In the world of horror movies, there are all kinds of hidden props, such as the T virus in the Resident Evil world, the simulator technology in the alien world, the magic killer in the curse world, the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra in the mummy world, etc...

These items are endowed with alternative abilities by the main god, and even the main god space does not have a similar exchange item, and can only be obtained from the world of horror movies.

It can't be said that these hidden props are really strong, to say that their functions are often unaffordable for ordinary reincarnations, except for obtaining them from the horror movie world, ordinary people do not have the ability to redeem.

In front of the museum where the three artifacts were exhibited, taking advantage of the closure of the museum, by spending money frantically, Zheng Zhe and his party finally had the opportunity to visit the three artifacts alone.

As a well-known "artifact" in Japan, the three artifacts are not only a legend, but also a symbol of imperial power.

Under normal circumstances, even if you spend money, it is impossible for ordinary people to see the three artifacts alone, but Zheng Zhe successfully impressed the curator under the pretext of donating "national treasures".

Wearing a pair of white gloves, Zheng Zha carefully picked up the so-called "eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade" from the exhibition stand, and kept looking at the so-called artifact.

There was no hint from the main god in his ears, and Zheng Zhe also didn't notice any abnormal energy on the eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade, which was unremarkable.

Or... Fake?

Zheng Zha did not shout at the curator about the results of his observations, while strengthening the bloodline of the blood clan, he gave him a kind of aristocratic temperament that was not shocked, and safely put down the eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade in his hand, and Zheng Zha took the Grass Nagi Sword and the Eight Mirror one after another.

The situation of the Kusanagi Sword was the same as that of the eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade, and after picking it up, it also did not cause any size of the main god, which disappointed Zheng Zhe a lot.

Zheng Zha actually entered the third-order gene lock, what he lacked the most was a weapon at hand, such as the Kusanagi Sword, a weapon that was famous all over many horror planes, was naturally Zheng Zhe's consideration, but unfortunately this Kusanagi Sword also had nothing to do with him.

There was no response to the two so-called artifacts in a row, Zheng Zha was already disappointed in the third one, and he never thought that as soon as he picked up the third artifact, the Mirror of Eight Weapons, he heard the "kind" voice of the main god in his ears.

[Get the plot item Yaga's Mirror, which can be used in battle, and the user must have mental power, internal force, blood energy, mana, magic power, telekinetic power, true element... can be used, after use, it can reflect B-level or below energy attacks, and can be used to seal A.-level undead lifeforms, and people with two souls can activate special abilities. 】

Great stuff!

Although it is not the weapon that Zheng Zhe wants the most, the power of the Mirror of Eight Horses can undoubtedly help the Zhongzhou team a lot.

I really wanted the mirror of the eight horses, but Zheng Zha didn't reach out and take it away, but instead pressed down the original thought of running away if he wanted to grab it.

Maybe they didn't feel it at zero point on the side, but Zheng Zhe, who had already opened the third-order gene lock, could faintly feel that there was a force in the museum that was enough to threaten him with death, and he didn't know if it was the guardian of the Japanese homeland or a certain Shishen who protected the artifact, in short, Zheng Zhe had to think carefully if he wanted to do it.

At the end of the visit, Zheng Zha led people away, and just left the museum, he asked Zheng Zha about his observations at 0:00 on the side.

"This is not the place to talk... There is a reward, but if we do it, we will probably get into big trouble!"

I don't know if it's an illusion, since Zheng Zha left the museum, he has a feeling of being on his back, and always feels that there is a line of sight behind him staring at him, but no matter how Zheng Zha looks, he can't always find any trace of the other party.


Zheng Zhe didn't think he was nervous, he preferred to believe another guess - the strength of the master of the line of sight was even higher than him.

Now Zheng Zha has only one thought, to get away from the owner of the sight as soon as possible, and leave this place of right and wrong before the other party finds them.

However, Zheng Zha obviously underestimated the interest of the sight owner in them, and before Zheng Zha and the others could get on the tram back to the hotel, a guy who made Zheng Zhe's hair stand on end appeared in front of them in such a grand manner.

"Hello guys, wouldn't you mind sitting down for a drink together?"

The black-haired Asian, with a pure Celestial Empire accent, Zheng Zhao and the three of them could tell that the other party was not a Japanese who understood Chinese, but an authentic Celestial Empire.

At zero o'clock, they didn't feel anything at first, but with the eyes of Zheng Zha, the strongest among them, his eyes straightened, and his whole body was full of white men, even Qi Tengyi, who was the most insensitive to danger, also noticed the existence of the abnormality.

"This friend... You're afraid of me, don't be afraid, I have no ill will towards you... On the contrary, very interested in you!"

Facing Zheng Zhe, who was under huge pressure, the person who came smiled slightly, took off the hat on his head, and introduced himself to everyone, "My name is Jiang Zhenzu, you can call me Zhenzu..."

"Jiang Zhenzu?"

Repeating the name of the person who came, he was at a loss, Zhang Jie was at a loss, and Qi Tengyi was trembling with excitement, and only Zheng Zhe seemed to have determined the identity of the person who came, and he was already in a tense body, but he suddenly jumped even tighter, and at the same time understood the changes in his body.

"Jiang Zhenzu, Zombie Zhenzu - Zombie King, General?"

Qi Tengyi shouted out, his expression was like a mad demon, the whole person was like seeing an idol, if someone who didn't know Qi Tengyi saw his excited appearance at this time, I am afraid that he would wonder if he was guilty of sheep epilepsy, or simply knocked on medicine.

As a killer, Zero Point rarely chases dramas except for honing his marksmanship, so he naturally knows very little about the generals, but Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha look like they know it.

"No wonder... Generals, the ancestor of zombies, and it is also rumored to be the ancestor of the Western blood clan..."Zheng Zha was suddenly silent, the mutant bloodline strengthened in his body was not born in this world, but there is no doubt that most of the bloodlines in the world controlled by the main god are the same, and in the face of higher-level generals, it is no wonder that the bloodline in his body will feel oppressive.

The general didn't seem to mean that his identity was broken, and he raised his finger at Qi Tengyi, "Shhh

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