Zheng Zhe is not completely without ambition, and the power thing has no meaning at all for a person with a dead heart.

Just like in the original book, before Zheng Zhe made Loli, although his potential was actually good, he was definitely not the top three characters in the main god space.

It is precisely because after creating Lori, his will has undergone some kind of metamorphosis, and he was recognized by the main god as an object with replication potential, and finally copied the demon Zheng Zha into the demon team.

finally waited until Zheng Zhe really believed in the existence of You's spirit (plug-in), and his courage suddenly became bigger, and he even gave full play to his talent as a little prince of office socializing, trying to get close to You.

"That, Yuo! Are you really a ghost? Also, is our world real and reincarnated, and will those who die become ghosts? "

For the struggle of living in a normal world, Yuu's existence can be regarded as completely shattering his old perception of the world.

“...... Don't be lazy, you're going to run the remaining 10 kilometers for me for the next 30 minutes! "

Zheng Zha, who was woken up early, started his own exercise journey under the urging of You, of course, with You's ability, he can build Zheng Zha into a master from scratch, but as You considered in advance, Zheng Zha's needs not strength but mentality and experience.

Becoming stronger can be completed in the main god space, there is a countdown on You's system, there are 300 days left, Zheng Zha will be selected into the main god space, in less than a year, Yu will change Zheng Zha from a small white face in the city, into a qualified super soldier!

From ordinary to super soldier, it may take 3 or 5 years of continuous training, but in the Infinite Terror Plane, all this can be achieved in a short time, and the key to everything lies in the power system of the Infinite Terror Plane - Gene Lock.

The essence of the gene lock is not a product that ordinary people just have, that is, meat. Even if the body traveler reaches the infinite terrifying plane, he doesn't want to have the power of the gene lock.

Just because the reason for the emergence of the gene lock is fundamentally the transformation of the entire human race by a special life form (the life of the Flood Saint level), so that all human beings in the worldview have become powerful beings beyond reality, and those who can open the gene lock themselves will not be ordinary people, and their principles cannot be compared with reality.

“...... Gene lock, that's what I want to turn on when I get you to do physical exercise! The combination of spiritual miracles and miracles of life, such as the power of an old lady to lift a car to save her grandson, and the fact that a mother ran to save her son who fell from a building in only 5 seconds in 100 meters, can cause the power of miracles... And after the outbreak of this power, most of the eruptors will also die, and the reason is not gene collapse, nor is it the exhaustion of latent energy, but the production of a special substance in the body, which causes organ dysfunction and accelerated cell division, exhausting the life span of the person! "

Theoretically, as long as the body is strong enough, then even if the gene lock is turned on, it will not die, and even the explosion of the gene lock will be turned into a normalized force, which is also a matter of course.

Regular exercise can play a limited role in strengthening, and the 3-month rebirth in the YY novel itself is pure meaning. Lewdness, it is important to know that the training of athletes is generally equivalent to the upper limit of human physical strengthening.

Even if they are professional athletes, after years of training, their physical fitness is far less exaggerated than that of ordinary people, and being able to have 2 times the physical fitness of ordinary people is already the ultimate in training.

After 2 months of physical training, you can make Zheng Zhe, a little white face, reach a level that is at most the level of an ordinary soldier.

"Illusion: Narakumi's Technique!"

When his physical fitness reached the basic level, Yu didn't say hello to Zheng Zhe at all, and directly took advantage of his most mentally exhausted state to stimulate Zheng Zhe's spirit with illusions.

In the illusion, Zheng Zhe returned to his most fearful scene, he saw 15-year-old Lori on the hospital bed, because of radiation therapy, the long hair of this childhood sweetheart fell out, and there was no longer the pink of the past, which still made Zheng Zhe feel familiar with her hearty smile.

[No, no, no... It's not a smile, it's just a comfort... Comfort me who can't accept her fate, don't...]

Lori in the illusion got up from the hospital bed, and she and Zheng Zhe had unknowingly stepped on the rooftop.

"Zheng Zha... To be happy, I love to see you smiling, so... In the future, leave that smile to the next girl who loves you! "

The voice that haunted me I don't know how many times was as gentle as it was in my memory, and the original suspicion of hallucinations dissipated with the appearance of the girl.

Denial of hallucinations?

This is equivalent to denying the girl in front of him, and for Zheng Zhe, this is probably more difficult than killing him.

In hesitation, Lori let go of Zheng Zha's hand, and then she was like a ghost, and the edge of the rooftop, before Zheng Zha's recollection, smiled at his mouth pot, smiled brightly than ever, and jumped out of the rooftop like an angel.

Lori is not an angel, and naturally she can't spread her wings like an angel, and she has only one ending when she walks out of the rooftop - falling straight from the roof of the hospital more than 20 meters high.

Will die! Really going to die!

Zheng Zhe's brain got such a conclusion in an instant, and Zheng Zhe, who came to the conclusion, didn't think at all, and his body rushed towards Lori almost instinctively.

The two sides are like 20 meters, this distance was crossed in an instant, and Lori, who had just fallen, was held by Zheng Zhe in an instant, but Zheng Zha, who had just grabbed Lori's hand, suddenly felt the weight of Lori's body like a scale, too heavy!

Even a sturdy man like Zheng Zha, he stumbled and was taken off the roof by Lori.

"I... I won't let you die in front of me again! "

Zheng Zhe's eyes turned grayish, and his aura became unfathomable in an instant.

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