The semi-finals, also known as the semi-finals, are also announced before the match.

Ash VS Kona!

Shigeru VS Watari!

The former can be said to be the revenge battle that Ash achieved for Xiaoxia, while the latter can be called a final-level event.

Having experienced the battle between Xiaoxia and Kona, Ash, as an audience, naturally observed a lot of useful information.

Kona's elves, Kona's tactics, these are all pieces of the puzzle that Ash will win.

"Ash, let me play... For Xiaoxia's revenge, naturally we must win beautiful and wonderful!"

Since the beginning of the Quartz Alliance Competition, Pikayou, who has been eating popcorn and drinking fat house happy water in the audience, finally has a little interest in making a move, plus Kona's ice elves are more or less water-based, which has become the best stage for Pikayo to play.

For Pikayu's initiative to fight, Ash naturally raised his hands and feet in agreement, if Ash has 100% confidence in his elves, then his confidence in Pikayu is 100,000% assured!

“...... Is Ash really in Shinzhen?" Kona, who was standing opposite Ash, leaned on his frame, with a bit of scrutiny and recognition, "Before Wataru told me about your war history, I only thought you were a big gobber, but now you can get this far... I have to admit that you do have the strength to earn my respect! I will show you the power of the Ice King, Kona!

As the trump card, the white sea lion leaps from inside the Poké Ball, makes a 360-degree free fall in mid-air, and then lands steadily on the ice field.

From an artistic point of view alone, the appearance of the white sea lion can definitely get a high score in the gorgeous competition, whether it is the action of leaving the Poké Ball or the posture of landing on the ice, it is like a performance after countless exercises, perfect and elegant!

Of course, this has a lot to do with the good appearance of the white sea lion itself, the white sea lion cultivated by Kona has never given people any bloated feeling, on the contrary, the streamlined body is the result of careful cultivation.

Ash, who threw the Poké Ball like Kona, didn't respond to Kona's meaning at all, and among the Poké Balls he just thrown, he used the golden flash to blink on the ice field and came to the white sea lion in an instant.

"It's so fast!" Even though he had participated in so many competitions, Kona was still taken aback by the speed of the pickup truck, and hurriedly commanded, "White Sea Lion, use high-speed movement to open up the distance-"


From a normal point of view, there was nothing wrong with Kona's orders, and her only mistake was overestimating the strength of her White Sea Lion and underestimating the speed of Pikayu.


The impact mixed with electric light hit the white sea lion of Kona, and the white sea lion seemed to have been hit by a high-speed train, and the whole person flew out dozens of meters and hit the fence headlong, and then stopped moving.

At the end, the white sea lion was no longer able to respond to any of Kona's orders, his eyes rolled, his consciousness fell into chaos, and it was clear that he was already in a state of fighting the street.

"Pikapi~~ (so weak, this is the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings?)"

The pickup truck that stopped, leisurely plucked his ears, looking completely unhappy.

Unlike Pikayou's indifference, the audience experienced a brief silence, and soon let out a tsunami-like applause and frenzied cries.

"Pikachu! Pikachu!"


This is also an extraordinary charm, coupled with Ash's status as a rookie challenger, it has brought unprecedented additional influence to Pickup Yu.

The strength of Pika You's killing of the white sea lion in seconds made Kona more or less show ten percent of his strength, and with his second elf appearing, everything still hasn't changed.


The divine speed, coupled with the power of one-hit kills, is not the absolute restraint of using the electricity system to the water system as outsiders imagine, but the absolute power that is unreasonably strong.


Pikayu was another simple punch, and the ironclad shell, which was known for its defensive power, was pressed into the ice fiercely.

Tiejia Bei was stuck in the ice, not to mention continuing to fight with Pikayou, he didn't even have the qualifications to be a live target, so he was eliminated by Pikayou.

[Kona's sprite is equivalent to 0.1 Mewtwo?When did Mewtwo become a combat power unit?Am I too inflated!]

Easily took out the second elf, yawning Pikayu, waiting for Kona to send her third elf.

After the White Sea Lion and the Iron Shell, Kona's trump card was sent out - Chenglong.

Different from other elves, Chenglong is equivalent to Kona's initial pokemon, and it is also the elf that can give full play to Kona's ice strength.

Seeing Pikayu's unreasonably powerful, Kona chose the simplest and most direct tactic - Absolute Zero!

Combined with the amplification of the Ice Field's environment, the effect of the most powerful stunt, Absolute Zero, can be brought to the extreme in this environment.

The stunt of freezing everything and ending everything instantly covered the whole field, because of the increase in the field, the uncontrollable freezing gas even spread to the edge of the battlefield, freezing the feet of Ash and Kona together.

To do this step at all costs, this is just to carry out the dignity of the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Your Pikachu is indeed strong, Ash of Shinjinzhen!" Kona still stared at Ash even after being injured by the freezing air, "but my pokemon are even stronger!"

Before Kona could finish his cruel words, countless cracks appeared in the original frozen Pikayu, and at the same time, the golden electric light spread along the ice to the surroundings.

"Pickup~Pickup!!(Hiss, it's cold!In return, I'm going to wave my body!)"

The absolute zero just now is really powerful, and it even paused Pikayu's consciousness for about 1 second, but if you want to defeat a bug like Pikayu, Kona is still a little naïve!

Pikayou, who was a little more serious, divided five by two, and eliminated all the remaining two elves in Kona.

One wear four, Pikayo successfully broke a record in the Quartz League competition!

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