“The dish of lotus tofu originated in the Han Dynasty, Lianpeng has more than twenty small holes, the whole is inverted cone-shaped, and the dish of Lianpeng tofu is an imitation of the shape of the lotus house, and countless methods have been developed so far, and this little brother’s method is quite traditional and the most classic taste…”

The gentle old man Zhang Sanli touched his chin and shook his head to explain, from the development of this dish to several innovations in modern times.

The suit brother no longer knew what kind of expression he should face.

This old man is also too knowledgeable, this is what ordinary people can come to open their mouths?

Perhaps the suit brother felt that he had been stunned too many times today, and he quietly reached out and rubbed his cheek.

“…… As we all know, the difficulty of lotus tofu lies in the grasp of the cooking time, the grasp of the heat, the cooking time is too long, there will be fine honeycomb holes in the tofu, which not only affects the perception, but also affects the taste. ”

Shangguan was very happy that Chang Wei’s work was praised by the judges first, but the result was not that she suddenly had the impression of returning to school, her clear eyes blinked and blinked, she was so sleepy, she almost fell asleep.

“If you want to talk about color, it should be this product first, white jade lotus peng, lower lotus leaves, onion like its lotus flower, a good picture of the lotus pond water zhizhi with vitality; In terms of aroma, fresh fragrance, there is a clear smell of grass and trees under the sniff, which is very amazing; Finally, let’s talk about the taste, which is tender and smooth. ”

Chang Wei still eats and drinks with everyone, chatting to pass this boring time.

Listen to Yu Ze complain about the review of Rory Bar outside at this time.

“This guy can really say, and it’s still crepey, and it’s endless…” Pang Ze took a mouthful of banana in distress.

Chang Wei smiled and didn’t say much, in fact, he also wanted to know how his performance was, but this guy was really serious in this regard, Chang Wei asked several times, and the other party never revealed the slightest.

This kind of closed competition is really rare, at least Chang Wei has never encountered it when he is abroad, and this kind of strict defense does not let the competition chef know his results.

The old man Zhang Sanli’s high-level talk outside was still going on, but he also realized that what he said before was a bit hi.

“Ugh! You can’t help it, let me make a long story short, the grass mushroom broccoli here is also full of color and flavor, and this dish is very simple, this grass mushroom grain is large and full and does not look like artificial cultivation of tasteless, when it is not an ordinary product, delicious! ”

The suit brother then realized that the other party had finished speaking, and looking at the old man with a bit of unfinished meaning, he hurriedly pulled the microphone back: “Thank you Master Zhang Sanli for your wonderful comments!” So, next…”

Teacher Zhang Sanli smacked his lips endlessly, he felt that Fang Cai’s speech on the second course was a little too concise, some “biased”, and he had the intention to take the microphone back and add two sentences, just watching the suit brother stand up and run in a hurry, and his heart couldn’t help but feel a little depressed.

Brother Suit is even more depressed in his heart, your old man can be considered finished!

But he was holding the microphone to talk about the scene at this time, and he almost said the words in his heart when he was excited, but he braked the car in time.

“That, Master Li Wu, you still say two no?” Brother Suit asked cautiously.

The audience immediately burst into laughter, and Zhang Sanli awkwardly lowered his head to drink tea.

“Then say two.” Li Wu also smiled, and then took the microphone.

“Don’t worry! I’m not going to be like the old guy over there, the long-winded person’s brain.

“Long story short, this lotus tofu is good, uh! Melts in the mouth, well, next to this, this cauliflower mushroom is also good, delicious and fresh. ”

The old man Zhang Sanli swallowed a sip of tea and snorted softly: “Vulgar! ”

The suit brother is still looking at Li Wu, and his heart says that you are old and finished?

“Uh, then Master Li Wu, you look at the two plates, which one is better?”

Li Wu pondered for a moment and replied: “This judge is to vote for my favorite dish, I like to eat this mushroom more, because I personally don’t like tofu very much, I didn’t chew my head, but I don’t deny that this tofu is really delicious.”

“To be reasonable, both delicious dishes, generally simple to plate fast win, but also consider the value of the dish, the old man over there still has some eyes, this grass mushroom is too good, the result is not far from people’s ordinary ingredients, then what to use, compared to the chef level and not the level of ingredients, so this lotus tofu is better.”

The suit brother praised these words in his heart, which set the tone for this game.

“Okay, then there will be a judge here to score the two contestants, and all the results will be announced after the end of the final competition.

“Next, let’s enter, the next competition.”


The content of this competition is still hot dishes, but the meat dishes to be made, this competition is the chef’s housekeeping skills.

Chang Wei was checking his ingredients, at this time he looked at a grass carp in the fresh-keeping cabinet, of course he knew what else his ingredients were, but he just needed to think about how to cook this grass carp, and after looking at it for a while, he suddenly laughed.

This is not an ordinary grass carp, in fact, if you think about it, you will understand, of course, chef competition must take into account fairness, then when selecting materials before, the other two groups of ingredients are specialized in the front, how can the ingredients of this group be too ordinary, but that Kangliang is not very discerning, and the selection of the main material has not been selected to the point, missing the most precious ingredient in this group – West Lake grass carp.

Chang Wei can actually understand, to put it simply, grass carp this kind of things in rivers and lakes is the most common is this fish, the market is everywhere, what is precious, but West Lake grass carp is different, especially the wild West Lake grass carp, the meat is tender and fat, the unique flavor makes it more precious than any precious fish species, some places have tried to use other fish instead.

Therefore, this round of heavyweight competition Chang Wei is definitely to put it on the stage, the sky does not take, but suffers from it, Chang Wei finally decided not to engage in any innovation, the unique flavor of West Lake grass carp to the ultimate dish, it is none other than West Lake vinegar fish.

As for the originality, Chang Wei is not unsure, but the style of domestic chefs is still relatively traditional, and rashly changing this traditional famous dish often gives a bad impression, especially now that he is not famous.

This kind of thing is better to leave it for later, for now, let’s contact the top chefs in the country!

On the other side, Kang Liang’s ingredients are excellent, of course he understands where his advantages are, after all, this is all his “hard” to win, so he took out his best things, and after hesitating for a while, he still chose a relatively simple and relatively simple dish, and can buy dishes that give full play to his strengths, Shouwu chicken.

One is the precious medicinal herb He Shou Wu, and the other is the black bone chicken obtained from Chang Wei’s hands.

The two have their own magic and complement each other, and they are the best match in Kang Liang’s hands at present, and there is no one.

This dish weighs a lot of weight wherever it is placed, because it is not only delicious, but also simple and a great tonic!

Thinking of this, Kang Liang couldn’t help but pick up the black chicken and kiss it fiercely on the chicken’s butt, laughing loudly.

Victory seems to be just around the corner.

The staff member next to Kang Liang pouted, thinking that if you know what the previous reviewer said about you, I don’t know if you can still laugh.

The guest judge in his heart was none other than Li Wu.

So far, most of the judges, including those who have not yet left the country, have a certain understanding of the two chefs, and because of professional reasons, this understanding will only be deeper than everyone thought.

Because of the importance of the association, those sitting on both sides of the long table are real powerhouses, at least proficient in one or more areas of cooking.

“Audience friends, the next item we try is the meat plate in the hot dish, as we all know, this dish is called hard dish among the general public, in the past simple era, hard dishes are more intuitive to represent the dignity of the host, the importance of this meat plate is self-evident.

“Good! Without further ado, let me introduce you to two new judges…”

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