Kang Liang remembers that from the day he saw that person, the world through his eyes changed.

He seemed to be cursed by a shadow, because every corner around him would grow inexplicable shadows.

That man, his nightmares, came from those shadows.

He had a guess in his heart that this guy’s medium was the mirror, the huge dressing mirror he was born in his home, but he never dared to destroy the mirror, but he began to unconsciously scan the reflective places around him, and the corners of the shadows, and never stopped.

“Maybe this guy will replace himself someday, but he never dares to express this idea, because that person always knows what he is thinking, that person is terrible.”

“This person seems to have a direct connection to his father’s death.”

Kang Liang stood alone in the center of the stage and said his testimonial about victory, there was no one around, only dim light, and there was an identical stage opposite him, and in the center of the stage stood his nightmare, as if it were a huge mirror.

The “Victory Speech” in Kang Liang’s mouth stopped, because his nightmare said something, and he subconsciously listened.

“You are my nightmare.

“You’re the one who killed your father, aren’t you?

“I was born of you, but you are me, all jealousy.”

Kang Liang’s heart clicked, I hid myself? This can’t be, you are my nightmare, you are the source of all evil, but the figure on the opposite side is gone, even if the parallel stage is especially present.

He faintly heard the other party’s last “last words”.

“I said you would leave if you won, hehe! Lie to you, because I have already decided to leave, you will know everything, including the guilt and memories you forcibly abandoned, but are you sure you don’t need me anymore? Hehe! ”


Kang Liang was obviously a little abnormal.

Chang Wei defined in his heart that this guy didn’t look like much change, but his whole aura was very weird.

Although this has long been established, the current situation is particularly obvious.

The other person’s eyes don’t look like humans at all, more like prosthetic eyes and the like.

This kind of monster is better sent to prison.

However, the psychiatric hospital is also a good choice, and Chang Wei’s heart gives the other party another choice to buy one and get one free.

Then the host’s suit brother’s voice fell, and Chang Wei turned around.

There is no doubt that eight crushes.

Not bad, Chang Wei turned his head and winked at Shangguan.

And Shangguan was obviously not surprised by this result, but she still applauded Chang Wei vigorously.

In all directions, there was applause from all places, converging into a tidal wave, but it belonged to only one person on the stage.

Kang Liang came back to his senses when he heard the applause, but unexpectedly, the focus of everyone’s attention did not seem to be on him.

He was really incredulous, and then looked back in horror, as if the heavy nightmare that had just been put down pressed on his heart again.

That’s impossible!

But he could only shout in his heart, unable to say a word.

He walked off the stage with a lost soul.

The host suit brother wanted to ask this loser to say something, victory is not arrogant defeat or something, show his demeanor, although he understands the cruel truth of success and defeat, but after all, there are still several judges who are optimistic about his talent, right?

It’s just that the suit brother saw Kang Liang’s demeanor, and he straightened up in his heart, and now I don’t know if this guy can withstand such a blow.

Guo Yangshu, who wanted to pick up a cheap apprentice, wanted to say something, but when he and Kang Liang looked at each other, he opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything.

As Kang Liang walked through his kitchen, several people gathered together and pointed in his direction, and the small sound reached his ears.

“Look at that guy, he looked like a special emperor in front of us before, and then look at his current appearance, is he like a dog? Now it’s been beaten back to its original form! ”

Kang Liang turned a deaf ear and silently lowered his head and walked out the door.

Chang Wei shook hands with the nineteen jury members one by one, and then returned to the stage to stand with the host Brother Suit.

“Okay! Next, I announce that the members who have advanced to this round are, Chang Wei!

“Mr. Chang Wei, say something?”

After the suit brother finished speaking, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Chang Wei.

Chang Wei smiled and froze the microphone: “Hmm! First of all, thank you to all the audience and friends for their support, thank you for the guidance of the judges, well, thank you for taking the time to accompany me to the competition…”

Chang Wei said the “acceptance speech” common to all the winners with a serious face, he stood in the center of the stage, quietly winked at Shangguan, and glanced casually, but just saw the back of Kang Liang walking into the elevator in the distance.

Lively and deserted, noisy and frustrated, the two people in the same space seem to be separated in two worlds, clearly distinguished.

Received a voucher, Chang Wei casually rolled up and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, Chang Wei and Shangguan walked out of the arena together, the sky and the earth had already changed colors, under the dark night, two people who had not eaten but were not very hungry were strolling on the square in front of the “chopsticks”.

Chang Wei would be recognized by passers-by from time to time, so he smiled and greeted people, and Shangguan didn’t know why he walked two places in front of him.

As the two gradually walked towards the periphery, the crowd finally decreased, and they would no longer be easily recognized.

“Let’s go, go get something to drink?” Chang Wei followed and suggested.

Shangguan did not speak, she walked in front of Chang Wei with her hands behind her back, kicking and kicking her feet, tilting her head slightly and not knowing what she was thinking.

Chang Wei, who did not get a response, did not ask again, smiled, and walked quietly behind the other party.

The light and darkness hit Shangguan’s side face, hair, and shoulders.

After a while, she stopped, turned around, and her Chang Wei, who had been paying attention, also stopped slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

“We’re going to go on like this?”


Chang Wei wanted to scratch his head a little, and you didn’t answer when he asked you.

“Then let’s go get something to drink!”

“Then let’s go get something to drink!”

The two suddenly said in unison.

Then the two froze at the same time, and the sudden tacit understanding turned into wide-eyed eyes.

After a while, Shangguan “poofed” and laughed, and Chang Wei couldn’t help it.

Then the two walked side by side in the direction of the “cake” food city.

There was a long row of warm yellow street lamps on the side of the road, and the two figures side by side gradually walked away, but sometimes there were clear voices coming along the wind.

“Your expression was so silly just now!”

“You’re stupid!”

“You’re even more stupid!”

“You’re the stupidest!”

“You… Yes! ”


Guo Yangshu drove home after the race.

It was not early, and although he had only been sitting for a day at the game in the center of “chopsticks”, he also felt a faint fatigue.

It’s not that it’s a lot of work today, but it’s that I’ve not been feeling well lately.

As a chef with a lot of work, most of the cooks who do it from the bottom have good physical fitness, not to mention that he Guo Yangshu is still in the prime of life.

However, he may have suffered a little wind chill recently, plus some trouble.

The Deng family, who had been causing trouble on his side, became even more serious this time, and even wanted to pick up an apprentice with good talent.

It’s excessive!

Guo Yangshu drove out of the underground garage, and the moment before merging into the road, a car “swooped” behind and rushed out with his car.

In an instant, Guo Yangshu’s frightened sweat stood upside down, and his blood surged up.

The car was suffocating on the side of the road, and Guo Yangshu felt a faint sense of dizziness.

He finally returned home, trembling and took out the key to open the door, and suddenly he couldn’t hold on.

Guo Yangshu’s wife is busy in the kitchen in an apron, and the cook’s wife does not need to cook, especially when her husband is working outside.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she knew that Lao Guo should be back, but after a while, there was no figure, and she was puzzled, so she carried her apron and walked towards the door.

As soon as she walked out of the living room, she was startled, and saw Guo Yangshu kneeling in the door frame holding the door frame, sweating profusely, and her face was red and scary.

Guo Yangshu’s wife hurriedly ran over to support her husband’s shoulders, only to hear Guo Yangshu trembling and weakly said.

“Quick, hit the ambulance!”

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