“Shinomiya Kojiro, now working as a chef in a French restaurant.” Shinomiya Kojiro began to introduce himself, “Please advise.” ”

Lukewarmly shook hands with Chang Wei and maintained a proud face.

Chang Wei smiled and said, “Chang Wei, a small chef in Huaxia, is now working as a junior lecturer in Yuanyue. ”

“I’m Fuyumi Mizuhara, the chef of an Italian restaurant, please advise.”

“I’m Hinatako, and I’m now a chef at a Japanese restaurant. In other words, you are really powerful, secretly telling you that the senior of the fourth palace looks plain, but in fact, his heart is poof! ”

Grabbing Hinata’s face and lifting it into the air, Shinomiya Kojiro looked at Tsuneki expressionlessly, “Don’t listen to this idiot.” ”

“We left first, we will meet again during the accommodation training, and we will see you again when the time comes.”

Geniuses often behave like these three and are as different from ordinary people. Chang Wei looked at the back of the three people leaving, and secretly sighed. These people are representatives of the neon youth generation who are their contemporaries, and represent the outstanding graduates of Engetsu Gakuen.

“You kid always blows my eyes.”

Behind him came the voice of the commander-in-chief, like a Hong Zhong, “Digging you into the far moon is the most correct decision I have ever made.” ”

“Despise Dojima Silver, please advise more.”

With a capable manner, Dojima Silver shook hands with Chang Wei and greeted generously: “What an imposing masterpiece.” ”

“It’s just rough cooking that is not worth mentioning. I’m ashamed to do only a little bit of work. Chang Wei humbled, “Thank you.” ”

Later, he discussed the matter of accommodation and training, briefly exchanged a few pleasantries, said goodbye to the chief marshal Dojima Gin, and Chang Wei took the girl and the little loli out of the mansion.

“What’s going on with that residential training?”

“It’s not so much a trip as a training camp.” The little secretary responded with a smile, “Everyone goes to the depths of the mountains and forests to stay together, and they have cruel cooking trials every day. ”

For most students, residential training is more of an end than a cruelty. Failure to achieve a passing grade results result in immediate withdrawal from school. Under the law of Far Moon Academy, residential training is the devil’s test of the elimination system.

“This is competitive education…” Chang Wei shook his head, he trusted the strength of the few powerful girls in front of him, and he definitely didn’t have to worry about dropping out of school.

However, there is also a girl named Tian Sohui in Polar Star Liao… Chang Wei sighed. Probably poor Xiaohui has begun to write a suicide note now.

Separated from the girls, Chang Wei took the little loli back to the Polestar Liao, and it was already ten o’clock in the evening. Pushing the door into the house, I found that everyone was gathered in the hall, with solemn faces.

“Teacher Chang, you’re back.” Isshiki turned his head to see Chang Wei who came in, “Everyone is discussing the matter of first-year student training.” ”

“Great crisis!” Yoshino Yuhime began to shout, her fists clenched tightly.

“This training looks dangerous.”

“It’s not just dangerous, it’s not just that you will be expelled from school!”

“It’s over… It’s over…”

“Xiaohui, don’t faint!”

“Well, there’s good news and bad news,” Chang Wei looked at everyone, “Which do you want to hear first?” ”

Everyone looked at each other, of course, it was good news.

“I have just been confirmed as one of the examiners of the practice leadership team.”

“Yay!” Everyone jumped up, “Now rest assured, there is salvation!” ”

“What about the bad news?” Isshiki asked.

“There are four leading examiners, and you have to pass the assessment of all the examiners to pass the test.”

The high mood instantly fell back, looking at a group of small hardships, Chang Wei laughed helplessly.

“However, the other three are excellent graduates of Yuanyue who came back temporarily, and after talking with them just now, they should be quite good.”

“It seems to be called Shinomiya Kojiro, Fuyumi Mizuhara, and Hinatako Kan.”

What, what? Everyone looked surprised, these are all famous seniors, excellent graduates in the history of Yuanyue, idol-level figures, and now they are their examiners.

My heart was suddenly mixed.

“Don’t envy Yuji, last year’s cultivation elimination rate was close to fifty percent, so hurry up and think of countermeasures!”

“Just do your best and have a clear conscience.” Chang Wei looked at everyone with a smile, “I believe in you.” ”

“Me too.” Isshiki raised her loincloth and was emotional, “Mother-in-law Wen Xu and I will watch the house and wait for your triumphant return!” ”

“Oh, oh, instantly scrapy spirit!” Yoshino Yuhime clenched her fists, “We are the polar star people who are too scared to cry when we see children!” Then there are still a few days, let’s work together! ”


Chang Wei laughed silently, this is the determination of the polar star Liao, and the momentum it should have.

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