[This is the device used by the wizarding world to detect the qualifications of young wizards?] No wonder... Muggle families are also under the surveillance of the wizarding world, otherwise the admission invitation to Hogwarts would not have been sent to the corresponding families in advance, and they have been eyeing qualified young wizards early in the morning! ]

The scale of the wizarding world is not large, on the one hand, because the vast majority of the wizarding world ignore and rest on their laurels, and do not pay attention to the Muggles that have become the mainstream of the world in their eyes, and on the other hand, it is naturally due to the fact that the total number of wizards is too small.

You must know that even if you are a descendant of a pure-blood wizard, you are not 100% a wizard, and you may be a Squib (with wizard blood, but not enough mental power to cast spells).

In the case that the awakening of wizards is not stable in itself, there are also so-called purebloods among wizards to reject half-bloods, which has led to the fact that for thousands of years, wizards have not even been able to form a stable lineage.

Taking the British wizarding world as an example, the entire wizarding world from the little wizard who has just awakened to the old wizard who is about to die, the total number of people is about 3,000, if you count according to a family of 5 people (Ron's family is not counted, it is also famous in the wizarding world), the British wizarding world is only 600 households, of course, the actual number of wizarding families is even less.

For the methods of the wizarding world, Yu doesn't care at all, the vast majority of the magic in this world tends to be life-oriented, and even the destructive spells involve a street at most, and the truly famous evil spell is the famous unforgivable spell (kill. Killing Spell, Heart Drilling Spell, Imperius Curse).

“...... Mr. Yuu, I can do magic too! "

Hermione, who had just woken up, felt the stuffed animals suspended in mid-air under her power, like a child who had just been given a fun toy, instinctively controlling the stuffed toys in mid-air to fly up and down around her.

"That's not right!" In the image of Pickup Kayu, Yu pointed a hand on one of the teddy bears, "You are not some kind of magic, the movement you just made... I'm afraid that other wizards within 10 miles can feel it, the control of your mental power is too rough, real magic... Be more refined! "

Yuu's description of magic is not powerful, but the word refinement, which breaks the essence of magic - manipulation and control.

With a simple burst of spiritual power, wizards can indeed produce the same power as mutants in the Marvel world, but that power is too rough.

What are Burning Man's abilities?

Fireballs, big fireballs, super fireballs... Aside from boosting the amount, mutants rarely have the flexibility to use their abilities like Magneto.

Yu has never been exposed to the magic of this world, but the so-called one law can be used for ten thousand laws, and he is a true expert in how to exercise his ability.

The growth of mental power depends on natural growth on the one hand, and external stimuli on the other.

Natural growth does not require Hermione and Yo to worry, and external stimuli can be divided into many kinds, among which for the poor and white, the most suitable method is naturally the extreme exercise method.

Again and again, the mental power is exhausted, and through the adaptation of the human body after reaching the limit, it is constantly improved in an almost masochistic way.

If it were Naruto's hot-blooded protagonist, Yuu's cultivation method would definitely be this masochistic extreme exercise method, but unfortunately Hermione was not suitable for this method.

Hermione's physique is just an ordinary person, and after exhausting all her mental power at one time, her brain will be in a state of overload protection, which is commonly known as "reducing intelligence".

Since you can't use the extreme exercise method, you can only use another method - taking drugs!

Fortunately, after owning the [Kingdom], You's Divine Kingdom has a foundation, coupled with the experience gained from the Zen Garden Plane, the prototype of the Divine Kingdom established by You, which definitely belongs to the level of the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, plus You's vest has a place in the Fire Emblem Plane, and all kinds of materials can be produced and sold in the Divine Kingdom.

The role used by the Soul Yan to cultivate the spirit plant is absolutely super-first-class, and the position that may take ten or decades to be able to harvest is often harvested within a year, and each of these harvests can benefit thousands of people, and now Yu only needs to provide Hermione alone, and the output of the Kingdom of God alone is enough for Hermione to use for hundreds of years!


Hermione, who was bathing alone at night, took a long breath and felt the warm current of the green medicated bath water constantly send warm currents into her body, and this wonderful feeling made Hermione feel a drowsy urge.

Cracking sound!

Hermione's groggy head, stirred by the electric current, suddenly came to her senses.

"Now is not the time to sleep, don't forget that you're cultivating... Hermione, you're not a pure-blood wizard, so I can't give you the cultivation method of an orthodox wizard, and at the same time, you have a few years less time to contact magic than a pure-blood wizard, so you need to exercise even more! "

Hermione, whose head was submerged in the liquid and silently spitting bubbles, did not make excuses for herself, she may be a natural strong woman, believing in the concept of "who said that women are inferior to men", and naturally longed to surpass other pure-blood little wizards.

As Hermione used her mental power again, all the potions in the bathtub flew into the air, turning into a suspended mass of water under Hermione's year, and began to deform little by little.

Hermione's ability to use her mental power to move potions is almost equivalent to the most basic spell in the wizarding world, the Levitation Charm.

Levitation Spell and Hermione's Mental Power Handling, it's really hard to say which is stronger or weaker, Levitation Spell is a mature spell, almost anyone can use it, not to mention the lower starting point, and it is more suitable as a pedal to learn other spells, while Hermione's Mental Power Carrying is too dependent on her own mental power, and the consumption is far better than the Levitation Spell, but it also has an incomparable advantage in the upper limit, but the problem is also obvious - too rough.

The shape of the water in mid-air was gradually fixed under Hermione's operation, but its appearance made Yu stunned.

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