The shemale man’s forehead was bruised and on the verge of erupting.

After a long time, he suddenly burst out laughing.

“You guys are tough now, there is no traffic, sooner or later you will have to close the door!” Wait to drink the northwest wind to go! ”

With that, he turned around and walked through the door of the fast food restaurant.

Back at the family restaurant, the Nishinomiya family sat around the dining table and listened to Chang Wei recount what they saw.

“Their hand-rolled sushi is really good.”

Chang Wei nodded, “The vinegar smell brings out the taste of rice and vegetables just right, and the seafood and fish inside are also very tender.” ”

“The most important thing is that there is also pickled premium caviar, which is really not comparable to ordinary hand-rolled sushi.”

Chang Wei used the calculator on his mobile phone to calculate it and showed it to everyone.

“I did the math, not to mention the salmon and prawns, even the cost price of this premium caviar is more than the price of their hand-rolled sushi. If we also make this hand-rolled sushi, we will lose our blood. ”

“Then why are they pricing so low?” Yaeko Nishinomiya was puzzled.

“There may be two reasons, one is to forcibly increase the flow of customers even at a loss, in order to achieve certain goals…” Chang Wei looked at Yaeko Nishinomiya, “Aunt, they said they wanted to take down your shop, right?” ”

“You’ve been looking for me a few times, but I haven’t been here much since I refused.” Nishinomiya Yaeko said hesitantly, “And it seems to be sneaky, and the attitude is not very resolute.” ”

“Then I estimate that the annexation should be the selfish desires of the store manager opposite, not the instructions of their behind-the-scenes boss.” Otherwise, in the case of robbing a lot of diner resources, you can negotiate openly. ”

“Then the reason may be the second one, they have a purchase channel that is much below the market price.” Chang Wei raised his index finger, “It may come from their behind-the-scenes boss.” ”

Eizan Edatsuya, go back to find someone to ask the origin of this student.

“So, what do we do?”

No matter what the opposite side came from, she only worried about whether the family restaurant that served as her sister’s spiritual sustenance could be kept.

“No matter what their purpose is, as long as we get the customer back.”

Chang Wei knocked on the table and smiled, “If the number of customers is reduced, their annexation plan will not be implemented, and I estimate that their boss will not provide low-priced ingredients to the sluggish store.” ”

“So how do you get back customers?” Yaeko Nishinomiya asked suspiciously.

Chang Wei suddenly felt that he was the owner of this family restaurant. He shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“The best thing to do is to give a tooth for a tooth and double the return.” Chang Wei looked at everyone, “We also use the form of fast food to make dishes that they can’t reach.” ”

“In other words, we want to make dishes that combine the portability of fast food with the taste of restaurant cuisine. Aunt, what is our specialty? ”

“Specialties in words… Glass should be curry steak rice when it’s there…”

Yaeko Nishinomiya said hesitantly, “Actually, the dishes in our family restaurant are not high-grade restaurant dishes…”

“Enough for fast food restaurants.”

Chang Wei smiled and turned to look at Glass, “Is Glass the best at making curry steak rice?” ”

Glass nodded gently: “Hmm… Before…… The guests ordered the most…”

“Okay, then let’s develop a curry steak rice in the form of fast food!” Chang Wei stood up.

“Huh? I…… I can’t…” Before Glass could come to his senses, he was already pulled by Chang Wei and ran towards the kitchen.

“There must be ghosts in the two of them.” Looking at the backs of the two, Yue Xun looked affirmative, like a little adult.

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Saying that, Yaeko Nishinomiya laughed and touched the head of the little loli who was eating ice cream.

In the kitchen, Chang Wei watched Glass make her best curry steak rice.

“Potatoes, onions, steak, so far it’s no different from ordinary curry steak rice.”

“Rice is also ordinary white rice.”

“This is…”

Chang Wei saw the glass wrinkled his small nose, smelled all kinds of spices, and tasted it with the tip of his tongue from time to time.

Glass has a sense of smell and taste far beyond ordinary people, which Chang Wei knows.

Did you say….

“Glass… Are you making specialty curry? ”

Glass smiled and nodded.

“I haven’t done it for a long time… Forgot…… The proportions of the match…”

With some difficulty, he explained that the glass’s hands did not stagnate, and while matching spices, he used his own sense of smell and taste to correct the proportions of the matching.

“Turmeric, coriander seeds, peppers, cumin, cumin, white pepper, peppercorns, mustard…”

Chang Wei discovered that more than 20 kinds of spices are used in the curry of glass!

Curry originated in India and has since developed into a common seasoning in cuisines around the world, including beef and lamb, chicken, duck, crab, potatoes, cauliflower, soup and other ingredients.

The ingredients of curry vary from country to country, from lemongrass, fish sauce and bay leaf to Tai Tai Tai Yuan, and plantain leaves, shredded coconut and so on.

Neon curry is generally added with concentrated puree, which is relatively sweet, but the spice flavor is obviously insufficient. And for convenience, many restaurants use the finished curry powder or curry cubes directly.

So in neon, curry itself is considered to have little research value.

A general neon curry, as long as there are no more than ten kinds of spices, and then accompanied by potatoes, onions and other ingredients is mellow enough.

In other words, the secret of this complex and mysterious special curry, the specialty is here?

Once the curry is done, pour over steamy rice, top with filet mignon, sprinkle with a little black pepper noodles, and the curry steak rice is complete.

Glass offered treasure-like hands to bring the plate to Chang Wei, and Chang Wei reached out and touched her head.

“I can eat what I make of glass again.”

He cuts a small piece of steak and serves it in his mouth mixed with rice and curry.

“It’s delicious, glass.” Chang Wei looked at the glass with a smile, and the glass was happy and smiled like a flower.

Especially this curry, this is the biggest mystery of the deliciousness of this steak rice. The wonderful combination of more than 20 kinds of spices makes Chang Wei have only one evaluation of this curry – perfect.

However, such a delicious dish, without the perfect curry prepared by glass, was reduced to the most ordinary curry steak rice, and was robbed of customers.

If Glass returns to the restaurant as a chef, or leaves the secret recipe for the special curry, the special curry steak rice is enough to compete with the opposite side.

But competing doesn’t mean destroying your opponents, because the hand-rolled sushi on the opposite side is fast food, satisfying guests’ need for portability. To beat someone is to hit in the face, and to kill someone is to be cursed. A tooth for a tooth, a double return.

Chang Wei silently looked at his genius student.

If the student is a genius, as a teacher, there is no need to deliberately change her, as long as she is given the most appropriate guidance.

If the curry is perfect, you don’t have to change anything as a chef, just present it in the most reasonable way!

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