The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Comic-Con Chapter 174.

Chapter 252 - Long Time No See Cassius

"Okay, I got it!" Daisy responded, but did so without mercy, and with a direct hand, one of the strong men in front of her flew out, not even using what was originally an ability, and slammed into the wall and passed out.

Daisy then engaged in a physical battle with those Hive-controlled puppets. This wasn't to show off her hand-to-hand combat abilities or save special effects, but Daisy's powers would take a toll on her body, and if she kept using them, her bones would crack.

So, one could only open a big move to take out one before using melee, and even then those gadgets on Daisy's body that belonged to agents were not something that a few controlled puppets could resist.

As for Wanda, she wasn't watching the show from the sidelines, but was busy chasing away the civilians who were watching the show. When this kind of thing happened, some people would sense the danger and leave directly, while others would fight again not far away to watch the fun, and of course there were also some who wanted to get along with the fun, after experiencing several times of encountering danger because of protecting the crowd, the first thing Wanda did every time after that was not to target the enemy, but to drive away those who didn't want to get along with the fun.

"Drink! ~"The hive's mouth let out a roar and stretched out its arms to turn into something like dust that was suspended in the air, although it looked like it was dust, it was actually all tiny insects.

The insects were nothing to be afraid of individually, even if they invaded the human body, they would be automatically digested, but if there were too many of them then it would be a disaster.

For example, the marching ants of the Amazon River basin, this kind of ants are often mythologized by humans on the Internet, but in reality they rarely attack large animals like humans, this is related to their numbers, after all, a normal marching ant group is only one to two million, for some small animals is a threat, but not a deadly threat to larger animals.

But the hive insects were very powerful, first of all, their devouring ability, they could devour humans in a few seconds, and even their tiny bodies were fearless of most attacks, they were invincible.

But this ability was easy for Wanda to deal with, just use Crimson Energy to wrap them up, although the Hive's insects were able to devour a bit of Crimson Energy, this was just a drop in the bucket compared to Wanda's massive energy.

"What a disgusting ability!" Although Wanda couldn't see the hive insects, she was able to spot the floating seemingly dusty things full of life and could naturally guess what was there.

"Do you think we'll still be defeated by this ability?" Hive bellowed again, and a large amount of dust-like stuff came out of his clothes, which was supposedly empty now, but Hive still remained human and even had an interest in taunting Wanda.

"Superheroes! Oh, what a ridiculous new type of occupation! What are you going to do now? Kill these people along with us?" Instead of flying towards Wanda, the insects that escaped from inside the hive's body lurked directly into the back kitchen and landed on the staff trying to leave.

Although Wanda had started to drive the crowd away before, this was downtown after all, there was no way to completely clear the premises, and now several more reporters had appeared out of nowhere outside the shop, knowing that it had been less than three minutes since the events here had taken place, and even the police hadn't arrived yet, were these reporters speedsters?

Although she was very reluctant, Wanda still withdrew her Crimson Energy, but instead of putting back the bugs that she had wrapped, she just crushed them. After all, some of the insects in here had gnawed on her own Crimson Energy, so if any mutation occurred wouldn't that be a problem?

"You" Hive's eyes flashed with anger as he looked at Wanda's appearance, but then he pressed it down forcefully and did not choose to kill anyone to vent his anger.

It was also fortunate that he didn't do so, otherwise Wanda who had been nurtured by Zhang Wen for a long time would definitely not be concerned about anything again. There was absolutely no way for Hive to retreat intact by that time.

"Looks like we've failed this time! These guys are so useless, leave it to you! We'll be back!" Hive said so to Wanda, and then made a quick decision to turn his body into a bug cloud and leave the area.

After Hive left, all of the aliens that were under his control fell to the ground, Daisy was a little confused by the situation, but went forward to check on the status of the others.

"They're still alive, that guy wasn't lying!" Daisy looked down carefully at the fallen stranger and spoke. They were then tied up and left to the police.

"Well we're leaving instead!" After Daisy did that, she pulled Wanda away like she always did, but that's when she realized Wanda was as silent as if she'd found something.

"Wanda?" Daisy called out to Wanda in a confused whisper.

"This is a trace from Hydra Labs, we've been tracking him for a long time!" Overhearing Daisy's conversation, Wanda raised her head and said with some intrigue, she remembered those Hydra experiments that had been found, and although Captain America had been pursuing the matter for months, there were no leads.

"Daisy, I'm going to be away for a while, so you have to be careful, that guy can control the Inhumans!" Wanda said very seriously to Daisy and then cast a protection spell on her.

"I want to go with you! This is what we found together, you can't leave me behind!" Daisy didn't hesitate at all and said very firmly to Wanda.


In mirror space, a man with what appeared to be some sort of disability in his limbs was performing some sort of ritual, and there were some very gloomy looking followers around him, but now their faces were fanatical, like some sort of cultists.

Actually, they were cultists, but their beliefs were real, and they were still some great being who controlled the entire dark dimension, beyond time.

That's right, the one with the somewhat disabled limbs was Cassius, and just because he'd been silent for so long didn't mean he'd given up, it just took more effort to reach Domam because of his last failure.

After searching for a long time to find a few of his men, Casillas in the mirror space again but prayed to Domam for strength, only it seemed that something was not quite right, Domam's divine power never came.

I don't know if it was because Domam had given up on himself or for some other reason, but this time Casillas failed once again.

The huge amount of scurrying dark energy flowed all around Casillas' body until Casillas broke his leg again, and the scurrying dark energy rushed out of his body.

Chapter 253 - Summoning Demons

"My lord~!" Casillas' men shouted slightly panicked, but not too anxiously, after all, they had seen this sort of thing many times for them.

"I'm fine!" It took Casillas a long time to slow down, looking around at the mess with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Casillas was a highly gifted magician, even Gu Yi had some admiration for him, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to take Casillas in even though he knew that his thoughts were abnormal. As for discovering Casillas' betrayal? That was later, but at first Kuichi tried to change back his extreme personality.

It was just a pity that Ancient One didn't succeed. Despite having the power of magic and time gems, Gu Yi wasn't a god and had no way to change everything. In fact, even if he was a god, there were many things that he had no way to change.

"My lord, this is the tenth time we've failed!" A female mage on the side said with some frustration, "Although being a dark mage is usually very persistent, there aren't many who can keep going in this situation.

"What? Are you trying to give up?" Caslias spoke in a flat tone and didn't seem to be angry, but it scared the mage woman to the point where she was sweating and kneeling down.

"By no means! It's just that I don't think my lord's body can sustain it for much longer!" The mage woman was covered in cold sweat and shaking slightly, but it wasn't just fear, it was also the massive amount of wear and tear from holding the ceremony earlier.

"I know! So then we need to find another way! That old guy Gu Yi must have done something, or else he couldn't have failed so many times!" Casillas's tone revealed a hint of resentment, as well as deep frustration.

Talent was very important on the path of learning magic, and although he was also very talented, he was not talented enough to master too powerful magic, which was a very difficult thing for Casillas who craved for power to accept.

Casillas' process of learning magic was actually somewhat similar to Dr. Strange, but instead of pursuing his own salvation, he hoped to resurrect his loved ones, and after learning that magic does not resurrect the dead, and that such things are hopeless, Casillas gradually gave up that naive idea, and replaced it with a fear of death and the pursuit of power.

That's why he went to find out why the Ancient One lived so long, and do you think he was the only one of the Ancient One's disciples to discover the truth? The Ancient One had never hidden this information, the books on her magical shelves were at the mercy of anyone to read, and she had never forbidden mages to study.

If Cassius had been smarter, he would have realized that the path of the Ancient One he could have copied, he could have become a second Mage Ancient One, but unfortunately, the fear of death and the resentment of the world made him insane and no longer had the pride of a mage who was a Kamataji.

She would have been happy if one of the Ancient One's disciples appeared like her who stole dark magic to survive. You know that's a very rough road to travel. Even the later Dr. Strange couldn't have done what the Ancient One did, knowing that despite stealing dark magic, the Ancient One was being attacked by dark magic all the time.

Casillas left the mirror plane, although staying here would make him stronger, there was no need for it now, nor was what he was doing a quest for those mundane rights and riches, what he really wanted was eternal life, and as far as he knew only the great Dark Lord transcended time.

He, Cassius! To dedicate the entire world to the great Domam, so that one would gain eternal life, but before that, some very small price would need to be paid!

Casillas pulled out a tattered scroll from his chest, somewhat hesitant to open it. This scroll was very broken and even had some disgusting stains on it, but that didn't mean anything, this scroll was a very important tool that Cassius had obtained.

"My lord! This is" inquired one of the mages who had been following behind him, and although their bodies were equally weak, they did not doubt Casillas in the slightest.

Instead of answering, Casillas simply put the scroll back in place again without saying a word!

A few days later, something bizarre happens in a very remote town, and the truck driver who comes to deliver the goods discovers that the whole town has disappeared!

It is not that people disappeared, but the whole town, the original town above the location is now just a meadow, the original houses, streets, and even the river not far from here have disappeared, as if they never existed.

At first the truck driver thought he was lost, but after a few hours of tossing and turning only to discover this very strange thing, so scared that he was busy calling the police, in the next town's police station inside a while before the police believe her words, this matter slowly fermented, gradually spread more and more widely.

But this kind of thing wasn't a problem for Cassius, mages like them who were far away from the world were never afraid of the police or anything like that. Moreover, wasn't it normal for a dark mage to kill and set fire to people?

"I am sorry that you must sacrifice here for the transcendence of the whole world. But fear not, all mankind will remember your sacrifice! And your sacrifices will be sung forever!" Inside a huge room, Casillas was saying something to hundreds of humans who had fainted on the floor, in a tone that spoke to them, rather Casillas was comforting himself.

Every cultist would twist the cruelty of what they did into something great, like Cassius, who clearly wanted to sacrifice all the creatures on the entire planet, but always thought he was the savior, and saw it as their greatest good fortune that all of them had fallen into the arms of the Dormammu to enjoy eternal life.

As if reciting a poem, Casillas told inside this empty room, the underground comatose crowd didn't react in the slightest, no surprises, and no so-called superheroes broke through the door.

It was as if these people had been forgotten by the world

In fact, that's the norm in the comic book world, like the bad guy just took a hostage and the superhero broke in that's not possible, the world isn't safe, it's just a few well-protected places.

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