Thor hasn't been abolished in the end, and in the face of Pikayo, an existence that is completely different from humans, he can't help but lift his spirit as a dead man.

"I'm Asgardre..."

"Thor, but that's all in the past, can you still use the power you used to be? Since it's no longer anything, aren't you a thunderman? And you're very problematic, without a hammer, there will be no thunder and lightning, are you a god of thunder or a hammer?"

You's words were asked, and Thor's spirit was stunned, as if he hadn't thought about his Thor's title before.

As Yu said, it seems that the Hammer God is more suitable for him as a person who loses everything if he loses his hammer than the title of Thor.

"You... Who, exactly, as far as I know, Midgard doesn't have you... This kind of life!"

Thor is definitely not a reckless man who only knows how to fight, he has been on a quest in Asgard all these years, and he has also seen countless life in the universe, and he is definitely more knowledgeable than the earthlings who live on the earth.

“...... As you can see, I'm a mage, and I'm affiliated with Kama Taj! First of all, I'm disappointed in Asgard's education, that guy named Loki must be a liar and good at illusion, right? You guy, you believe his nonsense, you don't seem stupid!"

"Huh?" Thor was stunned for a moment, only to realize later that he was stupid in disguise.

But Thor didn't have the capital to be angry, and as soon as he wanted to stand up, he was paralyzed by the electric current released by the pickup truck along the ground, and the whole person almost went incontinence.

"First of all, I should tell you two good news, first, the god king Odin is not dead, his life is indeed coming to an end, but there is still some distance from death! Second, you are not permanently banished, this is Loki is asking you to give up and return to Asgard, he is now the king of Asgard, you can't go back, he is the heir!"

Hearing the good news, Thor, who was originally so skewed in his eyes, was so happy that his saliva was about to flow out, and before he could get happy, Pikayu's next sentence made his mood fall directly to the bottom.

"One more bad news for you... You've been stripped of Thor's powers, and if you want to regain your powers, you must understand how to grow from a qualified warrior to a qualified king of Asgard, so... You're going to read them all for me!"

Knowledge changes fate, this sentence is not just talking, you don't see the Son Gohan of the Dragon Ball world because of his reading, he went directly from the strongest Z warrior to the wild rice.

Of course, not everyone will fall, and a god like Thor, who has lost all his power, has only good and no harm in reading more.

Until Jane led Thor away, Thor was immersed in reading.

Similarly, Thor picked up the book and read it, which raised another question - why were the Asgardians able to read the earth's script?

Of course, this question is the same as why people in the universe speak English, and it is all a question that no one can explain, as if all this is the truth of the universe.

Thor has temporarily settled on Earth, while Pikayu has given the task of staring at Thor to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and he communicates his feelings with Miaomiaohammer every day.

After spending a week like this, Tony, who was far away in the country of hope, had even easily solved such an unlucky child as the mourning whip.

"Hey... Yo, do you miss me?"

Tony, who was wearing a red and gold suit, appeared behind Yu in an extremely coquettish manner, and his cheap voice was indeed very iconic.

"Hmph... I don't want a mustachioed man like you, Miao Miao Hammer is so much cuter than you!"

"Hammer? Wow - I didn't expect you to like people and like hammers, and... It's such an ugly hammer!"

Tony seems to look down on the Hammer completely, and offends the Hammer as soon as he opens his mouth.

Divine objects have spirits, although the Miao Miao Hammer has not yet reached the point of directly giving birth to the spirit of the incarnation, but at least it already has the concept of thinking and liking, just now Tony's remarks, directly put him on the blacklist of the Miao Miao Hammer.

Even after living in Kama Taj for so long, Tony's pride and self-confidence have never been eroded, and the suit he wears now is the source of his confidence.

As if trying to study why the hammer was able to attract Yuu's attention, Tony held one hand on the handle of the hammer and wanted to lift it up the next second.

But just now, because he underestimated the power of the Miao Miao Hammer, he almost fell to the ground without a dog eating.

Stumbling to his feet, Tony looked at the little Hammer in amazement, this time with both hands on the handle.

"Drink—I really don't believe I can't cure you!"

The power is fully on, and the arc release device on the feet of the suit fully pushes the reaction force Tony up, but unfortunately even if Tony's power is fully turned on, he will never be able to make the Miaomiao hammer even 1cm off the ground.

“...... Is this also some kind of magic weapon?"

Finally realized the extraordinary nature of the Hammer, but Tony still couldn't understand where the strange gravity of the Hammer came from, you must know that the maximum weight of the suit is 100 tons, and theoretically the density of this small hammer cannot reach the point that Tony can't lift it.

The magic of the Hammer lies not only in its weight, but also in the rune of Rune, imprinted by Odin himself.

As a magic volume different from Kama Taj, the magic of the Rune Rune is naturally not something that Tony can easily crack.

It wasn't until he made N times that there was still no reaction, and Tony gave up.

Running all the way to New Mexico, Tony didn't just do it for fun, he heard about the existence of Thor, so he prepared a good arrow to see what was so special about God.

It's just that Tony is destined to be disappointed, no matter how he uses the scan that comes with the suit, or gives Thor a blood test, the final conclusion is the same as Yuu's conclusion - Thor is now an ordinary person, no different from earthlings at all!

Thor guarded Tony at first, fearing that Jane would be cornered by Tony, but as the communication between the two deepened, the two really looked at each other.

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