Tony was held in the cave, only he and Ethan, who was a doctor, and no one on the terrorist side entered their cave on weekdays, and only monitors watched the cave 24 hours a day.

Because the monitor only has a picture and no sound, and the monitoring picture is not clear, this gives Tony room to operate secretly.

Tony ventilates the escape plan and Ethan, which is also a helpless move, he wants to escape must not be able to hide Ethan in the same room, and if he wants to leave safely, he can only pull Ethan into the group, so as to find someone to cover.

On the other hand, Tony finally officially addressed Yuu’s question.

“Hey, the child who calls himself the spirit behind it… Well, although your existence is very unscientific, I admit for the time being that you really are… Soul! ”

After finally acknowledging Yuu’s presence, Tony quickly asked the question he cared about the most, “What can you do for me?” As you can see, if I can’t escape here in 7 days, even if I successfully build the Jeref missile 7 days later, I will be killed by that group of terrorists! So…… Can you help me escape? ”


Yuke is not a whiteboard who has just entered the Hokage plane, and now his strength is comparable to the top Thor (storm battle axe state) in Marvel, except for Odin, whose strength is unknown, the purple potato essence in the state of the Infinity Stones, and ruthless characters such as Guyi and Dormammu, he is almost an invincible existence in this world.

It’s naturally not a problem to really help Tony out of danger, but Tony who lacks the Iron Man suit, is he still Tony Stark?

Yuu, as the spirit behind it, does want to change Tony’s ending in the last snapping fingers, but this does not mean that he wants Tony to give up even his original growth.

In order to ensure the birth of the Iron Man suit, Yu naturally can only say sorry to Tony for the time being.

“Sorry, my strength has been damaged, and now I only retain part of my ability, and I can’t take you directly out of this valley, but I still have telepathic abilities, and it’s perfectly fine to patrol around you 100 meters at the same time, helping you keep a whistle!”

Speaking as low as possible about his abilities, Tony is a little disappointed, but fortunately Yu’s ability is better than nothing, for him this is already much stronger than the expected vase.

With Tony’s cooperation, he experimented with the power of telepathy, and Tony confidently handed over the task of sentry to Yuu.

Tony first built a small Ark reactor for himself, to put it bluntly, a miniaturized cold nuclear reactor powered by palladium, and the most brilliant technology of this thing is not the Ark reactor itself, but the technology to miniaturize the Ark reactor.

Long before that, Tony’s company had a giant Ark reactor, which is really not bad technology, but it is actually no more popular than nuclear power plants, which is a gimmick used by Stark to attract investment.

And with the danger of today, Tony, who miniaturized the Ark reactor at the time of imminent danger, can be regarded as truly understanding this technology.

[Record… Complete, Ark reactor… I can rub out N with my hands, but this is only the first generation… I would prefer a three-generation Ark reactor with new elements. ]

Yu, who had been sentry outside, did not forget to pay attention to the technology mastered by Tony, silently recorded the manufacturing method of the arc reactor, and once again scanned the entire camp of the Ten Rings Gang.

Tony is worthy of being a first-class super genius in the Marvel Universe, and unlike ordinary brain-type geniuses, his hands-on ability is also MAX level.

Bai has been interested in manufacturing since he was a child, and with a pair of hammers, a forging furnace, and the tools that are simple to the extreme in the cave, he pieced together a steel suit that he clearly called a “Leaping Valley Suit” – Mark 1 Type 1!

In the original work, because of the monitor, Tony’s manufacture of steel suits was discovered by the people of the Ten Commandments Gang, and finally in the case of barely realizing Mark 1, he rushed out to battle, causing Ethan to die tragically, and Tony detonated his weapon to barely escape, and the whole process can be described as a twist and turn.

Yuu’s existence is to reduce the probability of Tony being discovered in disguise, while completing a series of flaws in his work process.

On the fourth night of the escape plan, the parts of the Mark 1 suit have been beaten by Tony the blacksmith, and the next step is to assemble and debug the program.

“Tony, there are flaws in your plan… You can break through the encirclement of the valley with the help of suits, but you can’t wipe everyone out! Moreover, Ethan he does not have a suit to protect, how are you going to let him escape? ”

Because of telepathy, Tony can only wield the hammer while responding to Yuu’s questions.

“Gee… My father used to say that before you learn to walk, you might as well run! What we can do under limited conditions is to do everything to the best of everything… As for the outcome, it can only be left to luck to decide! Ethan’s words… Just hide in a cave, then the chances of surviving will be a little greater! ”

Tony didn’t think about Ethan’s survival, but the problem was that the raw materials and time did not allow the creation of a second suit, plus Ethan himself was not a good manipulator, and he might not be able to successfully break through if he really handed over the suit.

“By the way…” just as the conversation might be over, Yuu seemed to suddenly remember something, “My ability has recovered a little, so let you see my power!” ”

Yuu asked Tony to lift his undershirt, and the ark embedded in his chest reacted, while Yuu’s hand pressed on the rough version of the ark reactor that was handmade.

“Hey… Boy, is your god talk really useful? I’m a precision machine, don’t break it for me… Uh-”

Just as Tony was about to say something, with the optimization of the [Paris Tree of Life Crown] card applied to the Ark reactor, as a direct user of the reactor, Tony immediately felt that the energy of the reactor became more powerful.

“Power optimized by 100%, now this thing can support the operation of your suit for 100 minutes!”

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