“Whew~ it’s so comfortable,” the girl soaked in the bath, “I feel that the fatigue of the day has flown away~”

“The fried dumplings that Chang-sensei and Kohei-kun have collaborated on are really powerful…” muttered Tashoe with her white back against the pool wall and looking at the misty ceiling.

Unlike Chang Wei and Kohei Sojin, Tian Sohui originally worked hard to enter Liao, and repeated several redoes before he was recognized by Wen Xu’s mother-in-law and was able to move in.

“Kohei-kun is really lucky to be able to get Teacher Chang’s assessment, and I can also cooperate with Teacher Chang in cooking…” the girl thought blankly, and inexplicably felt that she was a little nervous, but she was really not very reserved.

Reach out and hold the pool water, gently pat it on the reddish cheek, feeling dizzy. Probably soaked for too long… The girl closed her eyes and shook her head, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Then, he looked at the man who happened to be pushing the door in.

“What is this unfolding…” Chang Wei thought with the corners of his mouth twitching, staring at the girl’s big eyes, watching the girl’s cheeks become more and more red, “Why do you want to be a dead stander?” ”

At this time, you should bow decisively and apologize, and then close the door and run. Chang Wei was about to bow, but saw that the girl’s face was red like boiling water, emitting water vapor, and he was afraid that he was about to scream.

“So what!” Chang Wei hurriedly turned around and blurted out, “Chuangzhen you are also there, then you wash it first!” ”

Chang Wei was proud of his impatience while walking outside, and in the foggy interior, it was natural to recognize the wrong person.

Unexpectedly, the suppressed voice of the girl behind her came from the embarrassed voice: “Chang teacher, Kohei-kun washed after the afternoon report…”

Chang Wei wanted to cry without tears, and the dignity of being a teacher that he had finally pretended to be a teacher was gone, and he had already been thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

Tian Suohui, Tian Suohui, why are you so honest that you won’t go down a step for you….

When Chang Wei came back to his senses, Tasokoe had already dressed in his yukata and stood with his head bowed and his face red. The long moist hair that is unbraided is draped over the shoulders and has a light shampoo fragrance.

“Well, I’m really sorry…” touching the back of his head, embarrassed to death, “I really didn’t mean it.” ”

The girl raised her head, and a smile squeezed out of her flushed face, “It’s okay Teacher Chang, I… I believe you. ”

“Well, I’ll go back first if it’s okay.”

Sure enough, he is a gentle child, although he is a little dumbfounded, but a smile can resolve the embarrassment.

Looking at the back of the departing girl, Chang Wei sighed with emotion in his heart, shook his head and walked into the bath.

And Tashoe Megumi, who moved back to his room like a lost soul, was in turmoil.

“Whew… Mom, I can’t get married. ”

Tian Sohui, who was lying on the chuang, looked like she wanted to cry without tears.

“I don’t know if my body has been seen by him… It’s so embarrassing! ”

She grabbed a pillow and slapped her face, as if it would feel better.

“But people who seem to be full of confidence and light breeze will also be so panicked…”

The girl began to think cranky again, I am afraid that tonight will be a sleepless night.

The next day, Chang Wei got up early to pack up. Being an otaku on weekdays, today is the first day of class as a teacher, and I still want to make a good impression on the students.

Most of the young people were sleeping, but in the hall they met Tian Somei, who also got up early, and looked at the girl who tied back into her twisted braid and looked at her with a red face, with an expression of wanting to say and stopping, Chang Wei’s heart was full of helplessness.

“I am holding an open class in the exchange hall this morning, Xiaohui can come and listen to it if she wants.”

I saw the girl nodding slightly, her face was still red, and I didn’t know whether to agree or not.

Walking into the kitchen, Chang Wei’s eyes were greeted by Isshi Hui wearing a naked apron.

“Oh, Teacher Chang Wei got up early.” Isshiki’s smile is brilliant.

In the early morning of the beautiful morning, it is also a scene to look forward to when you see a girl wearing a naked apron and smiling and greeting you while omeling eggs, but if the object is a man, Chang Wei is not the slightest interest.

“Want some omelettes?” Just done. ”

Chang Wei clipped one and put it on the bread slice, and when he bit it, the mouth was a sweet liquid egg yolk.

“Heart-to-heart omelette with perfect heat.” Chang Wei gave a thumbs up to Isshiki.

Teacher Chang smiled.

Omelette is indeed very simple, but mastering this heat requires very deep basic skills. Perfect for even the simplest dishes.

This young man, named Isshiki, seems to be the seventh seat of the Ten Masters of Yuanyue.

Looking at the apron youth, Chang Wei secretly thought that this little brother was not simple. Whether it’s in terms of cooking skills or dressing, in every sense.

After asking Granny Wen Xu to take care of the little loli, Chang Wei boarded the bicycle and walked towards the teaching building where he worked.

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