The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 29.

But this had nothing to do with Zhang Wen, being a speedster even using the slowest speed was much faster than so-called transportation, and there weren't all sorts of troubles like traffic jams.

In other words, even if Zhang Wen walked in front of them they wouldn't find out that this person was what they were looking for.

After Jacqueline left, the black robed man Wilson continued to assign tasks to his subordinates, Jacqueline's tasks were naturally the most arduous, while the others' tasks were more leisurely.

For example, manipulating a few ordinary people to explore, or sealing magic to go to where to investigate themselves and so on, although it may seem dangerous, but in fact very safe.

While a group of dark mages were calculating Zhang Wen, Zhang Wen was staring at Wanda and worrying!

Chapter 42 - Creatures from Hell

"Wanda! Put him down, he's dangerous." Chang looked helpless as he said to Wanda, who was now holding a puppy in her arms.

"No! It won't hurt me, I can feel it." Wanda merely hugged the puppy in her arms, and then said with a determined face.

Zhang Wen did not expect the magic book handed to Wanda to be able to summon creatures from hell, Zhang Wen did not remember what Chaos Magic had to do with hell.

The Three Headed Dog of Hell, this was the name of the puppy race in Wanda's arms. The three-headed dog was considered a kind of hell beast, but its powerful intelligence could already be classified as a demon, and it could never be compared to ordinary beasts.

When people mention the Three Headed Dog of Hell, their impression is always of a huge black body with three heads, but the real Three Headed Dog of Hell is white and does not have the exaggerated size of three heads.

The three heads were merely a means of transformation, just like a demon, and no demon would casually reveal its true body, generally speaking, hell was full of handsome men and women, and only in battle would it become that hideous appearance.

The three headed dog of hell was naturally the same, just as the demon was full of deceitful appearance, the three headed dog in Wanda's arms now looked like just an ordinary puppy, looking a bit like a wolf.

It would be easy for someone who wasn't aware of it to mistake it for some hybrid dog and would never think that this white puppy could be the so-called three-headed dog of hell.

"Wanda, listen to me. This is a creature of hell, you know hell. There are no good people anywhere. Hurry up and put it down or I'll do something about it. "Seeing Wanda in this state now, Zhang Wen was a little angry.

Zhang Wenming Bai Wanda wasn't very trusting right now, but to a puppy actually being better than himself made Zhang Wen a little depressed. Despite feeling a little depressed, Zhang Wen naturally wouldn't say anything to Wanda, but this puppy wasn't just any puppy.

The unique nature of hell creatures caused almost no hell creatures to be trustworthy, but it was true that hell creatures usually didn't lie, and weren't as good at deceiving as the legends said.

The various treaties signed between hell creatures and humans do not contain any lies, but there are all sorts of hints and concealments, and the end result is that very few people can escape from the traps set by demons.

Hell's specialty is naturally telling the truth and then using your own greed to plunge you into hell.

Very few people are able to escape this kind of tactics, even though Constantine is the most loathed existence of hell creatures, Constantine naturally has a lot of dealings with demons, hell's tactics are such that even though you know everything, you still can't hold back your heart's desire.

It's just that Constantine's strength and means are more special, which is why he was able to escape from hell many times.

There are very few people who can truly ignore the demonic conditions of Hell.

So as long as hell creatures came into the world, they would be unanimously hostile to everyone and closed the passage between hell and earth, but even so there were still many demons that wanted to come to this world.

"Wanda, this is a Hell Three-Headed Dog you should be able to feel the dark magic power within it, give it to me." Although Zhang Wen was confident that he would be able to stop the three-headed dog of hell before it attacked, it was better not to keep this kind of thing at home.

Wanda didn't say anything and just quietly crouched on the ground holding the puppy, while the white puppy seemed to sense Zhang Wen's scent and buried its head in Wanda's arms shivering in fear.

"'Seeing this situation Zhang Wen had a kind of unexplainable depression, his hands flew to construct a magic formation then pressed on the white puppy's body, only to see a flash of purple light and layers of restraints appeared on the puppy's body, then faded and disappeared.

"Forget it, you can raise it if you want, but you can't unleash its true body, I've sealed all of its abilities, and now this puppy is just a normal puppy." Looking at the unmoving Wanda, Zhang Wen said helplessly.

"Really?" Hearing Zhang Wen's words, Wanda looked surprised and even looked up to ask.

"Really, just don't unravel the formation! If the formation is broken, I will be the first to know and it must be put in the doghouse at night, so I will go and ask for a doghouse for you now." Staring at the delighted Wanda, Zhang Wen said with no good grace.

"Thanks!" Wanda blushed slightly and whispered.

Hearing Wanda's words, Zhang Wen's figure paused for a moment and then walked out of the villa.

Killing this puppy Zhang Wen naturally had numerous means, but what to do with the dead bodies of hell creatures was a big problem, this wasn't one of those disembodied ghosts, real corpses would be heavily contaminated by the earth, and Zhang Wen didn't have such good means to deal with them.

He still had to ask Ancient One what was going on, not to mention that Wanda's energy was now sealed, even if Wanda was able to control her own abilities later on, she wouldn't be able to learn summoning magic so quickly.

And it was still a hell creature that had nothing to do with chaos magic, hell creatures weren't that easy to summon, the distance between this world and hell was so far away that hell creatures generally couldn't descend.

Even an existence of Mephisto's level could not easily descend into an incarnation, let alone a complete Hell Three-Headed Dog, knowing that Hell Three-Headed Dogs were considered to be superior demons in Hell.

Zhang Wen except the villa just turned into a bolt of lightning and left the place, naturally no one could see Zhang Wen's figure along the way, even the dark magician guarding the intersection. It just felt like a slight wind in the past.

The dark mages had already launched quite a few operations, they had bribed many people to investigate Zhang Wen's information, but they never thought that the huge villa was the location they had been looking for, instead they paid great attention to some seemingly ordinary houses.

Zhang Wen's villa was located in a rather remote location, but there were still many houses around it, and those seemingly ordinary rooms caused a lot of trouble for the dispatchers.

Of course, although they did not think that the huge villa was the target of their search, the Dark Mages who were the searchers would not give up any information.

A believer posing as a staff member delivering ingredients arrived at the villa's front door, the original staff member was now lying asleep in the dark alley, the dark mages didn't kill him, it wasn't that they were intolerant, but to prevent exposure.

After all, the Dark Mages' killing techniques were still quite conspicuous, and they weren't above disguising something for this small matter, so the delivery boy picked up a life.

However, a policeman from the police station was not so lucky, his role was so great that he was stripped of his entire face and disguised by a dark mage who cast a magic spell.

This way these mages were able to use the information from the police station, and this trick could be used in the low level police station, otherwise it could be easily dismantled, playing the role of a person is not that easy.

Not to mention that despite the fact that those high level police officers didn't have any superpowers, it was still easy to distinguish a police officer who had been working here for a long time, although there weren't any mutants in this world, but such technological products as facial disguises still existed, and the dark mages hadn't learned how to do a shish show, so it was hard to not make a mistake.

So they chose a newcomer who had just arrived, so naturally they wouldn't arouse any suspicion.

Infiltrating the police station didn't do much more than figure out which area owned all the houses, but that was enough, and they hadn't planned on being able to get any valid information within the mundane police station.

It's just a pity that the young policeman who died in the line of duty just after taking office, but his sacrifice is not destined to be known by anyone, and will only be recognized as missing, which will end up in a pile of suspicious cases in the police station without any investigation.

On the other hand, the grocery delivery man who was planning to sneak in quietly was caught by Friday.

Chapter 43: Going to Kamataji to ask for a doghouse

"Sir, someone has sneaked into the home in disguise and is now unconscious." Zhang Wen was saying something to the mage of Kamataji, when Friday's words came through.

Gesturing to the mage dressed like a priest, Chang Wen instructed Friday, "Take him into custody and tell Wanda and Pietro. Tell them to be careful not to go out lately."

With his own home being invaded, Zhang Wen's first suspicion was Hydra, after all, he had just made them suffer a big loss, and the second suspicion was S.H.I.E.L.D. Zhang Wen, however, was well aware of the knuckleheads of these departments.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a clear understanding of what you are doing.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Not to mention sending two agents to his home, even if he directly launched a nuclear bomb Zhang Wen would not be surprised, after all, his own existence was just as great a threat as Superman's.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and has been working on a new product for the past two years.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the customers.

The plot was something that could never be taken as the future, not to mention that Zhang Wen's future was already uncertain and anything could happen.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, then Zhang Wen put this small matter aside and continued to talk to the mage beside him.

Zhang Wen would never have thought that there was actually a group of black magicians hitting on him, after all, Zhang Wen hadn't even seen a single black magician after crossing the border.

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