Only after Yu exchanged money from Gringotts and the Hermione family, who had been blocked outside Gringotts, did he have the opportunity to enter Gringotts.

Yu, on the other hand, took advantage of Mr. Granger’s business at Gringotts to sweep the famous shops in Diagon Alley almost alone.

Stores of daily necessities such as Patchi’s Crucible and Mrs. Morkin’s Long-distance Running Specialty Store are not within the scope of Yu’s sweep, after all, he does not need to follow the wizard’s lifestyle to survive, and even crucibles, clothes and the like can completely find substitutes.

On the contrary, irreplaceable wizard shops such as Lizchen Bookstore, Ollivander Wand Shop, Sluggiggs Pharmacy, and Magical Zoo are the battlefields that you sweep through.

Lichen Bookstore.

“Boss, give me a copy of all the books in your store, and say the bid!”

When the store manager, who was giving the benefits of the new popular science book to the parents of new students, heard Yu who started so ordered, he almost subconsciously asked, “Sir, aren’t you kidding?” ”

Ask what is the most expensive thing in Diagon Alley.

Then all wizards can almost unimpress the top three – potions, magic books, and wands.

The vast majority of wizard families with limited financial resources, even if they buy books for their children, generally only recycle second-hand or even three- or four-handed magic books.

Second-hand magic books are naturally cheaper than new books, of course, there are benefits such as notes, if it is a second-hand magic book used by well-known people in the wizarding world, then this magic book is worth twice as much!

For example, Harry Potter once used Snape’s potions books, thus improving Potions in one fell swoop, which was not good at it, in a short period of time.

Unlike wizards who spend money relatively conservatively, they directly took out the full amount of gold gallons and directly slapped them on the face of the bookstore owner.

When Yuu stuffed all the magic books into the Kingdom of God and turned to leave, the owner of Lichen Bookstore personally sent Yuu out the door, as if he treated the most honorable guest.

In fact, Yu is really the largest customer of Lichen Bookstore, and the turnover he alone created today may have exceeded the entire turnover of Lichen Bookstore in the past year.

You must know that the biggest customer of Lizon Bookstore is Hogwarts students, and in fact, the whole school of Hogwarts has only about 300 people in six grades, and even if half of them buy new books, they don’t buy more than one person.

When he finished shopping at the Lichen Bookstore, he came to his next destination, the Ollivander Wand Shop.

Unlike the relatively bright and neat bookstore, Ollivander’s Wand Shop is a crowded, cramped, and dilapidated small shop, and if it were not for the name of 382 BC and the gimmick of providing every wizard with the most suitable wand for him, I am afraid that no one would choose a place that sells so badly to buy wands.

Just entered the store, Yu glanced at the start-up, and found that almost thousands of narrow and long paper boxes accumulated together, and even piled up as if they were about to hit the ceiling, and each paper box faintly had magic fluctuations, and each fluctuation was slightly different, just like everyone’s mental fluctuations were different.

“Good afternoon, sir!” The old man who suddenly appeared from the back room appeared behind the counter, and at the same time his eyes looked like Yuu, “If my memory is not a problem, I should not have provided you with any wands, sir, are you here to buy wands?” ”

“Hmm… I need a new wand because of some problems, I heard that Mr. Ollivander you have the best wand-making technology, I hope to get a wand that belongs to me! ”

Ollivander is getting older, but not completely devoid of desire. The type of hope was touted by Yu as “the best technology”, and there was also an almost smug smile on his face.

“Hahaha… Sir, you are very discerning! I don’t know which arm you use your wand? ”

Pulling out a tape measure with a silver scale printed on it from his pocket, Ollivander gestured to measure the length of his arm, which was also very characteristic, first from the shoulder to the fingertips, then from the wrist to the elbow, then the shoulder to the floor, the knee to the armpit, and finally the head circumference.

“Right hand, I don’t really care about the problem of left and right hand!”

While measuring Yuu, Ollivander almost subconsciously advertised his wand, “Every Ollivander wand has a super magical substance, which is its essence, sir!” We use unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers and dragon nerves, and each Ollivander wand is unique, because there is no unicorn, dragon or phoenix with exactly the same conscience, in fact, even the tail feathers on the same phoenix have this slight difference…”

“Try this, made of beech wood and snake nerves, nine inches long, nice, very flexible!”

Ollivander just handed the wand to Yuu, and the next second with Yuu gently flicking the wand in his hand, this snake nerve wand could not hold even a second, and it was completely shattered in an instant!


The exploding wand exploded the wood debris, and even punched Ollivander in the face, which made him a little overwhelmed.

“Exploded, exploded?”

After so many years of choosing wands for people, Ollivander had hardly encountered such a thing, and looked at Yu with a living expression.

“Ahem, Mr. Ollivander… This 100 gold galleon is my margin, I definitely didn’t mean it! Or, another one? ”

There is no need to explain that in order to ensure the signboard of Ollivander’s wand, Mr. Ollivander will continue to try.

“Maple wood’s, phoenix feathers, seven feet long, bouncing. Good sex, you try it! ”

Without waiting for Ollivander to observe the wand, a familiar voice sounded in his ears again – boom!

“Then try this one again, made of ebony and unicorn feathers, eight and a half inches long, bouncing. Very sexual…”


Fried more than a dozen wands in a row, and Ollivander, who had fallen into madness, even had the urge to let all the wands try them one by one.

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