as focused as before once she got down to business, and would not be affected by her personality at all.

The silent alarm sounded, and although there was no piercing bell, Zhang Wen could clearly hear a large number of people running forward like here, moving very quickly and quite gracefully.

In less than a minute, Zhang Wen was surrounded by the sudden appearance of soldiers, these soldiers did not have the same uniform, some of them were wearing very strange clothing, and at a glance, they were just recently researched technological products, such as - Falcons!

Zhang Wen could only see this one type of soldier, and that was still because there was a retired Falcon joining in the Women's Union, and as for the rest Zhang Wen couldn't figure out what that was for at all.

It seemed that Zhang Wen had changed some history, maybe it was because there was no way to film it in the movie, in short, Zhang Wen didn't know much about this kind of special forces of various countries, even Mia couldn't find any useful information through the Internet, because this kind of top secret documents were not networked, and even if they were, it was only some local area network with a very high degree of secrecy.

"Mr. Zhang Wen! Are you here to sign the Scovia agreement?" Rose stepped out behind a group of soldiers and said to Zhang Wen with some high spirits.

"Not really! Why do you people still want to control me!" Chang took a few steps forward and stared into Rose's eyes.

"Are you going up against the entire United Nations of all nations?" Rose's eyes narrowed, as if she thought she had misjudged something.

"Not by a long shot! You can try!" Zhang Wen's eyes sharpened, with a hint of murderous aura emanating from them.

Ross, who had been staring at Zhang Wen, felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and then noticed that his suppressed Hong Hulk seemed to be starting to get a little out of control, which made Ross unable to help but take a few steps back, avoiding Zhang Wen's line of sight.

Even though Ross could now transform into a Red Hulk and was a long-time veteran, it was still nothing compared to Zhang Wen, and no one had killed more people than the Speedster.

Because, without changing the timeline once, the Speedster had killed the entire world once!

And Chang Man! Enough to change the timeline a few thousand times! ~

Even if you didn't count the people who had died as a result of Zhang Wen's wave, the lives in Zhang Wen's hands were counted according to the unit of ten thousand, and even Zhang Wen himself wasn't sure how many speedsters he had killed during that time, how many people who had come to trouble him!

All he knew was that he had messed up the timeline so badly that even God Speed Force Space couldn't help but send speedsters over to deal with him, and even the time ghosts were about to be killed by Zhang Wen.

It was precisely because of this battle that Zhang Wen's subsequent capture of half of the God Speed Force Space was smooth, otherwise it wasn't that easy.

Rose silently looked at Zhang Wen for a long time, only to finally not dare to give the order to shoot. He knew that there was no way these guns could do anything to Zhang Wen, and no one could stop him once Zhang Wen launched his madness, not one!

This is a character who is a thousand times more dangerous than a nuclear bomb!

That was what Nick Fury had warned Rose, and while Rose greatly disdained agents like Nick Fury, based on some of the information S.H.I.E.L.D. had gathered and Rose's own information, the man was very dangerous.

"Vin, we've found Ultron!" Mia's voice broke the silence, relieving everyone present.

"Okay, let's go!" Chang replied, then turned his attention to Rose and spoke very coldly, "Rose, tell you! Don't mess with me! You'll know what the consequences are!"

Then, one step at a time, Zhang Wen walked out, as if he was provoking Rose!

No! Either as if, or in provocation!

Rose's eyes turned red and her heart kept beating. It was as if the Red Hulk would be here in the next second, but that was Rose holding back and letting Zhang Wen walk out of here!

Chapter 206 - The Miserable Ultron

Rose sat with a livid face and said nothing, there were several other people in the room, they seemed to be arguing about something, but they spoke quietly, like they were afraid Rose would hear them.

"I hear you're being ignored?" Just at that moment, Stark walked in and said.

Ross looked up and then said nothing, as if by default on this, and was silent for a while before he said, "About this man Zhang Wen! What do you think of it!"

"Very strong! More powerful than all of us!" Tony said without a moment's hesitation.

"I know, do you have any idea how."

"No way!" Tony said immediately without the slightest hesitation.

"I know you're close to him, but"

"I don't think you understand!" Tony interrupted Ross and then dropped the nano-box on his chest on the table to Ross and asked, "Do you know what this thing is?"

"Your latest steel suit is state of the art nanotechnology!" Ross was a little confused as to what Tony was trying to say, but answered his question anyway.

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