Wakanda has a king, or even the king has the highest power and status in Wakanda, but it in no way means that the king can achieve what Wakanda has to say.

The king can be hereditary, and the rules of Wakanda also dictate that outsiders can also take the throne from the king.

Every king of Wakanda was a panther, and the panther was the leader of Wakanda’s military, political, and religious state.

In most cases, it is hereditary, but if someone chooses to challenge the current king, it can even seize his title and status.

Of course, simply defeating the king is not enough, all 18 tribes under Wakanda must be convinced, and only if both conditions are met can you become the king of Wakanda as an outsider.

It is not that the king can do whatever he wants, there is also a tribal council called elders within Wakanda to check the power of the king of Wakanda.

When Tony officially applied for a visit to Wakanda, Tchaka, as the old king, had been discussing for a long time with the tribal elders of the Council of Elders because of this matter.

According to Tchaka’s idea, this is a good opportunity, as the person with the strongest technology in the Hope Country, Tony has the dual identity of Stark and Iron Man in the Hope Country, and if he can reach some kind of consensus with Tony, it can just become an opportunity for Wakanda to reconnect with the world.

Of course, unlike Tchaka’s desire to meet Tony, many tribal elders in the Elder Tribal Council have a sense of wariness and distrust of Tony’s visit.

“Your Majesty, Tony Stark, an arms dealer, came to our Wakanda, I’m afraid it was a bad comer, I think I simply refused his visit!”

One of the elders was clearly opposed to Tony’s visit, and his rhetoric was also marketable in the council, and many of the tribal elders on the council were extremely xenophobic like him.

Tchaka shook his head a little helplessly, “Can we refuse a Tony, can we still refuse everyone who wants to visit Wakanda?” Dear elders, the world has already changed, we Wakanda will not take the initiative to invade other countries, but it does not mean that other international players in this world will not try to contact Wakanda, today’s world orthography ah towards great unification, sooner or later Wakanda’s secret will not be able to hide! ”

In fact, decades ago, since the first vibranium spread from Wakanda to the outside world, it was even made into Captain America’s shield.

Over the years, more and more forces have tried to smuggle and steal vibranium through various means, and Wakanda can hide it for a while, but not for a lifetime, as a past Tchaka personally solved Wakanda’s traitors many years ago.

“…… And the White Ape Elder, Tony Stark is no longer the arms dealer, he is still Iron Man, what kind of attitude he has when he arrives we still don’t know, before rejecting him, I think it’s better to try to contact and test his ideas! ”

The Presbyterian Church is eventually persuaded by Tchaka to have a shallow contact with Tony first, and find out Tony’s purpose through side knocking.

On the other hand, because Wakanda does not have an “airport”, after getting off the plane, transfer to a “special car” to Tony and Banner in Wakanda, and fart along the way. Wakanda, which has suffered one by one, has not built roads at all, and the bumps on this road are really not human days.

“I’ll go, Yu… This time I have suffered! Sitting in the tattered jeep, Tony’s face was very strange, “This Wakanda’s acting skills are really enough, if it weren’t for you sure that Wakanda has technology far beyond other countries, and there are no roads built on this road, and there are ragged jeeps, I would really think that this Wakanda is a third world that has not yet stepped into civilized society!” ”

It’s no wonder Tony would sigh like this, but Wakanda’s hiding is indeed very thorough, from the moment Tony got off the plane, everything he saw along the way showed that this place is almost exactly the same as the Wakanda known to the public.

If all this is acting, then it can only be said that the people of Wakanda are dramatists, which can be concealed so thoroughly.

Yu is also observing the national life of Wakanda along the way, and from what he sees along the way, he can’t imagine that this poor country comparable to the third world will hide an epoch-making kingdom of science and technology.

Of course, even the perfect acting skills also have flaws, not to mention that there are so many citizens in Wakanda, even if more than ninety percent of them are movie stars, he cannot guarantee that the remaining 10% can also perform without flaws.

“Tony, noticed?” At the same time that Tony met with a kind of Wakanda high-level including Tchaka, Yuu’s voice suddenly appeared in his ears, and he saw that Pikayu, who was in a spirit state, had appeared beside Tchaka, pointing to Tchaka’s hand, “Tony, look here… These things are almost integrated into tattoos, it’s not skin or tattoos, it’s electronics! The nano-level material almost perfectly fits the human body, which is a device that can analyze and detect the state of the human body at any time, which should be a benefit of Wakanda’s national standard! ”

In fact, Yu’s analysis is good, this is the product of the development of Wakanda medical technology, they can even easily treat cancer, and such bracelet technology that wears Wakanda nationals from birth is an item created with the Wakanda medical system, which is also one of the secrets of Wakanda’s longest-lived country in the world.

“King Tchaka, where did you produce the gadgets? With all due respect, the same gadgets, including those in the hands of the other tribal elders here, are not any product I know, nor do they seem to be the production processes of many countries, including the Hope Country… Can you now give me a glimpse of the real Wakanda? ”

Although Tchaka and others thought about many opening remarks, but with Tony’s opening, all the originally prepared rhetoric was invalid.

PS: Moving home, all kinds of inconvenience

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