If she really wants to swallow the entire Tokyo area, then even if Japan does not lose the country, I am afraid that the national strength will be regressed by more than 30 years.

This matter cannot be covered up even if you want to, and tens of millions of people have been affected, except for the war period, when has there been such a change in the entire Japanese country?

"Chu Xuan, you said... What should we do?"

Zheng Zha also had no idea, and You, who he had high hopes for, didn't say anything this time, and became a spectator with all his heart, Zheng Zha could only pin everything on Chu Xuan, who was a smart person.

Chu Xuan didn't answer immediately, he was still fiddling with the computer in his hand, and after a long while, Chu Xuan put the computer back in front of everyone.

"This is what I found on military satellites connecting many countries..."

The map is a top-down view of the Tokyo area, and most of the places on the map have been covered with fireworks, and it can be seen that the fallen places have included seven or eight out of ten of Tokyo, and even if there are still many places resisting, most of these resistance forces are centered on the local cultivation forces of Japan.

In the face of increasing numbers of gamma coconuts, it is only a matter of time before they are extinguished.

And the point that Chu Xuan wanted to say was not on these rebel forces, but on marking several locations on the map, and as these locations were connected by lines, Zheng Zha and the others suddenly realized one by one.

"Big Dipper!"

Zhan Lan's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect to be able to see such a star map from the map.

"That's right... The Big Dipper, these are the seven points where the countless doppelgangers of the gamma coconut gather, and among them, I think the body of the gamma coconut... Yes, there is!"

The place Chu Xuan was referring to was the Heavenly Pivot of the Big Dipper Seven Star Tomb, the Greedy Wolf Star.

“...... I'm 60% sure that the key to breaking the game is at this point! I've checked the information of Gaco, and Gacoco once bought a cemetery for his whole family before his death, and it was in this place! Gacoco died horizontally, and she was not buried in the place he chose after her death, so she was full of resentment! If you want to solve Gaco, I think you have to break through from here... Then use the Mirror of Eight as a sealing weapon to solve the Ga coconut in one fell swoop!"

Chu Xuan said simply, but just a large number of Ga Coconut clones were enough to make it difficult for everyone, and no one dared to say that they had the ability to break through to the graveyard of Ga Coconut.

And Chu Xuan's plan was naturally not simple, he had already shared the information of the Coconut Tree through the Internet to the surviving cultivators.

It is true that the Zhongzhou team alone can't handle the coconut, but if the power of the Japanese cultivation world is used as the vanguard army and the coconut, then the Zhongzhou team has the capital to fight with the coconut.

The key to the plan lies in two points, calculating the collision time between the cocot and the practitioner, and the second is how to cross the massive number of cocot clones to enter the destination.

"Tsk... It's crazy, but... Starve the faint-hearted, support the bold, Lao Tzu go get a car!"

Zhang Jie gritted his teeth and looked for a car in the underground garage that could be used as a means of transportation for everyone.

Zero Point is to carry the military fire to the car, while Qi Tengyi took Zhan Lan and Ming Yanwei as helpers, using the runes removed from the spiritual power bullet to arrange the rune enchantment on the car according to the spell in the scriptures, hoping to bring better supernatural resistance to the car.

As for Zheng Zhe, he is tinkering with the Mirror of Eight Horses that has not been in his hands for a long time, and he has two powers, internal strength and blood energy, and he is also the most suitable person to master the Mirror of Eight Signs at present, like Zhan Lan, the amount of mental power mastered is too small, and it is not enough to activate the power of the Mirror of Eight Feet.

The fact that the Nakasu team can temporarily sit firmly in the Diaoyutai does not mean that the local cultivation forces in Japan can sit back and watch the residents of the Tokyo area be ravaged by the ghost clones created by the coconut.

After determining the key to breaking the game, it is very likely that after the cemetery in the direction of the Heavenly Pivot, the local monks greeted themselves without any greeting.

And with extremely high efficiency, a large number of gamma coconut clones are pushed flat on the front.

Incarnated as a nightmare, Ga Coconut's fighting ability is no longer RPG games, fighting with the established seven waves of attacks, and countless doppelgangers have one of the seven waves of abilities, and if you don't have enough sharp intuition, you will be killed by Ga Coconut's ability if you are not careful.

Onmyoji, samurai, shaman, monk, shrine maiden...

When the local monk forces faced the great enemy of Gaco, they all came out one by one.

With the countless doppelgangers of Ga Coconut, it was not enough to wipe out the cultivation forces, and after sweeping all the way, more than half of the Ga Coconut clones were attracted to the attention of this group of people, but it was Zheng Zha, who was regarded as the number one enemy by Ga Coconut, and successfully approached the Heavenly Pivot Position after solving the sporadic Ga Coconut clones.

Zhang Jie chose a double-decker bus that can accommodate dozens of people together, with the help of runes and scriptures, the outer layer of the bus can disperse part of the doppelganger of the coconut, and the second layer that was cut off was assumed by Zero Point and Arnold, and was responsible for covering the progress of the car with firepower.

Compared with the cultivators who drove the gods and used runes and spells to eliminate the coconut, Zheng Zha's and his party's methods can be called unusual, but in the face of a large number of coconuts, this kind of unconventional means is more frequent.

The spiritual bullet is not the product of compromise, since the main god uses this bullet as a basic material, it shows that in the supernatural type of horror films, the spiritual bullet is also a trend of development, and at most it is a problem of the size of the power of the malicious day.

Zhang Jie's driving skills are good, he has never stepped on the brakes since he drove, and he has been flying from head to tail.

"Okay, Zhang Jie!" Zheng Zha patted Zhang Jie's shoulder and glanced at the coconuts on both sides of the road, "Your driving skills are about to catch up with the Qiu Ming Mountain Bike God! I see that you haven't slowed down all the way, and every bus has been raced out of the speed of the sports car..."

Zhang Jie turned his head stiffly, revealing a smile that was more ugly than crying, "Brother... The brakes don't seem to be good, so let's let everyone jump out of the car together!"

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