The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Amazing Race Chapter 153.

"What a subtle device, I can't imagine that energy can still be collected in this way, it seems that the technology content on the ship you encountered when you were young is quite high. There is also knowledge about magic tsk~"Zhang Wen placed the captured ring directly in front of his eyes to view it, and in just a short time, he was able to figure out the ring's function and related technology.

For Zhang Wen, becoming strong wasn't really the most important thing! Before becoming an Extreme Speedster Zhang Wen had already planned what an Extreme Speedster could do, and with that extremely excellent speed, he also had great strength.

It had been a long time since he had fought with all his might, and being able to use his full strength as a speedster was the biggest bug in the dc world, and there might be other bugs, but to Zhang Wen at that time, being a speedster meant being invincible.

Zhang Wen's way of obtaining the Speed Force was very ingenious, and the subsequent creation of the Speed Force Space was even an unexpected discovery. In the world of the Flash, there were simply too many ways to obtain the Speed Force, whether it was asking for help from the Reverse Flash, searching for the Rapid Potion, or even directly getting in touch with Barry.

The Divine Speed Force Space was born out of this situation, which gave Zhang Wen the ability to defend himself. But in the end, he was still unable to escape the speedster's fate that was like a curse.

Tony of the Parallel World had said something when the Exterminator's army arrived, "If you play with time, then time will play with you!" It was like a validation of the cursed fate of the speedsters, and time was the worst thing in the world, bar none.

Of course, Zhang Wen hadn't gained nothing from it, even though he had lost many of his family members and had made his life a mess, even though he himself might have gone insane for a while. But at the very least, Zhang Wen became not going to die! It was also gaining eyes that could see through everything, though it was unclear if this was also a curse or not.

Zhang Wen wanted to regret it, he had initially thought about whether or not to give up this power, but without the Godspeed Power in the Flash World, it would be like directly giving up everything he had, and if he really gave up the Godspeed Power then he might meet an even more tragic fate than that.

The ability of Zhang Wen's eyes was really fused with the Godspeed Force Space, which appeared after, it wasn't much help to his strength, it was just able to bring some convenience to his daily life, such as being able to see the essence of the person, or the structure of certain items and so on, even if Zhang Wen wanted to do it, he would also be able to see time, space and so on.

The method that Zhang Wen used to analyze the Manchu Ring now was to use his own special eyes to see, and it was because of those eyes that Zhang Wen was able to transform so many strange and weird toys with a very ordinary scientific research ability.

After memorizing all of the technological technology contained within the ring, Zhang Wen directly threw the ring to Wanda. As for the magic inside? Zhang Wen practiced without even looking at it, but he was extremely disappointed in his magical talent!

Although Zhang Wen didn't borrow any power from anyone, there was no way Zhang Wen could even understand the magic he couldn't read. The few small magic he had mastered had taken him a long time to understand it. Even so if he were to really use it according to normal mage usage, he might not be able to use it.

In this matter, even Mia's analytical ability was stronger than Zhang Wen's ability to learn magic.

"Take this ring and play with it! Be careful not to hurt Dao or anyone!" After throwing the ring to Wanda, Zhang Wen turned his head to look at Lord Manchu.

After only seeing Wanda's ring, it looked as if it was clean on top of the ring, but he couldn't help but look disgusted. Although Lord Manchu actually looked quite spirited and tidy. But couldn't resist the kind of flesh and blood on his hand just now, it really made Wanda a bit nauseous.

Pulling out a handkerchief from inside his pocket, he very carefully wiped and wiped the ring before satisfactorily placing it on his thumb.

But what Wanda didn't expect is that the original big ring when wearing on Wanda's thumb suddenly shrank to become incomparable fit, which makes Wanda feel some novelty, as if encountered a very fun toy.

As for the ring's owner, there was no need to worry, Zhang Wen had just emptied the ring's technology part, and the magic part, Wanda was a magic genius, so there was no need to worry about this.

Zhang Wen was a little doubtful that Wanda's magic talent was even higher than Dr. Strange's. After all, Dr. Strange had no one to take the initiative. After all, Dr. Strange didn't have anyone who took the initiative to send him teaching materials. The guy who gave Wanda the teaching materials Zhang Wen wasn't sure who he was, but he knew very well that that guy was much more powerful than Gu Yi, otherwise Gu Yi wouldn't have bothered with such things.

Although in front of Zhang Wen and his disciples, Gu Yi had always behaved amiably, but to the outside world, Gu Yi was a very cold existence and would not show any mercy at all, as for helping people to send things? That's not going to happen!

That was why Zhang Wen guessed that the other party was very strong.

Not caring at all about Wanda's small actions like this, little girls. It was normal to be a bit clean!

"Who are you! Why don't you kill me!" Lord Manchu stared at Zhang Wen for a long time after cleaning his wounds, before asking.

"Why did I kill you? Do you pose any threat to me?" Looking at the other party, Zhang Wen was full of indifference.

Lord Manchu wasn't a good tempered person, if someone normally treated him like this he would definitely use the cruelest method to make him realize his mistake, but now Lord Manchu was very slow to even dare to do it.

After all, he wasn't an idiot!

Chapter 216 - Helplessness

In this world, there might be people who would value their dignity more than life, but Lord Manchu was not such a person, if Zhang Wen used more drastic actions to humiliate him maybe he would not be able to stand it and resist to the death, but just that was a normal attitude in Lord Manchu's concept.

Strong man! It was definitely a privilege that the weak didn't deserve, but this feeling was just a bit too unpleasant.

Feeling the difference between himself and Zhang Wen, Lord Manchu lowered his head and said to Zhang Wen with forced calmness, "Since you won't kill me, then there must be something I need to do, right?"

"Very clever! I'm actually quite worried about what to do with you, it's a bit of a waste to kill, and you definitely can't do it by making you serve me." Zhang Wen slowly walked to Lord Manchu's side and spoke as he looked at him.

"How about this, take care of your ally for me, and this matter will be forgotten!" Suddenly, Zhang Wen seemed to have remembered something and said to Lord Manchu.

"Good!" Lord Manchu didn't hesitate at all and immediately agreed.

"Alright, off you go! Next time, check my profile more often and don't commit any more crimes at my hands!" Zhang Wen waved his hand at Lord Manchu with a face of disgust.

Looking at Zhang Wen's appearance, a surge of anger rose in Lord Manchu's heart, but it was suppressed by him in the blink of an eye. Nodding at Zhang Wen, he then directly flew away from the place.

And on the side, Tony and Roddy were already dumbfounded! Although I had known that Zhang Wen was strong, this scene in front of me was too surprising! I thought I had encountered a big boss and was about to have a hard fight.

As a result, an even more powerful guy suddenly appeared on his own side and just came on the scene and cut off one of the opponent's fingers, then did nothing to directly scare him away.

"Uh, Zhang Wen, didn't you say that you weren't going to participate in this incident?" Looking at Zhang Wen's appearance, Tony looked slightly embarrassed, but he had fallen on his face this time, and he really might have died here if he didn't have reinforcements.

"It seems that you and the Ten Commandments Gang are really destined for each other!" Chang smiled at Tony's somewhat wretched appearance and then said.

"The Ten Commandments Gang? This is their power? Didn't I kill the Ten Commandments gang?" Listening to Zhang Wen's words, Tony was a bit confused. After all, the first thing he had done in the beginning to make the steel suit was to directly destroy the gang that had kidnapped him.

"Not really, the real Ten Commandments Gang is huge, and what you knocked off isn't even a minion, at most it's just a small character acting under the false name of the Ten Commandments Gang!" Looking at Tony's puzzled look, Chang Man thought about his explanation.

"That guy just now was the real leader of the Ten Commandments gang! Also a very powerful Kung Fu master and supernatural being! All ten of his rings have their own powers! He's older than Captain America! You should be able to imagine what a huge force it is to have been alive for so long! This here! It's basically this guy's private territory!" Chang casually pointed a finger around and then to Tony Cope.

"Is it any wonder you didn't kill him, because he's going to be so much worse when he dies?" Tony muttered to himself as he looked around at the corpses and the huge land that Chang Man was pointing to.

"No! Mr. Zhang Wen would never be because of this!" Wanda walked over and heard Tony's words opening his mouth to retort. Having lived with Zhang Wen for such a long time, Wanda however knew Zhang Wen's character very well, he would never give up his principles because of such things.

Zhang Wen was a person who was actually very kind when he said that he was kind, and as long as he could help others, Zhang Wen would generally not refuse anything. However, there were times when Zhang Wen would be very cold-blooded and would turn a blind eye even if the other party was experiencing a lot of suffering, as if the other party was an insignificant and insignificant as an ant!

A few days ago, some people with ulterior motives were able to make Tony feel unsettled by taking out some information and movies, and were even somewhat suspected of being morally kidnapped, but it was biased to the point that many people ate this set.

But if they used this set against Zhang Wen, it would never work! Zhang Wen was a person who would never change his mind because of any external factors! Even if one day someone threatened Zhang Wen with the destruction of the Earth, he would just kill the other party very calmly or just leave the area.

"Wanda still knows me well!" Zhang Wen smiled and touched Wanda's head, which caused Wanda to knock Zhang Wen's hand off with some displeasure.

Zhang Wen who had his hand knocked off by Wanda was embarrassed and could only continue to say to Tony and Roddy, "I'm sick of dealing with the government! It's not that I'm afraid of them, it's that I'm afraid of killing them if I can't control my anger! We'll be in trouble then! It just so happens that a man has committed a crime against me now, so take him and help me out with some of my problems."

Zhang Wen's words were very calm, but the words that reached Tony and Roddy's ears sent chills down their hearts, and although they wanted to ask if Zhang Wen was joking, they both knew clearly that Zhang Wen's words were true and that he would really do such a thing.

"Don't worry! I'll definitely do my best to restrain myself!" Seeing the two of them change their expressions, Zhang Wen opened his mouth to comfort them, but the effect wasn't too good and it didn't help at all.

Seeing this, Zhang Wen did not say anything more. He directly opened a spatial door and said to the two of them, "Let's go, but Steve is still waiting for you! He's got a surprise waiting for you over there!"

"What you just said, Zhang Wen, is that the one working with Lord Manchu is the US government!" Roddy said suddenly, also looking at the mechanical wreckage all over the place, something was really wrong with this technology being here.

"More than that! And many other countries! You can't help us with this. How do you think the Scovia agreement came about? You know those people are very afraid of an existence that can challenge them!" Zhang Wen smiled and looked up at the sky with a mocking smile on his lips.

"What does he mean by that! Found us yet?" Inside a techy looking room, a very energetic old man looked at the screen and couldn't help but say Zhang Wen.

"He knew all along that there was no way to hide it from the others with our abilities!" A researcher with eyes on the side pushed his eyes that were about to slip and then said, sounding very helpless.

Hearing the words of the person beside him, this old man couldn't say anything, he just felt very frustrated. Since when did all the countries on the entire Earth have no way of taking one person?

It's not that no one has suggested a solution, but

"Alas" the old man's spirit instantly collapsed, as if he had received a great blow, and he directly pushed the door and walked out.

The others in this room saw nothing strange, no one even looked at him, after all, this kind of scene had basically been the norm here.

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