Stark Building, New York.

Even if everyone has thought about N scenarios, no one has thought about the place where the door is opened before this, which is the Stark Building, a place full of huge energy.

Of course, it may also be that the person who thought of it naturally thought of it, but one by one gave up the truth for the sake of the original plan.

When the stargate was completely opened, the Zetari army that had emerged from the stargate soon raged and marched out of the empty New York City.

“FIRE! (Fire)"

With the Hope Army's orders from their superiors, this ambush battle officially kicked off the war, and at the same time, the Zetarians who poured out of the stargate became victims of the Earth's artillery fire.

One hundred, one thousand, two thousand, three thousand...

The Zetarians are constantly pouring out, but due to the restrictions on the exit of the Star Gate, the number of Zitarians pouring out of the Star Gate at the same time is always small, which leads to them often being killed by countless Earth cannon fodder as soon as they emerge.

Coupled with the fact that superheroes are in the role of firefighters on the battlefield, the monsters of the Zetarians who have just emerged are often hammered and exploded by the superheroes who heard the news before they have been raging for a minute or two.

The Zetarians are very special, their army is in a honeycomb layout, the queen bee who commands everyone controls the actions of countless creeps, the will of these creeps is taken over by the queen bee, and the killed Zetarians will not be demoralized at all, and at the same time, through the manipulation of the network, almost all Zetarians can share their vision, which makes the battlefield no need for intelligence interaction at all.

To solve Zitari's attack, the most powerful tactic is to use the wormhole to enter the other side of the stargate like Tony in the original book, and directly attack the main ship as the parent body.

By destroying the main ship that served as the control tower, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers who attacked New York were disconnected.

Surprise tactics are undoubtedly the fastest way to solve the battle, but it is also the most risky method, even Thor, the god of thunder, may not be able to succeed, after all, his combat method is too wide open, and if he is not careful, he will become a thorn in the side of the Zetarians, and will not expose the mothership to him at all.

The battles in New York City were broadcast live to all countries around the world for the first time.

For the vast majority of people, the interstellar invasion war, which they could not imagine in their lifetime, appeared in front of everyone in such a grand manner, and whether it was the heroic fight of the soldiers of the earth or the leadership of superheroes, the morale boost was huge.

Even civilians who initially retained a sense of uneasiness about this war, after witnessing the battle of the earthlings, they could not help but be infected in the end, and even showed full support for the defensive counterattack.

The Army is the first line of defense to block the Zitari offensive, while the Air Force is the main force of the Earth's defensive counterattack.

Through the continuous bombardment, the war zone continued to shrink, and finally shrank the point of the Zetari invasion to an area with only a radius of 10 kilometers around the Stargate.

From the opening of the stargate to the gradual control of the battle by the Earth side, the entire battle lasted 6 hours, and the weapons thrown in during this period were enough to completely wipe out New York from the map 10 times.

The number of Zetarians wiped out is more than the number of armies on Earth in the past 10 years.

Without a drop in morale, it is a question of whether the Zetarians have a so-called personal mind.

The Zetari mothership had no idea of ordering a retreat at all, this invasion was not set off by the Zetarians themselves at all, they were just a group of thugs and cannon fodder, and it was Thanos who was behind the scenes.

And as long as Thanos doesn't shout to stop, then even if the Zetarians fight until the last soldier is left, they will definitely not take half a step back.

Black widow. Women, Hawkeye, Black Panthers, and even the American team and the Winter Soldier finally felt tired in such endless attacks.

Not to mention the type like Tony who can continue to fight by changing the Ark Reactor, Thor and Hulk are definitely the main force in the battle, and their barely tired physical strength has become the warrior who kills the most Zetarians.

"Thunder and lightning - beckoned!"

Thor was surrounded by an endless sea of thunder, and all the Zetarians in his pass were like dumplings, scorched by lightning, and one by one they lost their bodies and buried their bones on the earth.

"Roar-Hulk, fight!"

Unlike Thor's wide-ranging lightning attacks, Hulk's combat style is much more "simple", grabbing an enemy and slamming him to the ground in a row, completely paralyzing the target at the least, or turning it into meat sauce with a single blow.

The two forces of war are always on the front line, and they have also become the primary target of Zitari's attack.

"Tsk... Yo, it's almost time to close the net, these Zetarians won't get tired, and if our fighters continue, there will definitely be a flaw in the encirclement net, and then it will be bad..."

Unlike the invasion of the Ziritas in the original book, which only lasted for a short time, this time the Zitarians fought continuously for half a day, and in terms of results, it was hundreds of times more than in the original book.

Yu, who was called by Tony, kept his eyes on a certain direction, and even after hearing Tony's call, he still never gave up.

"Wow... Tony, we seem to have a new guest! Let's get rid of the Zetari problem first, and then let's go meet those guests! "

Solving the Zetari is difficult for ordinary people, but for Tony, who has already studied the space gem thoroughly, the so-called puzzle only needs three simple steps.

Open the stargate, drop the nuclear bomb into the stargate, and close the stargate!

Use the power of the stargate to directly throw the ultimate weapon known to mankind into the mothership, so as to completely solve the mothership of the Zetarians in one go.

It was based on this method that Tony would agree to the tactics of introducing the Zetarians to Earth.

Through long-term analysis, Yu Zao has already entered the other end of the stargate, and the coordinates of the Zitari carrier have been determined, and the war between the two sides has ended.

Boom –

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