The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 188.

"That would be perfect!" Dr. Strange smiled and said.

Looking at this guy who was the exact opposite of what he remembered, Zhang Wen shuddered, always feeling all kinds of wrong! He even nodded his head.

When Dr. Strange saw Zhang Wen like this, he didn't show anything, instead, he came to the streets of New York very patiently.

Although Zhang Wen hadn't found the Joker guy for the time being, one thing was certain, the Joker was definitely still in New York, and there was absolutely no way for him to run out under Mia's strict surveillance. Moreover, what was more important was that Zhang Wen could feel that disgusting scent throughout New York, and although he couldn't find the exact location, it was definitely inside New York City.

"Do you guys have any good ways to find this guy?" Zhang Wen turned around and said to the few mages behind him.

The few mages who had been following behind Zhang Wen took out some props and fiddled with them for a while in vain before saying, "Not found! He's everywhere, like he's all around us. He's powerful!"

The group of mages looked as if they had received some sort of shock.

"Ugh~ Clown well, can this guy not be powerful, we really shouldn't have taken this guy out!" Zhang Wen had a bit of a headache. Originally, he thought that the Joker would at most torment Lucifer, but what Zhang Wen did not expect was that the Joker could actually escape from hell, which was a very rare thing.

It was easy for demons in hell to sign something with humans and then use the power of the contract to come to earth, but the Joker was different, he definitely appeared on earth in his real body, something that even Lucifer and other demon monarchs couldn't do. At most, he could have sent in a half-disabled spirit of vengeance like Mephisto, and at a great cost.

If it were easy to send a demon to Earth, those Helllords would have taken Earth long ago, so why bother? You know there's not much else in hell, but there are as many demons as you want, and those hell monarchs don't feel bad at all.

The Joker's threat was only one aspect, if the Joker leaked out the method of coming to Earth, then this Earth could be in real trouble. By then, countless demons would come to Earth, and even Zhang Wen wouldn't be able to remove the group of guys.

But the good news was that the probability of this happening was very low.

Chapter 276 - Two Clowns!

"Mia, how's it going? What have you got?" Seeing that Kamataji's mage wasn't of much use, Zhang Wen had to ask Mia about it.

"No, but I've ruled out most of the areas, the only ones left are Hell's Kitchen, the towns around New York, and inside the underground sewage system!" Mia looked hesitant to talk about the underground sewage system, even though she knew it wasn't the kind of place the bees had gone to, but Mia was still a little disgusted that it was really dirty.

"Have there been any reports of missing sewer line workers?" Zhang Wen inquired to Mia, hearing Mia say that, he was already able to roughly determine where the Joker was hiding.

New York's slum, Hell's Kitchen, it was a place that was managed very chaotically, and despite the chaos, it had its own rules, and it was impossible for the Joker to be silent in there, the only thing that could be possible was the underground of the city, which was accessible in all directions and usually didn't have many people going in.

"Okay, I got it! I'm going to take a look inside the underground sewage pipe, so keep investigating, and I'll let you know if I hear anything!" Zhang Wen said to Mia, then hung up the phone and spoke to the mage behind him, and the whole person thus disappeared into the underground.

Although Zhang Wen also didn't really like the smell inside the sewage, he had a way to solve it, just vibrate through it. There was a large amount of people in the city, so Zhang Wen could not rely on himself to find it, but there weren't that many people in the underground pipes, so with Zhang Wen's speed, he would be able to run through them.

Soon, Zhang Wen spotted the figure of a clown inside a corner, he seemed to be holding some kind of ritual and was singing and praying.

"Are you praying to Lucifer?" Zhang Wen walked up to the Joker's side and a lightning bolt directly purified all the dirt around him, then said faintly.

Whether it was the dirt on the surrounding pipes or the human limbs on top of the Joker's ceremony, all of them were burned away by the heat of the lightning, leaving only some powder. The Joker also received no exceptions to Zhang Wen's attack, but no damage could be seen, as if Zhang Wen had left the Joker behind on purpose.

"Speedster! Hey, it's been a while since we've seen each other, let's see. A couple of decades? Or hundreds of years? You know hell isn't quite the same time as earth, and I've been waiting a long time!" The clown's body was still filled with black liquid, and it looked so disgusting that it made you feel disgusted when you opened it.

"You should get some stripes on your body, you look so much better with people's venom! Pure black liquid is a very ugly thing!" Zhang Wen didn't care about the clown's threat, instead, he ridiculed loudly, to him, the clown was just a small role, as insignificant as the clowns in the real circus.

Although Zhang Wen cared a lot about the destruction that the Joker could bring, he was full of contempt for the Joker. After all, he wasn't like those superheroes or whatever who adopted a no-kill policy, for him he could do anything he wanted.

"You "The Joker was just about to say something when his head was looked at by Zhang Wen. There were still some sounds left inside his mouth that he didn't make, morphing into a moan-like sound.

After decapitating the clown's head with a sword, Zhang Wen did not stop his actions, instead, he condensed a high concentration energy ball in his hand and then pressed a hand on the clown's body.

The crackling energy ball and the black liquid on the clown's body produced various reactions, and those black liquids seemed to belong to different lifeforms like their respective rebels, Zhang Wen's face exuded a displeased look, then increased the energy ball released from his hand.

This time, the body that fell to the ground completely lost its ability to resist and exploded!

Most of the black liquid disappeared cleanly by Zhang Wen's energy ball, and only some of the surrounding liquid escaped quickly enough to survive, and only about a tenth of this corpse's black liquid disappeared.

"Wait a minute~! Do you want the Earth destroyed!" The Joker was a little panicked and said to Zhang Wen. But as he said this, Zhang Wen had cleared all the black liquid that had spilled out, leaving only one of the clown's heads in place.

"Unfortunately for you! I don't care!" Zhang Wen stared at the remaining skull underground and spoke.

Then, a large amount of lightning appeared inside Zhang Wen's hand and surged towards the clown's remaining head underground. In less than a second, the clown's head was completely destroyed.

When the Joker disappeared in front of him, Zhang Wen let out a sigh of relief, perhaps the Joker really might have left behind some means, but that was later, the only way to face the Joker was to not care about his threat and to do it quickly enough, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

The Joker, Batman, and others were all of a type, the more time they were given, the stronger they would become, and even able to directly turn into the state of killing gods.

Just when Zhang Wen thought that everything had been resolved, a poisonous gas suddenly appeared here, enveloping Zhang Wen's entire body, and the Joker's signature laugh once again appeared in Zhang Wen's ears.

"Is this the clown's laughing gas? A mysterious poisonous gas that can infect the entire universe! It's really hard to find!" Zhang Wen didn't care about the clown's laughter, instead, he had some interest in the gas that was suspended around him.

Clowns weren't that easy to kill, a situation that Zhang Wen had planned for, but despite that, Zhang Wen was actually a little disappointed! How nice it would be to work it out and save yourself the trouble of being upset.

But the Joker's venom made himself less frustrated, and even a little happier! To know that this was something that Zhang Wen had been looking for for a long time and hadn't found!

Somewhat excitedly, he took out a bottle to collect the clown laughing gas from the entire room, and then Chang Man quietly looked at the figure that walked up to him.

It was indeed the same classic Joker look, with the green messy hair, pale face, and red lips like a cracked smile, all of which verified his identity.

"Joker, can you tell me how many subs you have this time?" Looking at the Joker who was walking towards him without fear, Chang Man spoke up.

"That's a good question! But I didn't know that! Ha, ha, ha! Hahaha!" The clown was laughing madly as if he had discovered some funny toy.

"You should know that I can't let you exist, even if you turn the whole of New York City into clowns, I will kill them all" Zhang Wen continued, but the clown wasn't interested in listening to Zhang Wen's words in the slightest, instead, he continued to laugh maniacally.

"Ugh~! But I hate killing people!" Zhang Wen said helplessly. The figure then passed by in one piece, and the clown standing beside him simply disappeared, leaving a pile of ashes in its place.

"Looks like it's going to be another killing spree!"

Chapter 277 - Seal off New York City!

"Mia, I found him! But worst case scenario, blockade all of New York City!" Chang Man pressed a button on top of the communicator in his ear, then said to Mia.

"Vin, this is going to cause a lot of problems!" Mia immediately collected her thoughts from the bees after receiving the message and said. At the same time, the bees that were scattered throughout the city received orders and began to frantically gather in the area of Zhang Wen's villa. This unnatural phenomenon naturally drew the attention of some people who were interested, but they had only taken a few pictures, and before they could publish them, they found that their network was cut off.

This was naturally the result of Mia's making, and the first time she learned of the Joker's appearance, Mia had the entire city of New York fully monitored, and any items, humans, including animals that entered or left New York would be closely monitored by Mia to ensure that the Joker would not escape.

At the same time, Zhang Wen actually had a backup plan all along, an advanced version of the one that had been used during the Battle of New York, and it was the same version that Zhang Wen had Mia use out now - to seal off New York City.

New York, as an iconic American city, it housed all kinds of rich people, all kinds of tourists, all kinds of people, and the daily flow of people was super high, but behind this glitter and glamour, there were also many evils hidden, the most famous of which was New York City's Hell's Kitchen, which was quite a harsh environment, people were dying every day, but every day there were new people living in it, just like the Gotham in the dc world, it would attract many criminals.

The current boss of Hell's Kitchen is a very famous presence in the Marvel Universe - Jin Wo! This is a gangster, ruling all the underground forces in New York City, whether it is drug trafficking, gangs, or to collect protection money such as small business, all have his involvement.

But in the open, he is indeed a very rare philanthropic tycoon, Zhang Wen even in the charity foundation more than once saw the figure of Jin Wo, and other superheroes, although Zhang Wen understand Jin Wo's behavior, but did not want to hit it to the idea, but also have no good feelings, can only be ignored.

The good thing was that Jin Namie was a relatively smart person who seemed to have discovered the truth of the world early on, and almost never messed with powerful existences, like Iron Man, and Zhang Wen would not even notice his existence if he didn't pay attention.

But now, the Jin Wan who had been having a good time was in big trouble!

"How's that for consideration, Mr. Kinami. Do you want to join?" A clown with heavy make-up said to Jin Mo, and licked the bloodied dagger at the corner of his mouth.

He knew very well that the clown in front of him was just an ordinary person, without any ability beyond the ordinary people, but he was such an ordinary person, holding a small knife, who came to Jin He's side, and told Jin He his grand plan.

That's right, in Jin Nam's opinion, the Joker's plan was ridiculous, and not at all executable. Isn't it good for everyone to make money? To avenge what society? Did he piss you off?

"You're good at it! Any interest in working for me?" Jin didn't answer the Joker, he saw the Joker as just a minor character, a low class civilian with a dagger seeking his attention, who could be easily subdued by giving him some advantage.

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