For Fuyumi Mizuhara, who reacts quickly and is extremely poisonous, Chang Wei has no choice.

After all, I have never met such a sharp character before.

A strange picture appeared in Chang Wei’s mind.

Under the banner of the word “proud” written on it, Shinomiya Kojiro was dressed in a uniform and half-knelt to report to the marshal Chapel.

“Grand Marshal Chapel, General Tsukisen Zuoemon of the ‘fierce’ character army opposite has ordered the withdrawal of the army, and General Dojima Gin, who led the troops, has already returned.”

Marshal Chapel had a beard that did not exist: “What about the general of the ‘stupid’ character army, Kan Hinata?” ”

“It has been captured by our side by Major Marshal Erina, and General Ikume Mito.”

“Report-” Herald Takmi rushed in, “General Fuyumi Suwon of the ‘poison’ character army has led troops to kill, we can’t stand it!” ”

“Brother Chang wake up quickly.” Chang Wei was beaten back to the real world by a shaking.

The white-haired girl in front of her had a dissatisfied expression: “Really Brother Chang, come and evaluate my cuisine.” ”

“You have to call me teacher during class…” Chang Wei rubbed his eyes. If it is really divided into camps, Alice in front of her should be considered a childish army. Then Boy Scouts.

Shaking his head to shake away the messy thoughts in his head, Chang Wei looked down at Alice’s cooking.

“This is … Cloud? ”

Only a few egg blossoms and chives floated in the soup, like clouds, and layers of swirling pasta loomed inside.

The most amazing thing is that there are colloidal patches of red in it, like the sunset.

“It’s beautiful, no, it should be said to be amazing.” Fuyumi Mizuhara looked at the red and was sincerely amazed.

“If what Erinai did just now was a magnificent galaxy, then what Alice did was undoubtedly a cloud scene.”

“This side hovers at the bottom of the disk, like a snowy mountain peak, straight into the sky.” Chang Wei nodded, “And this clear soup with egg blossoms is like a high cloud in the sky, with magnificent waves.” ”

“The most amazing thing is these little reds, like the burning clouds shrouded in the setting sun, it is really beautiful.”

The two slowly sent the noodles into their mouths.

“This… If there is no sauce, why does it also taste like sauce? Fuyumi Mizuhara opened her eyes and looked at Chang Wei.

Chang Wei stretched out his chopsticks and pinched the red flocculent in the soup.

The red flocculent was clipped out of the water intact!

“This is the sauce,” Chang Wei carefully examined the mysterious red condensate, “Is this a colloid?” ”

“It’s Teacher Chang,” Alice clapped her hands with a grin, “It’s edible gum.” ”

“This is the essence I extracted from tomatoes, garlic, onions, bacon, etc., and reshaped them into colloids in the form of molecules, and specially used ketchup gum.”

“This gum is insoluble in water, but it can be attached to the ingredients and is specially tailored to the soup decoration and seasoning.” Chang Wei explained to Fuyumi Mizuhara.

“Teacher Chang is really erudite, it’s better to come to my family’s research institute, it’s good, it’s good~”

Alice hugged Chang Wei’s arm coquettishly, but her eyes kept drifting towards Erina, like showing off and like a provocation.

Erina’s teeth were gritted in anger.

“In fact, there is a similar product in the south of our country, called konjac gum, which is also a kind of edible gum.”

Chang Wei explained with a smile while awkwardly withdrawing his arm from Alice’s arms, being held by the girl like this, feeling that he had touched something that should not be touched.

“Alice’s molecular cooking is really good.”

Watching Alice proudly go to find Erina, Chang Wei couldn’t help but sigh.

“Alice’s parents are both experts in molecular cuisine and control the Engetsu International Institute of Molecular Cuisine.”

“And Alice’s own cooking skills are also very amazing, among the current first-year students in Yuanyue, it can be said that she is the closest to the level of ten masters.” After Mizuhara Fuyumi finished speaking, she looked at the two sisters of Kakukiri.

“Both sisters are geniuses.”

Chang Wei also looked at Erinai and Alice, and the two sisters who had already turned in their works seemed to be saying something.

The sisters and students are really geniuses that are rare in a century.

“Chang Weige said that mine is the Milky Way, yours is high-altitude, how can high-altitude be compared with the Milky Way!”

“Blah blah, my sister is really not ashamed, there is no decoration at all, and I am embarrassed to lean on my brother’s dragon whiskers and silver silk faces.”

“You, your bells and whistles are obviously more ugly!”

“Sister, you are always so self-righteous!”

Listening to the quarrel of the two sisters, Chang Wei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Genius girls are really problem girls.

“That, Chang-sensei, Mizuhara-sensei, I’m done.”

The little secretary stood in front of Chang Wei with a solemn look.

“What’s wrong, not feeling well?”

“It’s not often… Teacher, serve it behind Miss and Miss Alice, my work may be a little trivial. Crimson lowered her head.

“Don’t think so, serve it first,” Chang Wei comforted with a smile.

You are greeted by two bowls of ramen, which look like ordinary ramen.

The clear broth is turquoise and the pasta is swirled at the bottom of the bowl, with sliced meat and cut eggs as a side dish.

“It seems to be the most common ramen noodles, but if it is fake, then this bowl of noodles can be said to be the most orthodox Japanese noodle soup.”

“However, the title requires the taste of pasta, so let’s just taste it.”

Chang Wei and Fuyumi Mizuhara were about to put down chopsticks, but they were suddenly startled by the chopsticks in their hands that went deep into the soup.

This soup has a layer of green powder on top, because it is similar in color to the turquoise soup, and I haven’t found it before!

Remove the noodles, stick the powder to the pasta, and put it in your mouth to chew slowly.

“What a fragrant feeling!” Fuyumi Mizuhara exclaimed.

“It tastes like the fruity aroma of roasted pine nuts, mixed with the smell of basil leaves, which is… Italian green sauce? ”

“What is Italian green sauce?” Chang Wei asked suspiciously.

Mizuwon Dong whitened his eyes and explained: “Italian green sauce is made with basil, garlic rice, pine nuts, black pepper, Parmesan and other ingredients, mixed with virgin olive oil, and is a common salad dressing in Italian cuisine, also known as green garlic sauce. You don’t even know this, how did you get into Yuanyue Academy as a teacher? ”

Chang Wei smiled awkwardly, but the little secretary excused Chang Wei with some restraint: “That Suwon teacher, although Teacher Chang may not be very familiar with Western cuisine, but his Eastern cuisine is really pure!” And the level of lectures is very high, everyone likes to take his public classes! ”

In the end, it is his own student, the key time is still towards himself, the little secretary is the most lovely. Chang Wei thought with tears in his eyes.

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