To determine the popularity of a dish in the hearts of diners, in addition to the tempting “aroma” and standard “taste”, there is also the visual aesthetics of the dish that must be “eye-catching” in the first place.

For restaurants, exquisite plate decorations can not only quickly enhance the value of dishes, but also reflect the taste and aesthetics of the restaurant and enhance the popularity of the restaurant.

Creative plating is a test of gourmets’ talent for “visual kei” dishes, so the scoring of this item is not as rigid as the previous knife competition, but relatively more idealistic.

Although it occupies little space in the big score, if you lose too many points because of this item, the subsequent competition will be more passive and very uncomfortable.

After receiving the news, Chang Wei was making cream or something, and the staff brought his “flower elf” back.

Obviously, this creative presentation seems to be unable to ask for too much, just like the poetry meeting in ancient times, you can only set the idea, can not force, for example, set a “spring” theme, you write, and finally we will see who writes the best.

But the main contestant can do something else, just like now, the staff conveys the latest information, using the previous carving competition to complete this round of creative competition.

Chang Wei shook his head and smiled, if he met a master who was not good at carving, wouldn’t it be worse than two in a row!

Not! Not necessarily.

He cleared some inexplicable thoughts out of his head, so what am I going to do?

On the other side, Kang Liang looked at his big koi with a headache, such a big guy used to make a plating is afraid that it is not very coordinated, how high the surrounding dishes are!

In order to pursue the best effect, he specially chose a large radish and carved a palm-sized koi.

With a gloomy face, he looked coldly at the staff who came to convey the information, guessing whether this guy was himself!

The staff member was stared at by him, because after this guy’s eyes were not blind for a few turns, his eyes were condensed and scary, like a real “outlaw”.

The staff did not know what Kang Liang was thinking, but he could also see that Kang Liang was in a bad mood at this time, but this had nothing to do with him, it was the rules set by the people above, he secretly pouted and turned away.

Kang Liang stood alone in front of the board, unfastened the rope button of his apron, tightened it and tied it again, closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

Some of his backhand didn’t work, otherwise the game would have been over.

I didn’t expect that this competition was made so high by the organizer’s gourmet association, and it was airtight inside and out.

If those few people succeed, the game should be over, and they can directly advance to the finals with the previous victory in the name of luck!

As for the question that he would lose, Kang Liang did not think about it at all, relying on his outstanding knife skills.

With a thought, the light of the knife fell, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the koi on the board was split in two along the crest line.

What a shame!


The “Chopsticks” building was selected for Time magazine before it was built, and it successfully ranked as one of the world’s architectural wonders.

From a distance, it looks like a twisted “H” shape, the two buildings are independent of each other, compared with the CCTV headquarters building, the bridge structure in the middle of the “chopsticks” has higher requirements for the bearing capacity in all aspects.

At this time, the administrative building is connected to the 33rd floor of the bridge structure, where there is a quite technological hall, and the floor-to-ceiling windows on the south side of the hall are placed in the position of several tables to form a small conference room structure.

A majestic old man sat in the middle and flipped through a paper document, while a man in formal clothes with glasses next to him reported on the events related to today’s noon event.

“So, according to you, the profit side is the way of inference of the layout people, and this little guy named Chang Wei is the mastermind behind the exclusion incident this morning?”

The gray-haired old man turned the document in his hand directly to the last to see what he saw, and at the same time asked in a tone that was not very concerned.

“Yes, branch president, our judgment is that it is unlikely that this little guy personally laid out, it is likely that the person behind him made the layout.”

The elderly president did not answer, he stood up, slowly walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the big screen in the square below.

The screen just cut out a paragraph of Chang Wei’s interview, and the premiere did not come, but you can still see the young man on the screen laughing a little awkwardly.

“! The powerful side does not disdain to play these small tricks,”

The old man’s voice carried a characteristic hoarseness, and after speaking, he walked towards the bridge without looking back, and several people behind him quickly followed.

“This matter is pressed first, if you are really idle, go and check other clues!”

The man with eyes looked solemn, and obediently replied, “Yes!” But his heart was not calm.

“What is the origin of this Chang Wei, or which old immortal’s disciple?”

It was close to noon and just halfway through the race.

Old Man Hua Jia took the elevator downstairs to the eleventh floor.

The competition venue here occupies most of the entire floor and is brightly lit, but few people notice the arrival of the old man.

The elderly president did not mean to go deeper, and he stood outside the audience with a few people and watched silently for a while before leaving.

And the few people who noticed it did not look surprised, this old man’s style has always been like this, personally but unwilling to show up, but on any important occasion, he will definitely take a look at it himself.


Chang Wei is cutting tofu.

Cutting tofu is a normal thing, because eating tofu must be cut.

But Chang Wei is different, others are diced, he does not, he shreds!

Yes, it is obviously a competition to see who has the best food on the plate, but Chang Wei shows off his knife skills here.

“The boss has already finished the first game!”

The suit brother was stunned, and the audience didn’t care about his card.

The judges also looked at Chang Wei, who cut tofu in the camera, in surprise.

People who watch food competitions must be people who have studied cooking or eating, so they understand how hard it is to cut tofu so quickly.

Because tofu, a protein-rich food, is knife-clawed, and it is soft and crumbly.

Therefore, like Chang Wei’s frequency of wielding the knife, and the extremely slow propulsion speed.

He either cut the tofu into thread-like filaments like a god, or he was simply chopping the filling.

After he finished cutting, he dripped some olive oil on the knife, lit an alcohol lamp, roasted the knife warm, and then scooped the shredded beans completely with a wave of his hand.

Then he fried tofu on a knife.

What an operation is this! The audience shouted in their hearts.

“What is this operation!” The suit brother has already shouted out.

Chang Wei stared intently at every change in the heat of the bean shreds on the knife, the thickness of the knife body was gradual, and the heat must be carefully controlled.

Everyone thought that Chang Wei was showing off his skills, but this was not the case for Chang Wei, although there was nothing wrong with saying so.

If someone comes to him right now and asks, is this your stunt? Chang Wei will tell him that this is not the case, only familiar hands!

Time passes slowly.

The works of the chefs of both sides were completed, and the two were also released, and they went on stage with their own works first.

Kang Liang also had apprehension in his heart, but he still had the upper hand with confidence.

In his cognition, his performance in this regard is already amazing, even if he gets the province, he will not fall behind, of course, it is only a knife technique.

But the first time he saw Chang Wei on the other side, he couldn’t help but change his face.

His work is koi, and his previous knife cut off half of the fish body, put it on a plate, the head and tail are raised, the surrounding sauce is rendered into the sea, cauliflower and broccoli dot the waves, it is very beautiful.

Chang Wei’s work is the creativity of the better “flower spirit” praying on the edge of the golden field, the slender “wheat seedling” seems to be gently swaying in the wind, very three-dimensional, surrounded by small mountain bags made of watermelon bowls, small fruit trees bearing large grapes.

The reason why Kang Liang’s face is ugly is that although both of their works are very good-looking, his koi is too big, so he can only use it as the main body, and the theme of Chang Wei’s work is obviously the slightly burnt yellow “wheat seedling” in the middle.

So the difference is that your own works have to look good and not delicious, while the other party’s works are good and delicious….

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