The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 182.

"Why did you remember to make a whole roast lamb today?" Chang Wen walked up to Mia and sniffed the air filled with the aroma of charcoal and roasted whole sheep then said.

"I've done this several times! It's just that you missed it every time!" Mia said without a care in the world.

Chapter 266 - United

The roasted whole goat made by Mia was delicious, ever since Mia became a human with a sense of taste, she liked to eat very much, and because she liked it so the food made by Mia was comparable to delicious, it had been a long time since Zhang Wen ran out to eat.

"It's good, but it's a little too spicy!" As Zhang Wen ate, he commented.

"There's a non-spicy one on the other side, here's one for you!" Mia said to Zhang Wen as she ate.

The two of them did not eat while roasting, but sat on the reclining chairs inside the courtyard and enjoyed the service of the household robots, although the food made by the household robots was a little inferior, but cutting the food was still very simple for them.

Just like this, the two household robots were hard at work, while Zhang Wen and Mia were enjoying their delicious dinner. Not even panicking at all, and not caring at all about the damage they had done to the environment, after all, there was a 'human' responsible for taking care of the aftermath of it all.

Zhang Wen and Mia returned to their room directly after they had finished their meal, and the household robot that was originally serving Zhang Wen and Mia began to take care of the hygiene in their villa.

After collecting the food scraps and placing the utensils inside the dishwasher, the two robots began to target the lawn that had been damaged by Mia to repair it.

"Vin, by the way. That female psychiatrist came to see you in the afternoon, and I saw you sleeping and made her come back tomorrow!" After finishing her meal, Mia said to Chang Wen.

"Oh? Did she come over here with some new mental assessment of me?" Zhang Wen said somewhat distractedly, although he was still looking at books with information about psychology, he didn't take such things too seriously.

"She didn't say, but she looks like she's confident," Mia replied, thinking back.

"Well, then, let's talk about it tomorrow." Zhang Wen didn't really care.

"There was also the company the other day, and they seemed to be having a little trouble. Stark was over here too!" Mia continued to report to Zhang Wen. This time Zhang Wen had been running outside and had accumulated a lot of things.

"Forget about the company, I'll go there tomorrow!" Zhang Wen contemplated for a moment, then replied.

"Oh, and,"

Steve has been in close contact with Black Panther lately because of a guy, this guy is Ulysses Crowe who had one of his arms cut off by Ultron, even though it was one arm that went, but with the funds he got from where Ultron is now Ulysses is mixed up and springing into action.

However, human greed will not be satisfied, and although Ulysses is not happy because he has a lot of money, Ulysses is not happy because some things are not problems that money can solve.

Money can solve a lot of things, but it cannot solve a lot of things, and within those things is included power. Originally, as a weapons dealer who traveled internationally, Ulysses didn't care much about such things as countries, but bar having a lot of money, Ulysses suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

This was because so many people noticed this money in Ulysses' hands, and Ulysses' own power wasn't enough to make them feel intimidated, so what to do? Ulysses came up with a great idea, which was to invest in the Hydra that was now a lost cause.

In the past, Hydra was infinitely beautiful, there were their bases all over the world, and all over the world head their people, and a few snake heads were the supreme kings of the dark world, and people without power didn't even know that Hydra existed.

Ulysses naturally wasn't considered a person without power, able to steal so much Zhenjin from Wakanda, Ulysses's power wasn't small, but at that time and Hydra was still like an ant compared to the others.

It was because he had seen Hydra's glory that Ulysses chose to invest in the remnants of Hydra, which was now in the sunset. He was convinced that a dead camel is bigger than a horse and that this was a wise choice.

In fact it was, and with the infusion of Ulysses' money, Hydra was as if it had been revitalized. It became stronger, but for all the wrong reasons became more invisible than ever.

But even so, it was still being watched by Steve. As someone who had fought Hydra all his life, there was no way he would let an organization like this exist.

Black Panther, on the other hand, was watching Ulysses, a guy who was the most wanted man in Wakanda. But unlike other countries that send people out to arrest criminals, the king of Wakanda chooses to do it himself.

And so, after another chance encounter, Steve and Black Panther joined forces, after all, they all had the same goal.

"According to the information, Ulysses and his gang will start a theft at this museum!" Panther's sister pointed at the map on the screen to Steve and the others, she was very reluctant to get in touch with the group but didn't say much because of Panther.

"A museum? What are they doing in here?" Steve asked oddly.

"Jinjin! In ancient times Wakanda used to give away some Zhenjin products as a symbol of peace, and there is one in this place!" Black Panther replied.

"Our purpose is Ulysses, and there is only information related to Ulysses right now, and as for the Hydra you speak of, as far as I know they have been destroyed!" Black Panther's sister spoke up and said.

Because of Madame Hydra's strategy of hiding, very few people in the world now know that Hydra still exists, and almost everyone thinks that Hydra has been wiped out by S.H.I.E.L.D.! Black Panther's sister was no exception.

"That's one of the hidden ones. The leader is a woman who can use magic, very good looking, but very vicious!" Falcon interjected.

"Magic, that's a very dangerous power!" Wakanda's female general spoke with a furrowed brow.

"We know this well!" Winter Soldier Bucky said with a bitter smile. He had suffered a lot a while ago, and if it wasn't for Wanda's action he would have been in danger of losing his life.

"The danger is much greater than that, not only does Hydra have energy weapons, but they've also been conducting Inhuman research recently, and we've already encountered an Inhuman team that is very strong!" Steve said with a stern face.

"Ulysses has expanded his power quite a bit lately, and very powerful weapons have appeared on his hands, so it looks like you guys weren't wrong about that!" Panther's sister thought for a moment, then said.

"It's not just Ulysses that's the problem now, we also have to guard against this hydra that might be coming!" Steve spoke up.

The two sides discussed the matter at length and finally settled on a plan to apprehend Ulysses! Then inquire out of him the whereabouts of Hydra!

The task of capturing Ulysses is carried out by Black Panther and the others, and it's the job of Steve and the others to fend off any Hydra that might be coming!

Chapter 267 - The Chase

Inside the museum, a group of people are visiting inside and everything seems so peaceful. Visitors view the collectibles, while the staff is again explaining the history of the items.

But there aren't a lot of people here yet, so a black man standing in front of a pile of ancient collectibles is a bit conspicuous.

"Excuse me, sir! Is there anything I can do to help?" A female staff member with a coffee in her hand said.

"Oh, just a casual look! They tell me you're the expert here." The black man responded very politely.

"Or so I'm told!" The female staff member said very confidently, she knew a lot about these things.

"They're beautiful! Where did this come from?" The black man pointed to one of the collectibles and inquired.

"They come from" and so the two men seemed ordinary and harmonious with one question and one answer. Until they encountered a hoe type collectible, when the two men became somewhat less united in their opinions.

"This object appears on the surface to have been taken from Benin by British soldiers, but in reality it came from Wakanda and was made of Zhenjin!" Instead of caring about the female staff member's science, the black man said a very different insight.

"What?" Naturally, the female staff member did not believe him in such talk, after all, she had never heard of any Zhenjin. Nor did she know Wakanda, a small African country, at all.

Although Zhenjin was very widely used and famous in the scientific community. Wakanda was even famous at the recent Skovia conference, but this kind of news would not be noticed at all by the public, and even if they heard about it, they would turn their heads and forget about it. And the female staff member in front of her was one of them, very loosely.

"Without further ado, how much do you pay for this, I'll buy it!" The black man picked up on the confused look on the female staff member's face and instantly understood everything, smiled and then said to her.

"Sir, I don't think you understand, it's not for sale!" The female staff member was stunned, changing to reflect that her eyes showed a hint of caution, and she took the black man to be looking for trouble.

It was in fact true, but it wasn't this guy who was actually doing it, he was just a guide.

"You had all the security attention on me from the moment I walked in, but you forgot to check what you were drinking." The black man said leaning in to the female staff member's ear.

The female staff member took a terrified look at the coffee cup in her hand and then knocked it down with an ugly face.

After this happened, the security guards around naturally didn't care about the black man and rushed to the rescue. Only instead of paramedics, they waited for Ulysses in disguise.

Before the security guards there could react, they were directly shot by Ulysses with one shot at each hand. Steve, who was hiding in the monitoring room, saw this and went to run out, but was held down firmly by both Winter Soldier and Panther.

"Steve! It's too late now! There are too many crowds here for us to be able to arrest him here!" Bucky the Winter Soldier advised in Steve's ear.

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