Chang Wei was driving home, and he was still thinking about this afternoon.

Regarding the matter of “Stealing Immortal Grass” Xun Guan, the old man Ji Nian did not tell him much, although Chang Wei thought that this was the first meeting between the two, but the treatment was not like the courtesy that an ordinary student association member could get, and the two talked a lot of unrelated things like old friends.

For example, Chang Wei once met the beetroot Lu Zhi, when talking about this person, the old man simply said a few words, saying that the guy seemed to appear suddenly, although he claimed to be the heir of the last root of life, with a resonance performance to win a seat of beetroot, but the cooking skills are also a little extreme, and the overall strength is very rare.

Chang Wei inquired with the old man about the other seats again.

Regarding the matter explained to Chang Wei with Ji Nian, the old man meant that Chang Wei could think about it, there was still a long time to go through the activities here, and he was not in a hurry.

It was still early when Chang Wei returned home, and he didn’t expect to come back so late when he went out in the morning.

At this time, I came back and inexplicably felt that the home was very empty, perhaps because of the young hostess, the single man’s home always looked messy, even if Chang Wei often cleaned up.

He took off his exterior and hung it on the hanger behind the door, and these old decorations finally rejuvenated with the return of the protagonist.

Turn on the computer and the flowing notes roam the living room.

Chang Wei took off his clothes and threw them into the washing machine, took a nap after taking a shower.

After waking up, Chang Wei dried his clothes and stood on the balcony looking into the distance, the light was shining.

At present, I don’t know when the game will be carried out, and it will take longer for my turn, I don’t know what Senior Ji is going to do by himself, and he said to give himself time to think about it.

But Chang Wei didn’t know what he had to consider.

Chang Wei yawned and came to the computer to sit down, listening to pure music to sleep is quite comfortable, but it feels a little noisy before falling asleep.

No new emails, watch a sand sculpture online drama!

Chang Wei suddenly remembered that his game program seemed to be broadcast, and he didn’t watch it after knowing the news, turned off the sand sculpture online drama, searched for the M City qualifiers, and directly searched for a rebroadcast channel, clicked to open, just the part where the suit brother stalked and hit the husband and wife file, and there was a lot of laughter on the crazy barrage.

Because Chang Wei was in a closed state at the time of the game, at this time the picture of the show was associated with his own memory, knowing that such an interesting thing happened outside his memory, and the whole process was quite interesting, Chang Wei knew what the saliva chicken who deliberately accelerated the progress a little at that time interrupted.

This is really, coincidentally! Chang Wei didn’t feel any guilt, but gloated and thought.

Then there is the old man Li Wu who is angry and the brother in a deflated suit.

The fun behind is worse, Chang Wei while watching, on the other hand smoothly opened the forum of M City, the first thing that caught his eye was a voting event, the icon looked like a red banner, the content was “the host with no lower limit in your mind” and the suit brother was listed, and it was among the few people in the forefront of the popularity.

Chang Wei clicked on the portrait of the suit brother smoothly, so that he could work together, and the buddy voted for him generously.


Then Chang Wei slid his mouse and browsed the following content.

“A dark horse appeared, and a mysterious figure was elected the champion of the M City audition”

Chang Wei glanced at this old post, thinking that this broken post had not sunk yet, according to his own popularity should almost pass, and then Chang Wei pulled the mouse again, and several posts jumped into Chang Wei’s line of sight.

“Strength with homemade snacks hard against court dishes”

“A complete collection of tofu war medicine and diet”

“Constant frequency fast knife”

He was instantly startled, what is this?

Chang Wei expected that his popularity would decline, on the contrary, his popularity actually increased, which was almost the rhythm of brushing the screen in his city’s forum!

A sense of his sudden fame came to his mind.

In fact, the emergence of this situation has to be counted on the hit of this competition program, although there is no help from traffic stars, but in response to the government’s call to “promote the sense of national honor and win glory for the country”, the program record of winning glory for the country has entered everyone’s attention, plus the production of this program is very interesting, and then the stations have resumed broadcasting.

Chang Wei also followed the east wind of the show, coupled with his own legend, so he followed the fire, and he is now a state of fame.

Shaking his head, Chang Wei stripped himself from this impetuous state, shook his head, and put down the mouse.

He left the computer, and that counted as fame? I didn’t feel good at all.

Still immersed in the world of the kitchen to make himself feel most grounded, Chang Wei put on an apron for himself and walked into the kitchen.

When he woke up the next day, Chang Wei used to come out for a run.

The silence of the early morning, feeling the whole city slowly awakening, this kind of steadiness in life is the most solid thing that makes Changwei not lost.

Chang Wei is a person, he is not really a hermit out of the world, his alienation actually comes from his focused pursuit, which makes him strong, but not the invulnerable kind.

In other words, he is also a confused person, flesh and blood, and there are many situations in life that he does not know how to deal with, such as Shangguan who is suddenly far away.

For Chang Wei, this girl made him moved, he wanted to be close to her, willing to contact her, more company, but there was not much progress.

He didn’t know her, only her name, and she looked as if she worked in that mysterious food town, but she wasn’t bound by anything.

Chang Wei still remembers the first time he saw her, the other party was surrounded by a group of people and left.

Is it because I’m not strong enough?

Maybe it’s just this answer, he is not strong enough to touch what is behind the other party.

Not successful enough! Chang Wei looked down and smiled.

His yard was in front of him, Chang Wei slowed down, ran to his door, was about to find the key to open the door, there was a scream next to him, Chang Wei turned his head in confusion and looked over there.

One of the two student-like children on the side of the road fell to the ground, a khaki dog was pulling the child’s bag and shaking his head, and another little girl stood on the other side screaming.

Chang Wei hurriedly took two steps to the side and entered the sight of the mad dog, and squatted sharply.

The earth dog was immediately frightened and took a few steps back, and after seeing that the tall man who suddenly appeared was just bluffing, he barked wildly and tried to pounce.

Chang Wei saw that this soil method could not scare the other party, and the two children over there were still not out of the danger range, he squatted again, only this time he really picked up two stones.

The earth dog was completely enraged by this man’s two squatting behaviors, and pounced on Chang Wei who had already come close with red eyes.

Chang Wei squinted his eyes, and the surroundings suddenly became ethereal, and the figure of the earth dog rushing over seemed to be broken down into a grid of afterimages in his eyes, and he suddenly threw out a fist-sized stone in his hand.

The huge force hit the upper jaw of the earth dog, and the whole body of the earth dog suddenly turned over, and then got up and roared to rush up again.

Chang Wei squatted at the earth dog again, and the earth dog immediately stopped and took a few steps back, and then screamed and fled with its tail between its legs.

After staring at the earth dog until it left, Chang Wei breathed a sigh of relief and stepped over to check the little boy’s injuries.

The little guy relaxed at this time and couldn’t help crying louder, and the little girl next to him couldn’t help but cry loudly.

These two children look to be teenagers, should be the students of the school next to them, this little guy’s small half of the school bag was torn by the soil dog, and the calf on his hand was scratched by dog teeth in many places, but Chang Wei saw the lunch box in the little boy’s school bag that was stabbed by the dog’s mouth, which was full of soup, and he didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Chang Wei drove the car out, put the two children on the car, and drove in the direction of the hospital.

The two children who finally quieted down on the road told Chang Wei about the whole thing.

As expected, the two children who went to school took a short cut and walked this way, but they were blocked by the sudden appearance of the earth dog.

Later, Chang Wei got the mobile phone number of the other party’s class teacher from the cover of the little girl’s homework book.

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