As time passed, Chang Wei’s cooking speed has been slowing down, because his vision and hearing have been affected too much, not only problems such as delay, but also auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations.

All of this is affecting him, making him unable to determine anything and can only continue to do it by feeling.

But doing it, he really stopped.

Turned off the fire, put down the knife, still with his eyes closed.

If you do this, you will lose.

Chang Wei knew very well in his heart that he would lose and lose badly if he went on like this.

It’s like Zhang Zheng.

So if you want to win, you can’t continue like this.

Seek a breakthrough.

He had broken through once, and that time, he had indeed touched the divine realm, not relying on his powerful and keen six senses, nor relying on the tongue of God, but simply relying on himself.

But since that time, he hadn’t touched the Divine Realm again.

He needed to get back to his current state and find the feeling of the divine realm.

If he didn’t enter the Divine Realm, he couldn’t win.

He just seemed to have touched the Divine Realm, but it was not, it was just a feeling, a paradoxical feeling.

If he continues like this, it will be difficult for him to find the feeling of true god realm after the whole game, and he will only be stuck in the case, not up or down.

Therefore, Chang Wei would rather give up time and seek an absolute breakthrough.

Be quiet.

After Chang Wei closed his eyes, he felt that the whole world was quiet.

He blocked all his voices and could only hear his own.

The sound of the heart beating, the sound of blood flowing.

Chang Wei felt as if he had come to a darkness, walking forward, with no end and no way back.

Chang Wei had no choice but to move forward and didn’t care about anything.

The front, it seems, is a door, and behind the door, there is light.

Chang Wei walked over and pushed open the door.

It’s a new world, a piece of light.


When Chang Wei opened his eyes, he glanced at the time.

Fifteen minutes left.

He didn’t know how long it took him to close his eyes, but fifteen minutes was enough.

Chang Wei raised his knife again and processed all the ingredients that had not yet been processed.

It’s still a one-size-fits-all flow, but this time, faster.

Chang Wei looked at the ingredients on the board, and this time, in his eyes, these ingredients were not just ingredients.

In addition to the ingredients, there are also textures, as long as you cut vegetables according to these lines, it must be the most perfect.

Chang Wei almost subconsciously did what he wanted.

After finishing it, Chang Wei looked at the ingredients on the board and reopened the fire.

This time, the heat was directly adjusted to the maximum.

With fifteen minutes to go, he had no time to hesitate.

This time, Chang Wei almost didn’t have any extra ideas, everything he did was done according to his subconscious, and there was no need to think about the heat to consider the taste or something, just do it.

Xun Or, who was sitting in the stands, subconsciously widened his eyes, looking at Chang Wei’s flowing movements, he couldn’t help but shake his head, and was amazed: “It’s really powerful, the young people now are really amazing, out of a five-sense control, forget it, and come out a natural god realm, old and old.” ”

Changwei’s divine realm is the natural divine realm in Xun or his mouth.

The so-called natural divine realm is that everything is done in the most natural way, there is no need to think about it at all, everything will tell you how to do it, and then do what these ingredients tell you.

The God Realm controlled by the five senses, Xun Or has still encountered it over the years, but the Natural God Realm, he has only heard of, and has never seen it.

Now that I have finally seen it, I can only say that it is worthy of the name.

Chang Wei’s abnormality was not only felt by Xun Or, but also by other powerful people.

Although they didn’t know what the natural god realm was, watching Chang Wei cooking, they had a refreshing feeling.

This feeling has never been felt before.

Gao Miao looked at the broadcast TV and widened her eyes.

He had a feeling that Chang Wei was probably going to win.

Although there were no sound and light special effects, and nothing magical happened, he had a feeling that Chang Wei had broken through.

Now Chang Wei, extremely confident, does not care about winning or losing at all, he only needs to finish the ingredients in front of him.

Shangguan Yu, as Chang Wei’s opponent, felt the strongest feeling, he looked at Chang Wei with some disbelief, and did not expect that his opponent would break through on the verge of breaking through.

Chang Wei’s ability to resist his Divine Realm before was enough to surprise him, but those surprises, in front of Chang Wei’s Divine Realm, did not know that he cared.

However, his dishes have also been completed, what about the Divine Realm? It’s still a contest of dishes.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and when there was still one minute left, Chang Wei opened the lid of the pot, there was no aroma, Chang Wei did not look, took out a pair of chopsticks, directly reached into the pot, and then looked aimlessly stirring, and very hard.

Everyone was confused, and the camera was not given to Chang Wei’s pot, but depending on the situation, Chang Wei seemed to be really messing around.

After stirring for a while, Chang Wei stopped, and then poured everything in the pot into a large bowl, full of soup, and he couldn’t see the dish at all.

Chang Wei immediately covered the large bowl with a lid, and then stopped.

The bell rang just in time, proving that the game was over.

Next, it’s time to look at the dishes.

The first thing I saw was Shangguan Yu’s, and the eight immortals crossed the sea.

A very delicate dish, all eight immortals are lifelike, and under the feet of the eight immortals, there is also a real sea.

I have to say that it is obviously just a dish, but it has been made into the effect of a TV series, and Shangguan Yu’s strength is really strong.

Chang Wei glanced at it, showed a smile, nodded, and then in front of the camera, opened the lid of the pot.

A pot of soup, nothing to see.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what Chang Wei was doing.

However, Chang Wei smiled and suddenly slapped the big bowl.

A shock.

Then everyone saw the most incredible scene in their lives.

The soup is becoming clear at a speed visible to the naked eye, and inside the clear soup, a dragon is wandering.


Everyone couldn’t help but stand up and wipe their eyes fiercely.

The dragon was still swimming in the water, looking irregular, even the dragon’s whiskers and scales were clearly visible.

The whole audience was gasping for air.

Then Chang Wei slapped the big bowl again, and the dragon in the bowl seemed to be frightened, stopped there and did not move, slowly shrinking into a ball.

Such a surprise can even be called a magical sight, it simply murdered everyone’s eyes, and no one dared to turn their eyes away, all staring at the bowl.

They even felt that it was magic.

After Chang Wei finished showing, he closed the lid of the pot again.

Everyone sat down, but the exclamation on their faces still did not dissipate.

No one knows how to describe it, and if I have to say it, it seems to be a miracle.

Technically, Chang Wei has already won, completely won.

If Shangguan Yu’s Eight Immortals can move across the sea, they can also be matched, but this technique is really not something that can be learned.

Shangguan Yu was also a little surprised, looked at Chang Wei, and couldn’t help but nod.

If that’s the case, then the game is in suspense.

After seeing what the dishes look like, it’s time to taste.

The five judges almost couldn’t wait to run up, didn’t look at anything else, ran directly to Chang Wei, and opened the lid.

It’s still a cloudy soup, and you can’t see what’s inside.

Old Li rubbed his hands, hesitated, or carefully patted on the bowl, the careful look, as if looking at a treasure.

It is no wonder that Li Lao has not seen the world, in front of this dish, there are really few who have seen the world.

Elder Li patted it carefully, but there was no reaction.

The soup was still cloudy, the dragon did not come out, and the soup did not become clear.

Li Lao scratched his head, scratching his ears and cheeks, and he didn’t know what to do.

He really didn’t dare to be too presumptuous, for fear of ruining this bowl of treasure like a work of art.

Therefore, he could only look at Chang Wei and hope that Chang Wei could perform it.

Chang Wei smiled, walked to Li Lao’s side, and then reached out and gently knocked on the edge of the bowl.

The soup immediately became clear, but compared to just now, the degree of clarity has decreased, at least not to the bottom.

Elder Li looked at the scene in the bowl with some sadness, he really didn’t want this bowl of art to disappear.

Chang Wei also said on the side: “Li Lao, this effect, the first time is the best, the next few times, the effect is not so good, after three or four times, there is no such effect, so if you want to see it, please use your mobile phone to shoot it.” ”

Although it is a very magical dish, it is just some chemical reactions, but these chemical reactions are completed using dishes.

It is already very rare to be able to take effect three or four times, after all, many chemical reactions, in fact, are one-way, after taking effect once, if there is no device, it is difficult to reverse the effect, Changwei can be said to have achieved the extreme.

Elder Li nodded a little sadly, glanced nostalgically at the You Long in the bowl, and asked, “Then this dish, can I not eat it?” I…… I don’t really want to eat it, I want to keep this dish. ”

Old man Li is also a wonderful person, obviously in the competition, but he does not want this dish to be destroyed, and wants to keep the dish perfectly.

The other four judges hesitated, but still did not speak, because they had the same idea in their hearts.

But if they don’t eat it, they can’t evaluate the level of this dish, because so far, no aroma has been exposed, even if it has been opened, there is still no aroma.

Chang Wei shook his head: “Old man Li, the dish is made to eat, if you really like it, I can tell you the method of this dish, but for now, let’s finish the competition first.” However, this dish is not eaten directly. ”

Saying that, Chang Wei knocked lightly on the bowl and knocked ten times in a row.

The situation in the bowl changed again, everyone could see clearly, the water was decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the dragon inside, as if drinking water, became significantly larger.

Soon, the soup was left with a shallow layer, which could drown the enlarged dragon, and the dragon’s mouth was already exposed to the surface of the water, and he could not drink water.

After all, this is just a dish, and You Long is just a dish, and he can’t lower his head to drink water.

Old man Li looked at the changes in the bowl with wide eyes, feeling that his worldview had been madly shocked again.

Chang Wei smiled, pointed to the You Long in the bowl and said: “Five judges, this is the dish this time, please taste it.” ”

You Long is the dish?

Everyone stared at the dragon that had already drunk enough and stopped moving, and for a while they didn’t know what to say.

How to eat this? Where to take the mouth?

The five judges were a little dumbfounded, and after hesitating for a while, they still started eating from the dragon’s tail.

Elsewhere, he didn’t dare to eat it, only the dragon tail, he hesitated, there should not be much problem.

However, the judge only moved his chopsticks slightly, and the whole dragon fell apart directly.

The judge was taken aback, quickly withdrew his chopsticks, and looked innocent: “It’s not me, I haven’t moved, I didn’t make it.” ”

In fact, it is indeed not him, because after the dragon fell apart, it became a neat dish, and only the dragon head remained intact.

Such a breathtaking scene simply earned enough eyeballs, and the judges began to eat unceremoniously.

However, after eating, the five judges did not say anything, and directly turned around to taste the eight immortals crossing the sea.

Looking at the expressions of the five judges, I was still very satisfied.

Chang Wei also knew that the five judges would leave some words to say when they voted, say them now, and they won’t know what to say later.

Shangguan Yu, who had been forgotten for most of the day, was finally remembered, and looking at his expression, he didn’t seem to mind anything, and still waited quietly.

His gaze also fell on the dragon, and he was now equally curious, wondering what the jumping dragon was.

Soon, the eight immortals crossed the sea and tasted, and the five judges also returned to their places, waiting for the next round.

The next round is to taste each other’s food and answer each other’s ingredients.

Chang Wei and Shangguan Yu walked towards each other at the same time, and then after eating two bites each, they returned to their positions.

Soon, both of them answered the ingredients used by the other, and neither of them said anything wrong.

After all, no matter how you make it, the smell of the ingredients is still there, and even if they just smell it, they can smell it, let alone eat it.

And then, it’s time to vote.

This time, without any hesitation from the judges, they all voted for Chang Wei.

Even if they will be prosecuted by the Gourmet Association later, they will not be able to go against their own will, violate their conscience, and vote for Shangguan Yu again.

They admitted that Shangguan Yu’s Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea were also very delicate and delicious, but the shock that the dragon brought them was too great.

For the rest of their lives, they may not see the second one.

“Very good, then I announce that the winner of this food competition national competition is, Changwei player!”

The host came up to the stage in time and announced the results of the competition, and without any surprise, Chang Wei won the championship.

Shangguan Yu did not say anything, and walked over to shake hands with Chang Wei very gracefully, and then praised Chang Wei’s You Long.

He’s also a guy who can afford to lose, and he’s done his best anyway, and he still hasn’t won the game, which proves that he still has room to continue to improve in the future, which is a good thing for him.

When shaking hands, Shangguan Yu still did not hold back, and asked: “Chang Wei, what is the name of this dish?” ”

Chang Wei was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: “Play in the water.” ”

Shangguan Yu also nodded, admitting his defeat.

However, he was still looking forward to the next fight with Chang Wei, so he asked: “Will you still participate in the next competition?” If you come, I’ll wait for you. ”

However, Chang Wei shook his head: “No need, it’s okay to participate once, it’s okay to win the championship once, if I come back next time, I have to think hard about other dishes, it’s quite tiring.” ”

Shangguan Yu was a little in a daze, he didn’t expect that the reason why this person pushed off the next competition was actually because he was too tired?

What kind of bizarre reason is this?

But Chang Wei didn’t want to come, then naturally he wouldn’t participate, and the next time…

“Next, I plan to go around the country and see all kinds of food, hoping that my strength will improve.” If it’s not enough at home, then I’ll go abroad, in short, when I feel that my level is enough, I will come back and continue to challenge you. ”

Chang Wei was stunned for a moment, but still nodded and showed a smile: “Welcome at any time.” ”

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