Phantom Transfiguration, which is a spell that teleports itself to another destination.

But if the target of the phantom transfiguration is not itself, but the space around itself, then will it not be invincible?

Any attack, once close to its surroundings, will be automatically teleported to a predetermined destination, so that you can not be afraid of any attack.

This assumption is wonderful, the only problem is the mechanism that triggers the phantom shift, and how to solidify the phantom shift around the user.

When this century-long problem is solved, he gets the spell that Hermione is now casting, Phantom Transfiguration Solid.

Spell Hell, physical transfer, neither nature of the attack had an effect, and the scales of battle suddenly fell towards Hermione.

“Divine Blade Without a Shadow!”

Against a figure like Voldemort, Hermione’s mercy was not the slightest bit giving.

Whether it is the death of Harry’s parents or more innocent people who died at the hands of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, the sins that Voldemort needs to bear are difficult to atone for by death.

One knife, two knives, three knives…

If the general Blade Shadowless is a bolt rifle, then Hermione’s Shadowless is a fully automatic rifle.

The difference between the two sides is not only a matter of rate of fire, in terms of accuracy, speed and even intensity, the gap between the two sides is not simply one or two times.

Voldemort was trying to block and counterattack, but there were many obstacles, super armor protection, under Hermione’s continuous suppression, the so-called defense was easily destroyed like rags.

Plop –

The sharp magic blade cut Voldemort to the ground in an instant, Voldemort’s possessed Dolohov had already been cut off an arm, and now he was cut again, Voldemort could not maintain the balance of his body under pain, and the whole person fell to the ground.

“Release, let me go… I’m guilty, I’m bad, but… I’m for the wizarding world! ”

Voldemort, who was crawling on the ground, continued to flow from the wounds cut out by the Divine Blade with black blood.

The body has been knocked down, but Voldemort still does not seem to realize his mistake, and he opened his mouth for the wizarding world, as if he is the savior of the entire wizarding world.

“Ridiculous!” With another flash of darkness, Hermione cut a deep hole in Voldemort’s body, “Harry’s parents, Neville’s parents, and countless wizards who died at the hands of you and your fanatic, should all die?” You murderer—”

In Hermione’s eyes, Voldemort is the Hitler of the wizarding world, and perhaps the number of people Voldemort killed is incomparable to the number of deaths that Hitler indirectly caused in World War II, but the harm is not simply about the number of people.

The death toll in the European battlefield reached 35 million, and the total population at that time reached hundreds of millions, which is equivalent to a tenth of the total.

And the British wizarding community is only more than 3,000 people, and the death and riots caused by Voldemort are as simple as one-tenth, and almost the entire British wizarding community has been affected, which is the reason why Voldemort talks about it.

“Huh? What do you know, wizards are awakened by bloodlines, unlike Muggles! Only pure-blood can pass on the power and wisdom of wizards, Dumbledore he chose to enroll Muggles, seemingly supplementing the population base of the wizarding world, but our bloodline has been contaminated by Muggles, how many children of future wizards can awaken to become wizards? ”

The more Voldemort spoke, the more excited he became, and there was no remorse in his words, but a feeling that he really regarded himself as a savior.

“…… The bloodline of wizards is the most precious treasure left to us by our ancestors! Muggles try to explain our world with their science, but science is nothing before the power of wizards, and we hold the world’s most precious treasure! ”

Suddenly, Voldemort covered his heart with one hand, as if one of his hearts had just been dug out.

Hermione’s eyes found that Dumbledore was holding a sword and just killed the serpent Nagini, which means that Voldemort only had Harry left a Horcrux, which was why Voldemort felt weak and painful.

“…… Dumbledore, you are wrong! Give the power that belongs to wizards to that group of Muggles, you will regret it… It will definitely be, you are a sinner, a sinner who destroys the wizarding world! ”

Voldemort covered his heart, the corners of his mouth continued to bleed flesh, and his face was as pale as a dead man, “When there is no longer a child born in the wizarding world with the awakening of wizard bloodline, believe me… You will regret killing me today, I, Lord Voldemort, am the Savior of this world! ”


Hermione raised her wand and could no longer listen to Voldemort’s gibberish, ready to destroy him with the last blow.

Without waiting for Hermione’s wand to fall, Dumbledore on the side was strong in front of her, and the Elder Wand was aimed at Voldemort, “Avadaso!” ”

The green beam, bypassing Hermione, directly hit Voldemort who was crawling on the ground, even as the Dark Lord’s side, could not resist a death curse from the Elder Wand, and the soul belonging to Voldemort was completely destroyed together with the owner of this body.

Plop –

Dolohov’s body fell heavily, the life breath of this body has completely disappeared, there may not be the slightest scar on the body, but the soul in the body has been completely destroyed.

Dumbledore clapped a hand on Hermione’s shoulder while reassuring, “Child, you are still young… Leave it to me for dirty hands! ”

Dumbledore personally solved Voldemort, not only to avoid Hermione from killing people at a young age, but also to be able to solve his heart, after all, this Voldemort was brought out by his own hands, and it was up to him to end, which may be the best solution.

Looking at the attempts of the dead Death Eaters, Hermione pursed her lips, “Professor… Voldemort is dead, but he still has one last Horcrux, what will happen to Harry? Will it turn into Voldemort? ”

Dumbledore didn’t answer, he didn’t know this question, after all, even the fact that Harry was a Horcrux was told to him by Yuu, and Dumbledore did not have the confidence to predict Harry’s future.

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