The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 4.

"What's wrong?" While playing a quick game, he asked Tony what had happened.

"Go save Pepper! Stark Expo Center, where's Ivan's robot!" The voices on the phone were noisy and seemed to be engaged in a battle with someone.

"Friday, satellite location planning route." At this time, Zhang Wen put on a pair of glasses and a virtual screen appeared in front of Zhang Wen's eyes, which was the path to the Stark Exhibition Center.

"Okay, boss," Friday's voice just sounded, and Zhang Wen disappeared in place.

Rushing to the Stark Exhibition Center, the scattered crowd had not yet all run away, all kinds of noises and cries into Zhang Wen's ears, but in fact the robot on the stage did not massacre the crowd, but instead fired into the air.

Not sure if they had sensed Zhang Wen's arrival or not, most of the robots that were standing in place and firing took off into the air, with a small portion coming towards the stage.

Watching the robots start to move, the surrounding crowd appeared even more panicked, at this moment, no matter how rich or poor, everyone was a lamb fleeing for their lives, while the robots in action did not put the fleeing crowd in their eyes at all.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Wen sighed! Then the figure flickered, in less than a second. The white lightning went through all the robots and took out the bombs and arc reactors inside the robots.

Tony, who was flying in the sky at this time, had already been rewarded by Jarvis when Zhang Wen arrived on the scene and led the remaining robots to a garden just like the movie version.

However, the difference with the movie version is that the war machine was not controlled by Ivan, but with Tony to deal with these robots. Perhaps Zhang Wen informed Tony of the existence of the new element in advance?

Anyway, the current war machine was built by Tony, and while the energy used was still the most primitive of reactors, the various weapons were Stark Group's finest.

Justin Hammer's weapons company was no match for the previous Stark status, but the company was still capable as an alternative to the American weapons dealer, and these remote-controlled robots already had a good fighting chance.

Add to this the absence of war machines, Hammer can only delegate to Ivan, the robots whether it is the number or combat power has increased a lot, this is a trap a trap specifically for Tony, with the support of the Hammer group, Ivan naturally will not let Tony so easy to solve these robots.

Whiplash Lock or Death Whip, which is Ivan's nickname. Although the movie version of Ivan received his box lunch before he could have this nickname, his whip still gives, especially since Ivan added this weapon to the other robots as well.

Tony was in a bitter fight, and I must say that Ivan was indeed a genius, a villain who could compare to Tony Stark, and if the two were in the same position, the fight might not have ended this way.

Well Zhang Wen did not intervene, and it was not Tony or War Machine who took care of the whip lock robot, but the air strike force that was called in by War Machine, speaking of a foreigner in the United States to carry out such a level of retaliation, is really ignoring the U.S. military?

Probably with the addition of War Machine and Zhang Wen's help, Tony had no worries and naturally wasn't in a hurry to end the battle, and having such a time was enough for the US military to react.

Although a garden had been blown up, the funeral whip robots had all been taken care of. The real Death Whip Ivan only hurriedly arrived at this time, but looking at the planes in the sky, but ignoring the direct rush up to fight Tony.

Since he had kept a very close distance from Tony, the planes in the sky weren't able to intervene. It was different from just now, when most of the areas hit could be avoided from hurting Tony, but now it couldn't.

"It's good to be back!" Watching Tony dodge the whip, Ivan said. Then swung the whip violently and the war machine dodged and got wrapped around the whip.

Speaking of the whip lock, this weapon looked powerful, but it was actually very watery. Although the electric current wrapped around the whip could affect the performance of the armor for a bit, it was still too easy to be caught.

Soon, the war machine grabbed the whip to secure Ivan's position while Tony began to pounce. Ivan could only respond to Tony's attack with this other whip, and Ivan wasn't confident that the armor on his body would be able to withstand Tony's palm cannon.

The war machine's holding behavior only lasted a short time, Ivan had added a device to his body to recover the whip lock, also so obvious how the weakness would not be able to control one or two, and the war machine that was pulled over was knocked to the ground with a punch.

But it had no effect, it wasn't human, so how could that punch hurt. It's impossible for such a weak force to break through the armor's defense ah, Zhang Wen who was stealthily watching the battle spat in his heart.

Tony wouldn't go forward to help without a request from him, and an enemy of this level would be instantly spared. It would be better to just stay here and watch the movie.

Ivan had one foot on the war machine and the other whip restricting Tony. Tony did his best to pull the whip lock on his body and finally got the war machine to disengage.

As he watched the war machine disengage, Tony yelled incessantly, "Roddy, get out of there!" .


"I have a secret weapon."

"Good "Hearing Tony say that War Machine immediately left the spot and flew into the air looking at the battlefield below.

At this point, some US Army snipers had also taken up the high ground, waiting for the right moment. Unfortunately Ivan hadn't shown his head since arriving here, striking armor was naturally less effective, and armor-piercing bullets specifically for this situation weren't always available.

Being able to arrive in such a short amount of time was already impressive, and wanting armor-piercing bullets? It would be nice to have a regular sniper rifle.

After seeing the war machine move away, Tony fired a missile of sorts directly at Ivan as he extended his right arm.

The missile directly hit the ground, the temperature plummeted and white fog immediately appeared. Only the white mist was a side effect of the missile, the real effect was Ivan, who had been frozen for most of his body.

This was precisely a freezing bomb!

"Quite the Tony Stark, only making armor against speedsters so soon? No! This is just routine equipment! And there was some real anticipation! Anti-Speeder armor!" In the shadows, Zhang Wen looked at the scene in front of him and smiled somewhat villain-like.

This was all within Zhang Wen's expectation, Zhang Wen's ability could not be hidden at all, expecting to be guessed out was better than telling the other party directly, in case they were really hostile to them one day, it would be good to be prepared.

And even if the ability is hidden, Tony's armor will definitely be made.

Well anti what by what to blow up the armor!

But that's really kind of villainous!

Forget it! Thinking too much, I'm not a villain, big boss.

Chapter 6 - Someone from SHIELD? No! hydra

When the ice fog completely cleared, Tony came to the frozen Ivan.

Sensing Tony's arrival, Ivan opened his armored helmet for the first time. The two men just stared at each other in silence for a long time, and then Ivan spoke up, saying only, "You lose!" A smile followed.

The alarm sounded in Ivan's chest, and the robot pieces scattered around began to sound an alarm, the time bomb was pretty safe by the way, the robots were all shattered and the blast points were not even detonated.

Hammer's company still had a couple of tricks up its sleeve, it was just that after this whole Ivan thing, the company was about to be finished, too.

"All the robots will detonate, we'll be out of here soon." Said the war machine that had just flown down and left again.

"Pepper!" Although he had instructed Zhang Wen to take care of it, it was clear that Tony was not too worried and flew towards the fair in a hurry.

"Hey! And I have to clean up this mess!" Muttering, Zhang Wen disappeared in an instant.

The destroyed robots had bombs and arc reactors among them, the robots that were defeated by Zhang Wen at the expo were naturally fine, Zhang Wen had already piled up all those bombs? arc reactors in this garden.

However, there were still some robots that were killed by Tony and scattered everywhere. If they weren't all found, they would definitely cause secondary damage, so Zhang Wen could only go into a state of God Speed to search around the city for the undiscovered bombs, and then drop them all in the broken garden.

As for Ivan, Zhang Wen thought of saving his life, after all, he was a talent. But Zhang Wen didn't have the confidence to master him, and his strong vengeance against Stark was troublesome, so he simply let it go.

When Zhang Wen acted, half of the city was surrounded by a circle of white lightning, but the time was very short and less than a second. S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA, who were monitoring the world at all times, naturally discovered this supernatural event.

The two sides began to work together busily looking for clues, and although Zhang Wen had no intention of hiding anything, it would not be easy to track down a speedster.

The Iron Man looking for Pepper naturally took Pepper and quickly left the expo without any explosions, to a tall building everything as indicated in the movie.

And Zhang Wen was not interested in watching some of their lovey-dovey conversations, so he went straight home. Zhang Wen had developed a warehouse in the basement of this villa, not some secret base, but a place where Zhang Wen stored his souvenirs.

This time, for example, Zhang Wen had brought back a half-mutilated robot and a mourning whip. The display cases displayed around were slightly empty, but Zhang Wen believed that this place would be just as full of items as the private warehouses in the Flash world.

The next morning Zhang Wen was disturbed from his morning bedtime by some visitors in black suits.

"I thought it would be Coulson, but I didn't think it would be you. Gruntswold!" Opening the door and seeing the visitor, Chang Man said curiously.

"Uh, Agent Coulson has another assignment, you know me?" Ward was clearly stunned by Chang, but had to explain.

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