Immorton galloped all the way from the capital of the dead, walking in a straight line in the state of a sandstorm, and hurried back to Cairo, preparing to use the power of the Ten Plagues to raise his mana to another level.

It's just that Immorton had just arrived outside Cairo, and the high priest, who had run amok three thousand years ago, immediately stopped.

The aftermath of the energy generated by the expansion from Zhang Jie and Chu Xuan made Immorton think of retreating again.

Immorton sensed the danger, which made the resurrected man, who was almost killed in You's hand, feel the urge to run.

It is precisely because he has been dead for 3,000 years that Immorton is even more desperate, and he knows the despair of death better than anyone else.

The despair and pain of being mummified alive, or even bitten off by a scarab beetle, Immorton didn't want to do it a second time.

However, it would not be surprising to have this kind of forward-looking thought, which is not surprising to rest on Immorton, after all, Immorton's starting point is too high.

In his lifetime, he was the high priest above ten thousand people under one person, and you must know that in ancient Egypt three thousand years ago, the status of the high priest can almost be said to be only a little worse than that of the pharaoh, who walked on the earth, and the high priest was the will of the gods.

In addition, Immorton himself is not a bluffing impostor, but a real mana, and his existence is more marketable than any pharaoh in ancient Egypt, which lacks productivity.

Except for a time when he went crazy for his woman, Ansuna, Immorton was almost smooth sailing three thousand years ago, and naturally never took a risk.

When Immorton noticed that the energy in the city had decayed, and it seemed that both sides were losing the situation, he had the courage to prepare to enter the city to pick peaches, but it was a pity that Immorton was too indecisive and missed the best opportunity.

Just about to enter the city to enjoy the results of the battle and increase the mana under the curse, You, who chased after him all the way, slapped this grandson into the ground with a slap in front of Chu Xuan.

Great Anubis, I call upon you to be supreme power, the king of life and death... Come out, Sphinx!"

The huge sphinx condensed from the sand and soil, with a single lift of the foot and a hand, destroyed countless dwellings, as a product of magic, the Sphinx can be reunited from Adu even if it is physically destroyed, with amazing physical combat ability, a Sphinx can be compared to the ancient Egyptian guard warriors in front of it three thousand years ago.

Snort –

As a monster summoned by Immorton with great mana, the Sphinx just roared, and was split in two by Susanenghu's knife, and the burning flames of the blade burned the Sphinx in half into glass, and the magic contained in it was suddenly unable to manipulate the Sphinx to heal again after the sand turned into glass.

"Flying sand and rocks!"

Immorton's magic itself is not good at 1V1 heads-up, it is more of a battlefield-level spell, which may be very good to use against thousands of troops, and it can be used to deal with a single person Often anti-aircraft artillery to fight mosquitoes, it is not professional at all.

As soon as he used his magic in one hand, he was re-taught to be a human by Susa Nenghu, his magic was okay against ordinary people, and in the face of Susa Nenghu, who was a high-density energy aggregate, he couldn't even break his defenses.

To put it bluntly, in addition to the fact that Immorton is a little difficult to deal with with the sandification and immortal body, his spells are not qualified to deal with super humans, and if this guy is not first-class in the final battle, he may not be able to consume Haotian, the replica of the demon team.

Leaving Immorton to Chu Xuan, who had just become the captain, Chu Xuan, who was already about to become an old man, was almost exhausted in his body, but with a bottle of life fountain worth a C-level side plot, he was like resurrecting on the spot, and once again recovered his strongest combat power.

With the blessing of the power of faith, [λ-driver] with the spear fighting technique that he imitates and learns independently, Immorton fights like encountering a hedgehog, no matter how he changes his magic moves, he can't have Chu Xuan's spear fighting skills both offensive and defensive.

“...... Attack mode, switch!" The mirror flashed, and Chu Xuan's momentum changed suddenly, just like the little white rabbit turned into a wild beast, and Immorton had the urge to run away.

The spear fighting technique turned from defense to offense, and before Immorton could make a change in his attack pattern, his whole body seemed to be pierced by a metal storm, and the same two guns directly subverted common sense in Chu Xuan's hands.

"The so-called immortality... Not bad Hu starts from the two aspects of constancy and resilience, the former solidifies the physical state in a certain state, that is, the way to lock the HP to achieve immortality, which is a little difficult... But I can use λ-driver to knock down the HP cap directly!"

Immorton's body was continuously pierced by bullets from the power of faith, and Immorton, who was already miserable, couldn't even merge into a human form for a while, and every time there was a tendency to reunite, he was pierced by bullets again.

“...... Another kind of immortality caused by the power of recovery is simply so fast that it recovers as if it can't die... As long as the damage is greater than the recovery ability, use more intensive, high-intensity attacks to break his immortal myth!"

When Immortun's skills were exhausted, he couldn't fight, and he couldn't escape, he was just a dead end in front of Chu Xuan, struggling for a long time, and finally as if he had accepted his fate, he watched his body being destroyed into pieces by Chu Xuan.

[The burial of Immorton is successful, and after 30 seconds, all the staff will return to the main god space!]

Without any superfluous hints, the Zhongzhou team has already won the best result in the entire reincarnation space team battle in the horror film Legend of Gods and Monsters, and in the case of one member not dying, the team wiped out 11 opponents, and any team with such results can have the potential to become a top reincarnation team in one fell swoop.

Each team member has 20,000+ reward points, even if the side plot is extremely limited, it can make a person's strength reach more than ten times that of ordinary people, and it is not impossible to reach dozens of times the explosive power.

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