The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 161.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhang Wen was a guest, he really would have grabbed Zhang Wen by the collar to find out what this was all about. There had already been a prophecy about Asgard's upcoming crisis - the Twilight of the Gods! Almost every Asgardian understands that this is about to happen, and there are many cowards fleeing Asgard.

Like that blacksmith now on Earth!

But Saul had never hesitated to believe that he could stop the Twilight of the Gods. But now that he heard Zhang Wen's words, he understood that his usual world self had failed, and failed so badly that it had caused him to lose his fighting spirit.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?" Saul finally calmed down and instead of hurriedly questioning towards Zhang Wen, he was polite and polite.

Seeing Saul like this, Zhang Wen Mingbai, he had grown! A man can be childish all his life, but if he wants to grow up it only takes a moment and that's enough!

"Yes, but I'm not sure I want to tell you about it, after all, it's a matter of Asgard's privacy. The day of Odin's death, when the twilight of the gods comes! You can prepare before then, but it's definitely too late!" Zhang Wen said to Saul very seriously.

At the end, Zhang Wen added, "In fact, the timeline has changed since I came to this world, and I'm not sure if what's supposed to happen will happen, but I'll be here to help when the time comes! Although I probably can't beat her either!"

"She? Is that a woman?" Thor noticed the last word in Zhang Wen's words and was somewhat surprised.

"She was the cause of the Twilight of the Gods, but the destruction of Asgard was not because of her!"

"You know, you look a lot like one of those prophecy mages right now!"

"In fact! I'm talking about prophecy! You can ask Odin, and if he doesn't want to v. you, then ask Loki!"

"Loki knows too?"

"I gave him some very interesting memories!"

The Asgardian cocktail party lasted late, but that was normal for them, the Asgardians with thousands of years of life expectancy were very different from Earthlings in their routines, it was early enough to end the party very late like this, and what they often did was celebrate all night, and even party for weeks on some important occasions.

"How's that for a nice view of Asgard! How about making this the first stop on our trip!" After the party was over, Chang Man took Mia to a high rooftop where the two of them sat and admired the view from the sky, which was very different from Earth's.

"It's kind of like going back in time, but only in style, I found a lot of high tech stuff here, some devices that even I couldn't hack into, and what strange magic. It's just that the food is a little not very good, the way it's done is a little too wasteful and it doesn't show off the deliciousness of the ingredients at all!" Mia carefully pondered the fun she had during the day and suddenly began to gush about the food here.

"But it tastes okay, that's the style here, the quality of the food is definitely top notch, just not too serious about the cooking!" Chang opened his mouth to explain for Mia.

"There are also entertainment facilities and businesses, it's a bit too backward in here, you can't find any movies or anything at all, there's quite a bit of music though." Mia continued to count the deficiencies of the place, certainly in her opinion, the Asgardians had already adapted to this kind of life and wouldn't have any problems at all.

"Don't complain all the time, say something cheerful! We didn't come here to pick faults for Asgard, and besides, these Asgardians may not be aware of it, they just don't like it!"

"I'm finding I'm a little uncomfortable living without the internet, I feel like I'm trapped!" Mia lowered her head, slightly frustrated, to Chang Wen.

"That's human!" Zhang Wen didn't comfort Mia, nor did he say anything, but just lamented.

The two of them just quietly admired the Asgard at night, and in the quiet night, there was suddenly a very strange feeling, some warmth and some satisfaction.

Zhang Wen's side was quiet, but where Saul could blow up, since Zhang Wen told Saul some things, Saul ran away from the banquet midway and went directly to the Asgardian prophecy mages, after getting the same incomprehensible answers as usual, Saul then in also couldn't sit down and went directly to look for Odin.

Odin looked fine at this point, but looked a little weak. He was talking to his queen about something, and the scene was peaceful, but Saul barged right in, very impetuously asking his father Odin about the Twilight of the Gods.

Odin was surprised, after all, almost every Asgardian knew about such prophecies as the Twilight of the Gods, but since Saul had asked like that, he must have known about some other situation.

"That's right! I know, I'll let you know tomorrow! Now, step back!" Odin contemplated the words as he listened to Saul, and then said to Saul.

"Yes, Father!" Hearing Odin say that, Saul had no choice but to retreat, but he didn't give up and didn't have the patience to wait until tomorrow, so he went straight to find Loki.

Chapter 230 - Signs of the Coming Civil War

The next day, Zhang Wen woke up very early from his bed, it wasn't that something was wrong just that he slept a little uncomfortably, the Asgardians got up very early, as if yesterday's revelry hadn't brought any fatigue to them, and Zhang Wen even saw several guards who were drunk last night and were actually standing there on duty today refreshed.

After strolling around the streets, Zhang Wen walked back with many distinctive looking foods in his hands. But halfway there, he saw a somewhat sullen Saul.

"What's the matter, didn't you get a message from your father somewhere?" When Zhang Wen saw Saul, he went forward to greet him and inquired about it.

Saul was not at all curious about Zhang Wen's inquiry, because he was just waiting for Zhang Wen here. From inside Zhang Wen's food bag, he naturally took a strip of meat and put it into his mouth, saying with a bit of frustration, "Father said to wait until today! But I'm not really sure he'll tell me."

"It's your family business, and I'm really not in a position to interfere!" Naturally, Zhang Wen wouldn't tell Saul about Jiang Haila directly, there were some things that he could just say, and some things that would be a bit offensive. He didn't want to be some long-winded woman, but he just felt that now was the time to tell Saul about the impending danger.

"Family matters?" When Saul heard this, if his head was pondering then he just left after exchanging a few pleasantries with Zhang Wen.

Someone rushed over to call him after breakfast, Zhang Wen originally thought it would be Odin looking for him, but he didn't expect it to be Frigga, Saul's mother.

Because Mia had taken some interest in Asgard's unique network, Zhang Wen was the only one who went to see Frigga. This made Zhang Wen wonder if it was Frigga's intention.

"By the way, I haven't thanked you properly yet, you know you saved my life!" Frigga's sat at a table and motioned to Chang Wen to sit down.

"It just so happened that I wasn't too busy, this whole thing was actually a trade!" Zhang Wen took out the sword he had created in Asgard and showed it to Frigga.

Zhang Wen was actually not very satisfied with this sword, although the hardness was acceptable for the time being, Zhang Wen always had a feeling that he was about to break it, so he rarely used it.

"Compared to the queen's life, this sword is very unremarkable! Looks like I've earned it!" Frigga smiled, then explained to Zhang Wen, "Although your Excellency is very strong, your health doesn't seem to be very good. This sword is the best the dwarves can do, but if it were any stronger it would affect you!"

"Well, I know. I'm just an ordinary Earthling with strange abilities, and naturally my body is not as good as the Asgardians." Zhang Wen said without a care, he had heard about the weapons built by dwarves, if the body was not strong enough to forcefully use it, the body would be torn apart and the spirit would be destroyed.

Naturally, Zhang Wen himself would be fine, but he would be injured, so naturally, he wouldn't use something like that. And most importantly, the dwarves wouldn't build that kind of weapon for him either. Although the dwarves were responsible for building weapons for the Asgardians, it was conditional, and it wasn't like the dwarves had to do whatever the Asgardians said.

"I heard you told Thor something yesterday."

Zhang Wen and Frigga talked for a long time, for Frigga's questions Zhang Wen basically said whatever he had, if Asgard really could directly take care of the extermination bully, this would save Zhang Wen trouble, really he really wasn't very good at dealing with the extermination bully guy.

If the Exterminator was really like what was shown in the movie, Zhang Wen would really be able to take care of the trouble, but from the last encounter, it wasn't the case, there was still a very strong energy inside the Exterminator's body, and I don't know if the Exterminator would retain any great moves or something like that.

This was also why Zhang Wen would straightforwardly use the Infinity Glove where he was, because he didn't want to fight, he didn't want to turn the boat over in the gutter, and although he might not be able to kill himself, Zhang Wen would rather not take the risk. In case it dragged on long enough for the exterminator to really find any opportunity, it was hard to say how things would end up.

For the next few days there was nothing for Zhang Wen, he and Mia had a good stroll around Asgard, and as for Loki, although he was said to have swept away his previous reputation due to the dark elves, Loki was not happy and often mysteriously did not know what he was up to.

Saul was called by Odin the next day to talk, after the talk Saul disappeared directly into the universe, very hurriedly did not even go to say goodbye to Zhang Wen, as to what the two said, Zhang Wen did not know.

Next, Zhang Wen, who had already had enough fun here, directly in the sky above Asgard, released the spaceship that had been prepared long ago and flew towards the depths of the universe among his targets.

Earth, trying to get in touch with Zhang Wen, Wanda did not succeed, and the group had no choice but to rely on their own power.

As in the movie, this kind of thing is always stopped at the last moment, Steve and the others, together with Iron Man, succeeded in stopping Mrs. Hydra from releasing the virus.

While the group was rejoicing, Tony realized that it wasn't really a virus, nor did it have the effect of turning humans into bloodthirsty beasts, and that really all it did was attract their attention.

Then, Steve immediately remembered that there was not a single alien being studied in the research lab, and that the so-called test subjects were just ordinary people.

After a series of scenes like an American blockbuster, Steve and Stark's group finally found the imprisoned aliens, the real HYDRA lab.

Just when everything was about to end, the long-held Inhuman abilities suddenly exploded, directly destroying a nearby town, and then the remaining Inhumans also fled, not giving the Avengers a chance at all.

Inhumans with spatial abilities weren't supposed to be so easy to catch.

"Captain, what are we going to do!" The falcon looked at the town, which had become a sea of fire, and questioned Steve.

"Put out the fire!" Steve said very gleefully that he wasn't thinking about what was coming next.

"This isn't going to end just like that!" Tony opened his mouth to say something, then just flew away and he went to put out the fire. There may have been no survivors though.

The accident had caused fewer casualties than Scovia or New York, Scovia had been mostly rescued after all, and while there had been a lot of deaths, it hadn't been as shocking as this whole town being mostly dead.

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