The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 179.

"The Ancient One has bred you to be really boring, the original you was much more interesting!" Zhang Wen casually said something and then left the place with the Time Gem.

Although Gu Yi himself didn't want to, he was about to die so he'd better go give her a ride!

With a casual feeling, Zhang Wen found the location of the mirror space and walked straight in. When Zhang Wen arrived, Ancient One was still fighting with Casillas and the others, and a peculiar symbol on his forehead was constantly flashing.

"Hey! Venerable Ancient One!" Zhang Wen directly walked up to Gu Yi and greeted her.

Seeing Zhang Wen arrive the two sides very tacitly stopped fighting, Casillas and Zhang Wen had fought, and that one fight alone made Casillas remember it, and now she was even more pondering whether to escape.

"You shouldn't have come!" Looking at Zhang Wen's arrival, Gu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Do you think they will pose any threat to me?" Zhang Wen looked disdainfully at Cassius and the others who were waiting sternly across the street.

"No! It's just that you're here and my original resolve is wavering again!" Gu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"If you can live, why do you want to die?"

Chapter 261 - Have a nice trip, Kuichi!

Looking at Zhang Wen's appearance, Gu Yi shook her head somewhat helplessly. Although she didn't like Zhang Wen as an exotic visitor at the beginning, after being in contact with Zhang Wen for a long time, Gu Yi slowly got to know Zhang Wen quite a bit and let down her guard, even entrusting the Time Gem to Zhang Wen.

It was important to know that this was one of the few people that Gu Yi could trust, but it was just a pity that some things could not be avoided.

"Your Excellency Zhang Wen, there's no way to avoid this matter, I've tried something that would have even more serious consequences!" Gu Yi said to Zhang Wen very calmly, as if he was not talking about his own death, but about what to eat tomorrow morning.

"Your body can't hold up? I have the means to sustain it!" Zhang Wen's face changed and spoke. Although he hadn't met much with Gu Yi over the years, Zhang Wen already considered Gu Yi as a friend, and for Zhang Wen, a friend was a difficult thing to have.

Gu Yi quietly shook his head and did not speak.

Casillas made a move at this time, and although he was very scrupulous about Zhang Wen's arrival, Casillas did not stop his own movement and mouthed something silently.

Naturally, Zhang Wen had already discovered Casillas' small movements, but he didn't take it to heart at all, and instead continued to try to persuade Gu Yi not to give up on his life, because he knew that Gu Yi didn't actually want to die, and deep down he was very similar to Gu Yi, although he was tired of living, he didn't want to die! But if real death came, they would all smile and face it without fear or worry.

Casillas began to act, a spatial blade appeared in his hand, but instead of attacking Zhang Wen or Gu Yi, he stabbed the spatial blade towards his own men, the two men standing behind him were directly pierced through by Casillas, but there was no fear on their faces, as if they had already prepared for it.

There was no blood left at the wounds of the two underlings pierced by Casillas, but instead their bodies became shard-like and slowly cracked open.

"It's time!" Gu Yi very calmly said to Zhang Wen, "Although it's ugly to die like this, it doesn't matter anymore, I can only leave the rest of the matter to you!"

Ancient One smiled at Zhang Wen, and although Zhang Wen interrupted her plan, Ancient One did not have the slightest resentment, but instead and accepted it all very calmly.

Zhang Wen's face changed as if he had remembered something, and a large amount of divine Speed Force Lightning instantly appeared on his hand and threw it in the direction of Cassius, but it was too late.

Even though I was running fast, there was no way I could stop everything!

The words once again appeared in Zhang Wen's mind as if they were a curse haunting him. A large amount of divine speed force emerged from his body wanting to travel through time, but it was stopped by Gu Yi.

God knows how Gu Yi was able to manipulate his own body, which was becoming older and older, to pull Zhang Wen, but the divine Speed Force that was all over Zhang Wen's body dissipated, and a feeling of powerlessness surged up in his heart.

Summoning his own sword in his hand, casually piercing the chests of Cassius and the others, Zhang Wen turned back to Gu Yi. Some didn't know what to say.

"I originally thought I could save you!" Zhang Wen tried to transmit his God Speed Force to Gu Yi, but unfortunately, God Speed Force wasn't able to extend the life span, and after the life-sustaining Dark Magic Force inside Gu Yi's body disappeared, there was no way to stop it.

Ancient One's soul broke free from inside his body and looked at Zhang Wen with a smile on his face.

"I'm happy! I would have thought I'd be sorry by this time, but now I'm happy!" Gu Yi was still dressed the same way, and it was as if the expression on his face had never changed.

"Why! I should have been able to stop it!" Zhang Wen had some difficulty accepting that he had once again met a death he couldn't prevent, just like the people who would never find their way back then.

"This is the end of me, and there is no stopping it. If you don't come, I will die along with Cassius. Domam will step in to take back the dark magic if he has to change, and there's nothing I can do to stop it anymore! It's already the limit to sustain with a human body!" Ancient One spoke softly to Zhang Wen.

Although Gu Yi did not go into great detail, Zhang Wen already understood what Gu Yi meant, for a long time Gu Yi had been obtaining magic power from the dark dimension to sustain his own life, but this could not be maintained forever, there would always be a limit, and there was no way to salvage it now.

If forced, it could lead to the Domam invading the Earth, or the Ancient One falling into darkness. Such an outcome was something Ancient One didn't want to see no matter what, so she chose this path.

"I've spent too much time looking into the future and stopping countless horrible existences, but each time it brought me here, and now is the end of me!" Ancient One turned his head to look around and said.

"But there wasn't me! You know I'm unpredictable, so maybe I have the power to save you!" Zhang Wen said somewhat reluctantly.

"Zhang Wen! Death is not feared, on the contrary, it is death that gives meaning to life and makes us understand that life is short so that we can do something meaningful."

"I don't know exactly what makes something meaningful! Death may not mean anything to me now, I met her a while ago, though not the death of our universe!"

"What you're doing now makes perfect sense!"

After Gu Yi said this, the two of them were silent for a long time. Zhang Wen felt that Gu Yi's soul was dissipating, and he couldn't figure out if Gu Yi had died or returned to the embrace of the God of Magic, but it was clear that the two might not see each other for a long time.

"Well then, good journey! Venerable Ancient One!" Zhang Wen said to Gu Yi with a normal face, as if he was sending an old friend out on a long trip, although this long trip was indeed a bit far away.

Ancient One nodded at Zhang Wen, before his soul completely disappeared into this world.

As he watched Gu Yi disappear before Zhang Wen's eyes, the emotions that he had kept intact instantly exploded, but fortunately, it wasn't out of control.

Turning his head, however, he saw Cassius struggling to stand up, the place where his chest had been pierced by Zhang Wen was pitch black, as if it was a huge black hole.

"You can't believe you're feeling sorry for that hypocrite, you've really been deceived by her!" Casillas chuckled heedlessly, completely ignoring the huge hole in his body.

"Hypocrisy? That's a word that's fine to describe someone else, it's a word that doesn't match for Kuichi!" Zhang Wen said with a seemingly expressionless face, but in fact, his inner emotions had already begun to churn, waiting for an outburst.

Chapter 162 - Since that's the case, let's go crazy!

"A mismatch? You know what! That old man alone occupies real magic! But only handed us a few carvings, do you know why she has survived for so long?" Cassius said a little dementedly.

"No! You're wrong, although I don't know the mages of Kamataji, there's no magic in Kamataji that is forbidden to learn, did the Ancient One prevent you from viewing that book in the first place? It wasn't, it was just forbidden for you to use it, because it costs a lot to use which magic!" Zhang Wen shook his head and looked at Cassius with great contempt.

"If you want to obtain eternal life just like Gu Yi, then it's simple. Just tell Ancient One that if you really can do it, then you are the next Supreme Mage! Unfortunately, you've chosen the wrong way! And it's not an easy road!" Zhang Wen looked at Cassius with great regret, really if the first world Zhang Wen crossed was Manga, then becoming the second Supreme Mage was Zhang Wen's first medium plan.

Because, Gu Yi had never restricted any of Kamataji's people from learning magic, even her private collection was merely not allowed to use it casually, if someone really could learn Gu Yi's words, then Gu Yi would never stop him from becoming another himself.

Because, only Kouichi understood how difficult that path was!

"Lies!" Casillas hissed loudly into the air and tried to rush up, but was stopped by the black orb that was emitting darkness behind him, and it was because of that black orb that Casillas was able to survive Zhang Wen's attack.

"Lie? I don't think you realize that the Ancient One has the Time Gem, and everything you've done has been seen by the Ancient One, and she's just trying to save you!" Saying playfully, Zhang Wen pulled out the Eye of Argo Motorcycle from his chest and opened it to take out the Time Gem.

The gem that emitted a green glow made Cassius flinch, or to be precise, it made Domam, who was possessed by Cassius, flinch. He however had a fresh memory of this stone.

Zhang Wen didn't care about the small black ball that Domam made out on the side, nor did he care about the Domam that possessed Casillas and directly drove the Time Gem to let Casillas browse through the possibilities.

Doing so wouldn't bring anything to Zhang Wen, but it made him feel a bit more comfortable. Although it made Casillas understand everything, Zhang Wen had no desire to save the other party or persuade him to be a good person.

All he wanted to do was to let Casillas die after knowing everything!

After giving Casillas a lecture about time travel like a lesson, Zhang Wen directly put away the Time Gem and instantly came to Casillas' side, kicking him a good distance away.

The connection between Domam and Casillas didn't stop Zhang Wen at all. Casillas' body rolled several times on the ground before stopping in place without a sound.

If it was an ordinary mage, then it would definitely be dead, even Casillas' men were reduced to ashes by Zhang Wen's attack just now, but Casillas was different, he was blessed by Domam, as long as Domam's parting body was still here, then Casillas would not die.

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