Since Glass slept in his own bed, Chang Wei decided to clean up and go to Glass’s room to sleep.

Let the two girls live together, the two people are not lonely with each other, and Chang Wei finally does not have to endure the ridicule of Yoshino Yuhime or Alice’s so-called “loli control”.

As the door was open to clean up the bed, there was a slight knock at the door.

Chang Wei turned his head to look, and Kohei Joichiro stood at the door with a smile, his arms folded to his chest and a pleasant look.

“I haven’t seen it for years, how did you start to like this tone?” Looking at the ornaments in the room, Kohei Joichiro looked at Chang Wei playfully.

“It used to be a girl’s room, but it hasn’t been cleaned up.” Chang Wei shrugged helplessly, “Go down and go around? ”


In the farmland outside the gate of Polestar Liao, two old men who have experienced many vicissitudes paced slowly under the moonlight.

Kohei Joichiro looked up at the moon: “The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.” ”

“Speak well.” Chang Wei said angrily.

Kohei Joichiro laughed wickedly.

“My stupid son is fooling around with you, I’m relieved.”

“And the face said that he ran around the world and left his son here, you daddy really deserves.”

“Isn’t he also a companion now?” Kohei Joichiro smiled.

“I’m most afraid that he has been hiding in a corner of a small restaurant, never seeing someone better than himself, I don’t know how big and big the world is, then what is the meaning of this life.”

Chang Wei thought about it, and his old man probably thought the same way.

As a chef in a small restaurant, no matter how many diners there are, there is no one who can communicate with yourself in terms of cooking, and you are always working behind closed doors.

“So you ran away to study cooking all over the world before you graduated?” Because there is no loneliness of an opponent? ”

Chang Wei inexplicably remembered a lyric, how invincible is ~ how lonely ~ how invincible is ~ how empty …

“It seems that Silver told you, this is one of the reasons, and there are some other things…” Kohei Joichiro smiled, but did not continue.

“If you don’t want to say it, you don’t need to say it, anyway, it doesn’t matter if you are still alive and alive.” Planning to stay here for a few days? ”

“In a few days, I have to go out.”


And then again relative speechlessness.

“Sleepy, went to sleep.” Chang Wei got up and walked towards the gate of the Polestar Liao.

Kohei Joichiro smiled and looked at Chang Wei’s departing back.

Invincible loneliness….

Back in the glass’s room, lying on the bed, all I smelled was the smell of a girl.

I really can’t sleep like this. Chang Wei tossed and turned on the bed, cranky.

Did Joichiro leave school because he had no rivals, or did he leave purely because he was hungry for unknown cuisine?

What kind of grudges does he have with Dojima Silver and Ushi Thistle?

What does Dojima Silver mean by careful beak cutting thistle?

It’s so annoying, I really don’t want to think about it. Chang Wei stared at the ceiling with his eyes open.

I’m just a little chef, a little lecturer. Being able to cook your own dishes and teach your own students well is enough.

Thinking like this, Chang Wei gradually fell asleep.

Then, before dawn, a knock on the door woke Chang Wei. I took the pink alarm clock at the end of the bed and looked at it, it was only half past five in the morning.

Rubbing his eyes to open the door, he saw Kohei Joichiro standing in the doorway with a smile on his face.

“Come to the kitchen, please have breakfast.” One sentence pushed back Chang Wei’s curse that almost burst out.

In the kitchen, Kohei Sojin was also busy in front of the stove. When he saw Chang Wei come in, he said hello.

“Joichiro, you said to invite me to breakfast, Sojin is making breakfast, this breakfast should not be dark cuisine.”

“Dark cuisine is only entertainment at night.” Kohei Joichiro laughed and walked to the stove, “Actually, the two of us are having a cooking duel.” ”

Chang Wei twitched the corners of his mouth. Joichiro and Sojin in a duel? Isn’t this a father-son bureau, it’s really new.

“You are also enough, in case you lose to your own son, won’t your face as Lao Tzu be gone.” Chang Wei teased.

“Hmph, how is that possible.” Kohei Joichiro smiled, “Sojin and I haven’t won the game, more than 500 games in total, boy?” ”

“Nope! That’s 489 games! Kohei Sojin turned around and said indignantly.

This pair of living treasure father and son is really enough, Chang Wei sighed.

Unexpectedly, Chuangzhen had such a strong opponent to hone himself from childhood to adulthood, and with so much experience in failure, coupled with solid basic skills and whimsical creativity, as well as emerging resilience, sooner or later he could follow his father’s path.

I’m afraid that my titular teacher can’t teach him anything.

Does the son inherit his father’s inheritance, his father’s way….

Chang Wei was looking down and thinking, and there was the laughter of Kohei Joichiro in his ears again.

“So take this opportunity, our father and son invite you to breakfast, thank you for your education of Chuangzhen, and I will also have a duel with Chuangzhen by the way.”

“If it weren’t for the words coming out of your mouth, I would have been moved to tears.” Chang Wei said angrily, “Actually, the duel is the goal.” ”

Suddenly thinking of something, the corners of Chang Wei’s mouth hooked a strange arc.

“The opportunity is rare, otherwise there will be a three-kingdom war, let’s three of us face off once.”

“So be it!” Mother-in-law Wen Xu pushed the door in, “The duel between three people, cough, it’s really fresh.” ”

“Mother-in-law Wen Xu, why are you here?”

“Yesterday Joichiro asked me to have a cooking duel with Sojin, and let me be the censor.” Mother-in-law Wen Xu said as she walked in, “I didn’t expect that now it has become a cooking duel for three people, and I will host this showdown!” ”

“That’s really worth looking forward to.” A cloakcloth appeared in front of the kitchen door.

“I just came back from farming, and I was really hungry. Can I grab something to eat? ”

Chang Wei thought that this was not right, how it seemed to be a prearranged script, it seemed that Kohei Joichiro had pit his son, but he didn’t expect that he also came in.

“Since you said so, let’s have a three-person showdown.”

Kohei Joichiro looked at Chang Wei with a smile, “First tell you, against Chuangzhen, I have never let go of water.” With you this time, I’m going to give it my all. ”

“I can’t ask for it.” Chang Wei smiled.

“Ahem, then I announce that the theme of the cuisine is a dish that makes people feel energized early in the morning!”

Mother-in-law Wen Xu said loudly, “The judges are me and Isshiki… It seems that there is still a lack of individuals, and the number of reviewers should be an odd number. ”

Then everyone saw the little loli running in and opening the refrigerator door to get the ice cream.

“Don’t eat cold early in the morning.”

Chang Wei went over to pick up the little loli and put her at the table again, “Now there are three judges, let’s start.” ”

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